1,015 research outputs found

    La conocida cruz frater a fratre (D. 12, 6, 38, Pr.)

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    [Resumen] Se trata de un estudio exegético de D.12,6,38,pr., considerado por muchos el más difícil fragmento del Digesto de Justiniano, perteneciente a las Quaestiones de Africano. En el estudio se repasa la doctrina sobre dicho fragmento desde los maestros alemanes del XVIII hasta nuestros días. La aportación del trabajo consiste en que, por primera vez, establece la fórmula del cálculo que se ha de hacer para determinar cuánto ha de recibir como mínimo en su cuota hereditaria el hermano que, de su peculio, prestó a otro, falleciendo el padre antes de la devolución del préstamo.[Abstract] One of the most dark fragments of the Justinian’s Digest (D.12,6,38,pr), about the African’s Quaestiones, is studied in this article. The doctrine, since 18th Century german jurists until now is revised. I propose a arithmetic formula to calculate how much, as minimum, one brother must recieve of the other, from his hereditarian quota, when he lent to his brother from his peculium, and their father dies before the lending has been refunded

    Complete Wetting of Pits and Grooves

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    For one-component volatile fluids governed by dispersion forces an effective interface Hamiltonian, derived from a microscopic density functional theory, is used to study complete wetting of geometrically structured substrates. Also the long range of substrate potentials is explicitly taken into account. Four types of geometrical patterns are considered: (i) one-dimensional periodic arrays of rectangular or parabolic grooves and (ii) two-dimensional lattices of cylindrical or parabolic pits. We present numerical evidence that at the centers of the cavity regions the thicknesses of the adsorbed films obey precisely the same geometrical covariance relation, which has been recently reported for complete cone and wedge filling. However, this covariance does not hold for the laterally averaged wetting film thicknesses. For sufficiently deep cavities with vertical walls and close to liquid-gas phase coexistence in the bulk, the film thicknesses exhibit an effective planar scaling regime, which as function of undersaturation is characterized by a power law with the common critical exponent -1/3 as for a flat substrate, but with the amplitude depending on the geometrical features.Comment: 12 page

    Una lectura de D.2,15,3 PR. (scaevola libro primo digestorum) Y D.2,15,14 (scaevola libro secundo responsorum)

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    [Resumen] Se trata de conciliar dos soluciones diferentes que se contienen en sendos fragmentos del mismo jurista. Son dos casos de transactio entre los herederos testamentarios y los legítimos y la solución a uno de ellos es una excepción a la regla de la incompatibilidad entre la sucesión testamentaria y la sucesión legítima.[Abstract] In this article, we try to harmonize two different solutions, which we find in two Scaevola’s fragments. Both are cases settled out of the court between heirs appointed in the will (heres scriptus) and heirs not formally designated (heres legitimus). One of them is solved through an exception to the rule of incompatibility between testamentary succession and intestate succession

    Integrating cross-curricular teaching and CALL is feasible: an intervention project in Primary Education

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    Foreign language teaching offers an invaluable opportunity to bring peace, health, environmental, gender, sex, moral and civic, road safety, and consumer education into the classroom. Addressing these topics in all subjects throughout the compulsory educational period was actively encouraged in Spain from 1991 to 2007 Unfortunately, many members of the teaching profession believe that this way of dealing with them did not succeed. This idea is partly confirmed by the information I gathered in 2006 and 2007 from the majority of schools in the city of Jaén as part of my doctoral research. It can be concluded from the data collected that most teachers of English in these schools rely exclusively on published materials to deal with cross-curricular topics of moral nature and that many of these resources do not cover this content sufficiently. Thus, to make up for this shortcoming, teachers should create material on these issues, which is relatively uncomplicated thanks to Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This is what I advocate here, that teachers of English resort to designing ICT activities to compensate for these essential issues being poorly addressed by publishers. This paper describes a project carried out in a primary English classroom that proves that introducing cross-curricular content in their lessons is something that foreign language teachers can easily do now through computer technology.La enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras ofrece una inmejorable oportunidad para integrar en el aula la educación para la paz, la salud, el medio ambiente, la igualdad entre los sexos, la educación sexual, la educación moral y cívica, la educación vial y la educación del consumidor. El tratamiento de estos temas en todas las asignaturas a lo largo de la etapa escolar obligatoria se fomentó en España entre los años 1991 y 2007. Desgraciadamente, existe la sensación entre muchos miembros de la comunidad educativa de que esta manera de abarcarlos no fue exitosa. La información que recogí en 2006 y 2007 en la mayoría de los colegios e institutos de la ciudad de Jaén como parte de mi investigación doctoral confirma parcialmente esta idea. Se puede concluir de los datos obtenidos que gran parte del profesorado de inglés de los centros visitados confía exclusivamente en los materiales editados a la hora de tratar los Temas Transversales y que muchos de estos recursos no cubren el contenido suficientemente. Así pues, con el objeto de compensar esta deficiencia, los profesores deberían crear material sobre estos temas, lo que es relativamente sencillo gracias a las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. Esto es por lo que se aboga aquí, por que los profesores de inglés recurran al diseño de actividades en formato electrónico para suplir el escaso tratamiento que muchas editoriales dan a estos imprescindibles temas. En este artículo describo un proyecto llevado a cabo en un aula de Inglés de Primaria que demuestra que la introducción de contenido transversal es algo que los profesores de lenguas extranjeras pueden fácilmente hacer ahora a través de la informática

    Innovation and R&D in Spanish firms

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    Treball de Final de Grau en Economia. Codi: EC1049. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016This study investigates the determinants of the Spanish firm in their innovation, looking for the effects of the different types of innovation that are produced by the firms. The analysis is based on a sample of more than 12,800 firms during the years 2006 to 2012. The results suggest that a good inversion of R&D inside the company is better than the purchase of R&D to Spanish firms or to foreign companies. Although a good investment in those cases, the purchase of R&D to Spanish or to foreign, are also very important to produce an innovation or a significantly improvement. We must be borne in mind that that these factors are important, but they need other internal or external factors in order to make a major innovatio

    Enseñanza transversal en clase de lenguas extranjeras de institutos de Jaén y Newcastle

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    At the end of the first term of the 2006-2007 academic year questionnaires were handed to compulsory secondary education students and teachers of English in the Spanish city of Jaén with a view to finding out about the teaching of the Cross- Curricular Issues (CCIs). Then, one year later, the same surveys were handed to 8-11 year students and teachers of French or Spanish in the English city of Newcastle-upon- Tyne with the same purpose. The information obtained shows that the cross-curricular approach introduced in Spain in 1991 is more often followed in the contexts under research of Jaén than of Newcastle.Al final del primer trimestre del curso 2006-2007 se pasaron cuestionarios a alumnos y profesores de inglés de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) de Jaén con la finalidad de saber acerca de la enseñanza de los Temas Transversales. Posteriormente, un año más tarde, se les realizaron las mismas encuestas a alumnos y profesores de francés o español en los años académicos 8-11 de la ciudad inglesa de Newcastleupon- Tyne con el mismo objetivo. La información obtenida muestra que el enfoque transversal introducido en España en 1991 se sigue más a menudo en los contextos investigados de Jaén que en los de Newcastle