20 research outputs found

    Veracity Roadmap: Is Big Data Objective, Truthful and Credible?

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    This paper argues that big data can possess different characteristics, which affect its quality. Depending on its origin, data processing technologies, and methodologies used for data collection and scientific discoveries, big data can have biases, ambiguities, and inaccuracies which need to be identified and accounted for to reduce inference errors and improve the accuracy of generated insights. Big data veracity is now being recognized as a necessary property for its utilization, complementing the three previously established quality dimensions (volume, variety, and velocity), But there has been little discussion of the concept of veracity thus far. This paper provides a roadmap for theoretical and empirical definitions of veracity along with its practical implications. We explore veracity across three main dimensions: 1) objectivity/subjectivity, 2) truthfulness/deception, 3) credibility/implausibility – and propose to operationalize each of these dimensions with either existing computational tools or potential ones, relevant particularly to textual data analytics. We combine the measures of veracity dimensions into one composite index – the big data veracity index. This newly developed veracity index provides a useful way of assessing systematic variations in big data quality across datasets with textual information. The paper contributes to the big data research by categorizing the range of existing tools to measure the suggested dimensions, and to Library and Information Science (LIS) by proposing to account for heterogeneity of diverse big data, and to identify information quality dimensions important for each big data type

    Veracity Roadmap: Is Big Data Objective, Truthful and Credible?

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    Spatial Data Analytics of Mobility with Consumer Data

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    Consumer data arising from the interaction between customers and service providers are becoming ubiquitous. These data are appealing for research because they are frequently collected and quickly released; they cover a wide variety of attitudes, lifestyles and behavioural characteristics; and they are often dynamically replenished and longitudinal. It is demonstrated that consumer data can make important contributions to understanding problems in transport geography and in solving applied problems ranging from migration, infrastructure investment and retail service provision to commuting and individual mobility. However more effective exploitation of these data depends on the construction of bridges to allow greater freedom in the transfer of data from the commercial to the academic sector; it requires development of frameworks for privacy and ethics in the secondary use of personal data; and it is contingent on the emergence of effective strategies for the amelioration of selection bias which impairs the quality of many consumer data sources

    Veracity Roadmap: Is Big Data Objective, Truthful and Credible?

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    This paper argues that big data can possess different characteristics, which affect its quality. Depending on its origin, data processing technologies, and methodologies used for data collection and scientific discoveries, big data can have biases, ambiguities, and inaccuracies which need to be identified and accounted for to reduce inference errors and improve the accuracy of generated insights. Big data veracity is now being recognized as a necessary property for its utilization, complementing the three previously established quality dimensions (volume, variety, and velocity), But there has been little discussion of the concept of veracity thus far. This paper provides a roadmap for theoretical and empirical definitions of veracity along with its practical implications. We explore veracity across three main dimensions: 1) objectivity/subjectivity, 2) truthfulness/deception, 3) credibility/implausibility – and propose to operationalize each of these dimensions with either existing computational tools or potential ones, relevant particularly to textual data analytics. We combine the measures of veracity dimensions into one composite index – the big data veracity index. This newly developed veracity index provides a useful way of assessing systematic variations in big data quality across datasets with textual information. The paper contributes to the big data research by categorizing the range of existing tools to measure the suggested dimensions, and to Library and Information Science (LIS) by proposing to account for heterogeneity of diverse big data, and to identify information quality dimensions important for each big data type

    Truth and Deception at the Rhetorical Structure Level

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    This paper furthers the development of methods to dis- tinguish truth from deception in textual data. We use rhetorical structure theory (RST) as the analytic framework to identify systematic differences between deceptive and truthful stories in terms of their coher- ence and structure. A sample of 36 elicited personal stories, self-ranked as truthful or deceptive, is manu- ally analyzed by assigning RST discourse relations among each story’s constituent parts. A vector space model (VSM) assesses each story’s position in multi- dimensional RST space with respect to its distance from truthful and deceptive centers as measures of the story’s level of deception and truthfulness. Ten human judges evaluate independently whether each story is deceptive and assign their confidence levels (360 evaluations total), producing measures of the expected human ability to recognize deception. As a robustness check, a test sample of 18 truthful stories (with 180 additional evaluations) is used to determine the reli- ability of our RST-VSM method in determining decep- tion. The contribution is in demonstration of the discourse structure analysis as a significant method for automated deception detection and an effective complement to lexicosemantic analysis. The potential is in developing novel discourse-based tools to alert information users to potential deception in computer- mediated texts

    Formation of Students’ Healthy Way of Life by Means of Physical Education and Sports in Higher Educational Establishments

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    Пошук способів зміцнення здоров’я дітей і студентської молоді особливо актуальні на цей час, який характеризується постійними стресами, хвилюваннями, негараздами. Дуже важливо дбати про здоров’я на різних етапах життя. Реалізація таких завдань потребує перебудови свідомості людини, а відповідно й мобілізації її життєвих ресурсів, усвідомлення необхідності дотримання здорового способу життя впродовж усього життя. Позитивне ставлення до фізкультурно-спортивної діяльності – важливий елемент організації фізичного виховання студентської молоді. У вищій школі необхідно залучати студентів до занять фізичними вправами й орієнтувати їх на формування здорового способу життя.Finding the ways in promoting health of a child and students are especially relevant currently and is characterized by constant stress and unrest. It is very important to care about health at different stages of life. The implementation of such tasks requires a restructuring of consciousness, and thus the mobilization of its vital resources, awareness of the need to observe a healthy lifestyle throughout the lives. A positive attitude towards physical-sports activity is an important element of the organization of physical education students. In high schools, it is necessary to involve the students in employment of physical exercises and aimed at formation of a healthy lifestyle. The teachers conduct elucidative work and explain to the students, that the health effects of engaging in physical exercises show up not broadly speaking, but in the different specific changes of functions of organism, that strengthen health and promote viability of man, employment form plenty of the different states of organism, and subjectively-emotional state transitions together with viability form health. Health shows a viability in its subjective perception. For today there is a necessity of alteration of employments after P.E. There is a tendency of more active bringing in of the young people to the independent engaging in physical exercises in extracurricular time, in forming of a healthy way of life and culture of rest, here not except obligatory practical employments. The strategic importance acquires conditioning, which would give possibility to take part in motive activity not less than 8-10 hours for a week to the students. At less energy consumptions physical activity does not operate positively on the state of health from the point of view of decline of development of diseases and increase of life-span. One of such ways capable up to a point to provide the decision of problem of health of student young people, in our view is forming the positive setting on active support of own health during all life