320 research outputs found

    Müügiloata ravimite kasutamine Eestis

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    Eesti Arst 2013; 92(9):530–53

    Evolutionary conservation and regulation of particular alternative splicing events in plant SR proteins

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    Alternative splicing is an important mechanism for fine tuning of gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. SR proteins govern splice site selection and spliceosome assembly. The Arabidopsis genome encodes 19 SR proteins, several of which have no orthologues in metazoan. Three of the plant specific subfamilies are characterized by the presence of a relatively long alternatively spliced intron located in their first RNA recognition motif, which potentially results in an extremely truncated protein. In atRSZ33, a member of the RS2Z subfamily, this alternative splicing event was shown to be autoregulated. Here we show that atRSp31, a member of the RS subfamily, does not autoregulate alternative splicing of its similarily positioned intron. Interestingly, this alternative splicing event is regulated by atRSZ33. We demonstrate that the positions of these long introns and their capability for alternative splicing are conserved from green algae to flowering plants. Moreover, in particular alternative splicing events the splicing signals are embedded into highly conserved sequences. In different taxa, these conserved sequences occur in at least one gene within a subfamily. The evolutionary preservation of alternative splice forms together with highly conserved intron features argues for additional functions hidden in the genes of these plant-specific SR proteins

    Consumul de sare și tensiunea arterială crescută în Israel

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    Background. Hypertension is responsible for 12.8% of the total death worldwide, and high salt intake is one of the main risk factors for hypertension. Decreasing in salt intake can contribute to a significant reduction in hypertension, and morbidity and mortality. Objective of the study. To summarize the existing data and publications on salt intake and blood pressure in Israeli population and to describe the current situation. Material and Methods. Electronic databases PubMed and Google Scholar and MoH of Israel website were searched for articles and data reporting on salt intake and blood pressure in Israel. Search was done using key words and was limited to the information published in English and Hebrew. Results. Mean salt intake was 9.76 g/day in adults and 12.0 g/day in adolescents. The average intake of salt was higher in men (12.04 g/day) than women (9.3 g/ day) (p < 0.001). Sodium density was linked to hypertension. One fifth of population reported being diagnosed by a physician with raised blood pressure with no difference between men and women. There was an overall increase in the prevalence of reported physician-diagnosed raised blood pressure by 34% between 2004 and 2014, particularly in men (both Jewish and Arab) and Arab women – by almost 50%. Salt reduction initiatives and hypertension prevention and control measures were implemented. Conclusion. Salt intake was more than twice as higher than the recommended level in adults and adolescents. Awareness increasing and implementation of a healthy food environment could be effective in reducing salt intake and hypertension.Introducere. Hipertensiunea este responsabilă de 12,8% din totalul deceselor la nivel mondial, aportul mare de sare fiind unul dintre principalii factori de risc. Scăderea aportului de sare poate contribui la reducerea hipertensiunii și a morbidității și mortalității. Scopul lucrării. Rezumarea datelor și a publicațiilor existente privind consumul de sare și tensiunea arterială în populația israeliană și descrierea situației actuale. Material și metode. Au fost efectuate căutări în bazele de date electronice PubMed și Google Scholar și pe pagina web a Ministerului Sănătății din Israel în vederea identificării articolelor și datelor despre consumul de sare și tensiunea arterială în Israel. Căutarea s-a făcut folosind cuvinte cheie și s-a limitat la informațiile publicate în engleză și ebraică. Rezultate. Aportul mediu de sare a constituit 9,76 g/zi la adulți și 12,0 g/zi la adolescenți. Acesta a fost mai mare la bărbați (12,04 g/zi) decât la femei (9,3 g/zi) (p < 0,001). Densitatea sodiului a fost legată de hipertensiune. O cincime din populație a raportat că a fost diagnosticată de un medic cu tensiune arterială crescută, fără nicio diferență între bărbați și femei. Prevalența tensiunii arteriale crescute diagnosticate a crescut în general cu 34% între 2004 și 2014, în special la bărbați (atât evrei, cât și arabi) și femei arabe - cu circa 50%. Au fost implementate inițiative de reducere a sării și de prevenire și control al hipertensiunii. Concluzii. Consumul de sare la adulți și adolescenți a fost de peste două ori mai mare decât nivelul recomandat. Creșterea gradului de conștientizare și implementarea unui mediu alimentar sănătos ar putea fi eficiente în reducerea consumului de sare și a hipertensiunii

    The possibilities of using autonomous vehicles in the public transportation of the city of Tartu

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    Bakalaureusetöö Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekava Tootmistehnika erialalEesti on loonud soodsad tingimused uute keskkonnasäästlike tehnoloogiate kasutuselevõtuks ühistranspordis. Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on anda ülevaade ja analüüsida olemasolevat ühistranspordisüsteemi Tartus ning tuginedes olemasolevale informatsioonile tuua välja võimalikud lahendused sõitjateveo parendamiseks, arvestades keskkonnasäästlikkuse aspekti ning kasutades uusi tehnoloogilisi võimalusi, isejuhtivaid sõidukeid. Töös käsitletakse valdkonnaga seotud õigusakte, elektriautode arengut, ülevaadet Tartu linna ühistranspordi hetkeolukorrast, tulevikuvisiooni seoses isejuhtivate sõidukite kasutamisega ning pakutakse uusi tehnilisi lahendusi ja vajalikke muudatusi Tartu linna sõitjateveo korraldamiseks. Sõitjateveo majanduslikku efektiivsuse hindamiseks on töös võrreldud nii elektri- kui ka sisepõlemismootoriga autode läbisõidust tulenevaid hoolduskulusid ja auto maksumust. Töö autori poolt on välja pakutud isejuhtiva sõiduki testliin Tartus, kus oleks võimalik kokku hoida aasta jooksul vähemalt 190 000€. Selleks, et alustada isejuhtiva sõiduki testimist ning seejärel rakendada isejuhtivat sõidukit Tartu linnatranspordi osana, tuleks täiendavaks majandusliku efektiivsuse hindamiseks koguda muuhulgas andmed isejuhtiva sõiduki maksumuse ja hoolduskulude, keskmise energiatarve ning arendatava taristu maksumuse kohta.Estonia has created favourable conditions for the application of new environmental technologies in public transport. The aim of this thesis is to provide an overview and analysis of the existing public transport system in Tartu and, based on the information available, to highlight possible solutions for improving passenger transport, considering the environmental aspect and the use of new technological possibilities and autonomous vehicles. This thesis addresses the legislation, the development of electric cars, public transport in the city of Tartu, overview of the current situation regarding the future vision of autonomous vehicle use, and offers new possibilities for technical solutions and the necessary changes in the passenger transport in Tartu. To assess the economic efficiency, a comparison between the maintenance cost (depending on the mileage) and the costs of the car for both electric and internal combustion engines is provided. The author has suggested a test line for autonomous vehicle in Tartu, where it would be possible to save at least 190,000 €. To start the autonomous vehicle testing and then to implement using of autonomous vehicle as part of the public transport, further data for assessment of the economic efficiency should be collected including details of the autonomous vehicle and maintenance costs, the average power consumption, and the cost of infrastructure

    Salt intake and blood pressure in Israel

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    Introduction. Hypertension is responsible for 12.8% of the total death worldwide, and high salt intake is one of the main risk factors for hypertension. Decreasing in salt intake can contribute to a significant reduction in hypertension, and to a reduction in the rate of stroke and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The global mean sodium intake was estimated to be 3.95 g/day, twice or higher than the recommended levels (2000 mg/day). Purpose. To summarize the existing data and publications on salt intake and blood pressure in Israeli population and to describe the current situation. Material and methods. Electronic databases PubMed and Google Scholar and the Ministry of Health of Israel website were searched for articles and data reporting on salt intake and blood pressure in Israel. Search was done using key words and was limited to the information published in English and Hebrew. Results. Israel has excessive consumption of salt with a mean salt intake of 9.76 g/day in adults. The average intake of salt was higher in men (12.04 g/day) than women (9.3 g/day) (p < 0.001). Major sources of sodium in the diet included industrially processed foods such as bread, processed meat and fish products, cheese, ready-to-eat foods and snacks. Sodium density of foods was linked to hypertension. Higher sodium intake was found in adolescents - 12.0 g/day. Sodium intake is significantly associated with blood pressure values in adolescents. Typical modern diets provide excessive amounts of salt, from early childhood through adulthood. Sodium intake from snacks, popular junk food particularly among young people, could reach almost half of the average sodium consumption. 63.7% of the Israeli school age students believe that a high consumption of salty foods can be harmful to their health: 62.8% of boys and 67.0% of girls. Meanwhile the intake of sodium was twice as higher than the recommended level among school age groups, particularly in boys and Arab students. One fifth of population reported being diagnosed by a physician with raised blood pressure with no difference between men and women in 2014. There was an overall increase in the prevalence of reported physician-diagnosed raised blood pressure by 34% between 2004 and 2014, particularly in men (both Jewish and Arab) and Arab women - by almost 50% (Fig. 1). Salt reduction initiatives and hypertension prevention and control measures were implemented. In 2013 the Health Ministry approved a national program to reduce sodium consumption. The program aimed to gradually lower the amounts of salt added to processed foods in Israel, through cooperation with the industry. Recommendations to the population included reading labels and preferring foods with less sodium, or using alternative seasoning including fresh and dried herbs. After five years of implementation, sodium consumption remained almost unchanged. Blood pressure early detection and control is effectively implemented trough primary health care providing. High risk subjects underwent an intensive cardiovascular risk factor control program, including hypertension control and monitoring. Health education and information on appropriate management of hypertension are provided to hypertensive patients. Conclusions. Salt intake was more than twice as higher than the recommended level in adults and adolescents. Introducing mandatory reformulation of the staple foods in the diet and awareness increasing and implementation of a healthy food environment could be effective in reducing salt intake and preventing hypertension

    Granular filters for water treatment: heterogeneity and diagnostic tools

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    In this paper the results of utilization of&nbsp; electromagnetic methods operating in low and high frequency range for evaluation of stress state &nbsp;and plastic deformation in steel elements are presented. In low frequency range Barkhausen noise and magnetic hysteresis loop method for evaluation of stress level and growth of plastic deformation changes were utilized.&nbsp; The methods allow to monitor parameters related to magnetization process under AC filed. Additionally in this paper the possibility of utilization of high frequency method for estimation of deformation extent (i.e. elongation) caused by stress will be presented. In this experiment the frequency response (the reflection coefficient S11) is measured. The strong relation of antennas resonant frequency to patch dimensions is utilized in order to obtain information about deformation of the sample.W artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki jakie uzyskano za pomocą metod elektromagnetycznych, zarówno niskoczęstotliwościowych, jak i wysokoczęstotliwościowych do oceny zmian stanu naprężeń oraz deformacji plastycznych w elementach stalowych. W zakresie niskich częstotliwości do oceny stopnia naprężenia oraz zmian plastycznych wykorzystano metodę obserwacji szumu Barkhausena oraz magnetycznej pętli histerezy. Metody te umożliwiają monitowanie parametrów związanych z procesem magnesowania stali polem zmiennym. Dodatkowo w pracy przedstawiono możliwość wykorzystania metody wysokoczęstotliwościowej do oszacowania odkształcenia (w tym przypadku wydłużenia) spowodowanego naprężeniem. W tym celu zaprojektowano i wykonano przetwornik mikropaskowy. W badaniu mierzono odpowiedź częstotliwościową (współczynnik odbicia S11). Silna zależność częstotliwości rezonansowej&nbsp; przetwornika mikropaskowego&nbsp; od&nbsp; wymiarów promiennika została wykorzystana do określenia deformacji próbki

    Microwave Structural Health Monitoring Sensor for Deformation Measurement of Bended Steel Structures: Influence of Curvature Effect

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    In this paper the utilization of microstrip antenna sensor for deformation monitoring in bended steel structures is presented. This kind of sensing element can be used in structural health monitoring systems. Deformation measurement by patch sensor is based on the reflection coefficient S11 investigation. So far, relationship between resonant frequency and change of patch dimensions was considered in literature only for planar microstrip sensors. In case of samples subjected to bending process the sensor geometry became non-planar. This fact affects measured resonant frequency, thus it should be studied. In order to analyse influence of patch sensor curvature on resonant frequency during bending process Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations were carried out. Results of analysis were experimentally verified