37 research outputs found

    Work time analysis of harvester Valmet 911.3 in regeneration felling

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    Käesolev töö põhineb Valmet 911 kolmanda seeria harvesteri tööaja jaotumisel ning uurimuse tulemusena väljendub masina tööoperatsioonide jagunevus. Saadud tulemuste põhjal võrreldakse andmeid varasemalt tehtud töödega. Koostatud töös pakutakse autori poolsed lahendused, mis suurendaksid efektiivset tööaega, et tõsta masina üldtootlikkust. Andmete kogumine toimus filmimise teel, et jäädvustada ja analüüsida materjali võimalikult täpselt. Videokaamera paigaldati masina kabiini, et lõikepea operatsioonid oleksid kogu aeg nähtavad. Filmimaterjali kogunes 4 päevaga 29 tundi ja 8 minutit. Järgnevalt toimus filmimaterjali kronometreerimine, mille tulemusena selgusid ajalised andmed. Tulemusi oli võimalik võrrelda ja nende põhjal järeldused teha. Töö sisaldab nelja suuremat peatükki. Esimeses peatükis kirjeldatakse materjale ja metoodikat sisaldades harvesteri, operaatori ja raielangi kirjeldusi, väli- ja kameraaltööde ning info töötlemise metoodikat ja tööoperatsioonide seletusi. Teises peatükis esitatakse mõõdetud tulemused. Kolmandas peatükis võrreldakse saadud tulemusi varasemalt tehtud tööde tulemustega ja neljandas peatükis esitab autor omapoolsed järeldused ja ettepanekud tööaja efektiivsemaks kasutamiseks. Kõige suurem osakaal efektiivsest tööajast oli puu töötlemine. Järgnesid raiejäätmete koondamine, harvesteri liikumine ja langetamine. Kõige väiksem osakaal tööoperatsioonidest on noole liikumisel. Autori arvates oli oluline õppefunktsioon, mis aitas mõista, kuidas näeb välja harvesteri juhi töö. Lisaks oli võimalus jälgida ka forvarderi tööd. Töös saadud tulemused võiksid huvi pakkuda metsatööstuse sektoris tegutsevatele inimestele.The present work is based on a Valmet 911 third series harvester work time distribution and is expressed as a result of the research of operations of the machine divisibility. Received results are compared with data from previous studies. Made-up work are offered author-side solutions that increase the effective working time to raise harvester total productivity. The study data collection was filmed by cameras to capture and analyze materials accurately as possible. The camera was placed inside of the harvester cabin to see all harvester cutting head operations. Footage gathered four-day total 29 hours and 8 minutes. The following work process was carried out by video material chronometration, which appeared chronological data. The results were able to compare and make conclusions. Work is containing four larger main topics. The first chapter describes the materials and methods, containing harvester, harvester operator and cutting area descriptions, outdoor and data reduction methods. Also, this topic contains harvester work operations explanations. The second chapter summarizes measured results. In the third chapter the study results are compared to previous similar works and the fourth chapter presents author’s conclusions and suggestions to enhance an effective form of regular working time. The highest proportion of effective working time was spent on processing a tree. This operation is followed by collecting logs, tops and branches, harvester moving and felling. The lowest proportion of effective working time was spent on positioning to cut. Processing the work was an important author’s learning function, which helped to understand that how harvester operator work time looks. In addition, there was an opportunity to observe the work of forwarder. The results of the study could be interesting to people, who work in the forest sector

    The relationship between social capital and individualism–collectivism in Europe

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between social capital and individualism–collectivism in a sample of 50,417 individuals from 29 European countries using data from the European Social Survey Round 6 (2012). Social capital was measured in terms of generalized social trust and informal social networks; individualism–collectivism was operationalized via Schwartz’s Openness to Change–Conservation value dimension. Results from a hierarchical linear modeling analysis showed that less than 10% of variance in social capital indicators was found between countries, meaning that the level of social capital varies more substantively between individuals than between the countries. Openness to Change had a weak but statistically significant and positive relationship both with the indices of Generalized Social Trust and Informal Social Networks, which remained significant even when individual age, gender, education level, and domicile were controlled for. In sum, our findings show that the positive relationship between social capital and individualism that has been found at the cultural level also holds at the individual level: people who emphasize independent thought, action, and readiness to change are also more willing to believe that most people can be trusted and are more engaged in informal social networks. The relationship is, nevertheless, very weak and the strength of the association varies significantly across different European countries. This variation, however, cannot be explained by country differences in level of democracy or human development and the country’s wealth moderates only the individual level relationship between Openness to Change and Informal Social Networks. Our findings suggest that sources of social capital at the individual level can be found in people’s immediate social surroundings, as well as their everyday social interactions

    The role of co-occurring emotions and personality traits in anger expression

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    The main aim of the current study was to examine the role of co-occurring emotions and their interactive effects with the Big Five personality traits in anger expression. Everyday anger expression ("anger-in" and "anger-out" behavior) was studied with the experience-sampling method in a group of 110 participants for 14 consecutive days on 7 random occasions per day. Our results showed that the simultaneously co-occurring emotions that buffer against anger expression are sadness, surprise, disgust, disappointment, and irritation for anger-in behavior, and fear, sadness and disappointment for anger-out reactions. While previous studies have shown that differentiating one's current affect into discrete emotion categories buffers against anger expression (Pond et al., 2012), our study further demonstrated the existence of specific interactive effects between the experience of momentary emotions and personality traits that lead to higher levels of either suppression or expression of anger behavior (or both). For example, the interaction between the trait Openness and co-occurring surprise, in predicting anger-in behavior, indicates that less open people hold their anger back more, and more open people use less anger-in behavior. Co-occurring disgust increases anger-out reactions in people low in Conscientiousness, but decreases anger-out reactions in people high in Conscientiousness. People high in Neuroticism are less likely to engage in anger-in behavior when experiencing disgust, surprise, or irritation alongside anger, but show more anger out in the case of co-occurring contempt. The results of the current study help to further clarify the interactions between the basic personality traits and the experience of momentary co-occurring emotions in determining anger behavior

    Emotsionaalne kogemus: Seosed isiksuse, subjektiivse heaolu, meenutamise ja välisteguritega

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Emotsionaalne kogemus on keeruline nähtus, sest aju töötleb selle loomiseks pidevalt erinevatest allikatest tulenevat teavet, nagu näiteks kehalisi aistinguid, eelnevaid teadmisi objektide ja situatsioonide kohta ning ka ümbritsevast maailmast pärinevat sensoorset informatsiooni. Käesolev väitekiri põhineb eeldusel, et emotsioonitekkes on üks peamisi tegureid see, kuidas inimesed enda jaoks olulisi sündmusi tõlgendavad. Töös kasutatakse ühe uurimisviisina kogemuse väljavõtte meetodit, mis võimaldab emotsioone hinnata nende loomulikus keskkonnas. Kuna mõõtmised toimuvad reaalajas, aitab see vältida ka mälust tingitud moonutusi. Nimelt on mitmed senised uurimused rõhutanud inimeste ebatäpsust minevikusündmuste ja emotsioonide meenutamisel. Ka väitekirjas esitatud tulemused näitavad, et inimese üldine emotsionaalsus mõjutab oluliselt seda, kui eredalt ja intensiivselt oma elusündmusi meenutatakse. Veel uuritakse käesolevas doktoritöös paari populaarset tõekspidamist, mis varasemates töödes on osutunud vastuolulisteks – näiteks seda, kas ilmastikutingimused mõjutavad emotsioonide kogemist. Tulemustest järeldub, et ilmal küll on afektiivsetele seisunditele teatud mõju, kuid see ei ole kindlasti nii suur, nagu võiks eeldada üldlevinud veendumuse põhjal. Samuti otsitakse vastust küsimusele, kas inimesed on suutelised olema ühtaegu nii rõõmsad kui kurvad. Selgub, et neid näiliselt vastandlikke emotsioone on tõepoolest võimalik samal ajahetkel kogeda, kuigi mitte väga intensiivsel kujul. Töös ilmneb ka isiksuseseadumuste mõju, mis viitab sellele, et teatud inimesed tunnevad segaemotsioone suurema tõenäosusega. Nii positiivsete kui negatiivsete tunnete uurimine on oluline muuhulgas ka seepärast, et nii eraldiseisvana kui omavahelises koostoimes mõjutavad mõlemad seda, kui rahul inimesed oma eluga üldiselt on. Viimast tuleb siiski vaadelda laiemas kontekstis, sest emotsioonide suhteline kaal rahuloluhinnangutes on riigiti mõnevõrra erinev, sõltudes kultuurilistest teguritest. Lõpetuseks, emotsionaalset kogemust kultuuriti uurides on vajalik analüüsida emotsiooniskaalade ning isegi konkreetsete sõnade tähendusruumide võrreldavust, sest alati ei ole need ühest kultuuri- või keelekontekstist teise otseselt ülekantavad.Emotional experience is a complex phenomenon, because the brain is constantly processing sensory information from the world, somatic sensations, and prior knowledge about objects and situations to produce an affective state. The current dissertation is based on the assumption that a major factor in emotion generation is the way, how individuals evaluate and interpret situations, that they consider relevant. One of the strategies employed here is the experience sampling methodology, which enables us to measure emotions in their natural context. While the assessments take place in real time, the possibility of memory distortions is minimal. Many previous studies have emphasized, that people are rather inaccurate in remembering past episodes and emotional experiences. Likewise, the present results show that the overall emotionality of individuals significantly influences the vividness and intensity of their memory recollections. This dissertation also explores some intriguing questions, which in previous research have turned out to be controversial. For instance, it is examined if weather influences mood. Results indicate that weather does have an impact on affective states, but the effect sizes are nearly not as impressive as the popular belief would suggest. It is also investigated, whether people can feel happy and sad at the same time. The analyses show that under specific conditions it is indeed possible to experience these apparently opposite emotions simultaneously, though not in a very intensive form. Hereby, also the influence of personality dispositions is demonstrated, meaning that certain people tend to feel mixed emotions more than others. It is important to study both pleasant and unpleasant feelings, because they have an independent as well as a combined impact on how satisfied people are with their lives. However, this needs to be analyzed in a wider context, because the relative weight of emotions in life satisfaction judgments varies across countries and is influenced by some cultural factors. Finally, while comparing emotions cross-culturally, it is essential to explore the equivalence of measurement scales and even specific emotion words, because transferring these from one culture or language to the other is not always straightforward

    The role of the five-factor personality traits in general self-rated health

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    Self-ratings of health (SRH) are widely used in large surveys and have been shown to predict mortality over and above more objective health measures. However, the debate still continues about what SRH actually represents and what the processes underlying people's assessments of their health are. The main aim of this study is to examine the role of the Five-Factor Model personality traits in general SRH assessment while controlling for the effects of objective health indicators, health-related quality of life and subjective well-being in a large population-based dataset of Estonian adults. A hierarchical linear regression analysis showed that only self-rated, but not informant-rated, neuroticism explained additional variance in SRH when the other aforementioned variables were taken into account. Our findings indicate that people's general SRH is a relatively good reflection of their objectively measured health status, but also that the way in which people experience and evaluate the quality of their lives—both in terms of subjective well-being and more specific aspects of health—plays a significant role in general SRH assessments

    Kognitiivse seisundi hindamine neuropsühholoogias

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    Kognitiivse seisundi hindamine pakub olulist lisainfot paljude neuroloogiliste ja psühhiaatriliste häiretega patsientide seisundi käsitlemisel. Hindamisel kasutatakse erinevaid teste ja katseid, analüüsides nii kvantitatiivseid tulemusi kui ka kvalitatiivset sooritust testide lahendamisel. See aitab täpsustada patsiendi vaimsete võimete taset, kognitiivsete kaebuste olemust ja neid tingivaid põhjusi ning seeläbi hõlbustab ravi planeerimist. Neuropsühholoogilised uuringud on olulised patsiendi funktsionaalse toimetuleku kindlaksmääramisel.Eesti Arst 2014; 93(5):276–28

    Does Daily Sunshine make you Happy? Subjective Measures of Well-being and the Weather

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    This paper examines to what extent individual measures of well-being are correlated with daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom. Merging daily weather data with data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) allows us to test whether measures of well-being are correlated with temperature, sunshine, rainfall and wind speed. We are able to make a strong case for causality due to ‘randomness’ of weather in addition to using regression methods that eliminate time-invariant individual level heterogeneity. Results suggest that some weather parameters (such as sunshine) are correlated with some measures of well-being (job satisfaction); however, in general the effect of weather on subjective measures of well-being is very small

    Towards unravelling the relationship between on-body, environmental and emotion data using sensor information fusion approach

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    Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable advancement in environmental models and information fusion systems taking advantage of the recent developments in sensor and mobile technologies. However, little attention has been paid so far to quantifying the relationship between environment changes and their impact on our bodies in real-life settings. In this paper, we identify a data driven approach based on direct and continuous sensor data to assess the impact of the surrounding environment and physiological changes and emotion. We aim at investigating the potential of fusing on-body physiological signals, environmental sensory data and on-line self-report emotion measures in order to achieve the following objectives: (1) model the short term impact of the ambient environment on human body, (2) predict emotions based on-body sensors and environmental data. To achieve this, we have conducted a real-world study ‘in the wild’ with on-body and mobile sensors. Data was collected from participants walking around Nottingham city centre, in order to develop analytical and predictive models. Multiple regression, after allowing for possible confounders, showed a noticeable correlation between noise exposure and heart rate. Similarly, UV and environmental noise have been shown to have a noticeable effect on changes in ElectroDermal Activity (EDA). Air pressure demonstrated the greatest contribution towards the detected changes in body temperature and motion. Also, significant correlation was found between air pressure and heart rate. Finally, decision fusion of the classification results from different modalities is performed. To the best of our knowledge this work presents the first attempt at fusing and modelling data from environmental and physiological sources collected from sensors in a real-world setting