535 research outputs found

    Indicators of reservoir performance

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    Analysis of rainfall time-series

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    Water Resources Management - Singapore University of Technology and Design

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    Undergraduate course in Water Resources Management offered at Singapore University of Technology and Design in Spring 2015

    Assessing the predictive capability of randomized tree-based ensembles in streamflow modelling

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    Abstract. Combining randomization methods with ensemble prediction is emerging as an effective option to balance accuracy and computational efficiency in data-driven modelling. In this paper, we investigate the prediction capability of extremely randomized trees (Extra-Trees), in terms of accuracy, explanation ability and computational efficiency, in a streamflow modelling exercise. Extra-Trees are a totally randomized tree-based ensemble method that (i) alleviates the poor generalisation property and tendency to overfitting of traditional standalone decision trees (e.g. CART); (ii) is computationally efficient; and, (iii) allows to infer the relative importance of the input variables, which might help in the ex-post physical interpretation of the model. The Extra-Trees potential is analysed on two real-world case studies – Marina catchment (Singapore) and Canning River (Western Australia) – representing two different morphoclimatic contexts. The evaluation is performed against other tree-based methods (CART and M5) and parametric data-driven approaches (ANNs and multiple linear regression). Results show that Extra-Trees perform comparatively well to the best of the benchmarks (i.e. M5) in both the watersheds, while outperforming the other approaches in terms of computational requirement when adopted on large datasets. In addition, the ranking of the input variable provided can be given a physically meaningful interpretation

    Il pedagogista in quanto diversity manager e mediatore tra Università e Mondo del Lavoro

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    The diversity of gender, culture, ability is recognized as a value both at the level of common sense and in the context of national and European legislation. It is necessary to question the effectiveness of work placement strategies, as a human qualification device, of disabled people who complete their university studies. How to manage risks and opportunities in order to effectively guide the work placement of disabled people who reach the end of their university career? This contribution aims to offer an in-depth study on the subject, with a particular focus on the figure of the pedagogist as a pedagogical operator of mediation between the University and the world of work.La diversità di genere, cultura, abilità è riconosciuta in quanto valore sia a livello del senso comune sia nel contesto nella Legislazione europea. È necessario, pertanto, interrogarsi circa l’efficacia delle strategie di collocamento lavorativo in quanto dispositivo di qualificazione umana e professionale, delle persone con disabilità che abbiano completato il proprio percorso di studi universitari. Come gestire rischi e opportunità al fine di guidare di il percorso di collocamento lavorativo per soggetti con disabilità che abbiano concluso il proprio percorso universitario? Il presente contributo si propone di offrire uno studio dell’argomento, con una particolare attenzione alla figura del  pedagogista in quanto mediatore tra Università e mondo del Lavoro

    Integration Between Lean Manufacturing and Other Quality Tools: A Scale Development

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    In order to improve organization’s performance, both in quality and productivity, several quality programs were created and implemented, with recent highlight to Lean Manufacturing (LM). All these initiatives are based on the involvement of employees, managers and organizational procedures, and it is expected that there will be some interaction between them. This paper describes the development and validation of a multi-item scale, an instrument which measures how employees perceive the integration between a production system based on the principles of Lean Manufacturing with other quality tools already used in the companies. The method included analyzes related to apparent validity, content validity, total item correlations, factor analysis and reliability. A questionnaire submitted to 317 respondents from a population of 1,699 employees of a metal-mechanic company included a proposed scale of 10 items to evaluate the integration between LM and other quality tools. After the analysis of the data, two questions were excluded because they did not present relevant factor loadings and the other eight questions resulted in two factors (Structure of integration of SP with other tools and Results in integration between SP and other tools). Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that these factors constituted a model with good fit

    Effects of the digital transformation on the contemporary city project

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    According to many sociologists and technologists today we live in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The research aims to investigate this paradigm shift that is taking place in the contemporary city to understand how urban design is facing this digital transformation. Starting from the technological and digital innovations that are pervading the field of architecture, engineering and urban planning, this study will also try to understand how these radical changes will affect citizens' life

    A matemática pelo olhar da tradução

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, Florianópolis, 2012Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre textos matemáticos com o foco voltado para as suas traduções. Para delimitar e classificar uma composição estrita de texto matemático - as demonstrações - oferece uma contextualização de suas principais características e indica o lugar que essas composições ocupam na Matemática. Aponta o modelo institucionalizado para suas traduções e reflete sobre esse modelo. Indica uma maneira diferenciada para analisar os textos matemáticos. Esta análise abre caminho a uma reflexão sobre uma maneira de traduzir os textos matemáticos que incorpora valores que são normalmente esquecidos, supostamente em detrimento da precisão, como o estilo, a estética e a beleza. Analisa, especialmente, o conceito de autoria. Finalmente, mostra uma abordagem diferenciada para a tradução dos textos matemáticos. Neste particular, analisa o prefácio, a introdução e o próprio texto da tradução brasileira de Os Elementos de Euclides por Irineu Bicudo de 2009, à luz das reflexões de Lawrence Venuti e Antoine Berman.Abstract : This dissertation presents a study of mathematical texts with the focus turned to their translations. In order to delineate and classify a strict composition mathematical text # the demonstrations - it offers a contextualization of its main characteristics and it indicates the place that these compositions occupy in mathematics. It points out the institutionalized model for its translations and it reflects on this model. It also indicates a different way to analyze the mathematical texts. This analysis opens the way for a reflection on a manner to translate the mathematical texts that embodies values that are normally forgotten, presumably at the expense of accuracy, such as style, aesthetics and beauty. It particularly focuses on the concept of authorship. Finally, it shows a different approach to the translation of mathematical texts. In this particular, it analyzes the preface, introduction and the actual text of the Brazilian translation of Euclid's Elements by Irineu Bicudo, 2009, in light of the reflections of Lawrence Venuti and Antoine Berman

    Quantifying ENSO impacts at the basin scale using the Iterative Input variable Selection algorithm

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    Medium-to-long range streamflow predictions provide a key assistance in anticipating hydro- climatic adverse events and prompting effective adaptation measures. In this context, recent modelling efforts have been dedicated to seasonal and inter-annual predictions based on the teleconnection between at-site hydrological processes and large-scale, low-frequency climate fluctuations, such as El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). This work proposes a novel procedure for first detecting the impact of ENSO on hydro-meteorological processes at the basin scale, and then quantitatively assessing the potential of ENSO indexes for building medium-to-long range streamflow prediction models. Core of this procedure is the adoption of the Iterative Input variable Selection (IIS) algorithm, which is employed to find the most relevant determinants of streamflow variability and derive predictive models based on the selected inputs. The procedure is tested on two different case studies, the Columbia River (US) and the Williams River (Australia), whose sensitivity to ENSO fluctuations has been documented in previous studies. Results show that IIS outcomes for both case studies are consistent with the results of previous analyses conducted with state-of-the-art detection methods, and that ENSO indexes can effectively be used in both regions to enhance the accuracy of streamflow prediction models