
In this paper we consider a parameter estimation procedure for shallow sea models. The method is formulated as a minimization problem. An adjoint model is used to calculate the gradient of the criterion which is to be minimized. In order to obtain a robust estimation method, the uncertainty of the open boundary conditions can be taken into acoount by allowing random noise inputs to act on the open boundaries. This method avoids the possibility that boundary errors are interpreted by the estimation procedure as parameter fluctuations. We apply the parameter estimation method to identify a shallow sea model of the entire European continental shelf. First, a space-varying bottom friction coefficient is estimated simultaneously with the depth. The second application is the estimation of the parameterization of the wind stress coefficient as a function of the wind velocity. Finally, an uncertain open boundary condition is included. It is shown that in this case the parameter estimation procedure does become more robust and produces more realistic estimates. Furthermore, an estimate of the open boundary conditions is also obtained

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