62 research outputs found

    Use of genetic algorithm for fitting Sovova\u27s mass transfer model

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    A genetic algorithm with resizable population has been applied to the estimation of parameters for Sovovaćs mass transfer model. The comparison of results between a genetic algorithm and a global optimizer from the literatureshows that a genetic algorithm performs as good as or better than a global optimizer on a given set of problems. Other benefits of the genetic algorithm, for mass transfer modeling, are simplicity, robustness and efficiency.V članku predstavimo genetski algoritem s spremenljivo populacijo za določitev parametrov modela prenosa snovi Sovova. Primerjava rezultatov med genetskim algoritmom in globalnim optimizacijskim algoritmom povzetim iz literature pokaže, da so rezultati genetskega algoritma prav tako dobri ali boljÅ”i od rezultatov globalnega optimizacijskega algoritma na dani množici problemov. Ostale prednosti genetskega algoritma za modeliranje krivulje prenosa snovi so preprostost, robustnost in učinkovitost

    Maintaining regularity and generalization in data using the minimum description length principle and genetic algorithm: case of grammatical inference

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    In this paper, a genetic algorithm with minimum description length (GAWMDL) is proposed for grammatical inference. The primary challenge of identifying a language of infinite cardinality from a finite set of examples should know when to generalize and specialize the training data. The minimum description length principle that has been incorporated addresses this issue is discussed in this paper. Previously, the e-GRIDS learning model was proposed, which enjoyed the merits of the minimum description length principle, but it is limited to positive examples only. The proposed GAWMDL, which incorporates a traditional genetic algorithm and has a powerful global exploration capability that can exploit an optimum offspring. This is an effective approach to handle a problem which has a large search space such the grammatical inference problem. The computational capability, the genetic algorithm poses is not questionable, but it still suffers from premature convergence mainly arising due to lack of population diversity. The proposed GAWMDL incorporates a bit mask oriented data structure that performs the reproduction operations, creating the mask, then Boolean based procedure is applied to create an offspring in a generative manner. The Boolean based procedure is capable of introducing diversity into the population, hence alleviating premature convergence. The proposed GAWMDL is applied in the context free as well as regular languages of varying complexities. The computational experiments show that the GAWMDL finds an optimal or close-to-optimal grammar. Two fold performance analysis have been performed. First, the GAWMDL has been evaluated against the elite mating pool genetic algorithm which was proposed to introduce diversity and to address premature convergence. GAWMDL is also tested against the improved tabular representation algorithm. In addition, the authors evaluate the performance of the GAWMDL against a genetic algorithm not using the minimum description length principle. Statistical tests demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm. Overall, the proposed GAWMDL algorithm greatly improves the performance in three main aspects: maintains regularity of the data, alleviates premature convergence and is capable in grammatical inference from both positive and negative corpora


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    Diplomska naloga je namenjena predstavitvi, analizi in primerjavi treh izbranih orodij za integracijo podatkov: Pentaho Data Integration, Oracle Data Integrator in Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services. Prav tako je predstavljen sploŔen problem integracije, ter način, ki je potreben za njegovo razreŔitev. Razložen je pojem ETL in naloge njegovih korakov v procesu integracije. Diploma na kratko opiŔe tudi vlogo ter arhitekturo podatkovnih skladiŔč, ki se uporabljajo ob izvajanju omenjenih postopkov. Na praktičnem primeru je izvedena analiza virov podatkov, na osnovi katere je zgrajen model podatkovnega skladiŔča, ter podrobno opisan in izveden postopek integracije podatkov za vsa omenjena orodja. Za dosego zanesljive primerjave orodij, so vsi procesi ETL izvajani pod enakimi pogoji in tehnologijami podatkovnih baz. Na koncu so prikazani rezultati primerjav po izbranih merilih na podlagi analiz in izkuŔenj, ter predstavljene sploŔne ugotovitve.The thesis aims to present, analyse and compare three distinct data integration tools: Pentaho Data Integration, Oracle Data Integrator and SQL Server Integration Services. It explains the general problem of integration and the manner in which it should be resolved. It also explains the concept of ETL, describes its steps in the process of integration and briefly explains the role and architecture of data warehouses, which are used in the implementation of these procedures. A data source analysis and a data warehouse model are described and build based on a practical example, after which the data integration procedures are executed and explained in deatail for each mentioned product. In order to achieve a reliable comparison, all ETL processes are executed under the same conditions and database technologies. In the end, results are compared and presented based on chosen criteria, analysis and observations


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    V magistrski nalogi smo proučili bralne učne strategije, ki jih učitelji najpogosteje uporabljajo v prvem in drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju. Magistrska naloga je razdeljena na dva dela, teoretičnega in empiričnega. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej definirali bralno pismenost in opisali izobraževalne vidike bralne pismenosti. Osredotočili smo se na začetno branje, tekočnost branja in na bralno razumevanje, ki je ključnega pomena za uspeÅ”no učenje. Predstavili smo dve mednarodni raziskavi, PISA in PIRLS, ki merita uspeÅ”nost četrtoÅ”olcev in učencev prvih letnikov v bralni pismenosti. Nato smo opisali značilnosti sodobnega bralnega pouka, ki od učiteljev zahteva poznavanje sodobnih teoretičnih izhodiŔč poučevanja branja, poglobljeno razumevanje bralnega razvoja, dobro organizacijo dela, pravo izbiro učnih sredstev, uporabo bralnih učnih strategij pri svojem delu ter neprestano izpopolnjevanje lastnega znanja. V nadaljevanju smo podrobneje opisali bralne učne strategije, predvsem tiste, ki se nanaÅ”ajo na dejavnosti pred, med in po branju, ter strategije, ki zajemajo celoten učni proces, t. i. kompleksne bralne učne strategije. V empiričnem delu smo proučili, katere bralne učne strategije so uporabljali učitelji v prvem in drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju v Å”olskem letu 2014/2015, kako pogosto ter pri katerih predmetih so jih uporabljali. Rezultate smo analizirali glede na delovno dobo, vzgojno-izobraževalno obdobje in naziv učiteljev. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da so učitelji najpogosteje uporabljali strategijo podčrtavanja ključnih besed, nato strategijo VŽN, sledijo strategija pisanja povzetkov, Paukova strategija ter nazadnje metoda PV3P. Izmed grafičnih prikazov so učitelji najpogosteje uporabljali miselni vzorec, sledijo časovni trak, Venov diagram, pojmovna mreža, nato primerjalna matrika in nazadnje ribja kost. Več kot polovica anketiranih učiteljev se je o bralnih učnih strategijah že dodatno izobraževala in velika večina učiteljev se na tem področju želi Å”e dodatno izobraževati.In the Master\u27s thesis reading strategies, most commonly used by teachers in the first and second lower educational period have been studied. Master\u27s thesis is divided in two parts: theoretical part and empirical analysis. In the theoretical part reading literacy was defined and educational aspects of reading literacy were described. The focus was on initial reading, reading fluency and reading comprehension, which is a key part for successful learning. Two international researches PISA and PIRLS, which measure prosperity of reading literacy of students in the 4th grade of primary schools and prosperity of students in the 1st year of high schools, have been introduced. Described were characteristics of modern reading lessons, which demand from teachers a wide knowledge of modern theoretical basis of teaching literacy, in-depth understanding of reading progress, good work organization, right selection of teaching means, the use of reading strategies and constant improvement of their own knowledge. In detail described were strategies, especially those, which lean on activities before, during and after reading, and strategies, which cover the complete learning process, i.e. complex reading strategies. In the empirical analysis the use of reading strategies, frequency of use and at which subject, among teachers in first and second lower educational period in the school year 20014/20015 was observed. The results were analyzed based on the period of employment, educational period, and teachers title. The research showed that the most commonly used reading strategy among teachers were Underlining of Key-Words, followed by ā€œVŽNā€ Strategy, Writing of Abstracts, Pauk Strategy and ā€œPV3Pā€ Strategy. Most commonly used graphical displays among teachers were Mind Maps, Time Band, Venn Diagram, Hierarchical Network Model, Comparative Matrix and lastly Herringbone. More than half of the teachers participating in the research already undertook additional education in the field of reading strategies while the majority of them want additional education in this field


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    Diplomsko delo obravnava problem mobinga zaposlenih v Republiki Sloveniji. Mobing z drugimi besedami imenujemo trpinčenje na delovnem mestu. Poleg uvoda in sklepa vsebuje Å”e osem poglavij. V drugem poglavju so pojasnjeni nekateri osnovni pojmi, ki so povezani z mobingom. Sicer niso ključnega pomena, vendar je priporočljivo, da so najprej razčiŔčeni ti pojmi. Sledijo različne definicije in opredelitve mobinga. Vsak pojav ima svoj vzrok. Zato sledi naslednje poglavje, ki opredeljuje različne vzroke za nastanek mobinga, od organizacije in načina dela do socialnega in moralnega položaja posameznika. Seznanili smo se tudi z različnimi vrstami mobinga, in sicer glede na to, kdo je tisti, ki povzroča mobing (vertikalni in horizontalni mobing), poznamo pa tudi več oblik mobinga (bullying, bossing, mobing in staffing). Glede na to, da pri kaznivih dejanjih obstaja vedno nek profil žrtve in storilca, smo raziskali, kakÅ”na sta profila žrtve in storilca pri mobingu. Vsakim negativnim dejanjem po navadi sledijo posledice. V naÅ”em primeru so to posledice za žrtev, ki so najpomembnejÅ”e in posledice za sodelavce, organizacijo in družbo. V tem poglavju smo opredelili Å”e rehabilitacijo žrtve. Zelo pomembna tema pri mobingu je tudi njegovo preprečevanje in ustrezni preventivni ukrepi, ki je bila razdelana v naslednjem poglavju. V zadnjem poglavju pa smo navedli pravne predpise v Slovenji in ugotovitve različnih strokovnjakov. In ker je Slovenija od leta 2004 polnopravna članica Evropske unije, pravna ureditev mobinga v Sloveniji upoÅ”teva mednarodne akte, ki določajo diskriminacijo zaposlenih v zvezi z mobingom. Tako so v tem poglavju navedeni in opisani vsi mednarodni akti. Da pa bodo nekatere teoretične tematike, ki so povezane z mobingom, bolj jasne, smo pod priloge uvrstili Å”e intervju ga. Helene Turk, ki ima pisarno za mobing in primer mobing dnevnika.In the research project we researched mobing problem of employees in Republic of Slovenia. With other words mobing is bullying at the workplace. Following introduction and conclusion, project contains eight chapters. Second chapter explains some basic concepts associated with mobing. Those concepts are not essential, but it is advisable to explain them first. Then we tell various definitions and the definition of mobing. Each concept has its cause, devoted to this we wrote next chapter, identifying the various causes of mobing, from organisation and work methods to social and moral status of individuals. We also introduce ourselves with different types of mobing, depending on who is the one causing mobing (vertical and horizontal mobing) and some others types of mobing (bullying, bossing, mobing and staffing). Given to the fact, that in criminal acts there is always a profile of victim and perpetrator, we also researched those profiles in mobing. To any adverse action normally follows the consequences. In our case those are consequences for victim, which are most important, and also consequences for co-workers, organisation and society. In this chapter we also defined rehabilitation of victim. Very important theme in mobing is also prevention of mobing and appropriate preventive measures, elaborated in next chapter. In last chapter we also mentioned legal regulations in Republic of Slovenia and the findings of various experts. Slovenia is a full member of the European Union since 2004, thatā€™s why regulation of mobing in Slovenia counts international instruments, providing employment discrimination related to mobing. So in this chapter are stated and explained all the international instruments. In order to support some theoretical topics connected with mobing, under the supplement we ranked an interview with Mrs. Helena Turk, who has an office for mobing and case of mobing diary

    Hellp syndrome and how pregnant women face it

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    IzhodiŔča: Ženske, ki med nosečnostjo zbolijo za hellp sindromom, bolezni ne prepoznajo in velikokrat simptome povezujejo z nosečniÅ”kimi težavami. Prav zaradi neprepoznavnosti same bolezni se pojavljajo pri nosečnicah vpraÅ”anja, na katera Å”e ni odgovora. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti hellp sindrom in njegove simptome ter skozi intervjuje prikazati, kako so se ženske soočale s to boleznijo. Raziskovalne metode: V diplomski nalogi smo uporabili opisno metodo dela. Iskali smo in pregledali literaturo, ki je bila v angleÅ”kem jeziku. Iskanje je potekalo z naslednjimi ključnimi besadami: hellp syndrome, pregnant women, dealing in facing with it. Iskanje literature je potekalo v mednarodnih podatkovnih bazah PubMed, CINAHL, ScienceDirect in Medline. Dodatno smo pregledali tudi Google Scholar. Vključitveni kriteriji so bili polno dostopni članki v angleÅ”kem jeziku, članki, ki so objavljeni od leta 2009 do 2019. Izključitveni kriteriji pa so bili članki v drugih jezikih in duplikati ter spletni članki, katerih vsebina ni strokovna in ne temelji na znanstvenih ugotovitvah. Kvalitativne podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo metode intervjuiranja. Pri tem smo uporabili vodilo za intervju, katero je sestavljeno iz 7. vpraÅ”anj odprtega tipa Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da je najpogostejÅ”i simptom med intervjuvankami bolečina v zgornjem delu trebuha in da je bilo pomanjkanje informacij z strani osebja velik problem pri razumevanju same bolezni.Introduction: Women diagnosed with Hellp syndrome have some problems with recognizing the disease, or they just connect the symptoms with regular pregnancy problems. But precisely because of not knowing the disease and its symptoms, pregnant women have some questions that canā€™t be answered. The purpose of final work is to introduce hellp syndrome, symptoms and with interviews explain how some women, which were diagnosed with hellp syndrome, face it and how did the disease affect their life after. Methods: In the final work we used quantitative research method and descriptive research method. The data that we collected with interviews was analysed and presented with tables.The literature search was performed in five databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, ScienceDirect, Google schoolar) using the inclusion and exclusion criteria, according to the research questions and keywords. Results: We found out, that the most common symptom among interviewees was pain in the upper abdomen and lack of information by staff, was a major problem in understanding the disease itself

    Determinante prevzemne premije

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    Drawing the Human Figure, Based on Different Modalities of Expression

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    Risanje je za otroke nujen sestavni del odraŔčanja, ki vpliva na njihov duÅ”evni in telesni razvoj. Z risanjem otroci spoznavajo svet. Likovni razvoj otrok je posledica zorenja struktur v možganih in smiselno je, da jih prek neposredne izkuÅ”nje usmerjamo v aktivno obliko spoznavanja. ČloveÅ”ka figura velja za enega najzahtevnejÅ”ih likovnih motivov v likovnem ustvarjanju, hkrati pa je eden najpogostejÅ”ih motivov na otroÅ”kih risbah, saj ima otrok največ z njo povezanih izkuÅ”enj. Daje mu veliko motivacije in spodbud za ustvarjanje. Ko otrok opazuje in upodablja človeka, spoznava vizualno-prostorske značilnosti človeÅ”kega telesa ter njegove dele in zgradbo. Otrokova risba je odvisna od dosežene stopnje vizualno-prostorskega razvoja. Pri upodabljanju človeÅ”ke podobe je stopnja razvoja vidna v načinu, kako so deli upodobljenega objekta sestavljeni v končno podobo. V empiričnem delu sem z zbiranjem in analizo otroÅ”kih risb raziskovala, kako se s problematiko risanja človeÅ”ke figure v različnih pozah in z različnimi izvedbenimi modifikacijami srečujejo različno stari otroci v predÅ”olskem obdobju ter kako se tovrstne motivike pri svojem delu lotevajo vzgojitelji. Izkazalo se je, da vzgojitelji pretežno upoÅ”tevajo prosto otrokovo odločanje, manjkrat pa se odločijo za načrtno risanje človeÅ”ke figure, od tega najpogosteje riÅ”ejo človeka v pokončnem stoječem položaju. Pri načrtovanju se približno enako pogosto odločijo za risanje po spominu in za risanje po opazovanju. Analiza otroÅ”kih risb je pokazala, da so otroci uspeÅ”nejÅ”i pri risanju po opazovanju kot pri risanju po spominu. Risbe, narisane po opazovanju, so bile velikokrat anatomsko ustreznejÅ”e in so vsebovale več podrobnosti kot risbe, narisane po spominu. StarejÅ”i otroci so bili pri risanju uspeÅ”nejÅ”i kot mlajÅ”i otroci, deklice pa so bile uspeÅ”nejÅ”e od dečkov.Drawing is an essential aspect of growing up for children, influencing their mental and physical development. It is through drawing that children learn about the world. As childrenā€™s artistic development is the result of the maturation of brain structures, it seems sensible to guide them towards an active form of cognition through direct experience. The human figure is considered one of the most challenging motifs in the creation of art, but it is also one of the most common themes in childrenā€™s drawings, as this is what a child has the most direct experience with. It gives a child a great deal of motivation and encouragement to create. As a child observes and attempts to depict a human being, they go through a process of the discovery of the spatio-visual characteristics of the human body, as well as its structure and different parts. A childā€™s drawing is dependent on the level of spatio-visual development achieved. When depicting the human figure, the level of a childā€™s development is visible in the way the various parts of the depicted object are constructed into a final image. In the empirical part of my research, I collected and analysed childrenā€™s drawings in order to investigate how children of different pre-school ages encounter the problem of drawing the human figure in various poses and through different performance modifications, and how these types of motifs are approached by teachers in their work. My results showed, that teachers predominantly allow the childā€™s free decision-making, but when they choose to draw the human figure in a planned way, they most often depict a human being in an upright, standing position. When planning, teachers opt for drawing from memory and drawing from observation at generally similar rates. An analysis of the drawings demonstrated that children are often more successful at drawing after observation than at drawing from memory. Drawings which were made after observation were frequently more anatomically accurate and contained more detail than drawings made from memory. Lastly, older children were more successful than younger children, while girls were more successful than boys
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