438 research outputs found

    Ultimate Intelligence Part I: Physical Completeness and Objectivity of Induction

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    We propose that Solomonoff induction is complete in the physical sense via several strong physical arguments. We also argue that Solomonoff induction is fully applicable to quantum mechanics. We show how to choose an objective reference machine for universal induction by defining a physical message complexity and physical message probability, and argue that this choice dissolves some well-known objections to universal induction. We also introduce many more variants of physical message complexity based on energy and action, and discuss the ramifications of our proposals.Comment: Under review at AGI-2015 conference. An early draft was submitted to ALT-2014. This paper is now being split into two papers, one philosophical, and one more technical. We intend that all installments of the paper series will be on the arxi

    Algorithmic Complexity Bounds on Future Prediction Errors

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    We bound the future loss when predicting any (computably) stochastic sequence online. Solomonoff finitely bounded the total deviation of his universal predictor MM from the true distribution mumu by the algorithmic complexity of mumu. Here we assume we are at a time t>1t>1 and already observed x=x1...xtx=x_1...x_t. We bound the future prediction performance on xt+1xt+2...x_{t+1}x_{t+2}... by a new variant of algorithmic complexity of mumu given xx, plus the complexity of the randomness deficiency of xx. The new complexity is monotone in its condition in the sense that this complexity can only decrease if the condition is prolonged. We also briefly discuss potential generalizations to Bayesian model classes and to classification problems.Comment: 21 page

    Global collocation methods for approximation and the solution of partial differential equations

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    Polynomial interpolation methods are applied both to the approximation of functions and to the numerical solutions of hyperbolic and elliptic partial differential equations. The derivative matrix for a general sequence of the collocation points is constructed. The approximate derivative is then found by a matrix times vector multiply. The effects of several factors on the performance of these methods including the effect of different collocation points are then explored. The resolution of the schemes for both smooth functions and functions with steep gradients or discontinuities in some derivative are also studied. The accuracy when the gradients occur both near the center of the region and in the vicinity of the boundary is investigated. The importance of the aliasing limit on the resolution of the approximation is investigated in detail. Also examined is the effect of boundary treatment on the stability and accuracy of the scheme

    Accuracy and speed in computing the Chebyshev collocation derivative

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    We studied several algorithms for computing the Chebyshev spectral derivative and compare their roundoff error. For a large number of collocation points, the elements of the Chebyshev differentiation matrix, if constructed in the usual way, are not computed accurately. A subtle cause is is found to account for the poor accuracy when computing the derivative by the matrix-vector multiplication method. Methods for accurately computing the elements of the matrix are presented, and we find that if the entities of the matrix are computed accurately, the roundoff error of the matrix-vector multiplication is as small as that of the transform-recursion algorithm. Results of CPU time usage are shown for several different algorithms for computing the derivative by the Chebyshev collocation method for a wide variety of two-dimensional grid sizes on both an IBM and a Cray 2 computer. We found that which algorithm is fastest on a particular machine depends not only on the grid size, but also on small details of the computer hardware as well. For most practical grid sizes used in computation, the even-odd decomposition algorithm is found to be faster than the transform-recursion method

    Three Kinds of Probabilistic Induction: Universal Distributions and Convergence Theorems

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    We will describe three kinds of probabilistic induction problems, and give general solutions for each, with associated convergence theorems which show that they tend to give good probability estimates. The first kind extrapolates a sequence of strings and/or numbers. The second extrapolates an unordered set of strings and/or numbers. The third extrapolates an unordered set of ordered pairs of elements that may be strings and/or numbers. Given the first element of a new pair, to get a probability distribution on possible second elements of the pair. Each of the three kinds of problems is solved using an associated universal distribution. In each case a corresponding convergence theorem is given, showing that as sample size grows, the expected error in probability estimate decreases rapidly. The solutions given are very general and cover a great variety of induction problems. Time series prediction, grammar discovery (for both formal and natural languages), curve fitting, the identification problem and the categorization problem, are a few of the kinds of problems amenable to the methods describe

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    On the Gibbs phenomenon 1: Recovering exponential accuracy from the Fourier partial sum of a non-periodic analytic function

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    It is well known that the Fourier series of an analytic or periodic function, truncated after 2N+1 terms, converges exponentially with N, even in the maximum norm, although the function is still analytic. This is known as the Gibbs phenomenon. Here, we show that the first 2N+1 Fourier coefficients contain enough information about the function, so that an exponentially convergent approximation (in the maximum norm) can be constructed
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