139 research outputs found

    Multimedia Assignment Sheet

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    This assignment was designed for Lauren Fusilier\u27s English 102 course

    Opinion Spam detection using PU-Learning

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    Tesis doctoral realizada por Donato Hernández Fusilier en la Universitat Politècnica de València, dirigida por los Doctores Paolo Rosso (Universitat Politècnica de València, España, Manuel Montes-y-Gómez (Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, México ) y Rafael Guzmán (Universidad de Guanajuato, México). La defensa se efectuó el 20 de enero de 2016 en Valencia. El tribunal estuvo conformado por la Dra. Raquel Martinez Unanue de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid como vocal, por el Dr. Carlos David Martinez Hinajeros de la Universitat Politècnica de València como secretario y por el Dr. Rafael Berlanga Llavori de la Universitat Jaume I, Castelló como presidente. La tesis obtuvo una calificación de Sobresaliente.Doctoral thesis written by Donato Hernández Fusilier at the Universitat Politècnica of València, directed by Ph.D. Paolo Rosso (Universitat Politècnica of València, Spain), Ph.D. Manuel Montes-y-Gómez (National Institute of Astrophisics, Optics and Electronics, México) and Ph.D. Rafael Guzmán (University of Guanajuato, México). The defense took place on January 20, 2016 in Valencia. The doctoral committee was integrated by the following doctors: Ph.D. Raquel Martinez Unanue of National Distance Learning University, Madrid as panel member, Ph.D. Carlos David Martinez Hinajeros de la Universitat Politècnica of València as secretary and by Ph.D. Rafael Berlanga Llavori of the Universitat Jaume I, Castelló as president. The thesis was graded as Outstanding

    Traducteurs et interprètes experts : une exception française ?

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    Prenez un jeu des sept métiers. Dans la famille « Traducteurs et Interprètes de France », demandez l’« expert ». Vous avez dit « expert » ? Une description factuelle et objective de la fonction d’interprète ou traducteur expert au sens de la législation s’impose (1 à 3). Elle amène une discussion plus personnelle de l’auteur sur certains aspects de cette activité qui n’est pas une profession (4). Cet article vise à présenter la fonction d’expert traducteur et interprète, sans être pour autant..

    Detecting Sockpuppets in Deceptive Opinion Spam

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    This paper explores the problem of sockpuppet detection in deceptive opinion spam using authorship attribution and verification approaches. Two methods are explored. The first is a feature subsampling scheme that uses the KL-Divergence on stylistic language models of an author to find discriminative features. The second is a transduction scheme, spy induction that leverages the diversity of authors in the unlabeled test set by sending a set of spies (positive samples) from the training set to retrieve hidden samples in the unlabeled test set using nearest and farthest neighbors. Experiments using ground truth sockpuppet data show the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.Comment: 18 pages, Accepted at CICLing 2017, 18th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistic

    Detection of opinion spam with character n-grams

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-18117-2_21In this paper we consider the detection of opinion spam as a stylistic classi cation task because, given a particular domain, the deceptive and truthful opinions are similar in content but di ffer in the way opinions are written (style). Particularly, we propose using character ngrams as features since they have shown to capture lexical content as well as stylistic information. We evaluated our approach on a standard corpus composed of 1600 hotel reviews, considering positive and negative reviews. We compared the results obtained with character n-grams against the ones with word n-grams. Moreover, we evaluated the e ffectiveness of character n-grams decreasing the training set size in order to simulate real training conditions. The results obtained show that character n-grams are good features for the detection of opinion spam; they seem to be able to capture better than word n-grams the content of deceptive opinions and the writing style of the deceiver. In particular, results show an improvement of 2:3% and 2:1% over the word-based representations in the detection of positive and negative deceptive opinions respectively. Furthermore, character n-grams allow to obtain a good performance also with a very small training corpus. Using only 25% of the training set, a Na ve Bayes classi er showed F1 values up to 0.80 for both opinion polarities.This work is the result of the collaboration in the frame-work of the WIQEI IRSES project (Grant No. 269180) within the FP7 Marie Curie. The second author was partially supported by the LACCIR programme under project ID R1212LAC006. Accordingly, the work of the third author was in the framework the DIANA-APPLICATIONS-Finding Hidden Knowledge inTexts: Applications (TIN2012-38603-C02-01) project, and the VLC/CAMPUS Microcluster on Multimodal Interaction in Intelligent Systems.Hernández Fusilier, D.; Montes Gomez, M.; Rosso, P.; Guzmán Cabrera, R. (2015). Detection of opinion spam with character n-grams. En Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 16th International Conference, CICLing 2015, Cairo, Egypt, April 14-20, 2015, Proceedings, Part II. Springer International Publishing. 285-294. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-18117-2_21S285294Blamey, B., Crick, T., Oatley, G.: RU:-) or:-(? character-vs. word-gram feature selection for sentiment classification of OSN corpora. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIX, 207–212 (2012)Drucker, H., Wu, D., Vapnik, V.N.: Support Vector Machines for Spam Categorization. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 10(5), 1048–1054 (2002)Feng, S., Banerjee, R., Choi, Y.: Syntactic Stylometry for Deception Detection. Association for Computational Linguistics, short paper. ACL (2012)Feng, S., Xing, L., Gogar, A., Choi, Y.: Distributional Footprints of Deceptive Product Reviews. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International AAAI Conference on WebBlogs and Social Media (June 2012)Gyongyi, Z., Garcia-Molina, H., Pedersen, J.: Combating Web Spam with Trust Rank. In: Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, vol. 30, pp. 576–587. VLDB Endowment (2004)Hall, M., Eibe, F., Holmes, G., Pfahringer, B., Reutemann, P., Witten, I.: The WEKA Data Mining Software: an Update. SIGKDD Explor. Newsl. 10–18 (2009)Hernández-Fusilier, D., Guzmán-Cabrera, R., Montes-y-Gómez, M., Rosso, P.: Using PU-learning to Detect Deceptive Opinion Spam. In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, pp. 38–45 (2013)Hernández-Fusilier, D., Montes-y-Gómez, M., Rosso, P., Guzmán-Cabrera, R.: Detecting Positive and Negative Deceptive Opinions using PU-learning. Information Processing & Management (2014), doi:10.1016/j.ipm.2014.11.001Jindal, N., Liu, B.: Opinion Spam and Analysis. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Search and Web Data Mining, pp. 219–230 (2008)Jindal, N., Liu, B., Lim, E.: Finding Unusual Review Patterns Using Unexpected Rules. In: Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2010, pp. 210–220(October 2010)Kanaris, I., Kanaris, K., Houvardas, I., Stamatatos, E.: Word versus character n-grams for anti-spam filtering. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 16(6), 1047–1067 (2007)Lim, E.P., Nguyen, V.A., Jindal, N., Liu, B., Lauw, H.W.: Detecting Product Review Spammers Using Rating Behaviours. In: CIKM, pp. 939–948 (2010)Liu, B.: Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. Synthesis Lecture on Human Language Technologies. Morgan & Claypool Publishers (2012)Mukherjee, A., Liu, B., Wang, J., Glance, N., Jindal, N.: Detecting Group Review Spam. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web, pp. 93–94 (2011)Ntoulas, A., Najork, M., Manasse, M., Fetterly, D.: Detecting Spam Web Pages through Content Analysis. Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS), 83–92 (2006)Ott, M., Choi, Y., Cardie, C., Hancock, J.T.: Finding Deceptive Opinion Spam by any Stretch of the Imagination. In: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Portland, Oregon, USA, pp. 309–319 (2011)Ott, M., Cardie, C., Hancock, J.T.: Negative Deceptive Opinion Spam. In: Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, pp. 309–319 (2013)Raymond, Y.K., Lau, S.Y., Liao, R., Chi-Wai, K., Kaiquan, X., Yunqing, X., Yuefeng, L.: Text Mining and Probabilistic Modeling for Online Review Spam Detection. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2(4), Article: 25, 1–30 (2011)Stamatatos, E.: On the robustness of authorship attribution based on character n-gram features. Journal of Law & Policy 21(2) (2013)Wu, G., Greene, D., Cunningham, P.: Merging Multiple Criteria to Identify Suspicious Reviews. In: RecSys 2010, pp. 241–244 (2010)Xie, S., Wang, G., Lin, S., Yu, P.S.: Review Spam Detection via Time Series Pattern Discovery. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference Companion on World Wide Web, pp. 635–636 (2012)Zhou, L., Sh, Y., Zhang, D.: A Statistical Language Modeling Approach to Online Deception Detection. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 20(8), 1077–1081 (2008

    Detección de opinion spam usando PU-learning

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Abstract The detection of false or true opinions about a product or service has become nowadays a very important problem. Recent studies show that up to 80% of people have changed their final decision on the basis of opinions checked on the web. Some of these opinions may be false, positive in order to promote a product/service or negative to discredit it. To help solving this problem in this thesis is proposed a new method for detection of false opinions, called PU-Learning*, which increases the precision by an iterative algorithm. It also solves the problem of lack of labeled opinions. To operate the method proposed only a small set of opinions labeled as positive and another large set of opinions unlabeled are needed. From this last set, missing negative opinions are extracted and used to achieve a two classes binary classification. This scenario has become a very common situation in the available corpora. As a second contribution, we propose a representation based on n-grams of characters. This representation has the advantage of capturing both the content and the writing style, allowing for improving the effectiveness of the proposed method for the detection of false opinions. The experimental evaluation of the method was carried out by conducting three experiments classification of opinions, using two different collections. The results obtained in each experiment allow seeing the effectiveness of proposed method as well as differences between the use of several types of attributes. Because the veracity or falsity of the reviews expressed by users becomes a very important parameter in decision making, the method presented here, can be used in any corpus where you have the above characteristics.[ES] Resumen La detección de opiniones falsas o verdaderas acerca de un producto o servicio, se ha convertido en un problema muy relevante de nuestra 'época. Según estudios recientes hasta el 80% de las personas han cambiado su decisión final basados en las opiniones revisadas en la web. Algunas de estas opiniones pueden ser falsas positivas, con la finalidad de promover un producto, o falsas negativas para desacreditarlo. Para ayudar a resolver este problema se propone en esta tesis un nuevo método para la detección de opiniones falsas, llamado PU-Learning modificado. Este método aumenta la precisión mediante un algoritmo iterativo y resuelve el problema de la falta de opiniones etiquetadas. Para el funcionamiento del método propuesto se utilizan un conjunto pequeño de opiniones etiquetadas como falsas y otro conjunto grande de opiniones no etiquetadas, del cual se extraen las opiniones faltantes y así lograr una clasificación de dos clases. Este tipo de escenario se ha convertido en una situación muy común en los corpus de opiniones disponibles. Como una segunda contribución se propone una representación basada en n-gramas de caracteres. Esta representación tiene la ventaja de capturar tanto elementos de contenido como del estilo de escritura, permitiendo con ello mejorar la efectividad del método propuesto en la detección de opiniones falsas. La evaluación experimental del método se llevó a cabo mediante tres experimentos de clasificación de opiniones utilizando dos colecciones diferentes. Los resultados obtenidos en cada experimento permiten ver la efectividad del método propuesto así como también las diferencias entre la utilización de varios tipos de atributos. Dado que la falsedad o veracidad de las opiniones vertidas por los usuarios, se convierte en un parámetro muy importante en la toma de decisiones, el método que aquí se presenta, puede ser utilizado en cualquier corpus donde se tengan las características mencionadas antes.[CA] Resum La detecció d'opinions falses o vertaderes al voltant d'un producte o servei s'ha convertit en un problema força rellevant de la nostra època. Segons estudis recents, fins el 80\% de les persones han canviat la seua decisió final en base a les opinions revisades en la web. Algunes d'aquestes opinions poden ser falses positives, amb la finalitat de promoure un producte, o falses negatives per tal de desacreditarlo. Per a ajudar a resoldre aquest problema es proposa en aquesta tesi un nou mètode de detecció d'opinions falses, anomenat PU-Learning*. Aquest mètode augmenta la precisió mitjançant un algoritme iteratiu i resol el problema de la falta d'opinions etiquetades. Per al funcionament del mètode proposat, s'utilitzen un conjunt reduït d'opinions etiquetades com a falses i un altre conjunt gran d'opinions no etiquetades, del qual se n'extrauen les opinions que faltaven i, així, aconseguir una classificació de dues classes. Aquest tipus d'escenari s'ha convertit en una situació molt comuna en els corpus d'opinions de què es disposa. Com una segona contribució es proposa una representació basada en n-gramas de caràcters. Aquesta representació té l'avantatge de capturar tant elements de contingut com a d'estil d'escriptura, permetent amb això millorar l'efectivitat del mètode proposat en la detecció d'opinions falses. L'avaluació experimental del mètode es va dur a terme mitjançant tres experiments de classificació d'opinions utilitzant dues coleccions diferents. Els resultats obtingut en cada experiment permeten veure l'efectivitat del mètode proposat, així com també les diferències entre la utilització de varis tipus d'atributs. Ja que la falsedat o veracitat de les opinions vessades pels usuaris es converteix en un paràmetre molt important en la presa de decisions, el mètode que ací es presenta pot ser utilitzat en qualsevol corpus on es troben les característiques abans esmentades.Hernández Fusilier, D. (2016). Detección de opinion spam usando PU-learning [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61990TESISCompendi

    Character N-Grams for Detecting Deceptive Controversial Opinions

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    [EN] Controversial topics are present in the everyday life, and opinions about them can be either truthful or deceptive. Deceptive opinions are emitted to mislead other people in order to gain some advantage. In the most of the cases humans cannot detect whether the opinion is deceptive or truthful, however, computational approaches have been used successfully for this purpose. In this work, we evaluate a representation based on character n-grams features for detecting deceptive opinions. We consider opinions on the following: abortion, death penalty and personal feelings about the best friend; three domains studied in the state of the art. We found character n-grams effective for detecting deception in these controversial domains, even more than using psycholinguistic features. Our results indicate that this representation is able to capture relevant information about style and content useful for this task. This fact allows us to conclude that the proposed one is a competitive text representation with a good trade-off between simplicity and performance.We would like to thank CONACyT for partially supporting this work under grants 613411, CB-2015-01-257383, and FC-2016/2410. The work of the last author was partially funded by the Spanish MINECO under the research project SomEMBED (TIN2015-71147-C2-1-P).Sánchez-Junquera, JJ.; Luis Villaseñor Pineda; Montes Gomez, M.; Rosso, P. (2018). Character N-Grams for Detecting Deceptive Controversial Opinions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 11018:135-140. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-98932-7_13S13514011018Aritsugi, M., et al.: Combining word and character n-grams for detecting deceptive opinions, vol. 1, pp. 828–833. IEEE (2017)Buller, D.B., Burgoon, J.K.: Interpersonal deception theory. Commun. Theory 6(3), 203–242 (1996)Cagnina, L.C., Rosso, P.: Detecting deceptive opinions: intra and cross-domain classification using an efficient representation. Int. J. Uncertainty Fuzziness Knowl. Based Syst. 25(Suppl. 2), 151–174 (2017)Feng, S., Banerjee, R., Choi, Y.: Syntactic stylometry for deception detection, pp. 171–175. Association for Computational Linguistics (2012)Fusilier, D.H., Montes-y-Gómez, M., Rosso, P., Cabrera, R.G.: Detection of opinion spam with character n-grams. In: Gelbukh, A. (ed.) CICLing 2015. LNCS, vol. 9042, pp. 285–294. Springer, Cham (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-18117-2_21Hernández-Castañeda, Á., Calvo, H., Gelbukh, A., Flores, J.J.G.: Cross-domain deception detection using support vector networks. Soft Comput. 21(3), 1–11 (2016)Mihalcea, R., Strapparava, C.: The lie detector: explorations in the automatic recognition of deceptive language. In: Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2009 Conference Short Papers, pp. 309–312. Association for Computational Linguistics (2009)Ott, M., Choi, Y., Cardie, C., Hancock, J.T.: Finding deceptive opinion spam by any stretch of the imagination. In: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies-Volume 1, pp. 309–319. Association for Computational Linguistics (2011)Pérez-Rosas, V., Mihalcea, R.: Cross-cultural deception detection. In: Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers), vol. 2, pp. 440–445 (2014)Sapkota, U., Solorio, T., Montes-y-Gómez, M., Bethard, S.: Not all character n-grams are created equal: a study in authorship attribution. In: Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, pp. 93–102 (2015)Vrij, A.: Detecting Lies and Deceit: Pitfalls and Opportunities. Wiley, Hoboken (2008

    Detecting Positive and Negative Deceptive Opinions using PU-learning

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    [EN] Nowadays a large number of opinion reviews are posted on the Web. Such reviews are a very important source of information for customers and companies. The former rely more than ever on online reviews to make their purchase decisions, and the latter to respond promptly to their clients’ expectations. Unfortunately, due to the business that is behind, there is an increasing number of deceptive opinions, that is, fictitious opinions that have been deliberately written to sound authentic, in order to deceive the consumers promoting a low quality product (positive deceptive opinions) or criticizing a potentially good quality one (negative deceptive opinions). In this paper we focus on the detection of both types of deceptive opinions, positive and negative. Due to the scarcity of examples of deceptive opinions, we propose to approach the problem of the detection of deceptive opinions employing PU-learning. PU-learning is a semi-supervised technique for building a binary classifier on the basis of positive (i.e., deceptive opinions) and unlabeled examples only. Concretely, we propose a novel method that with respect to its original version is much more conservative at the moment of selecting the negative examples (i.e., not deceptive opinions) from the unlabeled ones. The obtained results show that the proposed PU-learning method consistently outperformed the original PU-learning approach. In particular, results show an average improvement of 8.2% and 1.6% over the original approach in the detection of positive and negative deceptive opinions respectively. 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work is the result of the collaboration in the framework of the WIQEI IRSES project (Grant No. 269180) within the FP 7 Marie Curie. The work of the third author was in the framework the DIANA-APPLICATIONS-Finding Hidden Knowledge in Texts: Applications (TIN2012-38603-C02-01) project, and the VLC/CAMPUS Microcluster on Multimodal Interaction in Intelligent Systems.Hernández Fusilier, D.; Montes Gómez, M.; Rosso, P.; Guzmán Cabrera, R. (2015). Detecting Positive and Negative Deceptive Opinions using PU-learning. Information Processing and Management. 51(4):433-443. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2014.11.001S43344351

    On the primordial scenario for abundance variations within globular clusters. The isochrone test

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    Self-enrichment processes occurring in the early stages of a globular cluster lifetime are generally invoked to explain the observed CNONaMgAl abundance anticorrelations within individual Galactic globulars.We have tested, with fully consistent stellar evolution calculations, if theoretical isochrones for stars born with the observed abundance anticorrelations satisfy the observational evidence that objects with different degrees of these anomalies lie on essentially identical sequences in the Color-Magnitude-Diagram (CMD). To this purpose, we have computed for the first time low-mass stellar models and isochrones with an initial metal mixture that includes the extreme values of the observed abundance anticorrelations, and varying initial He mass fractions. Comparisons with 'normal' alpha-enhanced isochrones and suitable Monte Carlo simulations that include photometric errors show that a significant broadening of the CMD sequences occurs only if the helium enhancement is extremely large (in this study, when Y=0.35) in the stars showing anomalous abundances. Stellar luminosity functions up to the Red Giant Branch tip are also very weakly affected, apart from - depending on the He content of the polluting material - the Red Giant Branch bump region. We also study the distribution of stars along the Zero Age Horizontal Branch, and derive general constraints on the relative location of objects with and without abundance anomalies along the observed horizontal branches of globular clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    A survey on author profiling, deception, and irony detection for the Arabic language

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [FULL CITE], which has been published in final form at [Link to final article using the DOI]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] The possibility of knowing people traits on the basis of what they write is a field of growing interest named author profiling. To infer a user's gender, age, native language, language variety, or even when the user lies, simply by analyzing her texts, opens a wide range of possibilities from the point of view of security. In this paper, we review the state of the art about some of the main author profiling problems, as well as deception and irony detection, especially focusing on the Arabic language.Qatar National Research Fund, Grant/Award Number: NPRP 9-175-1-033Rosso, P.; Rangel-Pardo, FM.; Hernandez-Farias, DI.; Cagnina, L.; Zaghouani, W.; Charfi, A. (2018). A survey on author profiling, deception, and irony detection for the Arabic language. Language and Linguistics Compass. 12(4):1-20. https://doi.org/10.1111/lnc3.12275S120124Abuhakema , G. Faraj , R. Feldman , A. Fitzpatrick , E. 2008 Annotating an arabic learner corpus for error Proceedings of The sixth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2008Adouane , W. Dobnik , S. 2017 Identification of languages in algerian arabic multilingual documents Proceedings of The Third Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (WANLP)Adouane , W. Semmar , N. Johansson , R 2016a Romanized berber and romanized arabic automatic language identification using machine learning Proceedings of the Third Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects; COLING 53 61Adouane , W. Semmar , N. 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