182 research outputs found

    Аналіз та порівняння понять «стиль» i «еклектика» в теорії архітектури

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    The concepts of «style» and «eclecticism» in the theory of architecture are considered. It is shown that eclecticism can be understood as a phenomenon, style direction or creative professional method depending on the position of the researcher and the aspect of consideration. In the modern period between the concepts of «style» and «eclecticism» there is no longer a sharp antagonism. By some signs, eclecticism can be considered as a stylistic direction in which neo-stylistic movements coexist, revived according to the principle of «revival». The basis of the formation of the style is always a certain ideological program, the postulates of which influence the formation of the creative methodРассматриваются понятия «стиль» и «эклектика» в теории архитектуры. Показано, что эклектика может пониматься как явление, стилевое направление или творческий профессиональный метод в зависимости от позиции исследователя и аспекта рассмотрения. В современный период между понятиями «стиль» и «эклектика» уже нет резкого антагонизма. По некоторым признакам эклектику можно считать стилевым направлением, в котором сосуществуют неостилистические течения, возрождённые по принципу «ревивалс». В основе формирования стиля всегда лежит определенная идеологическая программа, постулаты которой оказывают влияние на формирование творческого методаРозглядаються поняття «стиль» і «еклектика» в теорії архітектури. Показано, що еклектика може розумітися як явище, стильовий напрям або творчий професійний метод в залежності від позиції дослідника і аспекту розгляду. У сучасний період між поняттями «стиль» і «еклектика» вже немає різкого антагонізму. За деякими ознаками еклектику можна вважати стильовим напрямом, в якому співіснують неостилістичні течії, відроджені за принципом «ревівалс». В основі формування стилю завжди лежить певна ідеологічна програма, постулати якої впливають на формування творчого метод

    Exploring the Effect of Crowd Management Measures on Passengers’ Behaviour at Metro Stations

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    To reduce problems of interaction at the platform train interface (PTI) platform edge doors (PEDs) and markings on the platform are used as door positions indicators. The common methods to study the effect of these measures are based on average values of density using Fruin’s Level of Service (LOS), however identification cannot be made of which part of the PTI is more congested. To solve this problem, a new method is proposed. The method included a conceptual model in which the PTI was discretised into 40 cm square cells to identify which part of the platform is more congested. Passengers’ behaviour was recorded considering two situations before the train arrives: i) passengers waiting in front of the doors; ii) passengers waiting beside the doors. Observation was done at existing stations at Metro de Santiago and London Underground. Results show that PEDs changed the behaviour of passengers as they were located beside the doors rather than in front of them. In addition, when markings were used on the platform, then this behaviour was reinforced. Therefore, it is recommended to use this method to better design the PTI rather than the LOS which is used to design the whole platform. Further research is needed to study the effect of PEDs on passengers with reduced mobility

    Humans do not always act selfishly: social identity and helping in emergency evacuation simulation

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    To monitor and predict the behaviour of a crowd, it is imperative that the technology used is based on an accurate understanding of crowd psychology. However, most simulations of evacuation scenarios rely on outdated assumptions about the way people behave or only consider the locomotion of pedestrian movement. We present a social model for pedestrian simulation based on self-categorisation processes during an emergency evacuation. We demonstrate the impact of this new model on the behaviour of pedestrians and on evacuation times. In addition to the Optimal Steps Model for locomotion, we add a realistic social model of collective behaviour

    Efficient parameter search for qualitative models of regulatory networks using symbolic model checking

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    Investigating the relation between the structure and behavior of complex biological networks often involves posing the following two questions: Is a hypothesized structure of a regulatory network consistent with the observed behavior? And can a proposed structure generate a desired behavior? Answering these questions presupposes that we are able to test the compatibility of network structure and behavior. We cast these questions into a parameter search problem for qualitative models of regulatory networks, in particular piecewise-affine differential equation models. We develop a method based on symbolic model checking that avoids enumerating all possible parametrizations, and show that this method performs well on real biological problems, using the IRMA synthetic network and benchmark experimental data sets. We test the consistency between the IRMA network structure and the time-series data, and search for parameter modifications that would improve the robustness of the external control of the system behavior

    Evacuation Dynamics: Empirical Results, Modeling and Applications

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    This extensive review was written for the ``Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science'' (Springer, 2008) and addresses a broad audience ranging from engineers to applied mathematicians, computer scientists and physicists. It provides an extensive overview of various aspects of pedestrian dynamics, focussing on evacuation processes. First the current status of empirical results is critically reviewed as it forms the basis for the calibration of models needed for quantitative predictions. Then various modeling approaches are discussed, focussing on cellular automata models. Finally, some specific applications to safety analysis in public buildings or public transport are presented.Comment: 57 pages, 19 figures; to appear in: ``Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science'', B. Meyers (Ed.) (Springer, Berlin, 2008); for more information and a version with high quality figures, see <http://www.ped-net.org

    The Influence of Canalization on the Robustness of Boolean Networks

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    Time- and state-discrete dynamical systems are frequently used to model molecular networks. This paper provides a collection of mathematical and computational tools for the study of robustness in Boolean network models. The focus is on networks governed by kk-canalizing functions, a recently introduced class of Boolean functions that contains the well-studied class of nested canalizing functions. The activities and sensitivity of a function quantify the impact of input changes on the function output. This paper generalizes the latter concept to cc-sensitivity and provides formulas for the activities and cc-sensitivity of general kk-canalizing functions as well as canalizing functions with more precisely defined structure. A popular measure for the robustness of a network, the Derrida value, can be expressed as a weighted sum of the cc-sensitivities of the governing canalizing functions, and can also be calculated for a stochastic extension of Boolean networks. These findings provide a computationally efficient way to obtain Derrida values of Boolean networks, deterministic or stochastic, that does not involve simulation.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Parameter estimation for Boolean models of biological networks

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    Boolean networks have long been used as models of molecular networks and play an increasingly important role in systems biology. This paper describes a software package, Polynome, offered as a web service, that helps users construct Boolean network models based on experimental data and biological input. The key feature is a discrete analog of parameter estimation for continuous models. With only experimental data as input, the software can be used as a tool for reverse-engineering of Boolean network models from experimental time course data.Comment: Web interface of the software is available at http://polymath.vbi.vt.edu/polynome