10 research outputs found

    Intelligent Energy Management System for Residential and Community Applications

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    Part 11: Integration of Power Electronics Systems with ICT - IInternational audienceThis paper presents a Smart Storage System able to manage the energy and the smart home devices of a house for optimizing the local consumption of energy, even if there is not renewable generation. The proposed system is composed by two main systems. On the one hand, the Local Energy Management units that will be located in the houses, which are able to maintain the power consumption under a maximum reference value and to switch on/off the devices in the house by using domotic protocols. On the other hand, the Central Energy Management and Intelligent System, that receives operation data from each local unit, analyzes them using behavioral and optimization algorithms and determines the best way in which each local unit has to operate, communicating the operation references back to them

    Linked Data Methodologies for Managing Information about Television Content

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    OntoTV is a television information management system designed for improving the quality and quantity of the information available in the current television platforms. In order to achieve this objective, OntoTV (1) collects the information offered by the broadcasters, (2) integrates it into a ontology-based data structure, (3) extracts extra data from alternative television sources, and (4) makes possible for the user to perform queries over the stored information. This document shows the way Linked Data methodologies have been applied in OntoTV system, and the improvements in the data consumption and publication processes that have been obtained as result. On the one hand, the possibility of accessing to information available in the Web of Data has made possible to offer more complete descriptions about the programs, as well as more detailed guides than those obtained by using classic collection methods. On the other hand, as the information of the television programs and channels is published according to the Linked Data philosophy, it becomes available not only for OntoTV clients, but also for other agents able to access Linked Data resources, who could offer the viewer more fresh and innovative features

    The intelligent industry of the future: A survey on emerging trends, research challenges and opportunities in Industry 4.0

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    Strongly rooted in the Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems-enabled manufacturing, disruptive paradigms like the Factory of the Future and Industry 4.0 envision knowledge-intensive industrial intelligent environments where smart personalized products are created through smart processes and procedures. The 4th industrial revolution will be based on Cyber-Physical Systems that will monitor, analyze and automate business processes, transforming production and logistic processes into smart factory environments where big data capabilities, cloud services and smart predictive decision support tools are used to increase productivity and efficiency. This survey provides insights into the latest developments in these domains, and identifies relevant research challenges and opportunities to shape the future of intelligent manufacturing environments.status: publishe

    Modeling self-adaptative application for distributed computing environments

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    Los entornos de computación distribuida surgen para resolver problemas de cómputo masivo. Dentro de este campo surge el paradigma de computación Grid, basado en el uso coordinado de recursos de cómputo y almacenamiento, geográficamente dispersos, para facilitar la ejecución de dichas aplicaciones. Una de las principales características de este tipo de entornos es que los recursos que lo componen son de naturaleza heterogénea. A pesar de las ventajas que presenta esta clase de entornos, existen varios problemas relacionados con la gestión de tareas, el descubrimiento y monitorización de recursos así como la posterior selección de los mismos para realizar las tareas de una determinada aplicación. Por ello, surge la necesidad de introducir la auto-adaptación en este tipo de entornos. Sin embargo, debido a las características y principios de este paradigma, el aplicar la autoadaptación en cualquier nivel de un sistema grid se ha convertido en un reto en sí mismo. En este trabajo nos centraremos en mejorar el proceso de selección de recursos grid para optimizar la productividad de la infraestructura y mejorar el despliegue de las aplicaciones en este tipo de entornos. Para ello se propone un modelo de selección eficiente de recursos, que se encargará de buscar aquellos elementos que mejor se adapten a los requisitos de la aplicación durante su ejecución. La idea es que dicho modelo proporcione una capacidad de auto-adaptación a las aplicaciones grid. Además, el modelo será definido a nivel de usuario, sin realizar ningún cambio en la infraestructura ni en los elementos grid.The distributed computing environments appeared for solving massive computational problems. A new paradigm known as Grid Computing emerged for solving these problems by sharing computational power and storage capacities. Moreover, the resources that compose a grid infrastructure have different geographical locations. One of the main characteristics of grid environments is the heterogeneous nature of their components. In spite of the advantages of grid computing systems, there are several problems related to tasks management, resource discovery, resource monitoring and resource selection. Considering all these problems, the adaptation concept is introduced as a feasible solution within the grid community. However, applying the adaptation at any grid level has become a challenge itself due to the grid systems characteristics and principles. This work is focused on improving the grid resource selection process with the aim of optimizing the infrastructure throughput and the application execution in this type of environments. We propose an efficient resource selection model, which identifies the resources that best fit the application requirements. The main idea is that the model provides a self-adaptive capability to grid applications. Besides, the model will be defined from the user point of view. That is to say, it does not change the grid infrastructure or its elements, it does not modify or control the behaviour of these resources, and, finally, no new policies or scheduling techniques will be applied

    Linked data methodologies for managing information about television content

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    OntoTV is a television information management system designed for improving the quality and quantity of the information available in the current television platforms. In order to achieve this objective, OntoTV (1) collects the information offered by the broadcasters, (2) integrates it into a ontology-based data structure, (3) extracts extra data from alternative television sources, and (4) makes possible for the user to perform queries over the stored information. This document shows the way Linked Data methodologies have been applied in OntoTV system, and the improvements in the data consumption and publication processes that have been obtained as result. On the one hand, the possibility of accessing to information available in the Web of Data has made possible to offer more complete descriptions about the programs, as well as more detailed guides than those obtained by using classic collection methods. On the other hand, as the information of the television programs and channels is published according to the Linked Data philosophy, it becomes available not only for OntoTV clients, but also for other agents able to access Linked Data resources, who could offer the viewer more fresh and innovative features

    Linked Data Methodologies for Managing Information about Television Content

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    OntoTV is a television information management system designed for improving the quality and quantity of the information available in the current television platforms. In order to achieve this objective, OntoTV (1) collects the information offered by the broadcasters, (2) integrates it into a ontology-based data structure, (3) extracts extra data from alternative television sources, and (4) makes possible for the user to perform queries over the stored information.This document shows the way Linked Data methodologies have been applied in OntoTV system, and the improvements in the data consumption and publication processes that have been obtained as result. On the one hand, the possibility of accessing to information available in the Web of Data has made possible to offer more complete descriptions about the programs, as well as more detailed guides than those obtained by using classic collection methods. On the other hand, as the information of the television programs and channels is published according to the Linked Data philosophy, it becomes available not only for OntoTV clients, but also for other agents able to access Linked Data resources, who could offer the viewer more fresh and innovative features

    Interfaces do herói nos quadrinhos brasileiros: questões didáticas e políticas

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    No presente artigo, analisam-se três histórias em quadrinhos que se referem a episódios da história do Brasil: Barão do Serro Azul, A Revolta de Canudos e Cumbe. Com isso, pretende-se fornecer instrumental analítico e político para a práxis educativa de professores de História do Ensino Básico. Inicia-se a discussão traçando um apanhado teórico sobre o heroísmo e a história, permitindo, assim, que as obras aqui estudadas possam ser compreendidas de maneira crítica. Preocupa-se com as dinâmicas políticas, didáticas e historiográficas envolvidas na utilização dessas mídias em sala de aula. Nesse sentido, os três quadrinhos estudados apresentam um dégradé em que o primeiro traz uma visão absolutamente estereotipada desses temas; o segundo, uma visão ambígua; e o terceiro, uma perspectiva mais aprofundada e politicamente includente. Conclui-se com a necessidade de pensar-se a história e seu ensino valorizando as experiências coletivas para além das heroicas individualidades.   Palavras-chave: Heroísmo. Escravidão. Quadrinhos. Abstract Interfaces of the hero in Brazilian comics: didactic and political issues In this paper, three comic strips that refer to episodes from the Brazilian history area analyzed: Barão do Serro Azul, A Revolta de Canudos and Cumbe. With this, it is intended to provide analytical and political instruments for the educational praxis of History teachers of Basic Education The discussion begins by drawing a theoretical account of heroism and history, thus allowing the works studied here to be understood in a critical way. The concern is the political, didactic and historiographic dynamics involved in the use of these media in the classroom. In this sense the three comics studied present a gradient view in which the first contains an absolutely stereotyped view of these themes, the second an ambiguous view and the third a more in-depth and politically inclusive perspective. It concludes with the need to think about history and its teaching by valuing collective experiences beyond the heroic individualities. Keywords: Heroism. Slavery. Comics. Resumen Interfaces del héroe en las historietas brasileñas: cuestiones didácticas y políticas En el presente artículo se analizan tres historietas que se refieren a episodios de la historia de Brasil: Barão do Serro Azul, Revolta de Canudos e Cumbe. Con ello, se intenta proveer instrumental analítico y político para la práxis educativa de docentes de Historia de la Enseñanza Básica. Se iniciará la discusión trazando un levantamiento teórico acerca del heroísmo y la historia, permitiendo que las obras aquí estudiadas puedan ser comprendidas de manera crítica. Se preocupa por las dinámicas políticas, didácticas e historiográficas involucradas en la utilización de tales medios en las clases. Así, las tres historietas investigadas presentan un dégradé en que el primero muestra una visión absolutamente estereotipada de esos temas; el segundo, una visión ambigua; y el tercero, una perspectiva más profundizada y políticamente incluyente. Se concluye con la necesidad de prensar en la historia y su enseñanza valorizando las experiencias colectivas para más allá de las heroicas individualidades.   Palavras chave: Heroísmo. Esclavitud. Historietas