36 research outputs found


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    The open nature of Android ecosystem has naturally laid the foundation for a highly fragmented operating system. In fact, the official AOSP versions have been aggressively customized into thousands of system images by everyone in the customization chain, such as device manufacturers, vendors, carriers, etc. If not well thought-out, the customization process could result in serious security problems. This dissertation performs a systematic investigation of Android customization’ inconsistencies with regards to security aspects at various Android layers. It brings to light new vulnerabilities, never investigated before, caused by the under-regulated and complex Android customization. It first describes a novel vulnerability Hare and proves that it is security critical and extensive affecting devices from major vendors. A new tool is proposed to detect the Hare problem and to protect affected devices. This dissertation further discovers security configuration changes through a systematic differential analysis among custom devices from different vendors and demonstrates that they could lead to severe vulnerabilities if introduced unintentionally

    A Systematic Security Evaluation of Android's Multi-User Framework

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    Like many desktop operating systems in the 1990s, Android is now in the process of including support for multi-user scenarios. Because these scenarios introduce new threats to the system, we should have an understanding of how well the system design addresses them. Since the security implications of multi-user support are truly pervasive, we developed a systematic approach to studying the system and identifying problems. Unlike other approaches that focus on specific attacks or threat models, ours systematically identifies critical places where access controls are not present or do not properly identify the subject and object of a decision. Finding these places gives us insight into hypothetical attacks that could result, and allows us to design specific experiments to test our hypothesis. Following an overview of the new features and their implementation, we describe our methodology, present a partial list of our most interesting hypotheses, and describe the experiments we used to test them. Our findings indicate that the current system only partially addresses the new threats, leaving the door open to a number of significant vulnerabilities and privacy issues. Our findings span a spectrum of root causes, from simple oversights, all the way to major system design problems. We conclude that there is still a long way to go before the system can be used in anything more than the most casual of sharing environments.Comment: In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Mobile Security Technologies (MoST) 2014 (http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.6674

    Trojaning Attack on Neural Networks

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    MOCDroid: multi-objective evolutionary classifier for Android malware detection

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    Malware threats are growing, while at the same time, concealment strategies are being used to make them undetectable for current commercial Anti-Virus. Android is one of the target architectures where these problems are specially alarming, due to the wide extension of the platform in different everyday devices.The detection is specially relevant for Android markets in order to ensure that all the software they offer is clean, however, obfuscation has proven to be effective at evading the detection process. In this paper we leverage third-party calls to bypass the effects of these concealment strategies, since they cannot be obfuscated. We combine clustering and multi-objective optimisation to generate a classifier based on specific behaviours defined by 3rd party calls groups. The optimiser ensures that these groups are related to malicious or benign behaviours cleaning any non-discriminative pattern. This tool, named MOCDroid, achieves an ac-curacy of 94.6% in test with 2.12% of false positives with real apps extracted from the wild, overcoming all commercial Anti-Virus engines from VirusTotal

    LibiD: Reliable identification of obfuscated third-party android libraries

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    Third-party libraries are vital components of Android apps, yet they can also introduce serious security threats and impede the accuracy and reliability of app analysis tasks, such as app clone detection. Several library detection approaches have been proposed to address these problems. However, we show these techniques are not robust against popular code obfuscators, such as ProGuard, which is now used in nearly half of all apps. We then present LibID, a library detection tool that is more resilient to code shrinking and package modification than state-of-the-art tools. We show that the library identification problem can be formulated using binary integer programming models. LibID is able to identify specific versions of third-party libraries in candidate apps through static analysis of app binaries coupled with a database of third-party libraries. We propose a novel approach to generate synthetic apps to tune the detection thresholds. Then, we use F-Droid apps as the ground truth to evaluate LibID under different obfuscation settings, which shows that LibID is more robust to code obfuscators than state-of-the-art tools. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of LibID by detecting the use of a vulnerable version of the OkHttp library in nearly 10% of 3,958 most popular apps on the Google Play Store.The Boeing Company, China Scholarship Council, Microsoft Researc

    Picking on the family: disrupting android malware triage by forcing misclassification

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    Machine learning classification algorithms are widely applied to different malware analysis problems because of their proven abilities to learn from examples and perform relatively well with little human input. Use cases include the labelling of malicious samples according to families during triage of suspected malware. However, automated algorithms are vulnerable to attacks. An attacker could carefully manipulate the sample to force the algorithm to produce a particular output. In this paper we discuss one such attack on Android malware classifiers. We design and implement a prototype tool, called IagoDroid, that takes as input a malware sample and a target family, and modifies the sample to cause it to be classified as belonging to this family while preserving its original semantics. Our technique relies on a search process that generates variants of the original sample without modifying their semantics. We tested IagoDroid against RevealDroid, a recent, open source, Android malware classifier based on a variety of static features. IagoDroid successfully forces misclassification for 28 of the 29 representative malware families present in the DREBIN dataset. Remarkably, it does so by modifying just a single feature of the original malware. On average, it finds the first evasive sample in the first search iteration, and converges to a 100% evasive population within 4 iterations. Finally, we introduce RevealDroid*, a more robust classifier that implements several techniques proposed in other adversarial learning domains. Our experiments suggest that RevealDroid* can correctly detect up to 99% of the variants generated by IagoDroid

    AndroDialysis: Analysis of Android Intent Effectiveness in Malware Detection

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd The wide popularity of Android systems has been accompanied by increase in the number of malware targeting these systems. This is largely due to the open nature of the Android framework that facilitates the incorporation of third-party applications running on top of any Android device. Inter-process communication is one of the most notable features of the Android framework as it allows the reuse of components across process boundaries. This mechanism is used as gateway to access different sensitive services in the Android framework. In the Android platform, this communication system is usually driven by a late runtime binding messaging object known as Intent. In this paper, we evaluate the effectiveness of Android Intents (explicit and implicit) as a distinguishing feature for identifying malicious applications. We show that Intents are semantically rich features that are able to encode the intentions of malware when compared to other well-studied features such as permissions. We also argue that this type of feature is not the ultimate solution. It should be used in conjunction with other known features. We conducted experiments using a dataset containing 7406 applications that comprise 1846 clean and 5560 infected applications. The results show detection rate of 91% using Android Intent against 83% using Android permission. Additionally, experiment on combination of both features results in detection rate of 95.5%

    DroidMiner: Automated Mining and Characterization of Fine-grained Malicious Behaviors in Android Applications

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    Android Malware Analysis: From Technical Difficulties to Scientific Challenges

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    International audienceTen years ago, Google released the first version of its new operating system: Android. With an open market for third party applications, attackers started to develop malicious applications. Researchers started new works too. Inspired by previous techniques for Windows or GNU/Linux malware, a lot of papers introduced new ways of detecting, classifying, defeating Android malware. In this paper, we propose to explore the technical difficulties of experimenting with Android malware. These difficulties are encountered by researchers, each time they want to publish a solid experiment validating their approach. How to choose malware samples? How to process a large amount of malware? What happens if the experiment needs to execute dynamically a sample? The end of the paper presents the upcoming scientific challenges of the community interested in malware analysis

    Attacks on Android Clipboard

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    Abstract. In this paper, we perform a thorough study on the risks imposed by the globally accessible Android Clipboard. Based on the risk assessment, we formulate a series of attacks and categorize them into two groups, i.e., manipulation and stealing. Clipboard data manipulation may lead to common code injection attacks, like JavaScript injection and command injection. Furthermore, it can also cause phishing attacks, including web phishing and app phishing. Data stealing happens when sensitive data copied into the clipboard is accessed by malicious applications. For each category of attack, we analyze a large number of candidate apps and show multiple case studies to demonstrate its feasibility. Also, our app analysis process is formulated to benefit future app development and vulnerability detection. After a comprehensive exposure of the risk, we briefly discuss some potential solutions.