ISSTA 2019 - Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
Third-party libraries are vital components of Android apps, yet they can also introduce serious security threats and impede the accuracy and reliability of app analysis tasks, such as app clone detection. Several library detection approaches have been proposed to address these problems. However, we show these techniques are not robust against popular code obfuscators, such as ProGuard, which is now used in nearly half of all apps. We then present LibID, a library detection tool that is more resilient to code shrinking and package modification than state-of-the-art tools. We show that the library identification problem can be formulated using binary integer programming models. LibID is able to identify specific versions of third-party libraries in candidate apps through static analysis of app binaries coupled with a database of third-party libraries. We propose a novel approach to generate synthetic apps to tune the detection thresholds. Then, we use F-Droid apps as the ground truth to evaluate LibID under different obfuscation settings, which shows that LibID is more robust to code obfuscators than state-of-the-art tools. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of LibID by detecting the use of a vulnerable version of the OkHttp library in nearly 10% of 3,958 most popular apps on the Google Play Store.The Boeing Company, China Scholarship Council, Microsoft Researc