1,116 research outputs found

    Thermal Bending, Buckling and Post-Buckling Analysis of Unsymmetrically Laminated Composite Beams with the Effects of Moisture and Geometric Imperfections

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    This thesis is concerned with the analytical study of the thermal bending, buckling, and post-buckling of unsymmetrically laminated composite beams with imperfection under hygrothermal effects. Three different boundary conditions will be considered on this study. The non-linear governing partial differential equations are derived by taking into account the von-Karman geometrical nonlinearity for an imperfect unsymmetrical laminated composite beam. Classical beam theory (CBT) as well as first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) will be used. The effects of temperature, angle of orientation, moisture variations, imperfection, and geometrical parameters, will be evaluated and discussed. Two different laminated composite laminates will be considered: unsymmetrical cross-ply and unsymmetrical angle-ply

    Four lichen species new to Spain

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    Se presentan cuatro nuevas citas de líquenes de España, concretamente Aspicilia ruceniuro, Lecanora stenotropa, Vezdaea leprosa y Xanthoparmelia plitii. Las especies probablemente no son raras pero habían sido obviadas, bien por ser inconspicuas bien por ser similares morfológicamente a otras especies.Four species of Lichens are reported as new to Spain, namely Aspicilia moenium, Lecanora stenotropa, Vezdaea leprosa aud Xanthoparmelia plitii. The species are probably not rare, but overlooked, since they are either inconspicuous or morphologically similar to other [email protected]

    Coliform concentrations in vegetables irrigated with sewage /

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    In Search of Guidance: An Examination of Past, Present, and Future Adjudications of Domestic Violence Asylum Claims

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    L-R- is a Mexican woman who applied for asylum in the United States in 2005. She is one of countless victims of gender-based violence, which in recent decades has become a matter of international concern and which policymakers around the world have taken steps to combat. The United States has been among the nations that have made eliminating gender-based violence a priority by passing such legislation as the Violence Against Women Act ( VAWA ) and by creating two special forms of visas for victims of domestic violence. While great strides have been taken to protect immigrant women who are already in the United States, in the area of U.S. asylum (or refugee) law domestic violence has yet to be fully accepted by immigration courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals ( BIA ) as a basis for a successful asylum claim. When the United States passed the Refugee Act of 1980, it codified the definition of refugee as modified in the 1967 Protocol to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The Act also provided, for the first time, a U.S. refugee policy stating that persecuted aliens who are present in the United States and who meet the definition of a refugee can apply for asylum protection in the United States.\u2

    Desarrollo de las inteligencias múltiples a través de la metodología por proyectos

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    En el presente Trabajo Fin de Grado, se pretende fomentar el desarrollo de las inteligencias múltiples, concretamente las ocho propuestas por Howard Gardner, utilizando para ello la metodología por proyectos de trabajo. Dicho trabajo, se ha materializado en una primera búsqueda de información acerca de este tema, centrándonos principalmente en la teoría del autor que se pretendía analizar, Howard Gardner, así como, diferentes referencias acerca de la metodología principal. A continuación, se llevó a cabo una propuesta didáctica, formada por nueve actividades, a través de las cuales se han conseguido los principales objetivos de dicha investigación. Después de realizar esta investigación, podemos afirmar, que hay que desechar la idea de que la inteligencia solo se corresponde con el cociente intelectual; sustituyéndola, por la de que las personas están formadas por un conjunto de talentos o inteligencias, susceptibles de desarrollo. Además, la metodología por proyectos de trabajo es un método idóneo para potenciarlas, respondiendo a través de esta a la gran diversidad existente en cada aula.Grado en Educación Infanti

    La evolución teatral e ideológica de Dario Fo

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