61 research outputs found

    Den Herausforderungen für die psychische Gesundheit ukrainischer Veteran:innen begegnen

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    Schätzungen zufolge gibt es bereits mehr als 600.000 ukrainische Veteran:innen mit teils traumatisierenden Fronterfahrungen. Etwa 50.000 - 60.000 Veteran:innen werden vermutlich professionelle psychologische Hilfe benötigen. Um die mentale Gesundheit der Betroffenen langfristig zu gewährleisten, benötigt die Ukraine ein modernes psychologisches Behandlungsnetz

    The dangers of using diagnoses outside of established psychiatric nosology in the courtroom: Analysis and discussion of current Swiss legal precedent from a medical perspective.

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    Akin to many jurisdictions, Switzerland has a dual system of sanctions comprising sentences and measures. To order a therapeutic measure per Article 59 or 63 of the Swiss Criminal Code, the presence of a "severe mental disorder" must be determined. Before the new legal precedent, this required a medical diagnosis according to recognised classification systems like the ICD or DSM. The court then decided if a disorder was "severe" in the legal sense, thereby requiring such a therapeutic measure. However, in two 2019 rulings, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court concluded that a severe mental disorder could legally exist without a diagnosis according to the ICD or DSM, if it is based on offence- and risk-relevant personality-related factors amenable to risk-reducing therapy. We examine the details and context of the rulings, alongside their wider dangers. Specifically, we outline how undue influence could be exerted by non-ICD/DSM diagnostic systems, which were developed within individual theoretical schools of thought and lack empirical validation, like in these two court cases. Such non-manual diagnoses could make the presence of a severe mental disorder dependent upon whether an expert witness employs a particular diagnostic system, which would undermine principles of legality. Moreover, the Court's requirement that the disorder is based on personality-related risk factors amenable to risk-reducing therapy is problematic because research has highlighted the low effectiveness of treatment provided independently of a psychiatric disorder. Finally, broadening entry criteria may increase the number of offenders who require psychiatric treatment, thus endangering the quality of care for those with ICD/DSM-based diagnoses that are known to respond well to treatment (e.g. schizophrenia). In short, fulfilling the Court's request that any non-manual diagnoses are based on personality-related risk factors that are amenable to risk-reducing therapy is not possible for such non-manual diagnoses. Using unvalidated diagnoses could also render the system susceptible to ethical issues and hypothetical misuse, which may adversely affect society's most vulnerable people. To counter these dangers, we suggest that in order to be admissible in court, any diagnostic system must mandatorily fulfil sufficient scientific standards

    1. szekció: Átmenet az intézményi alapú modellekből a településorientált közösségi alapú szolgáltatásokig a mentális problémak kezelési területén

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    Kulcskérdések a mai magyar szociálpolitikában és a változtatás lehetőségei - Zárókonferencia az ELTE Társadadalomtudományi Kar, a Hilscher Rezső Szociálpolitikai Egyesület, a Gyere Egyesület és a care Europe szervezésében 3 Bugarszki Zsolt: Bevezető 7 Jan Pfeiffer: A nagy létszámú intézményeken alapuló ellátási formák átalakítása közép- Kelet-európában 13 Robert van Voren: A mentális egészség előmozdítását szolgáló ellátórendszer reformja Kelet-európában és a volt szovjet tagköztársaságokban 7 Jean-Pierre Wilken: Az ellátórendszer átalakítása Nyugat-európában. Átmenet az intézményi alapú klinikai ellátásoktól a felépülés-orientált megközelítésekbe 21 Dirk den Hollander: A hatalom elismerése, az elismerés hatalm

    COVID Isolation Eating Scale (CIES): Analysis of the impact of confinement in eating disorders and obesity-A collaborative international study

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    Confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have a serious and complex impact on the mental health of patients with an eating disorder (ED) and of patients with obesity. The present manuscript has the following aims: (1) to analyse the psychometric properties of the COVID Isolation Eating Scale (CIES), (2) to explore changes that occurred due to confinement in eating symptomatology; and (3) to explore the general acceptation of the use of telemedicine during confinement. The sample comprised 121 participants (87 ED patients and 34 patients with obesity) recruited from six different centres. Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) tested the rational-theoretical structure of the CIES. Adequate goodness-of-fit was obtained for the confirmatory factor analysis, and Cronbach alpha values ranged from good to excellent. Regarding the effects of confinement, positive and negative impacts of the confinement depends of the eating disorder subtype. Patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) and with obesity endorsed a positive response to treatment during confinement, no significant changes were found in bulimia nervosa (BN) patients, whereas Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED) patients endorsed an increase in eating symptomatology and in psychopathology. Furthermore, AN patients expressed the greatest dissatisfaction and accommodation difficulty with remote therapy when compared with the previously provided face-to-face therapy. The present study provides empirical evidence on the psychometric robustness of the CIES tool and shows that a negative confinement impact was associated with ED subtype, whereas OSFED patients showed the highest impairment in eating symptomatology and in psychopathology.This manuscript and research was supported by grants from the Ministeriode Economía y Competitividad (PSI2015-68701-R), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (FIS PI14/00290/ INT19/00046nd PI17/01167) and co-funded by FEDER funds/European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), a way to build Europe. CIBERobn, CIBERsam and CIBERDEM are all initiatives of ISCIII. GMB is supported by a postdoctoral grant from FUNCIVA. This initiative is supported by Generalitat de Catalunya. LM is supported by a postdoctoral grant of the mexican institution Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT). PPM was supported, in part, by a Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology grant (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028145). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown in Eating Disorders: A Multicentre Collaborative International Study

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    Background. The COVID-19 lockdown has had a significant impact on mental health. Patients with eating disorders (ED) have been particularly vulnerable. Aims. (1) To explore changes in eating-related symptoms and general psychopathology during lockdown in patients with an ED from various European and Asian countries; and (2) to assess differences related to diagnostic ED subtypes, age, and geography. Methods. The sample comprised 829 participants, diagnosed with an ED according to DSM-5 criteria from specialized ED units in Europe and Asia. Participants were assessed using the COVID-19 Isolation Scale (CIES). Results. Patients with binge eating disorder (BED) experienced the highest impact on weight and ED symptoms in comparison with other ED subtypes during lockdown, whereas individuals with other specified feeding and eating disorders (OFSED) had greater deterioration in general psychological functioning than subjects with other ED subtypes. Finally, Asian and younger individuals appeared to be more resilient. Conclusions. The psychopathological changes in ED patients during the COVID-19 lockdown varied by cultural context and individual variation in age and ED diagnosis. Clinical services may need to target preventive measures and adapt therapeutic approaches for the most vulnerable patients

    От политических злоупотреблений психиатрией до реформы психиатрической службы

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    Немного есть тем, которые бы так доминировали в повестке дня мирового психиатрического сообщества за последние сорок лет, как проблема злоупотреблений психиатрией в политических целях. Начиная с 1971 года, когда советский диссидент Владимир Буковский отправил сборник документов об имеющихся политических злоупотреблениях во Всемирную психиатрическую ассоциацию (ВПА) с просьбой рассмотреть их, до настоящего дня, когда вопрос о политических злоупотреблениях психиатрией в Китае все еще актуален, проблема, с одной стороны, вылилась в ожесточенные дебаты и волну возмущений, но, с другой стороны, она стимулировала продолжение дискуссии о правах человека и профессиональной этике. За эти годы Всемирной психиатрической ассоциацией, вокруг которой разворачивалось большинство дискуссий, был принят ряд этических кодексов и деклараций по правам человека, которые осуждают использование психиатрии в немедицинских целях, а также установлены механизмы для расследования жалоб на нарушение этих прав. [...

    On dissidents and madness : from the Soviet Union of Leonid Brezhnev to the "Soviet Union" of Vladimir Putin

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    (ISBN)9789042025851he book contains the memoirs of Robert van Voren covering the period 1977-2008 and provides unique insights into the dissident movement in the Soviet Union in the 1980s, both inside the country and abroad. As a result of his close friendship with many of the leading dissidents and his dozens of trips to the USSR as a courier, he had intimate knowledge of the ins and outs of the dissident movement and participated in many of the campaigns to obtain the release of Soviet political prisoners. In the late 1980s he became involved in building a humane and ethical practice of psychiatry in Eastern Europe and the (ex-) USSR, based on respect for the human rights of persons with mental illness. The book describes the dissident movement and many of the people who formed it, mental health reformers in Eastern Europe and the response of the Western psychiatric community, the battle with the World Psychiatric Association over Soviet, and later, Chinese political abuse of psychiatry, his contacts with former KGB officers and problems with the KGB's successor organization, the FSB. It also vividly describes the emotional effects of serving as a courier for the dissident movement, the fear of arrest, the pain of seeing friends disappear for many years into camps and prisons, sometimes never to returnVytauto Didžiojo universiteta