75 research outputs found

    Interest in and Willingness to Use Complementary, Alternative and Traditional Medicine among Academic and Administrative University Staff in Bloemfontein, South Africa

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    Background: Healthcare systems worldwide are changing and the use of complementary, alternative and traditional medicine (CAM) form part ofthis transformation. South Africa has a large number of CAM practitioners, but they are not included in the official healthcare system. The aim of thisstudy was to determine the perception and usage of CAM among the academic and administrative staff of the University of the Free State (UFS) in Bloemfontein, South Africa.Methods: A questionnaire was compiled and sent electronically to all the academic and administrative staff of the UFS who had a university emailaddress, to be completed online.Results: The response rate was 5.5%, with most of the respondents from the Faculty of Health Sciences. The respondents (n=165) were mainly women of 41–60 years of age with more than one tertiary qualification. Most of the respondents were in good health and considered CAM as moderately helpful and mostly safe. Most of the CAM recommendations were not from a medical physician. The respondents wanted alternatives to certain medications, such as antibiotics. They also had good previous experience with CAM and felt that conventional treatment was not always effective to treat their problems. They identified a need for CAM in the health system.Conclusion: The study has limitations due to the data collection method and the low response rate. The results showed that the respondents favored a more integrated healthcare system including different CAM therapies, and that conventional doctors should be better informed about these therapies and its uses.Keywords: perceptions; usage; complementary medicine; alternative medicine; traditional medicine; university staff

    Day clinics and hospitals - a cost comparison

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    Objective. To determine the types of surgical procedures currently undertaken in day clinics and to compare the number of procedures, the average in-facility cost, and the pre- and post-discharge costs for each procedure or group of procedures.Design. A retrospective descriptive study of medical aid claims data.Setting. Department of Family Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.Subject. Three private sector medical aid schemes with in excess of 170 000 principal members (380 000 lives).Outcome measures. For each surgical procedure. the following were compared: (i) the total number of procedures done; (ii) the average total in-facility cost; and (iii) the cost of professional fees and medicines for 7 days before admission, during admission, and for 14 days after discharge.Results. During 1997, 89 216 patients underwent surgery. Day clinics and hospitals accounted for 5 490 and 83 726 admissions respectively. Fifty-one different types of procedures were identified that met the inclusion criteria.On average the in-facility costs for 45 (88%) of the 51 compared procedures were lower in day clinics compared with hospitals. Average costs can be as much as 90% lower in day clinics. Some procedures, particularly certain dental operations, cost more in day clinics. The professional fees of attending doctors and the cost of medicines are generally higher when the procedure is undertaken in a hospital.Conclusion. In South Africa, as is the case in the USA, day clinics have the potential to reduce the cost of surgical procedures

    Medical students' perceptions of their development of ‘soft skills' Part II : The development of ‘soft skills' through ‘guiding and growing'

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    BackgroundThis paper reports on medical students' views on the ways in which their ‘soft skills' were developed. It is the result of a study on soft skills among two groups of students before and after curriculum reform at the School of Medicine of the University of Pretoria. One of the aims of the reform was to provide more teaching and learning opportunities for the development of soft skills. Soft skills include professional interpersonal and social skills, communication skills, and professional and ethical attitudes.MethodsAs symbolic interactionism was used as the theoretical framework to guide the research, qualitative methods were used to collect the data. A purposive-theoretical sample of 42 final-year medical students from the traditional curriculum and 49 from the reformed curriculum was recruited. Data were collected by means of focus groups, individual in-depth interviews and autobiographical sketches. ResultsThe same categories of comments emerged from the data collected from the study participants from both the traditional and the reformed curriculum. The students ascribed their behaviour related to soft skills to personality and innate features. They had varying opinions on whether soft skills could be taught, but there was as a strong feeling that teaching should focus on principles and guidelines for dealing with difficult situations. They believed that, in the end, they should take responsibility for their own development of soft skills. Most participants felt they could at least grow through exposure to teaching activities and the observation of role models. They also indicated that they had developed their soft skills and constructed their own identity through their interaction with others. Their definition of situations was shaped by their interactions with doctors and educators, fellow students and other health professionals. Interaction with patients was considered the most important. For both groups of students their third year was a watershed, as it is the first year of more intensive patient contact and the beginning of serious learning from interaction with patients. The views on the development of soft skills differed very little between the traditional and reformed curriculum groups, except that students who had followed the reformed curriculum felt more prepared through the increased teaching and training efforts. Further consideration needs to be given to the intention of the changed curriculum compared to the actual effect. The way in which the participants in the study described their development of soft skills could be categorised as a complex interplay between ‘being' and ‘becoming'. Instead of using the word ‘acquisition' of soft skills, ‘development' seemed to be more appropriate. The metaphor of ‘guiding' and ‘growing' also captures the development of these skills better than the terms ‘teaching' and ‘learning'.ConclusionTeaching activities in the clinical years should be adapted with a view to facilitating the students' professional growth. New models for the development of medical educators should be created and institutional barriers should be investigated.For full text, click here: SA Fam Pract 2006;48(8):15-15

    Clinical practice. Diagnosis and treatment of cow’s milk allergy

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    Introduction Cow's milk allergy (CMA) is thought to affect 2-3% of infants. The signs and symptoms are nonspecific and may be difficult to objectify, and as the diagnosis requires cow's milk elimination followed by challenge, often, children are considered cow's milk allergic without proven diagnosis. Diagnosis Because of the consequences, a correct diagnosis of CMA is pivotal. Open challenges tend to overestimate the number of children with CMA. The only reliable way to diagnose CMA is by double-blind, placebo-controlled challenge (DBPCFC). Therapy At present, the only proven treatment consists of elimination of cow's milk protein from the child's diet and the introduction of formulas based on extensively hydrolysed whey protein or casein; amino acid-based formula is rarely indicated. The majority of children will regain tolerance to cow's milk within the first 5 years of life. Conclusions Open challenges can be used to reject CMA, but for adequate diagnosis, DBPCFC is mandatory. In most children, CMA can be adequately treated with extensively hydrolysed whey protein or casein formulas

    Identification of Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis Transcript Sequences Expressed during Infection Reveals Isolate-Specific Effectors

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    Biotrophic plant pathogens secrete effector proteins that are important for infection of the host. The aim of this study was to identify effectors of the downy mildew pathogen Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis (Hpa) that are expressed during infection of its natural host Arabidopsis thaliana. Infection-related transcripts were identified from Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) derived from leaves of the susceptible Arabidopsis Ws eds1-1 mutant inoculated with the highly virulent Hpa isolate Waco9. Assembly of 6364 ESTs yielded 3729 unigenes, of which 2164 were Hpa-derived. From the translated Hpa unigenes, 198 predicted secreted proteins were identified. Of these, 75 were found to be Hpa-specific and six isolate Waco9-specific. Among 42 putative effectors identified there were three Elicitin-like proteins, 16 Cysteine-rich proteins and 18 host-translocated RXLR effectors. Sequencing of alleles in different Hpa isolates revealed that five RXLR genes show signatures of diversifying selection. Thus, EST analysis of Hpa-infected Arabidopsis is proving to be a powerful method for identifying pathogen effector candidates expressed during infection. Delivery of the Waco9-specific protein RXLR29 in planta revealed that this effector can suppress PAMP-triggered immunity and enhance disease susceptibility. We propose that differences in host colonization can be conditioned by isolate-specific effectors

    Genomic characterization of the most barotolerant Listeria monocytogenes RO15 strain compared to reference strains used to evaluate food high pressure processing

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    BackgroundHigh pressure processing (HPP; i.e. 100-600MPa pressure depending on product) is a non-thermal preservation technique adopted by the food industry to decrease significantly foodborne pathogens, including Listeria monocytogenes, from food. However, susceptibility towards pressure differs among diverse strains of L. monocytogenes and it is unclear if this is due to their intrinsic characteristics related to genomic content. Here, we tested the barotolerance of 10 different L. monocytogenes strains, from food and food processing environments and widely used reference strains including clinical isolate, to pressure treatments with 400 and 600MPa. Genome sequencing and genome comparison of the tested L. monocytogenes strains were performed to investigate the relation between genomic profile and pressure tolerance.ResultsNone of the tested strains were tolerant to 600MPa. A reduction of more than 5 log(10) was observed for all strains after 1min 600MPa pressure treatment. L. monocytogenes strain RO15 showed no significant reduction in viable cell counts after 400MPa for 1min and was therefore defined as barotolerant. Genome analysis of so far unsequenced L. monocytogenes strain RO15, 2HF33, MB5, AB199, AB120, C7, and RO4 allowed us to compare the gene content of all strains tested. This revealed that the three most pressure tolerant strains had more than one CRISPR system with self-targeting spacers. Furthermore, several anti-CRISPR genes were detected in these strains. Pan-genome analysis showed that 10 prophage genes were significantly associated with the three most barotolerant strains.ConclusionsL. monocytogenes strain RO15 was the most pressure tolerant among the selected strains. Genome comparison suggests that there might be a relationship between prophages and pressure tolerance in L. monocytogenes.Peer reviewe

    Effect of Acinetobacter sp on Metalaxyl Degradation and Metabolite Profile of Potato Seedlings (Solanum tuberosum L.) Alpha Variety

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    One of the most serious diseases in potato cultivars is caused by the pathogen Phytophthora infestans, which affects leaves, stems and tubers. Metalaxyl is a fungicide that protects potato plants from Phytophthora infestans. In Mexico, farmers apply metalaxyl 35 times during the cycle of potato production and the last application is typically 15 days before harvest. There are no records related to the presence of metalaxyl in potato tubers in Mexico. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of Acinetobacter sp on metalaxyl degradation in potato seedlings. The effect of bacteria and metalaxyl on the growth of potato seedlings was also evaluated. A metabolite profile analysis was conducted to determine potential molecular biomarkers produced by potato seedlings in the presence of Acinetobacter sp and metalaxyl. Metalaxyl did not affect the growth of potato seedlings. However, Acinetobacter sp strongly affected the growth of inoculated seedlings, as confirmed by plant length and plant fresh weights which were lower in inoculated potato seedlings (40% and 27%, respectively) compared to the controls. Acinetobacter sp also affected root formation. Inoculated potato seedlings showed a decrease in root formation compared to the controls. LC-MS/MS analysis of metalaxyl residues in potato seedlings suggests that Acinetobacter sp did not degrade metalaxyl. GC–TOF–MS platform was used in metabolic profiling studies. Statistical data analysis and metabolic pathway analysis allowed suggesting the alteration of metabolic pathways by both Acinetobacter sp infection and metalaxyl treatment. Several hundred metabolites were detected, 137 metabolites were identified and 15 metabolic markers were suggested based on statistical change significance found with PLS-DA analysis. These results are important for better understanding the interactions of putative endophytic bacteria and pesticides on plants and their possible effects on plant metabolism

    Genetic diversity, linkage disequilibrium and power of a large grapevine (Vitis vinifera L) diversity panel newly designed for association studies

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    UMR-AGAP Equipe DAVV (Diversité, adaptation et amélioration de la vigne) ; équipe ID (Intégration de Données)International audienceAbstractBackgroundAs for many crops, new high-quality grapevine varieties requiring less pesticide and adapted to climate change are needed. In perennial species, breeding is a long process which can be speeded up by gaining knowledge about quantitative trait loci linked to agronomic traits variation. However, due to the long juvenile period of these species, establishing numerous highly recombinant populations for high resolution mapping is both costly and time-consuming. Genome wide association studies in germplasm panels is an alternative method of choice, since it allows identifying the main quantitative trait loci with high resolution by exploiting past recombination events between cultivars. Such studies require adequate panel design to represent most of the available genetic and phenotypic diversity. Assessing linkage disequilibrium extent and panel power is also needed to determine the marker density required for association studies.ResultsStarting from the largest grapevine collection worldwide maintained in Vassal (France), we designed a diversity panel of 279 cultivars with limited relatedness, reflecting the low structuration in three genetic pools resulting from different uses (table vs wine) and geographical origin (East vs West), and including the major founders of modern cultivars. With 20 simple sequence repeat markers and five quantitative traits, we showed that our panel adequately captured most of the genetic and phenotypic diversity existing within the entire Vassal collection. To assess linkage disequilibrium extent and panel power, we genotyped single nucleotide polymorphisms: 372 over four genomic regions and 129 distributed over the whole genome. Linkage disequilibrium, measured by correlation corrected for kinship, reached 0.2 for a physical distance between 9 and 458 Kb depending on genetic pool and genomic region, with varying size of linkage disequilibrium blocks. This panel achieved reasonable power to detect associations between traits with high broad-sense heritability (> 0.7) and causal loci with intermediate allelic frequency and strong effect (explaining > 10 % of total variance).ConclusionsOur association panel constitutes a new, highly valuable resource for genetic association studies in grapevine, and deserves dissemination to diverse field and greenhouse trials to gain more insight into the genetic control of many agronomic traits and their interaction with the environment