153 research outputs found

    The Impact of the Semente Program on the Family-Focused Practice of Mental Health Professionals in Portugal.

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    Background: Children of parents with mental illness (COPMI) are a high-risk group. There is a strong association between parents' psychiatric disorders and the incidence of psychopathology in their children. These children need to be identified and supported by mental health workers early, and hence, clinical practice in adult mental health services needs to change from a focus on individual patients to a more systemic family focus. "Semente," a mental health promotion program developed by the Psychiatry Service of Fernando Fonseca hospital (Lisbon, Portugal), had been established to identify these children and families and promote their mental health, by decreasing the impact of risk factors and promoting protective factors. The program included preventive COPMI interventions and implementation of activities offered to families with children in the mental health care. The aim of the present study was to evaluate changes in mental health care after the training in "Child Talks" intervention (two to three psycho-educational meetings with parents and children) and implementation of the "Semente" program. Methods: Participants (N = 51) were all professionals from Psychiatric Service of Fernando Fonseca Hospital who received Child Talks training. The Family-Focused Mental Health Practice Questionnaire (FFMPQ) was used to measure change in professionals' attitudes, knowledge, confidence, and organizational structure in working with these families. All participants filled in the questionnaire before training and 10 months later. Results: The results showed that, from pre- to post-measurement, the professionals changed clinical practice significantly. The largest changes were visible in the improved provision of support at the workplace for family-focused practice and the clarity and availability of the policies and procedures. Furthermore, the skill and knowledge of the mental health workers showed significant improvement at posttest. Conclusion: The positive results of this study were not unexpected; the training, implementation of routines, and procedures as well as workplace support were aims of the "Semente" program. Interpretation of the results should be taken with caution because of the small sample and the lower reliability of some of scales of the FFMPQ. The results indicate that professionals moved from patient focus to family focus during the implementation of the "Semente" program.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social mindfulness predicts concern for nature and immigrants across 36 nations

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    Australian Research Council (ARC) [DP200101446]; Philip Leverhulme Prize; Fund for Research on Health - Quebec (FRQS) [268393]; Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies [ANID/FONDAP 15130009]; Fondecyt Program (ANID/Fondecyt) [1201788]; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [PID2021-124617OB-I00]; ERC [101018172]; China Postdoctoral Science Foundation fellowship [2021M690681]; JSPS KAKENHI [19KK0063]; Latvian Council of Science [lzp-2018/1-0402]; Polish National Science Center Grant Sonata Bis [UMO-2017/26/E/HS6/00129]; Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Research [ANID/FONDAP 15110006]; Australian Research Council [DP200101446] Funding Source: Australian Research Council; European Research Council (ERC) [101018172] Funding Source: European Research Council (ERC)Brock Bastian was supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) (grant number DP200101446), Steve Loughnan was supported by the Philip Leverhulme Prize, Catherine Amiot was supported by a Senior Fellowship from the Fund for Research on Health - Quebec (FRQS: no. 268393), Roberto Gonzalez was supported by the Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies (ANID/FONDAP 15130009), the Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Research (ANID/FONDAP 15110006) and the Fondecyt Program (ANID/Fondecyt 1201788), angel Gomez was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2021-124617OB-I00) and by the ERC Grant agreement no: 101018172, Zhechen Wang was supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation fellowship (2021M690681), Nobuhiko Goto was supported by the JSPS KAKENHI (grant number 19KK0063), Girts Dimdins was supported by the Latvian Council of Science (grant number lzp-2018/1-0402), and Michal Bilewicz was supported by the Polish National Science Center Grant Sonata Bis (grant number UMO-2017/26/E/HS6/00129).People cooperate every day in ways that range from largescale contributions that mitigate climate change to simple actions such as leaving another individual with choice - known as social mindfulness. It is not yet clear whether and how these complex and more simple forms of cooperation relate. Prior work has found that countries with individuals who made more socially mindful choices were linked to a higher country environmental performance - a proxy for complex cooperation. Here we replicated this initial finding in 41 samples around the world, demonstrating the robustness of the association between social mindfulness and environmental performance, and substantially built on it to show this relationship extended to a wide range of complex cooperative indices, tied closely to many current societal issues. We found that greater social mindfulness expressed by an individual was related to living in countries with more social capital, more community participation and reduced prejudice towards immigrants. Our findings speak to the symbiotic relationship between simple and more complex forms of cooperation in societies.WOS:0009340726000222-s2.0-8514510068336543793Science Citation Index ExpandedarticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılan - EVETMart2022YÖK - 2022-2

    The preconditions for image care in disability care:A concept mapping study

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    Inleiding:Al jaren zijn er in Nederland verschillende initiatieven in de ambulante gehandicaptenzorg met beeldzorg. Echter, van brede implementatie is, ook na de Covid-19 pandemie, nog geen sprake. Mogelijk is er een andere manier van organiseren en implementeren nodig. Het doel van dit onderzoek was de randvoorwaarden in kaart te brengen voor kwalitatief goede beeldzorg voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking, met behulp van de group concept mapping (GCM) methode. Onder beeldzorg wordt verstaan: zorg en ondersteuning op afstand tussen zorgverlener/begeleider en cliënt.MethodeEen diverse groep deelnemers deed mee aan de GCM procedure, die bestond uit het benoemen van randvoorwaarden in een online brainstorm, deze sorteren en waarderen en het interpreteren van de (door een onderzoekers geanalyseerde) resultaten.ResultatenDe concept map bestaat uit 99 opvattingen in 13 clusters. Genoemde randvoorwaarden gaan over de technologie én over beleid, intern in de organisatie en over wat er nodig is in relatie tot zorggebruikers, zijn/haar naasten, en andere organisaties.ConclusieDe concept map laat zien dat voor een duurzame implementatie van beeldzorg de verschillende randvoorwaarden gecombineerd moeten worden in zowel visie, beleid als uitvoering. Het gaat dan om onder andere applicaties, ICT-infrastructuur en ICT-ondersteuning, om training en scholing van zorgprofessionals, om de aansluiting van beeldzorg bij de behoeften, vragen en capaciteiten van cliënten met een verstandelijke beperking. Betrokkenheid van cliënten en zorgprofessionals daarbij is noodzakelijk

    Social mindfulness predicts concern for nature and immigrants across 36 nations

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    People cooperate every day in ways that range from largescale contributions that mitigate climate change to simple actions such as leaving another individual with choice – known as social mindfulness. It is not yet clear whether and how these complex and more simple forms of cooperation relate. Prior work has found that countries with individuals who made more socially mindful choices were linked to a higher country environmental performance – a proxy for complex cooperation. Here we replicated this initial finding in 41 samples around the world, demonstrating the robustness of the association between social mindfulness and environmental performance, and substantially built on it to show this relationship extended to a wide range of complex cooperative indices, tied closely to many current societal issues. We found that greater social mindfulness expressed by an individual was related to living in countries with more social capital, more community participation and reduced prejudice towards immigrants. Our findings speak to the symbiotic relationship between simple and more complex forms of cooperation in societies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Acute hunger does not always undermine prosociality

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Nature Research via the DOI in this recordData Availability: The data that support the findings of this paper are available on the OSF website (https://osf.io/zexd7/?view_only=480593713c904397a033e751a6da7a69).It has been argued that, when they are acutely hungry, people act in self-protective ways by keeping resources to themselves rather than sharing them. In four studies, using experimental, quasi-experimental, and correlational designs (total N = 795), we examine the effects of acute hunger on prosociality in a wide variety of non-interdependent tasks (e.g. dictator game) and interdependent tasks (e.g. public goods games). While our procedures successfully increase subjective hunger and decrease blood glucose, we do not find significant effects of hunger on prosociality. This is true for both decisions incentivized with money and with food. Metaanalysis across all tasks reveals a very small effect of hunger on prosociality in noninterdependent tasks (d = .108), and a non-significant effect in interdependent tasks (d = -0.076). In study five (N = 197), we show that, in stark contrast to our empirical findings, people hold strong lay theories that hunger undermines prosociality.Volkswagen Foundatio