291 research outputs found
Pobreza asociada a los trastornos de ansiedad, de personalidad y depresión en adultos del centro de salud mental comunitario “Sarita colonia”, Callao.
¿La pobreza genera trastornos mentales o son los trastornos mentales los que generan la pobreza? El vínculo entre salud mental y condiciones de pobreza, se ha convertido en un círculo vicioso. El objetivo de nuestra investigación, es determinar la asociación existente entre la pobreza y los trastornos de ansiedad, de personalidad y depresión. Para lograrlo, recurrimos a los reportes estadísticos e historias clínicas de 2,399 pacientes, hombres y mujeres de 30 a 59 años de edad, atendidos en el Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario “Sarita Colonia” del Callao, a lo largo de un período de cinco años y medio, comprendido desde enero del 2017 a julio del 2022. Bajo el paradigma del Positivismo, mediante un diseño de investigación no experimental, de tipo correlacional, transversal, con un método cuantitativo y haciendo uso de técnicas de análisis documental, se llegó a determinar el grado de asociación entre las cuatro variables de estudio. Es así que se encontró, que no existe una asociación estadísticamente significativa (p = .052; F = 2.640), entre la pobreza (variable predictora) con los trastornos de ansiedad, de personalidad y depresión (variables consecuentes), observándose que el valor obtenido de .054 [R2], significa que el 5.4% de la variabilidad de las tres variables consecuentes, no determinan o no se relacionan con la pobreza de los adultos evaluados. Aplicando un análisis de varianza (ANOVA), se halló que las variables predictoras de pobreza, serían la ansiedad (p = .020; F = 3.378) y la depresión (p = .026; F = 3.177), más no los trastornos de personalidad (p = .399; F = .992). Se recomienda la pronta medición de la pobreza bajo indicadores multidimensionales y no exclusivamente monetarios
Ansiedad estado y ansiedad rasgo asociada a la ansiedad social en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima Sur
Hablar en público, interactuar con desconocidos, comunicarse con el sexo opuesto,
expresar desagrado y sentir temor de hacer el ridículo, son situaciones muy comunes que
originan ansiedad social en nuestros estudiantes universitarios. El objetivo de nuestra
investigación, es determinar la relación existente, entre estos cinco componentes de la
ansiedad social, con la ansiedad estado (eventos estresantes) y con la ansiedad rasgo (carga
hereditaria o biológica). Para lograrlo, una muestra no aleatoria de 449 jóvenes de ambos
sexos, estudiantes de pregrado de las carreras de psicología y derecho de una universidad
privada de Lima Sur, participaron de una encuesta en línea, respondiendo dos instrumentos
validados en nuestro país: El Inventario de Ansiedad Rasgo-Estado (IDARE) y el
Cuestionario de Ansiedad Social para Adultos (CASO– A30). Mediante un tipo de
investigación correlacional, con un método cuantitativo y con un diseño transversal, se llegó
a determinar el grado de asociación entre las variables de estudio. Es así que se encontró
que existe correlación positiva y altamente significativa entre las tres variables de estudio;
existiendo una mayor fuerza de asociación entre ansiedad estado y ansiedad social (rho =
.220; p < .01), en comparación con la ansiedad rasgo y ansiedad social (rho = .153; p < .01),
por lo tanto, existe una correlación. Como principales recomendaciones, nuestra
investigación arriba a proponer a nivel de la entidad universitaria, el diseño y ejecución de
técnicas y/o estrategias como propuesta de enseñanza, para el fortalecimiento en el manejo
de la ansiedad de parte de los estudiantes, con la finalidad de que puedan gestionar y
controlar las diferentes situaciones ansiógenas que se les presenten en su vida académica
y profesional. En esta misma línea, recomienda a las facultades de psicología y derecho, el
realizar una evaluación psicoterapéutica a todos los ingresantes, así como otra posterior,
como requisito indispensable para culminar la carrera
Neolithic archaeology at the Penedo dos Mouros rock-shelter (Gouveia, Portugal) and the issue of primitive transhumance parctices in the Estrela mountain range
Located in the foothills of the north-western sector of the Estrela Mountain (Beira Alta province in central-north Portugal), Penedo dos Mouros Rock-shelter revealed a succession of three distinct archaeological horizons datable to the evolved Early Neolithic and initial Middle Neolithic, thus partially coinciding with the onset of the regional Megalithism. The find of a few caprine remains at least one possible sheep, among a large spectrum of species - swine, rabbit, hare, Iberian lynx and toad-, makes this site the oldest in the region to provide direct evidence for herding practices. Small-sized pots, expedient use of local lithic raw materials together with curated use of exogenous flint, and low density of artefacts indicate a strategy of residential mobility in line with similar evidence observed elsewhere in Beira Alta. Given previous claims of Neolithic vertical transhumance between montane plateaux -in the summer- and lowland plains -in the winter-, this hypothesis is here discussed -and refuted- based on spatial analysis of Neolithic sites, economic characterization of the period and local orographic and bioclimatic constraints.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Revisión bibliográfica sobre el uso de la planificación familiar en mujeres en régimen penitenciario
Introducción: Las mujeres en régimen penitenciario constituyen un grupo de población de alto riesgo respecto a la no utilización de métodos anticonceptivos y las tasas de embarazo no deseado. Por ello, es necesario realizar una revisión bibliográfica que analice los programas de anticoncepción en el régimen penitenciario para promocionar una asistencia sanitaria de calidad respecto a la salud sexual y reproductiva de estas mujeres.Objetivo principal: realizar una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre el uso de métodos anticonceptivos y planificación familiar en mujeres internas en régimen penitenciario.Metodología: se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica sistemática de la literatura publicada sobre el uso de métodos anticonceptivos y la planificación familiar en mujeres en régimen de internamiento penitenciario en diferentes bases de datos como PubMed, Science Direct y Cuiden Plus. En total fueron 7 los artículos utilizados que cumplían con los siguientes criterios de inclusión: estudios observacionales transversales y ensayos clínicos, publicados en los últimos 10 años y en inglés o español.Conclusiones: no existen muchos estudios sobre el uso de anticonceptivos en prisiones, siendo la mayoría de los estudios revisados de Estados Unidos en los que se ha demostrado que no existe un uso generalizado de anticonceptivos en mujeres encarceladas. Por ello, es necesario el papel de enfermería para impulsar programas de promoción y educación de la salud sexual en mujeres en régimen penitenciario.Palabras clave: planificación familiar, métodos anticonceptivos, embarazos no deseados, enfermería, mujeres encarceladas.<br /
The Evolutionary Success of the Marine Bacterium SAR11 Analyzed through a Metagenomic Perspective
The SAR11 clade of Alphaproteobacteria is the most abundant group of planktonic cells in the near-surface epipelagic waters of the ocean, but the mechanisms underlying its exceptional success have not been fully elucidated. Here, we applied a metagenomic approach to explore microdiversity patterns by measuring the accumulation of synonymous and nonsynonymous mutations as well as homologous recombination in populations of SAR11 from different aquatic habitats (marine epipelagic, bathypelagic, and surface freshwater). The patterns of mutation accumulation and recombination were compared to those of other groups of representative marine microbes with multiple ecological strategies that share the same marine habitat, namely, Cyanobacteria (Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus), Archaea (“Candidatus Nitrosopelagicus” and Marine Group II Thalassoarchaea), and some heterotrophic marine bacteria (Alteromonas and Erythrobacter). SAR11 populations showed widespread recombination among distantly related members, preventing divergence leading to a genetically stable population. Moreover, their high intrapopulation sequence diversity with an enrichment in synonymous replacements supports the idea of a very ancient divergence and the coexistence of multiple different clones. However, other microbes analyzed seem to follow different evolutionary dynamics where processes of diversification driven by geographic and ecological instability produce a higher number of nonsynonymous replacements and lower intrapopulation sequence diversity. Together, these data shed light on some of the evolutionary and ecological processes that lead to the large genomic diversity in SAR11. Furthermore, this approach can be applied to other similar microbes that are difficult to culture in the laboratory, but abundant in nature, to investigate the underlying dynamics of their genomic evolution.This work was supported by grants VIREVO CGL2016-76273-P (AEI/FEDER, EU) (cofunded with FEDER funds) from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria, y Competitividad and HIDRAS3 PROMETEU/2019/009 from the Generalitat Valenciana to F.R.-V. and by grants CGL2013-40564-R and SAF2013-49267-EXP from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria, y Competitividad; grant ACIF/2015/332 from the Generalitat Valenciana; and grant 5334 from the Betty Moore Foundation to M.M.-G. F.R.-V. was also a beneficiary of the 5top100-program of the Ministry for Science and Education of Russia. J.M.H.-M. was supported by a Ph.D. fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BES-2014-067828). F.H.C. was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Generalitat Valenciana (APOSTD/2018/186). M.L.-P. was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria, y Competitividad (IJCI-2017-34002)
Effect of Greenhouse Film Cover on the Development of Fungal Diseases on Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in a Mediterranean Protected Crop
Greenhouses on the Mediterranean coast mainly use plastic materials as their cover. The
influence of light exerted by these materials directly affects the crops by modifying the environment in which they develop. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of the use of two plastic films in an experimental greenhouse on the development of fungal diseases in two spring–summer crop cycles: tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) from february to July 2021 and pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) from February to July 2022. The study was carried out in Almeria (Spain) in a multispan greenhouse divided transversely into two sectors by a polyethylene sheet. A commercial film was installed in the east sector (90% of transmissivity and 55% diffusivity) and an experimental film was
installed in the west sector (85% of transmissivity and 60% diffusivity). In addition, the effect of the yield and quality of the harvested fruit was determined. In this study, two diseases were established
naturally on the crop: (i) powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica) in both the tomato and the pepper crop cycles and (ii) early blight (Alternaria solani) in the tomato. The analyses of both diseases showed that the areas of the greenhouse that used the plastic cover, which presented a lower sunlight
transmissivity, showed higher levels of disease than the areas that used the plastic cover that allowed greater transmissivity of light within the greenhouse, differing statistically in some phases of the crop. The marketable yield was 4.2% (for tomato) and 3.1% (for pepper) higher in the sector
with the experimental film with high transmissivity. For both crops, the quality of the fruits did not show statistically significant difference
To achieve long-term sustainability individuals, groups, and organizations need to mitigate
climate change and adapt to the new environmental scenarios. Indeed, climate change is a process that
cannot be ignored in any way any longer. Not only it is happening everywhere, and the effects are more
noticeable every year, but it has also been happening for decades with an impact on every ecosystem
of the planet. This means that climate change is a fundamental issue that affects every person, group,
and organization.
Professionally, we need as much expertise as we can gather. More practitioners are needed
with experience in every field to help mitigate climate change as much as possible while facilitating
rapid adaptation to a progressively damaging climate change.
Climate change is caused by humans and human behavior, even if some issues seem
technological and environmental problems, the origin is still human behavior. Therefore, there is a
critical need for being able to count on behavioral experts that contribute to explaining current
behaviors. Additionally, behavior change experts who are able to motivate individuals, groups, and
organizations to engage in mitigation and adaptation behaviors are equally necessary.
To achieve this, a more comprehensive range of educational opportunities is needed. This
education must be included in vocational training and applied science universities. However, nothing
will have an impact as far-reaching as education about climate change for students during their
bachelor and master programs. The capacity of highly trained professionals with behavioral change
expertise can have a trickling-down effect that will benefit the whole world.
Because of how crucial education in climate change is, an urgent need is currently a pressing
matter to provide specialized education on how to understand and improve the sustainability behavior
of people, groups, and organizations. This need to increase both the amount and quality of
sustainability-related education is met with an insufficient amount of education resources being
Creating new courses or even programs on this topic is not a realistic possibility for many
institutions. In some cases, the development of new content might not be feasible due to local
difficulties, and in other cases, climate change might not be a preference whatsoever. Therefore, it is
crucial to offer alternatives to institutions that due to factors such as lack of local expertise, different
agendas, or the difficulties linked to generating new content cannot offer education on climate change
and behavior themselves. This education alternative should be easy to implement and adapt to the
specific programs.
The most straightforward contribution to facilitating education in climate change at bachelor
and master levels is offering online courses that can be imported. Additionally, to maximize the reach
of these courses, they should include content that can be learned in a self-guided manner. The PSYCLIC
project offers the latest content about climate change and human behavior. This material will be
available to be directly imported digitally at any university program. Additionally, it has a modular
structure that is self-guided by default.
However, the education resource that the PSYCLIC project offers will not make a meaningful
impact unless the target community (i.e., institutions that could offer education on the topic of climate
change and behavior but do not do so) is eager to use the education resources that the project will
To understand if the profile of scholars that the PSYCLIC project has as the target are ready and
kin on using what the project will offer, we reached other colleagues to explore the demands and
barriers for ready to use digital education material on climate change and behavior.ERASMUS+ / Projektname: Psychology and Climate Change - Digital Education / Projekt Akronym: PSYCLI
Um indicador económico para o bronze pleno da Beira Alta : a fauna de grandes mamíferos da unidade estratigráfica 4 da "Sala 20" do Buraco da Moura de S. Romão (Concelho de Seia)
3ª Reunião do Quaternário Ibérico realizada em Coimbra de 27 de Setembro a 1 de Outubro de 199
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