29 research outputs found

    Analizando Variables del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos

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    La emisión de gases a la atmósfera se ha convertido en uno de los principales problemas de la sociedad actual. El avance de la ciencia y la tecnología podría ser una solución, pero la realidad de las aulas universitarias de ingeniería es que el número de estudiantes decrece progresivamente. Un grupo de investigación de la Universidad de Huelva desarrolla el proyecto Sustainable Urban Race (SUR) para incentivar las vocaciones técnicas en el alumnado preuniversitario. Mediante el uso del aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) los centros participantes deben construir un vehículo solar que sea capaz de transportar al menos a una persona en un entorno urbano. El ABP tradicionalmente se ha asociado con la participación de los estudiantes y los buenos resultados, sin embargo, no todas las experiencias son suficientemente satisfactorias al requerir un alto grado de organización. Aunque se conocen muchas de sus claves de éxito, aún faltan estudios que analicen los mecanismos que influyen en el éxito o el fracaso de las experiencias. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo identificar y analizar aquellas variables del ABP que influyen en el resultado del aprendizaje a través de esta metodología durante dos ediciones del Proyecto SUR (2018 y 2019)

    Sizing of horizontal buried heat exchangers, for very low enthalpy geothermal energy facilities. A case study

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    [Resumen] En la actualidad, un parámetro fundamental para el correcto dimensionamiento de las instalaciones de energía geotérmica de muy baja entalpía (VLGE), sobre todo en aquellas con enterramiento horizontal, es conocer el valor correcto de la difusividad térmica (α) del terreno (ratio entre la capacidad de conducción y la capacidad térmica, expresada en m2/s) a la profundidad a la que se realiza el enterramiento del intercambiador geotérmico. Son numerosos los métodos utilizados para su cálculo, tanto de forma teórica y aproximada, como de forma más exacta, a través de costosos ensayos realizados en el propio terreno donde se va a enterrar el intercambiador. Raramente el cálculo teórico se aproxima a la realidad, provocando que la instalación diseñada nunca llegue a funcionar de forma correcta. Esto es especialmente grave si la instalación va situada, como es habitual, debajo del edificio o vivienda, pues no admite actuaciones de mejora a posteriori. Este trabajo demuestra de forma práctica, con un ejemplo real, como la utilización de un sistema de medición de temperatura del terreno in situ, de muy bajo costo, como el diseñado y expuesto en el artículo, proporciona una herramienta útil y precisa para el dimensionado correcto de este tipo de instalaciones. El método desarrollado se compara con el teórico y se cuantifica el error.[Abstract] Currently, a fundamental parameter for the correct sizing of very low enthalpy geothermal energy (VLEGE) facilities especially in those with horizontal burial, is to know the right value of the thermal diffusivity (α) of the ground (ratio between the conduction capacity and the thermal capacity, expressed in m2/s) at the depth at which the geothermal heat exchanger is to be buried. Numerous methods are used for its calculation, both theoretical and approximate, as well as more accurate, through costly tests carried out in the ground where the exchanger is to be buried. Rarely does the theoretical calculation come close to reality, causing the designed facility to never work properly. This is especially serious if the facility is located, as is usual, under the building or dwelling, as it does not allow for subsequent improvement actions. This work demonstrates in a practical way, with a real example, how the use of a very low-cost in situ ground temperature measurement system, such as the one designed and presented in the article, provides a useful and accurate tool for the right sizing of this type of facilities. The developed method is compared with the theoretical one, and the error is quantified

    Primary School Teachers’ Perspective of Sexual Education in Spain. A Qualitative Study

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    Sexual education is a part of the teaching-learning process that addresses cognitive, psychological, physical and social aspects of sexuality. The purpose of sexual education is to provide people with knowledge, abilities, attitudes and values that will help them to have good sexual health, well-being and dignity. The objective of this study was to explore the perspective of primary school teachers regarding Sexual Education in school. A descriptive qualitative study was designed based on content thematic analysis. Fifteen open-ended interviews with primary school teachers were carried out, followed by inductive data analysis using ATLAS.ti software. Two key themes emerged from the analysis: “In search of a comprehensive approach to Sexual Education” and “Barriers to Sexual Education in schools: From the lack of training to fear of the families”. We conclude that despite the efforts to implement a comprehensive approach to Sexual Education that recognises sexuality as a right, primary school teachers face difficulties in delivering Sexual Education in schools due to a lack of training and the fear that parents will reject their children being spoken to about sexuality

    Fabry Nephropathy: An Evidence-Based Narrative Review.

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    Fabry disease (FD) is a rare, X-linked disorder caused by mutations in the GLA gene encoding the enzyme α-galactosidase A. Complete or partial deficiency in this enzyme leads to intracellular accumulation of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) and other glycosphingolipids in many cell types throughout the body, including the kidney. Progressive accumulation of Gb3 in podocytes, endothelial cells, epithelial cells, and tubular cells contribute to the renal symptoms of FD, which manifest as proteinuria and reduced glomerular filtration rate leading to renal insufficiency. A correct diagnosis of FD, although challenging, has considerable implications regarding treatment, management, and counseling. The diagnosis may be confirmed by demonstrating the enzyme deficiency in males and by identifying the specific GLA gene mutation in male and female patients. Treatment with enzyme replacement therapy, as part of the therapeutic strategy to prevent complications of the disease, may be beneficial in stabilizing renal function or slowing its decline, particularly in the early stages of the disease. Emergent treatments for FD include the recently approved chaperone molecule migalastat for patients with amenable mutations. The objective of this report is to provide an updated overview on Fabry nephropathy, with a focus on the most relevant aspects of its epidemiology, diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment options.S

    Identification and characterization of Cardiac Glycosides as senolytic compounds

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    Compounds with specific cytotoxic activity in senescent cells, or senolytics, support the causal involvement of senescence in aging and offer therapeutic interventions. Here we report the identification of Cardiac Glycosides (CGs) as a family of compounds with senolytic activity. CGs, by targeting the Na+/K+ATPase pump, cause a disbalanced electrochemical gradient within the cell causing depolarization and acidification. Senescent cells present a slightly depolarized plasma membrane and higher concentrations of H+, making them more susceptible to the action of CGs. These vulnerabilities can be exploited for therapeutic purposes as evidenced by the in vivo eradication of tumors xenografted in mice after treatment with the combination of a senogenic and a senolytic drug. The senolytic effect of CGs is also effective in the elimination of senescence-induced lung fibrosis. This experimental approach allows the identification of compounds with senolytic activity that could potentially be used to develop effective treatments against age-related diseases.We thank Matthias Drosten, Alejo Efeyan and Sean Morrison for plasmids. F.T-M. is a postdoctoral fellow from CONACYT (cvu 268632); P.P. is a predoctoral fellow from Xunta de Galicia; M.C. is a "Miguel Servet II" investigator (CPII16/00015). P.P.-R. receives support from a program by the Deputacion de Coruna (BINV-CS/2019). Work in the laboratory of M.C. is funded by grant RTI2018-095818-B-100 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE). P.J.F.-M. is funded by the IMDEA Food Institute, the Ramon Areces Foundation, (CIVP18A3891), and a Ramon y Cajal Award (MICINN) (RYC-2017-22335). M.P.I. is funded by Talento Modalidad-1 Program Grant, Madrid Regional Government (#2018-T1/BIO-11262). F.P. was funded by a Long Term EMBO Fellowship (ALTF-358-2017) and F.H-G. was funded by the PhD4MD Programme of the IRB, Hospital Clinic and IDIBAPS. Work in the laboratory of M.S. was funded by the IRB and by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (SAF2013-48256-R), the European Research Council (ERC-2014-AdG/669622), and "laCaixa" Foundation.S

    Research Group on Earth Observation, Geological Risks and Climate Change (OBTIER)

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    [EN] Within the framework of the IGME-CSIC Department of Geological Hazards and Climate Change, the OBTIER research group was created in July 2021 and currently has 22 members, including scientific and technical staff, as well as young people with contracts linked to competitive national and international research projects. The main objective of the group is to provide society with scientific information, methods, tools and solutions to mitigate the impact of geohazards and the effects of Climate Change. OBTIER is currently leading 6 competitive projects (4 European and 2 national), as well as several projects in agreement with other national and international administrations. It is an active member of the EuroGeoSurveys Earth Observation Expert Group and the ASGMI Geological Hazards Group. OBTIER offers society a wide range of capabilities on: earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, land subsidence, volcanic eruptions, droughts and floods. In 2021, the group published an article in Science entitled: Mapping the global threat of land subsidence with significant media coverage around the world.Peer reviewe

    CIBERER : Spanish national network for research on rare diseases: A highly productive collaborative initiative

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    Altres ajuts: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.CIBER (Center for Biomedical Network Research; Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red) is a public national consortium created in 2006 under the umbrella of the Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). This innovative research structure comprises 11 different specific areas dedicated to the main public health priorities in the National Health System. CIBERER, the thematic area of CIBER focused on rare diseases (RDs) currently consists of 75 research groups belonging to universities, research centers, and hospitals of the entire country. CIBERER's mission is to be a center prioritizing and favoring collaboration and cooperation between biomedical and clinical research groups, with special emphasis on the aspects of genetic, molecular, biochemical, and cellular research of RDs. This research is the basis for providing new tools for the diagnosis and therapy of low-prevalence diseases, in line with the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) objectives, thus favoring translational research between the scientific environment of the laboratory and the clinical setting of health centers. In this article, we intend to review CIBERER's 15-year journey and summarize the main results obtained in terms of internationalization, scientific production, contributions toward the discovery of new therapies and novel genes associated to diseases, cooperation with patients' associations and many other topics related to RD research

    Actas de las V Jornadas ScienCity 2022. Fomento de la Cultura Científica, Tecnológica y de Innovación en Ciudades Inteligentes

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    ScienCity es una actividad que viene siendo continuada desde 2018 con el objetivo de dar a conocer los conocimientos y tecnologías emergentes siendo investigados en las universidades, informar de experiencias, servicios e iniciativas puestas ya en marcha por instituciones y empresas, llegar hasta decisores políticos que podrían crear sinergias, incentivar la creación de ideas y posibilidades de desarrollo conjuntas, implicar y provocar la participación ciudadana, así como gestar una red internacional multidisciplinar de investigadores que garantice la continuación de futuras ediciones. En 2022 se recibieron un total de 48 trabajos repartidos en 25 ponencias y 24 pósteres pertenecientes a 98 autores de 14 instituciones distintas de España, Portugal, Polonia y Países Bajos.Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología-Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; Consejería de la Presidencia, Administración Pública e Interior de la Junta de Andalucía; Estrategia de Política de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Huelva; Cátedra de Innovación Social de Aguas de Huelva; Cátedra de la Provincia; Grupo de investigación TEP-192 de Control y Robótica; Centro de Investigación en Tecnología, Energía y Sostenibilidad (CITES