627 research outputs found
Intertwining Symmetry Algebras of Quantum Superintegrable Systems
We present an algebraic study of a kind of quantum systems belonging to a family of superintegrable Hamiltonian systems in terms of shape-invariant intertwinig operators, that span pairs of Lie algebras like (su(n),so(2n)) or (su(p,q),so(2p,2q)). The eigenstates of the associated Hamiltonian hierarchies belong to unitary representations of these algebras. It is shown that these intertwining operators, related with separable coordinates for the system, are very useful to determine eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonians in the hierarchy. An study of the corresponding superintegrable classical systems is also included for the sake of completness
Dental findings in patients with liver cirrhosis. A study of 100 cases
A study was made of the dental findings in 100 patients with liver cirrhosis (LC) by examining the number of carious, missing and filled teeth. A significantly greater number of carious and missing teeth were observed in the patients with cirrhosis than in a control group of 50 healthy individuals. In the LC group, caries were found to affect more teeth in those patients with alcohol-induced LC than in those with liver disease of other causes. Finally, no relationship was observed between the number of carious, missing or filled teeth and certain determinations including serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), serum glutamate oxalacetate transaminase (SGOT), alkaline phosphatase, platelet number, hepatitis B and C positivity markers, or antinuclear (ANA), antimitochondrial (AMA) or anti-smooth muscle autoantibodies (ASm).Une étude des fiches dentaires de 100 patients présentant une cirrhose hépatique (CH) a été réalisée en examinant l’index des dents cariées, manquantes ou plombées. Une augmentation significative du nombre de dents cariées ou manquantes a été observée chez les patients avec cirrhose, par rapport au groupe de référence composé de 50 individus sains. Dans le groupe de CH, les patients avec cirrhose éthylique avaient un plus grand nombre de caries que les autres pour lesquels l’origine de la maladie hépatique était différente. Finalement aucune relation n’a été observée entre l’index des dents cariées, manquantes ou plombées et certaines déterminations analytiques comme les transaminases alanine aminotransférases (ALAT ou SGPT), les transaminases aspartate aminotransférases ( ASAT ou SGOT), les phosphates alcalines, la numération plaquettaire, les marqueurs des hépatites B ou C, ou les anticorps antinucléaires (ANA), anti-mitochondries (AMA) ou antimuscle lisse (ASm)
Rasgos básicos del neógeno del Mediterráneo español
Mediante tecnologías de subsuelo propias de la industria petrolífera, se resumen los datos básicos tectosedimentarios de la cuenca neógena mediterránea española, su evolución y su conexión con los dispositivos conocidos en tierra.A short description of the tectonic and sedimentary processes affecting the Spanish Mediterranean Mio-Pliocene basin is presented, through the information obtained by subsurface oil industry methods
Cierre percutáneo de punción accidental del tronco braquiocefálico arterial durante un acceso venoso yugular
La realización de técnicas percutáneas, si bien se realiza de forma rutinaria en algunos hospitales, no se encuentra exenta de complicaciones (2-15 %), algunas de ellas potencialmente letales. Se presenta el caso de una punción accidental del tronco braquiocefálico como complicación de la colocación de una vía venosa central y su posterior resolución de forma satisfactoria mediante sistema de Angio-Seal
Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana
Clave preliminar de las escamas de los peces de agua dulce de España, a nivel de familiaExito reproductor del Buitre leonado (Gyps fulvus) en NavarraAlimentación del Gavilán (Accipiter nisus) en la Isla de TenerifeEl Verdecillo (Serinus serinus): Tendencias en la estación de nidificación, en el tamaño del huevo y en la supervivencia.las batidas como método de censo en especiesde caza mayor: aplicación al caso del Jabalí (Sus scrofa L.) en la provincia de Burgos (Norte de España)La adquisición de madurez sexual en el camaleón común (Chamaeleo chamaeleon)Nuevas citas de Hemidactylus turcicus en la provincia de CáceresLa focha común (Fulica atra) en la isla de Gran Canaria: nueva especie nidificante en el archipiélago CanarioTraslado de huevos en incubación por la urraca (Pica pica)Predación de Falco peregrinus sobre Oryctolagus cuniculusCuatro nuevas especies de aves para Bolivia.Sobre la utilización de nidos de golondrina común abandonados.Parasitismo múltiple del críalo (Clamator glandarius)Predación del topo de rio (Galemys pyrenaicus, Geoffroy 1811) por parte de la lechuza común (Tyto alba, Scopoli 1769)Predación del zorro (Vulpes vulpes) sobre un pollo de buitre leonado (Gyps fulvus).Vulpes vulpes L. criando en una colonia de marmota (Marmota marmota L.) en el pirineo de LéridaObservaciones sobre la incidencia de Rattus (Fischer, 1803) en los cultivos ibéricos de caña de azúcaSituación actual de la jutiita de la tierra Capromys sanfelipensis (Rodentia, Mammalia)Notas sobre la intraducción y expansión de la ardilla común en Sierra Nevada, sureste de EspañaPeer reviewe
Surgical treatment for colorectal cancer: Analysis of the influence of an enhanced recovery programme on long-term oncological outcomes-a study protocol for a prospective, multicentre, observational cohort study
The evidence currently available from enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programmes concerns their benefits in the immediate postoperative period, but there is still very little evidence as to whether their correct implementation benefits patients in the long term. The working hypothesis here is that, due to the lower response to surgical aggression and lower rates of postoperative complications, ERAS protocols can reduce colorectal cancer-related mortality. The main objective of this study is to analyse the impact of an ERAS programme for colorectal cancer on 5-year survival. As secondary objectives, we propose to analyse the weight of each of the predefined items in the oncological results as well as the quality of life.
Methods and analysis
A multicentre prospective cohort study was conducted in patients older than 18 years of age who are scheduled to undergo surgery for colorectal cancer. The study involved 12 hospitals with an implemented enhanced recovery protocol according to the guidelines published by the Spanish National Health Service. The intervention group includes patients with a minimum implementation level of 70%, and the control group includes those who fail to reach this level. Compliance will be studied using 18 key performance indicators, and the results will be analysed using cancer survival indicators, including overall survival, cancer-specific survival and relapse-free survival. The time to recurrence, perioperative morbidity and mortality, hospital stay and quality of life will also be studied, the latter using the validated EuroQol Five questionnaire. The propensity index method will be used to create comparable treatment and control groups, and a multivariate regression will be used to study each variable. The Kaplan-Meier estimator will be used to estimate survival and the log-rank test to make comparisons. A p value of less than 0.05 (two-tailed) will be considered to be significant.
Ethics and dissemination
Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the Aragon Ethical Committee (C.P.-C.I. PI20/086) on 4 March 2020. The findings of this study will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals (BMJ Open, JAMA Surgery, Annals of Surgery, British Journal of Surgery). Abstracts will be submitted to relevant national and international meetings.
Trial registration number NCT04305314
Evidence of early bottom water current flow after the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Gulf of Cadiz
• Stratigraphic framework over the Miocene-Pliocene boundary at IODP Site U1387.
• Abrupt sedimentary changes over the Miocene-Pliocene boundary.
• Clear hints for onset of Mediterranean Outflow after the Messinian Salinity Crisis.
• Evidence of bottom water currents in contouritic sedimentation and elevated Zr/Al.
• Quiet, hemipelagic sediment deposition during the Messinian in the Gulf of Cadiz.
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 339 cored multiple sites in the Gulf of Cadiz in order to study contourite deposition resulting from Mediterranean Outflow water (MOW). One hole, U1387C, was cored to a depth of 865.6 meters below seafloor (mbsf) with the goal of recovering the Latest Miocene to Pliocene transition in order to evaluate the history of MOW immediately after the end of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. To understand this history, an accurate age model for the succession is needed, but is challenging to construct, because the Miocene-Pliocene boundary is not marked by a clear biostratigraphic event in the Atlantic and coring gaps occur within the recovered stratigraphic record. These limitations are overcome by combining a variety of chronostratigraphic datasets to construct an age-model that fits the currently available age indicators and demonstrates that coring in Hole U1387C did indeed recover the Miocene-Pliocene boundary at around 826 mbsf. This boundary is associated with a distinct and abrupt change in depositional environment. During the latest Messinian, hemipelagic sediments exhibiting precession-induced climate variability were deposited. These are overlain by Pliocene sediments deposited at a much higher sedimentation rate, with much higher and more variable XRF-scanning Zr/Al ratios than the underlying sediment, and that show evidence of winnowing, particle sorting and increasing grain size, which we interpret to be related to the increasing flow of MOW. Pliocene sedimentary cyclicity is clearly visible in both the benthic δ18O record and the Zr/Al data and is probably also precessionally controlled. Two contouritic bigradational sandy-beds are revealed above the third sedimentary cycle of the Pliocene. On the basis of these results, we conclude that sedimentation associated with weak Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange, began in the Gulf of Cadiz virtually at or shortly after the Miocene-Pliocene boundary
Evidence of early bottom water current flow after the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Gulf of Cadiz
Revisión. Control fotoperiódico del tiempo de floración
The rotation of the earth results in periodic changes in environmental factors such as daylength and temperature; the circadian clock is the endogenous mechanism responsible for day-length measurement, and allows plants to anticipate these fluctuations and modulate their developmental programs to maximize adaptation to those environmental cues. Flowering represents the transition from a vegetative to reproductive phase and is controlled by complex and highly regulated genetic pathways. In many plants, the time of flowering is strongly influenced by photoperiod, which synchronizes the floral transition with the favourable season of the year. Over the last decade, genetic approaches have aided the discovery of many signalling components involved in the photoperiod pathway and here, we highlight the significant progress made in identifying the molecular mechanisms that measure daylength and control flowering initiation in Arabidopsis, a long day (LD) plant, and in rice, a short day (SD) plant. Some components of the Arabidopsis regulatory network are conserved in other species, but the difference in the function of particular genes may contribute to the opposite photoperiodic flowering response observed between LD and SD plants. The specific regulatory mechanisms involved in controlling CONSTANS (CO) expression and stability by the circadian clock and the different photoreceptors will be described. In addition, the role of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), as part of the florigen, and several other light signalling and circadian-dependent components in photoperiodic flowering will be also discussed.La rotación diaria de la tierra provoca cambios periódicos en la duración del día o en la temperatura, y el reloj circadiano es un mecanismo endógeno responsable de la medida de la duración del día; este oscilador molecular permite a los organismos anticiparse a dichos cambios y adaptar su desarrollo de manera adecuada. La floración representa la transición desde una fase vegetativa del crecimiento a una reproductiva, y está controlada por diferentes rutas, muy complejas y altamente reguladas. En muchas plantas, esta transición está controlada principalmente por la duración del día o fotoperiodo, el cual sincroniza la floración con la estación más favorable del año. En la última década, diferentes estudios genéticos han facilitado la caracterización de muchos componentes de señalización involucrados en la ruta del fotoperiodo y en esta revisión se discute el progreso reciente que se ha llevado a cabo en la identificación de los mecanismos moleculares que permiten medir la duración del día, y que controlan el tiempo de floración en Arabidopsis, una especie de día largo, y en arroz, un especie de día corto. Aunque los componentes de las rutas reguladoras de Arabidopsis parecen conservarse en otras especies, la diferencia de función de genes concretos parece contribuir a la respuesta opuesta a la duración del día observada entre especies de día largo y de día corto. Se describen los mecanismos reguladores específicos que participan en la expresión y estabilidad de CONSTANS (CO) por el reloj circadiano y por diferentes fotorreceptores. Además, también discutiremos el papel del locus FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), como parte del florígeno, y de otros componentes dependientes del mecanismo del reloj circadiano o de la señalización por luz en el control por fotoperiodo del tiempo de floración
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