94 research outputs found

    MorĂĄn, Carmen Juan RamĂłn JimĂ©nez y la poesĂ­a argentina y uruguaya en el año 48: historia de una antologĂ­a nunca publicada [RESEÑA]

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    Morån, Carmen Juan Ramón Jiménez y la poesía argentina y uruguaya en el año 48: historia de una antología nunca publicada. Madrid: Visor libros, 2014. 307 pp. (ISBN: 978-84-9895- 151-6

    Transplanted human adipose tissue-derived stem cells engraft and induce regeneration in mice olfactory neuroepithelium in response to dichlobenil subministration

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    We used immunodeficient mice, whose dorsomedial olfactory region was permanently damaged by dichlobenil inoculation, to test the neuroregenerative properties of transplanted human adipose tissue-derived stem cells after 30 and 60 days. Analysis of polymerase chain reaction bands revealed that stem cells preferentially engrafted in the lesioned olfactory epithelium compared with undamaged mucosa of untreated transplanted mice. Although basal cell proliferation in untransplanted lesioned mice did not give rise to neuronal cells in the olfactory mucosa, we observed clusters of differentiating olfactory cells in transplanted mice. After 30 days, and even more at 60 days, epithelial thickness was partially recovered to normal values, as also the immunohistochemical properties. Functional reactivity to odorant stimulation was also confirmed through electroolfactogram recording in the dorsomedial epithelium. Furthermore, we demonstrated that engrafted stem cells fused with mouse cells in the olfactory organ, even if heterokaryons detected were too rare to hypothesize they directly repopulated the lesioned epithelium. The data reported prove that the migrating transplanted stem cells were able to induce a neuroregenerative process in a specific lesioned sensory area, enforcing the perspective that they could become an available tool for stem cell therapy. \ua9 The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved
