126 research outputs found

    Simulación del algoritmo de calibración del monitor de glucosa en tiempo real Guardian RT® y evaluación de su incertidumbre

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    Se ha realizado un estudio del algoritmo de calibración y representación de los valores de glucosa del monitor continuo de glucosa en tiempo real Guardian RT®, con el fin de valorar la incertidumbre de sus medidas. Se ha utilizado una patente relacionada con dicho sistema para obtener el algoritmo más aproximado posible al ejecutado por el dispositivo. A través de la comparación realizada con el sistema de monitorización continua de glucosa en tiempo diferido CGMS Gold®, validado muy positivamente en experimentos clínicos, hemos logrado obtener de manera cualitativa la incertidumbre y fiabilidad que presentan los valores de glucosa suministrados por el sistema objetivo del estudio. En última instancia, el objetivo final es obtener el mínimo número de tomas de muestra de sangre necesarias para calibración de los monitores manteniendo una fiabilidad suficiente para su uso clínico

    Diferencias de género ante el horror moral manifiesto de un parricidio

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    Fundamento: Las diferencias emocionales de género han sido poco estudiadas desde el enfoque del juicio moral. En particular, se desconoce la incidencia de las emociones morales primarias en el juicio moral, y si los hombres y las mujeres frente al horror moral, a través del orgullo y la culpa, razonan de manera diferente sobre lo correcto y lo incorrecto. Objetivo: identificar las diferencias de género frente al horror moral manifiesto de un parricidio. Métodos: estudio descriptivo explicativo, que se aplicó el Cuestionario Moral Emocional a 170 participantes (118 mujeres y 52 hombres). Se realizó la prueba de confiabilidad de los subíndices de culpa y orgullo, cuya consistencia interna resultó buena. La prueba t de Student se realizó para demostrar las hipótesis sobre las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres. Resultados: el valor medio del subíndice de horror moral obtenido por las mujeres fue mayor que el de los hombres. Sin embargo, no hubo diferencias importantes en el juicio moral emocional, ni con respecto a los índices de culpa u orgullo. Conclusión: las mujeres expresan mayor horror ante un estímulo moral violento. Se observó cierto comportamiento inverso entre culpa y orgullo en los participantes. Las diferencias de género, significativas o no, pueden deberse a la regulación emocional.Background: Emotional gender differences have been little studied from the perspective of moral judgment. In particular, the incidence of primary moral emotions on moral judgment is unknown, and whether men and women in the face of moral horror, through pride and guilt, think differently about right and wrong. Objective: to identify gender differences facing the manifest moral horror of a parricide. Methods: descriptive explanatory study, which applied the Emotional Moral Questionnaire to 170 participants (118 women and 52 men). The reliability test of the guilt and pride subscripts was performed, whose internal consistency was good. Student’s t-test was performed to demonstrate the hypotheses about the differences between men and women. Results: the average value of the moral horror subscript obtained by women was higher than that of men. However, there were no significant differences in emotional moral judgment, nor with respect to rates of guilt or pride. Conclusion: women express greater horror at a violent moral stimulus. A certain reverse behavior between guilt and pride was observed in the participants. Gender differences, significant or not, may be due to emotional regulation

    Chiral microneedles from an achiral bis(boron dipyrromethene): spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking leading to a promising photoluminescent organic material

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    Supramolecular self-assembly of a highly flexible and achiral meso bis(boron dipyrromethene) [bis-(BODIPY)] dye straightforwardly yields fluorescent micro-fibers, exhibiting an intriguing anisotropic photonic behavior. This performance includes the generation of chiroptical activity owing to spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking (SMSB). Repetition of several self-assembly experiments demonstrates that the involved SMSB is not stochastic but quasi deterministic in the direction of the induced chiral asymmetry. The origin of these intriguing (chiro)photonic properties is revealed by fluorescent microspectroscopy studies of individual micrometric objects, combined with X-ray diffraction elucidation of microcrystals. Such a study demonstrates that J-like excitonic coupling between bis(BODIPY) units plays a fundamental role in their supramolecular organization, leading to axial chirality. Interestingly, the photonic behavior of the obtained fibers is ruled by inherent nonradiative pathways from the involved push-pull chromophores, and mainly by the complex excitonic interactions induced by their anisotropic supramolecular organization

    Exploring N-BODIPYs as Privileged Scaffolds to Build Off/On Fluorescent Sensors by PET

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    A new N-boron dipyrromethene (N-BODIPY) substituted with a crown ether moiety has been synthesized by reaction of an F-BODIPY with a crown-ether-substituted bis(sulfonamide). The workability of this N-BODIPY as an off/on sensor for cations by modulation of a photoinduced electron transfer (PET) is explored. The new N-BODIPY demonstrates the possibilities of functionalization of these still unexplored but promising dyes

    Knowledge, attitudes and preventive practices of primary health care professionals towards alcohol use: A national, cross-sectional study

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    Introduction Primary care (PC) professionals' knowledge about alcohol use has been identified as one of the barriers PC providers face in their clinic. Both PC professionals' level of training and attitude are crucial in the clinical practice regarding alcohol use. Objective To evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and preventive practices of Spanish PC physicians and nurses towards alcohol use. Design An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, multi-center study. Methodology Location: PC centers of the Spanish National Health System (NHS). Participants: PC physicians and nurses selected randomly from health care centers, and by sending an e-mail to semFYC and SEMERGEN members. Healthcare providers completed an online survey on knowledge, attitude, and follow-up recommendations for reducing alcohol intake. A descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate statistical analysis was conducted (p<0.05). Results Participants: 1, 760 healthcare providers completed the survey (75.6% [95% CI 73.5-77.6] family physicians; 11.4% [95% CI 9.9-12.9] medical residents; and 12.5% [95% CI 10.9-14.1] nurses), with a mean age of 44.7 (SD 11.24, range: 26-64, 95% CI: 47.2-48.2). Knowledge was higher in family physicians (p<0.001), older professionals (Spearman's r = 0.11, p<0.001), and resident trainers (p<0.001). The PC professional most likely to provide advice for reducing alcohol use was: a nurse (p<0.001), female (p = 0.010), between 46 and 55 years old (p <0.001). Conclusions PC providers' knowledge and preventive practices regarding alcohol use are scarce, hence specific training strategies to increase their knowledge and improve their attitude and skills with regard to this health problem should be considered a healthcare policy priority

    Prevalence of hazardous alcohol use among Spanish primary care providers

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    BackgroundAlcohol use by health care professionals is one of the potential factors that may affect the prevention of hazardous drinking in Primary Care (PC). The objective of the study was to estimate the prevalence of hazardous alcohol use by PC professionals and assess the existing relationship between socio-demographic and occupational variables of PC professionals and their alcohol use.MethodsA descriptive, cross-sectional, observational, multicenter study was performed. Location: PC sites of the Spanish National Health Care System (NHS). Participants: Physicians and nurses, who completed an online questionnaire intended to identify the pattern of hazardous alcohol use through the AUDIT-C test. The study population was recruited through random sampling stratified by regions of the PC sites in the NHS. The primary measurements: Frequency of alcohol use, number of drinks containing alcohol on a typical day, frequency of six or more drinks on one occasion.ResultsOne thousand seven hundred sixty professionals completed the questionnaire. Hazardous alcohol use was detected in 27.80% (95% CI: 25.5-29.7) of PC providers. The prevalence of hazardous alcohol use was higher in males (34.2%) [95% CI: 30.4-37.6] and professionals aged 56years or over (34.2%) [95% CI: 28.2-40.2]. The multiple logistic regression analysis revealed a higher hazardous use in males (OR=1.52; 95% CI: 1.22-1.90), PC physicians (OR=1.42; 95% CI: 1.01-2.02) and professionals with more time worked (OR=1.03; 95% CI: 1.01-1.05).ConclusionOur study shows the current prevalence of hazardous alcohol use among Spanish PC providers, revealing a higher percentage of hazardous alcohol use in healthcare professionals compared to the Spanish general population. Further interventions are required to increase the awareness of negative consequences derived from alcohol use among PC professionals and its impact on the clinical setting

    Knowledge, attitudes and preventive practices of primary health care professionals towards alcohol use: A national, cross-sectional study.

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    Introduction Primary care (PC) professionals' knowledge about alcohol use has been identified as one of the barriers PC providers face in their clinic. Both PC professionals’ level of training and attitude are crucial in the clinical practice regarding alcohol use. Objective To evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and preventive practices of Spanish PC physicians and nurses towards alcohol use. Design An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, multi-center study. Methodology Location: PC centers of the Spanish National Health System (NHS). Participants: PC physicians and nurses selected randomly from health care centers, and by sending an e-mail to semFYC and SEMERGEN members. Healthcare providers completed an online survey on knowledge, attitude, and follow-up recommendations for reducing alcohol intake. A descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate statistical analysis was conducted (p<0.05). Results Participants: 1,760 healthcare providers completed the survey (75.6% [95% CI 73.5–77.6] family physicians; 11.4% [95% CI 9.9–12.9] medical residents; and 12.5% [95% CI 10.9–14.1] nurses), with a mean age of 44.7 (SD 11.24, range: 26–64, 95% CI: 47.2–48.2). Knowledge was higher in family physicians (p<0.001), older professionals (Spearman's r = 0.11, p<0.001), and resident trainers (p<0.001). The PC professional most likely to provide advice for reducing alcohol use was: a nurse (p <0.001), female (p = 0.010), between 46 and 55 years old (p <0.001). Conclusions PC providers’ knowledge and preventive practices regarding alcohol use are scarce, hence specific training strategies to increase their knowledge and improve their attitude and skills with regard to this health problem should be considered a healthcare policy priority.post-print507 K

    Myxomycete diversity in the coastal desert of Peru with emphasis on the lomas formations

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    Results obtained from the first survey for myxomycetes in the hyperarid areas of Peru are reported. Sampling over three consecutive years was carried out at 96 localities between 0 and 1500 m elevation. A total of 78 species from 23 genera in all 6 myxomycete orders were determined from 723 collections of myxomycetes. One new species, <em>Didymium peruvianum</em>, is described, 2 species new to the Neotropics, 4 new records for South America and 41 additional new species for Peru are reported, increasing the country catalogue by over 50%. Results show that arid areas are rich in myxomycetes, and that each area has a unique species assemblage. Endemic plants had a particular relevance as myxomycete substrates. The predominance of the order Physarales in arid areas is reinforced, and the ecological importance of coastal fogs (garúas) is evident from the results. Comments are included on interesting or rare collections, as are SEM micrographs of several species and statistical evaluation of the results.<br><br>Se dan a conocer los resultados del primer estudio realizado sobre los Myxomycetes de las regiones hiperáridas de Perú. El muestreo, realizado en tres años consecutivos, se ha llevado a cabo en 96 localidades situadas entre 0 y 1500 m de altitud. En total se obtuvieron 723 colecciones de mixomicetes, pertenecientes a 6 órdenes, 23 géneros y 78 especies. Se describe una nueva especie, <em>Didymium peruvianum</em>, 2 especies se citan por primera vez en el Neotrópico, 4 son nuevos registros para América del Sur y 41 especies más son nuevos registros para Perú, con lo que el catálogo del país se incrementa en un 50%. Los resultados muestran que las zonas áridas son ricas en mixomicetes, y que cada area tiene un conjunto único de especies. Las plantas endémicas, dominantes en estos ambientes, tuvieron una relevancia especial como sustrato para los myxomycetes. Se pone de manifiesto el predominio de los representantes del órden Physarales en las zonas áridas, lo que refuerza resultados previos, así como la importancia ecológica de las nieblas costeras (garúas). Se incluyen comentarios de las especies más interesantes o poco comunes, así como fotografías realizadas con microscopio electrónico de barrido, y una evaluación estadística de los resultados

    Leishmania infection in cats and feline leishmaniosis: an updated review with a proposal of a diagnosis algorithm and prevention guidelines

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    Daño cardiaco frente a hepático por consumo de bebidas energizantes en ratas cepa Holtzman

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    RESUMENObjetivo: El consumo de bebidas energéticas (BE) está aumentando principalmente en jóvenes, debido a que promete mejorar el estado de alerta, el rendimiento físico y cognitivo y evita la fatiga. En nuestro país, una BE tiene alta concentración de cafeína y azúcar por botella, y es altamente comercializada y barata. Sin embargo, las BE tienen efectos adversos como complicaciones cardiovasculares, neurales y gastrointestinales. Los estudios indican un mayor daño en hígado y corazón, señalados por altos niveles séricos de GOT y daño tisular. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es determinar si el corazón o hígado, presenta más daño por consumo de BE en ratas Holtzman. Métodos: Se clasificaron 32 ratas Holtzman macho aleatoriamente en dos grupos con tratamientos diferentes por administración oral. El Grupo 1 (Control) recibió agua potable y el Grupo 2 (Experimental) recibió una bebida energética de 5,49 ml / 260 g; ambos grupos durante 30 días. Se proporcionó aclimatación previa y alimento. Durante el período experimental, hubo cuatro extracciones de sangre para análisis de GOT sérico. Se sacrificaron por exanguinación bajo anestesia obteniendo muestras de corazón e hígado. Resultados: Se encontró aumento de la concentración sérica de GOT en el grupo experimental comparado con el control. El análisis histológico que evaluó congestión vascular, necrosis y edema en ambos tejidos, reveló que el corazón tenía mayor daño que el hígado. Conclusión: El tejido cardiaco presenta mayor daño que el tejido hepático por consumo de BE en ratas Holtzman macho, manifestados por incremento de GOT y alteraciones histopatológicas.Palabras clave: Bebidas energéticas, transaminasas glutámicas oxaloacéticas (GOT), daño cardiaco, daño hepático. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17268/rmt.2019.v14i03.0