214 research outputs found

    A percepção do enfermeiro da estratégia saúde da família sobre a saúde do homem

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    Objetivo: Analisar a percepo do enfermeiro da Estratgia Sade da Famlia sobre a sade do homem. Metodologia: uma pesquisa bibliogrfica, de natureza qualitativa e descritiva. A coleta das informaes se deu por meio da reviso de artigos pesquisados em base de dados eletrnicos da Biblioteca Virtual em Sade (BVS BIREME). Resultados: Foram identificados 11 artigos que atendiam os critrios de incluso e que foram publicados entre 2009 e 2013. Com base na anlise de contedo optou-se pela definio de trs categorias para a discusso dos resultados. So elas, Os saberes sobre a Poltica Nacional de Ateno Integral a Sade do Homem, Barreiras e dificuldades para o atendimento integral sade dos homens e Atividades realizadas pelos enfermeiros para os homens. Os dados analisados evidenciaram diversas barreiras de acesso dos homens aos servios de sade na Ateno Primria, desde aspectos como culturais a at mesmo barreiras institucionais revelando como as atitudes em relao ao cuidado com a sade do homem ainda est relacionado ao gnero. Concluso: O estudo permitiu compreender que a criao da Poltica foi crucial para que se iniciasse uma modificao na maneira de tratar e acolher os homens nos servios de sade, porm, ainda h uma necessidade de se investir na divulgao da mesma tanto para a populao quanto para os profissionais. Descritores: Sade do homem; Ateno Primria Sade; Enfermagem

    NECOBELAC, a European project to promote the diffusion of scientific information in public health

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    NECOBELAC is a three-year Project started on February 1st 2009 and funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Program. NECOBELAC stands for Network of Collaboration Between Europe, Latin American and Caribbean Countries, and aims at enhancing the production and dissemination of quality scientific information in the field of public health. More precisely it focuses on two main objectives: 1) the promotion of training initiatives intended to improve the scientific writing skills of all professionals working in the health-related areas and 2) the implementation of scholarly communication systems based on the concept of immediate, open and permanent access to research results. The six partners involved in the Project are represented by academic and scientific institutions (from Italy (project coordinator), UK, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, and Colombia) which have gained sound experience in providing information services and outputs through networked initiatives. In this respect, the Project intends to raise awareness on shared principles of good practice among all stakeholders (authors, editors, publishers, information professionals, funding agencies, institutions, learning societies) of the scientific information chain and to promote a cultural change in the information production and dissemination process. The impact of the Project will be measured also by considering the outputs of the activities undertaken by the Project

    Optimized Method for Locating the Source of Voltage Sags

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    Short-Duration Voltage Variations (SDVVs) are the power quality disturbances (PQD) that mainly affect industrial systems, and are originated for various reasons, in particular short circuits over large areas, even those originating in remote points of the electrical system. The location problem aims to indicate the area or region or distance from the substation that is connected to the source causing the voltage sags, and is a fundamental task to ensure good power quality. One of the strategies used to determine the location of sources causing SDVVs and for an implementation of machine learning algorithms in modern distribution networks, called Smart Grids. Monitoring a Smart Grid plays a key role, however mostly it generates a large volume of data (Big Data) and as a result, multiple challenges arise due to the properties of this data such as volume, variety and velocity. This work presents an optimization through genetic algorithm to select meters which already exist in the Smart Grid, using a voltage sag location method in order to reduce the data obtained and analyzed throughout the localization process. Optimization was evaluated through a comparison with a non-optimized localization method, this comparison showed a difference between the hit rates of less than 1%


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    The private sector of education has been increasing its participation in Brazilian higher education. Between 1997 and 2007, the respective sector grew 394%, which represents an average of 17.30% per annum. However, from the year 2008 it can be seen that this expansion cycle came to an end, as the growth has stagnated in most reasonable rates around 3%, creating more challenges and the need of professionalization of the sector (HOPER, 2009). From this scenario, this work proposes to conduct a study of sectorial factors that influence private higher education in Brazil, in order to provide data and information for decision making by the government, maintainers groups, institutions maintained, and the whole community. For this, we conducted an exploratory study, of qualitative nature, by means of bibliographic data collection and interviews with managers from seven private higher education institutions nationally recognized. The results showed that there is a strong influence of the sectorial factors in private institutions of higher education, which should then monitor them properly. The executives interviewed highlighted the importance of these factors, which can turn into big enemies or powerful allies, in a scenario ever more challenging and competitive

    Cavity filling mutations at the thyroxine-binding site dramatically increase transthyretin stability and prevent its aggregationres

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    Altres ajuts: SUDOE INTERREG IV B (SOE4/P1/E831 to S.V.) and FEDER funds through the Operational Competitiveness Programme - COMPETE [grant number FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022718 (PEST-c/SAU/LA0002/2011) FCT-FEDER forunit 4293 in partnership with PT2020].More than a hundred different Transthyretin (TTR) mutations are associated with fatal systemic amyloidoses. They destabilize the protein tetrameric structure and promote the extracellular deposition of TTR as pathological amyloid fibrils. So far, only mutations R104H and T119M have been shown to stabilize significantly TTR, acting as disease suppressors. We describe a novel A108V non-pathogenic mutation found in a Portuguese subject. This variant is more stable than wild type TTR both in vitro and in human plasma, a feature that prevents its aggregation. The crystal structure of A108V reveals that this stabilization comes from novel intra and inter subunit contacts involving the thyroxine (T 4) binding site. Exploiting this observation, we engineered a A108I mutation that fills the T 4 binding cavity, as evidenced in the crystal structure. This synthetic protein becomes one of the most stable TTR variants described so far, with potential application in gene and protein replacement therapies

    Tratamento odontológico de pacientes com leucemia: revisão integrativa

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    A leucemia é um câncer que afeta o sangue e se caracteriza pelo acúmulo de células malignas na medula óssea e no sangue A leucemia pode aparecer primeiro na boca, com sintomas como sangramento, inchaço e úlceras gengivais. O presente artigo visa compreender os impactos do tratamento odontológico na qualidade de vida de pacientes com leucemia. A pesquisa utilizou descritores para abranger os aspectos clínicos e de bem-estar psicossocial dos pacientes, como tratamento odontológico, qualidade de vida, leucemia, manifestações bucais, pacientes oncológicos e câncer na odontologia. Para realizar a revisão integrativa, foram consultadas bases de dados renomadas, como MEDLINE, LILACS, BBO - Odontologia e Google Acadêmico, garantindo uma abordagem abrangente e multilíngue. O processo resultou em um total de 97 artigos, 72 artigos foram excluídos por não atenderem aos critérios de seleção predefinidos, 10 foram excluídos após análise detalhada dos resumos, e 15 foram selecionados para a análise e discussão. Os resultados sugerem a relevância do cuidado odontológico na qualidade de vida de indivíduos diagnosticados com leucemia, e que há conexão entre a leucemia e as complicações bucais, enfatizando o papel essencial do cirurgião-dentista no gerenciamento dessas complicações. A crescente presença de pacientes oncológicos em consultórios destaca a necessidade de uma abordagem multidisciplinar para lidar com as manifestações orais decorrentes de diversos tratamentos, desde o diagnóstico até o pós-tratamento

    Impactos da COVID-19 na odontologia: revisão integrativa

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    As pandemias são doenças contagiosas que se espalham globalmente, e a COVID-19, causada pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2, emergiu em dezembro de 2019 na China. O estudo explora como a pandemia alterou os protocolos de segurança, atendimento ao paciente e fluxo de trabalho em consultórios odontológicos, bem como os efeitos do longo prazo dessas mudanças. A pesquisa enfoca os resultados de estudos publicados entre 2020 e 2023 em bases de dados como a MEDLINE, LILACS e BBO - Odontologia. Foi revisada a literatura científica sobre os efeitos da pandemia de COVID-19 na prática odontológica, considerando os aspectos de biossegurança, atenção aos pacientes e organização dos serviços. Foram selecionados 13 artigos que apresentaram evidências relevantes sobre o tema, abordando as mudanças necessárias para garantir a qualidade e a segurança do atendimento odontológico durante e após a crise sanitária. Conclui-se que a pandemia exigiu adaptações rápidas e eficientes para garantir a continuidade do atendimento odontológico de qualidade e a segurança de pacientes e profissionais. Entre as principais medidas adotadas, destacam-se a triagem rigorosa dos pacientes, o uso de equipamentos de proteção individual, a higienização frequente das superfícies e a redução de procedimentos que geram aerossóis. Ressalta-se o papel da teleodontologia na orientação e acompanhamento dos pacientes, especialmente os mais vulneráveis, e na promoção da educação em saúde bucal. Além disso, a pandemia estimulou o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e técnicas minimamente invasivas para prevenir e tratar as doenças bucais

    Effect of Erica australis extract on Caco-2 cells, fibroblasts and selected pathogenic bacteria responsible for wound infection

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    Plants from the genus Erica are used in many countries to treat several ailments. In this work we intend to evaluate the potential in vivo benefits of Erica australis L. by testing in vitro the effect induced by the plant extract when in contact with BJ fibroblasts (3 and 9 hours) and Caco-2 cells (3, 6 and 24 hours). Effects on five pathogenic microorganisms(Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes) were also determined. It was found that the extracts enhanced fibroblast proliferation (maximum of 484% of control at 6 hour exposure) while Caco-2 cells viability was reduced in a concentration and time dependent manner (minimum of 22.3% of control at 24 hour exposure). Antimicrobial effects were also detected, with differences registered among the plant parts and solvent used, with the lowest minimum concentration for diffusion inhibition (MCDI) of 1 mg/mL. Results obtained with the fibroblasts and bacteria strongly show that this plant has potential to be used in wound healing as a stimulant of fibroblast growth and disinfection, as well as an antibiotic. Results obtained with Caco-2 cells indicate this plant also has some potential for and application as anticancer agent


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    O presente estudo tem o objetivo descrever, através de censo visual, a distribuição espacial da comunidade de acanturídeos em uma poça de maré de Serrambi (PE). Foram amostradas a abundância e a distribuição das três espécies de cirurgiões mais comuns no Brasil: Acanthurus bahianus, A. chirurgus e A. coeruleus. Os resultados sugerem que A. bahianus foi a espécie mais abundante na poça, e a presença de muitos indivíduos jovens indica provavelmente que o período de abril a junho é uma época de recrutamento desta espécie. Comparando a distribuição espacial das três espécies, verificou-se que A. coeruleus ocupa mais freqüentemente a parte mais funda da poça, enquanto A. bahianus permanece mais entocado, e A. chirurgus distribui-se mais em áreas intermediárias em poças de maré.   ABSTRACT Spatial distribuition of Acanthuridae species in a tide pool, Serrambi, Pernambuco. The present study has the objective to describe the special distribution of acanturids in a tide pool of Serrambi (PE), through sub-aquatic visual censes. It was sampled the abundance and distribution of the three species of more common surgeons in Brazil: Acanthurus bahianus, Acanthurus chirurgus and Acanthurus coeruleus. The results suggest that A. bahianus was the most abundant species in the pool, and the presence of many young individuals probably indicate that the period of April to June is a time of recruitment of this species. Comparing the space distribution of these three species, it was verified that A. coeruleus more frequently swim near subtract, while A. bahianus stays into reef holes and A. chirurgus occupied more regions in the tide pool. Keywords: Acanthuridae, spacial distribution, visual cense, tide pool

    From opportunity seeking to gap filling: Reframing Brazil in Lusophone Africa

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    This chapter inquires whether Brazil’s headways in Africa over recent years were organic in nature and in content or, in fact, were achieved at the expense of other previously established actors. By reframing Brazil’s agenda towards African lusophone countries in juxtaposition to the perceived external downturn of Portugal, the propitious context and consequences of a new player on the continent can be best brought into evidence. The push-and-pull forces enacted by both Brazil and Portugal towards Lusophone Africa are explored through the aftermath of the 2012 military coup in Guinea-Bissau and the adhesion of Equatorial Guinea to the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) in 2014. The chapter offers a reinterpretation of Brazil’s net gains in Africa and argues for its fragility and susceptibility to changing political-economic cycles.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio