155 research outputs found

    Representing Libras Poetry on Video

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    Fernanda de Araujo Machado has taught Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and literature of Brazilian sign Language at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. since 2014. She completed her Masters degree in 2013 on Symmetry in Sign Language poetry and defended her PhD on anthologies of Libras poetry in 2017.Fernanda de Araujo Machado has taught Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and literature of Brazilian sign Language at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. since 2014. She completed her Masters degree in 2013 on Symmetry in Sign Language poetry and defended her PhD on anthologies of Libras poetry in 2017

    Publicidade para causas sociais: apontamentos sobre a experiência do laboratório universitário de publicidade aplicada (LUPA)

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    Este artículo se centra en la comunicación publicitaria de la tecnología social, cultural y contemporánea.  Y también el papel de la Universidad Pública en la enseñanza, la extensión y temas de investigación sobre el consumo, la publicidad y la responsabilidad social. El informe del Laboratorio de la Universidad de Publicidad Aplicada (LUPA) nos llevó a comprender la importancia de la agencia en el proceso experimental de formación académica.Este artigo aborda a comunicação publicitária diante das transformações sociais, culturais e tecnológicas contemporâneas. E também o papel da Universidade Pública no ensino, extensão e pesquisa de temas sobre o consumo, publicidade e responsabilidade social. O relato sobre o Laboratório Universitário de Publicidade Aplicada (LUPA) nos levou a compreender a importância da agência experimental no processo de formação acadêmica.This article is about the advertising communication related to social,  cultural and contemporary technology transformation. It also describes the role of the Public University in teaching, research and extension in subject of consumption, advertising and social responsibilities. A report about the University Laboratory of Applied Advertising (LUPA) led us to understand the importance of experimental agency on theacademic formation process

    Prevalence of red blood cell alloimmunization in multiply transfused patients

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    Introduction: To analyze the prevalence of alloantibodies in multiply transfused patients. Methods: This study was a retrospective, exploratory and descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The study sample comprised 185 patients transfused at a referral service in the city of Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, from January 2016 to February 2018. Results: Overall, the antibodies identified were as follows: anti-E in 47 patients (18%), anti-D and anti-K in 28 patients each (11%), anti-C in 21 patients (8.1%), and inconclusive antibody results in 23 patients (8.9%). Females were a majority (55.7%), mean age was 48.8 years and mean quantity of blood transfused was 7.2 bags. Cardiovascular disorders were the most common comorbidities, in 39 patients (21.2%), followed by oncological disorders, in 38 patients (18.4%). Conclusion: Alloimmunization is an important and frequent clinical condition that increases the risk of hemolytic reactions and is associated with significant patient morbidity and mortality

    Terapias conductuales y cognitivas : ¿olas del mismo mar o playas diferentes?

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    Este artigo teórico tem como objetivo discutir a pertinência da nomenclatura de ondas ou gerações de psicoterapias comportamentais e cognitivas com base no modelo teórico, no objetivo terapêutico e no método clínico de cada uma delas. Inicialmente, apresenta-se uma síntese da proposta de Steven Hayes. Depois, é realizada uma análise crítica com base nas particularidades e especificidades terapêuticas de cada abordagem, discutindo e argumentando se configuram praias diferentes. Por fim, conclui-se que a integração de diferentes abordagens na psicoterapia deve ser uma decisão técnica do psicólogo, considerando as aproximações e os distanciamentos teóricos que cada método possui.This theoretical article discusses the relevance of the waves or generations nomenclature of behavioral and cognitive psychotherapies based on their theoretical model, therapeutic goal, and clinical methods. Initially, a synthesis of Steven Hayes' proposal is presented. Then, a critical analysis based on the therapeutic specificities of each approach is performed, discussing, and arguing whether they configure different "beaches". One concludes that the integration of different approaches in psychotherapy must be a technical decision of the psychologist, who must consider the theoretical framework of each method.Este trabajo teórico tiene como objetivo discutir la relevancia de la nomenclatura de las ondas o generaciones de psicoterapias conductuales y cognitivas a partir del modelo teórico, del objetivo terapéutico y del método clínico de cada una de ellas. Inicialmente, se presenta una síntesis de la propuesta de Steven Hayes. Luego se realiza un análisis crítico basado en las particularidades y especificidades terapéuticas de cada enfoque, discutiendo y argumentando que configuran diferentes playas. Por último, se concluye que la integración de los diferentes enfoques en la psicoterapia debe ser una decisión técnica del psicólogo, teniendo en cuenta las aproximaciones y los distanciamientos teóricos que tiene cada método


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    Objective: To develop educational technologies on prenatal care with and for visually impaired women.Method: A methodological study with a participatory interface and qualitative approach. It was carried out at a Specialized Technical Unit in the municipality of Belém, Pará, Brazil. Data production took place between August and September 2021 with six women. DOSVOX was used as a communication resource for the participants to answer four instruments with a view to developing the technologies. The analysis was of the thematic content type.Results: Women with visual impairment want respect for their autonomy, inclusion, and information from the professionals. The technologies produced point to the specific demands of visually impaired women and to the importance of preserving autonomy during prenatal care.Conclusion: Technologies produced in a participatory way point out women's specific perspectives and needs regarding prenatal care and may support both the nurses' actions in consultations and favor women with visual impairment during prenatal care

    Comparison of Fetal Nuchal Fold Thickness Measurements by Two- and Three-Dimensional Ultrasonography (3DXI Multislice View)

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    Purpose. To compare the measurements of fetal nuchal fold (NF) thickness by two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonography using the three-dimensional extended imaging (3DXI). Methods. A cross-sectional study was performed with 60 healthy pregnant women with a gestational age between 16 and 20 weeks and 6 days. The 2D-NF measurements were made as the distance from the outer skull bone to the outer skin surface in the transverse axial image in the suboccipital-bregmatic plane of the head. For the 3D we employed the 3DXI multislice view software, in which 3 × 2 tomographic planes was displayed on the screen and the distance between the tomographic slices was 0.5 mm. Maximum, minimum, mean, and standard deviation were calculated for 2D and 3D ultrasonography, as well the maximum and minimum, mean, and standard deviation for the difference between both methods. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare the two different techniques. Results. 2D-NF showed a mean of thickness of 3.52 ± 0.95 mm (1.69–7.14). The mean of 3D-NF was 3.90 ± 1.02 mm (2.13–7.72). The mean difference between the methods was 0.38 mm, with a maximum difference of 3.12 mm. Conclusion. The NF thickness measurements obtained by 3D ultrasonography were significantly larger than those detected with 2D ultrasonography

    Carbon Dioxide Use in High-Pressure Extraction Processes

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    This chapter describes the use of carbon dioxide at high pressures as an alternative for the extraction of bioactive compounds in a more sustainable way, addressing some of its physicochemical properties, such as pressure, temperature, density, solvation, selectivity, and its interaction with the solute when modified by other solvents such as ethanol and water. This extraction process is considered chemically “green,” when compared to conventional extraction processes using toxic organic solvents

    Quinquangulin and Rubrofusarin: A Spectroscopy Study

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    In this work, excitation and emission spectra were evaluated in order to elucidate the properties of quinguangulin and rubrofusarin in water/ethanol mixture. The study demonstrates that the maximum excitation wavelength can be significantly modulated changing the proportion of organic solvent in the water/organic solvent system. Quinquangulin presented the higher wavelength of maximum excitation in an ethanol-water mixture containing 70% of water. Probably, the organization between ethanol and water molecules in this condition favors the formation of strong polar interactions with the pi* orbitals of naphthopyrones. It is interesting to register that the additional methyl group in quinquangulin seems to develop a decisive function related to the ability to formation of hydrogen bonds, altering significantly the mechanism of solute-solvent interaction. This work, which involves both theoretical and experimental analyses, demonstrates the relevance of the studies focused on solvent mixtures as well as emphasizes the potential of quinguangulin and rubrofusarin as photosensitizers.FAPESPFundacao AraucariaFAPEMIGCNPqCAPESUniv Fed Sao Joao Del Rei, Dept Zootecnia DEZOO, Campus Dom Bosco, BR-36301160 Sao Joao Del Rei, MG, BrazilUniv Vale Paraiba, Ave Shishima Hifumi 2911, BR-12244000 Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Quim, Rua Prof Arthur Riedel 275, BR-09972270 Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Uberlandia, Inst Quim, Lab Fotoquim & Ciencia Mat, Uberlandia, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Goias, Dept Quim, Campus Catalao, Catalao, Go, BrazilUniv Estadual Maringa, Dept Quim, Av Colombo 5790,Zona 07, BR-87020900 Maringa, Parana, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Campus Macae,Rua Aloisio da Silva Gomes 50, BR-27930560 Rio De Janeiro, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, Inst Quim, BR-13083970 Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Rio Grande, Escola Quim & Alimentos, Campus Carreiros Pavilhao Quim, BR-96201900 Rio Grande, RS, BrazilUniv Fed ABC, Ctr Engn Modelagem & Ciencias Sociais Aplicadas, Ave Estados 500, BR-09210580 Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed ABC, Ctr Ciencias Nat & Humanas, Ave Estados 5001, BR-09210580 Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Quim, Rua Prof Arthur Riedel 275, BR-09972270 Sao Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 06/56701-3Fundacao AraucariaFAPEMIGCNPq: 474019/2012-8CNPq: 303872/2009-8CAPESWeb of Scienc