2,879 research outputs found

    Educación y globalización: una visión crítica

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    Este artículo aborda un tema de total vigencia para la educación: las relaciones existentes entre educación y globalización desde una visión crítica. Por lo que explora y analiza el papel de las escuelas frente a la globalización y las exigencias que trae consigo. Para el logro de este objetivo, se consultaron diversas fuentes de información que permitieron, primero, definir la naturaleza y el alcance de la globalización como discurso y proceso; y segundo, explorar las relaciones entre globalización y educación, las exigencias y el impacto desde un paradigma crítico; pues se enfatiza en la necesidad de convertir las escuelas en verdaderos espacios de socialización política, que hagan frente a los efectos negativos de la globalización y las manifestaciones de poder que se tejen en la misma. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22518/16578953.54

    Resposta do efeito esteira as diferentes configurãoes de Conversores de correntes marítimas

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    A falta de energia é um dos grandes problemas da humanidade na atualidade, sendo ocasionada pelo aumento da população e consequente aumento do consumo, além disto, a maior parte desta energia é proveniente de combustíveis fósseis. Assim a busca e desenvolvimento de energias renováveis são vitais tanto para auxiliar a deficit existente entre consumo e produção quanto para promover processos que diminuam a emissão de dióxido de carbono (CO2). Uma fonte de energia renovável e limpa é a proveniente de corrente marítimas, mas que ainda apresenta um alto custo de implantação devido principalmente à falta de pesquisas e do investimento em tecnologias. Esse estudo, utilizando a modelagem numérica através do modelo hidrodinâmico TELEMAC3D, acoplado com um módulo de conversão de energia que vem sendo desenvolvido na FURG, tem por finalidade analisar a influência da turbulência sobre diferentes geometrias de um sítio de geração de energia elétrica a partir de correntes. A análise demonstrou que a turbulência gerada pelas turbinas que incidem sobre as turbinas adjacentes, em uma geometria de aproximadamente 45° em relação à linha de costa, na região escolhida para o estudo com um sítio composto por 10 turbinas, não prejudica de forma significativa o rendimento final do sítio de conversão de energia. Desta forma, os resultados sugerem que esta configuração para o sítio de turbinas sendo aplicada a um estudo de mais longo período tende a fornecer uma maior quantidade de energia convertida ao longo do tempo

    Propuesta de plan de marketing de una residencia geriátrica en el 2020. Caso HOGESA S.A.C.

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    El presente proyecto profesional tuvo como objetivo principal el diseñar un plan de marketing para una residencia geriátrica que cumpla con captar y fidelizar nuevos clientes al sujeto de estudio seleccionado: Hogar Geriátrico Señor de la Ascensión. A partir de ello, se identificó una ventana de oportunidad para plantear objetivos de esta organización y diseñar un plan que corresponda a estos. En ese sentido, se realizó una exploración a las diferentes teorías de los autores relacionados al marketing de servicios con la finalidad de encontrar un modelo de plan de marketing adecuado para una residencia geriátrica, siendo el modelo de Sainz de Vicuña el que más se ajusta para este tipo de organización. En línea con ello, se estructuró un marco teórico de tal manera que el lector conozca respecto a los distintos elementos que forman parte de un plan de marketing, y posteriormente se realizó un análisis que permitió conocer a fondo la situación actual de la empresa y del entorno para identificar las necesidades y falencias de la misma. El proyecto tiene un alcance exploratorio-descriptivo y un enfoque mixto, dado que la información obtenida se realizó mediante entrevistas a clientes actuales y un experto en geriatría; como también, se realizaron encuestas y grupos focales a potenciales clientes. A través del análisis de los hallazgos y la información recolectada en el marco contextual respecto a las estrategias adecuadas para una residencia geriátrica, fue posible realizar la propuesta de un plan de marketing basándose en el análisis de fortalezas y falencias de la empresa. Por último, se incluyeron los costos de cada acción de marketing alineados con un plan de implementación para el periodo 2020.Proyecto Profesiona

    PathoScope 2.0: a complete computational framework for strain identification in environmental or clinical sequencing samples.

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    BACKGROUND: Recent innovations in sequencing technologies have provided researchers with the ability to rapidly characterize the microbial content of an environmental or clinical sample with unprecedented resolution. These approaches are producing a wealth of information that is providing novel insights into the microbial ecology of the environment and human health. However, these sequencing-based approaches produce large and complex datasets that require efficient and sensitive computational analysis workflows. Many recent tools for analyzing metagenomic-sequencing data have emerged, however, these approaches often suffer from issues of specificity, efficiency, and typically do not include a complete metagenomic analysis framework. RESULTS: We present PathoScope 2.0, a complete bioinformatics framework for rapidly and accurately quantifying the proportions of reads from individual microbial strains present in metagenomic sequencing data from environmental or clinical samples. The pipeline performs all necessary computational analysis steps; including reference genome library extraction and indexing, read quality control and alignment, strain identification, and summarization and annotation of results. We rigorously evaluated PathoScope 2.0 using simulated data and data from the 2011 outbreak of Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli O104:H4. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that PathoScope 2.0 is a complete, highly sensitive, and efficient approach for metagenomic analysis that outperforms alternative approaches in scope, speed, and accuracy. The PathoScope 2.0 pipeline software is freely available for download at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pathoscope/

    PathoScope 2.0: a complete computational framework for strain identification in environmental or clinical sequencing samples.

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    BACKGROUND: Recent innovations in sequencing technologies have provided researchers with the ability to rapidly characterize the microbial content of an environmental or clinical sample with unprecedented resolution. These approaches are producing a wealth of information that is providing novel insights into the microbial ecology of the environment and human health. However, these sequencing-based approaches produce large and complex datasets that require efficient and sensitive computational analysis workflows. Many recent tools for analyzing metagenomic-sequencing data have emerged, however, these approaches often suffer from issues of specificity, efficiency, and typically do not include a complete metagenomic analysis framework. RESULTS: We present PathoScope 2.0, a complete bioinformatics framework for rapidly and accurately quantifying the proportions of reads from individual microbial strains present in metagenomic sequencing data from environmental or clinical samples. The pipeline performs all necessary computational analysis steps; including reference genome library extraction and indexing, read quality control and alignment, strain identification, and summarization and annotation of results. We rigorously evaluated PathoScope 2.0 using simulated data and data from the 2011 outbreak of Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli O104:H4. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that PathoScope 2.0 is a complete, highly sensitive, and efficient approach for metagenomic analysis that outperforms alternative approaches in scope, speed, and accuracy. The PathoScope 2.0 pipeline software is freely available for download at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pathoscope/

    Propuesta en Supply Chain Management y Logística en la empresa Soldexel Ltda.

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    En el desarrollo de esta actividad se realiza la propuesta de SCM para la empresa Soldexel Ltda, teniendo como punto de partida encontrar los requerimientos necesarios, primero que lograran adaptarse al estudio de toda su logística y dos que se tuviera la necesidad de alcanzar los objetivos que con lleven a su implementación. Esta empresa tiene como actividad el diseño, la fabricación y la comercialización de envolventes y accesorios eléctricos para uso en áreas comunes y áreas clasificadas peligrosas con actividad nacional e internacional lo cual género un amplio campo de investigación.In the development of this activity, the SCM proposal is made for the company Soldexel Ltda, having as a starting point to find the necessary requirements, first that they be able to adapt to the study of all their logistics and two that they had the need to achieve the objectives that with lead to implementation. The activity of this company is the design, manufacture and commercialization of electrical enclosures and accessories for use in common areas and hazardous classified areas with national and international activity, which generated a wide field of research

    10,000 years of climate control over carbon accumulation in an Iberian bog (southwestern Europe)

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    The northwest region of the Iberian Peninsula is home to a unique ecosystem of bogs, which are particularly sensitive to projected climate change. In this context, the rate of carbon (C) accumulation in Chao de Veiga Mol, an intact raised bog, was analysed. Changes in the accumulation rate over the past 10 millennia were determined in a peat core of 847 cm in depth, with a high mean rate of peat growth (11 yr cm−1, 0.09 cm yr−1). An age-depth model was generated from 22 14C dates and fallout radionuclides. Chronological, stratigraphical and physico-chemical data confirmed the existence of a single cycle of peat formation throughout the Holocene and the formation of ombrotrophic peat 9500 years ago. The total mean C content was 50.2%, and over 10 millennia 583 kg C m−2 accumulated at a mean rate of 35.3 g C m−2 yr−1, with a long-term (apparent) rate of carbon accumulation in the catotelm of 59.9 g C m−2 yr−1. These values are much higher than reported for other Iberian peatlands and are amongst the highest documented for peatlands in the northern hemisphere. The dynamics of C accumulation and other measured parameters reveals important variations throughout the Holocene. They could be associated with the main climatic events described in the northern hemisphere and are highly consistent with models established for northern latitudes. The Chao de Veiga Mol raised bog is unique and of great potential value for carrying out high resolution palaeoenvironmental studies, especially in relation to regional and local modulations in southern Europe.This research was made possible through receipt of a grant awarded by the Xunta de Galicia (project: INCITE09-200-019-PR)S

    Light Reflection by Cuticles of Chrysina Jewel Scarabs: Optical Measurements, Morphology Characterization, and Theoretical Modeling

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    Cuticles of some Chrysina scarabs are characterized by flat, graded, and twisted structures of nanosized chitin fibrils. As inferred from SEM images, each species has its own spatial period or pitch P which is dependent on the depth z through the cuticle. From Berreman’s formalism, taking into account the corresponding P(z) dependence, we evaluate reflection spectra of C. aurigans and C. chrysargyrea scarabs. The spectra display the main spectral features observed in the measured ones when small sections of the cuticles are illuminated with non-polarized light, for wavelengths between 300 and 1100 nm. By considering these twisted structures as 1D photonic crystals, an approach is developed to show how the broad band characterizing the reflection spectra arises from a narrow intrinsic photonic band width, whose spectral position moves through visible and near infrared wavelengths. The role of the epicuticle that covers the twisted structures is analyzed in terms of a waxy layer acting as an anti-reflecting coating that also shows low levels of light scattering.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales (CICIMA)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de FísicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de QuímicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Estructuras Microscópicas (CIEMIC

    The use of the Design Science Research method in Information Science: a systematic review of the literature

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    Introdução: O Design Science Research (DSR) é um método voltado para a geração de conhecimento científico, por meio da elaboração de artefatos, tendo o potencial de contribuir para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas realizadas no âmbito da Ciência da Informação. O presente estudo parte do questionamento: como tem sido aplicado o método DSR no desenvolvimento de pesquisas na Ciência da Informação? Objetiva-se identificar em quais linhas de pesquisa da Ciência da Informação tem sido aplicado, e de que forma, o DSR. Método: realizou-se uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura, analisando nos artigos aceitos: a) temática da pesquisa; b) em quais linhas e temas na área da Ciência da Informação o artigo se encaixa; e c) nível de aderência da pesquisa ao método. Resultados: em relação à temática de pesquisa, destacaram-se pesquisas aplicadas, com o objetivo de geração de artefatos. Quanto as linhas de pesquisa, destacaram-se pesquisas voltadas para Gestão da Informação e do Conhecimento e ainda pesquisas voltadas para o desenvolvimento de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Em relação ao nível de aderência, observou-se que a maior defasagem está no processo de avaliação adequada dos artefatos gerados. Conclusão: O DSR pode contribuir para a Ciência da Informação, resultando no desenvolvimento de artefatos com maior rigor científico simultaneamente a solução de problemas aplicados. O método ainda é recém explorado na área, tornando necessário aprofundamento sobre a sua condução, avaliação das etapas, fluxos, instrumentos e metodologias complementares aplicadas na utilização do DSR, visando a criação de um modelo que embase a execução de pesquisas futuras.Introduction: Design Science Research (DSR) is a method for generating scientific knowledge, through the elaboration of artifacts, with the potential to contribute to the development of research carried out in the field of Information Science. The present study starts from the question: how has the DSR method been applied in Information Science research? The objective is to identify in which lines of research in Information Science has DSR been applied and in what way. Method: A Systematic Literature Review was carried out, analyzing in the accepted articles: a) research topic; b) in which lines and themes of the Information Science area the article fits; and c) degree of adherence of the research to the method. Results: In relation to the research topic, applied research stood out, with the aim of generating artifacts. As for the lines of research, research focused on Information and Knowledge Management and those focused on the development of Information and Communication Technologies stood out. Regarding the level of adhesion, it was observed that the biggest lag is in the process of adequate evaluation of the generated artifacts. Conclusion: DSR can contribute to Information Science, resulting in the development of artifacts with greater scientific rigor and, at the same time, in solving practical problems. The method is still little explored in the area, being necessary to go deeper in its conduction, evaluation of the steps, flows, instruments and complementary methodologies used in the conduction of the DSR, aiming at the creation of a model that supports the execution of future researches