166 research outputs found

    Barriers to Implementing the International Integrated Reporting Framework: A Contemporary Academic Perspective

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    Purpose: This paper is motivated by the International Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC) call for feedback from all stakeholders with knowledge of the International Integrated Reporting Framework , and specifically of the enablers, incentives and barriers to its implementation. The paper synthesises insights from contemporary accounting research into integrated reporting (IR) as a general concept, and integrated reporting as espoused by the IIRC in the (IIRC, 2013). We specifically focus on possible barriers and emphasise the specific issues we feel could be rectified to advance the , along with the areas that may potentially hinder wider adoption and implementation. Design/methodology/approach: The paper draws upon and synthesises academic analysis and insights provided in the IR and academic literature as well as various directives, policy and framework pronouncements. Findings: The flexibility and lack of prescription concerning actual disclosures and metrics in the could allow it to be used for compliance, regardless of the other benefits lauded by the IIRC. Thus we see forces, both external and internal, driving adoption, with one prominent example being the European Union Directive on non-financial reporting. Because of the different ways in which IR is understood and enacted, there are numerous theoretical and empirical challenges for academics. Our paper highlights potential areas for further robust academic research, and the need to contribute to policy and practice. Research limitations/implications: The paper provides the IIRC, academics, regulators and reporting organisations with insights into current practice and the framework. We highlight the need for further development and evidence to help inform improvements both from a policy and a practice perspective. A key limitation of our work is that we draw upon a synthesis of the existing literature which is still in an early stage of development. Originality/value: The paper provides the IIRC with several insights into the current , and specifically with the enablers, incentives and barriers to its implementation. Also, it provides academic researchers with a number of important observations and an agenda upon which they can build their future research

    The impact of institutions, ownership structure, business angels, venture capital and lead managers on IPO firm underpricing across North Africa

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    This paper examines the determinants of IPO underpricing in a unique and comprehensive, sample of 86 IPO firms from across North Africa between 2000 and 2013. The findings suggest that, underpricing is used as a mechanism by which to stimulate excess demand (subscription) for newly, issued stock in order to create a relatively small but highly dispersed, and thus disempowered, minority shareholder base. Domestic venture capital and to lesser extend business angels are, associated with elevated underpricing while the reputational impact from foreign venture capital and, lead managers infers lower underpricing. In terms of institutions and state-level corruption control, policies are most closely linked to substantial reductions in underpricing

    Did aid promote democracy in Africa?: the role of technical assistance in Africa’s transitions

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    Did foreign aid impede or catalyze democratization in Africa in the 1990s? We argue that after the Cold War, donors increased their use of technical assistance in aid packages, improving their monitoring capacity and thus reducing autocrats’ ability to use aid for patronage. To remain in power, autocrats responded by conceding political rights to their opponents—from legalizing opposition parties to staging elections. We test our theory with panel data for all sub-Saharan African countries. While other factors played pivotal roles in Africa’s political liberalization, we find technical assistance helps to explain the timing and extent of Africa’s democratization

    The Political Economy of Domestic Tax Reform in Bangladesh: Political Settlements, Informal Institutions and the Negotiation of Reform

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    This paper explains the persistence of a tax system characterised by low revenue collection and extensive informality in Bangladesh. It combines analysis of long-term formal and informal institutions and of micro-level incentives shaping negotiation of short-term reform. The system is unusually informal, discretionary, and corrupt, but remains resistant to change because it delivers low and predictable tax rates to business, extensive opportunities for corruption to the tax administration, and an important vehicle for fundraising by political leaders and rent distribution to their elite supporters. We then explore the dynamics of micro-level reform and external pressure within the constraints of this overarching political bargain

    An integrative review of the factors influencing older nurses’ timing of retirement

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    Aims: To summarise the international empirical literature to provide a comprehensive understanding of older nurses’ decision making surrounding the timing of their retirement. Background: The global nursing shortage is increasing. Amongst some countries it has become an economic imperative to consider raising the state pension age and to extend working lives. Design: An integrative literature review using an integrated design. Data sources: MEDLINE, CINAHL and Business Source Premier databases were searched for studies between January 2007 ‐ October 2019. Review Methods: Quality appraisal of the studies were conducted. Findings were summarised, grouped into categories and themes extracted. Two models were developed for data representation. Results: 132 studies were identified by the search strategy. Of these, 27 articles were included for appraisal and synthesis. 16 papers were quantitative, seven qualitative and four mixed methods. The research took place in 13 different geographical locations. Most studies were of a questionnaire design, followed by interviews and focus groups. The total participant sample was 35,460. Through a synthesis of the studies, four themes were identified: Health, Well‐being and Family factors; Employer factors; Professional factors; Financial factors. Conclusion: This review revealed the heterogeneity of studies on this subject and confirmed previous findings but also established a ranking of criteria that influences nurses’ decision making: age, followed by personal and organisational factors. Four extracted themes of push and pull factors map onto these factors. No ‘one‐size‐fits‐all’ strategy exists to ensure the extension of older nurses’ working lives. Organisations need to foster an environment where older nurses feel respected and heard and where personal and professional needs are addressed

    What can global health institutions do to help strengthen health systems in low income countries?

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    Weaknesses in health systems contribute to a failure to improve health outcomes in developing countries, despite increased official development assistance. Changes in the demands on health systems, as well as their scope to respond, mean that the situation is likely to become more problematic in the future. Diverse global initiatives seek to strengthen health systems, but progress will require better coordination between them, use of strategies based on the best available evidence obtained especially from evaluation of large scale programs, and improved global aid architecture that supports these processes. This paper sets out the case for global leadership to support health systems investments and help ensure the synergies between vertical and horizontal programs that are essential for effective functioning of health systems. At national level, it is essential to increase capacity to manage and deliver services, situate interventions firmly within national strategies, ensure effective implementation, and co-ordinate external support with local resources. Health systems performance should be monitored, with clear lines of accountability, and reforms should build on evidence of what works in what circumstances

    The determinants of IPO firm prospectus length in Africa

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    This paper studies the differential impact on IPO firm listing prospectus length from increasing proportions of foreign directors from civil as opposed to common law societies and social elites. Using a unique hand-collected and comprehensive sample of 165 IPO firms from across 18 African countries the evidence suggests that increasing proportions of directors from civil code law countries is associated with shorter prospectuses while the opposite is true for their common law counterparts. Furthermore increasing proportions of directors drawn from elevated social positions in indigenous society is related to increasing prospectus length in North Africa while being insignificant in SSA

    Strategic risk appraisal. Comparing expert- and literature-informed consequence assessments for environmental policy risks receiving national attention

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    Strategic risk appraisal (SRA) has been applied to compare diverse policy level risks to and from the environment in England and Wales. Its application has relied on expert-informed assessments of the potential consequences from residual risks that attract policy attention at the national scale. Here we compare consequence assessments, across environmental, economic and social impact categories that draw on ‘expert’- and ‘literature-based’ analyses of the evidence for 12 public risks appraised by Government. For environmental consequences there is reasonable agreement between the two sources of assessment, with expert-informed assessments providing a narrower dispersion of impact severity and with median values similar in scale to those produced by an analysis of the literature. The situation is more complex for economic consequences, with a greater spread in the median values, less consistency between the two assessment types and a shift toward higher severity values across the risk portfolio. For social consequences, the spread of severity values is greater still, with no consistent trend between the severities of impact expressed by the two types of assessment. For the latter, the findings suggest the need for a fuller representation of socioeconomic expertise in SRA and the workshops that inform SRA output

    Barriers to antiretroviral therapy adherence in rural Mozambique

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>HIV is treated as a chronic disease, but high lost-to-follow-up rates and poor adherence to medication result in higher mortality, morbidity, and viral mutation. Within 18 clinical sites in rural Zambézia Province, Mozambique, patient adherence to antiretroviral therapy has been sub-optimal.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To better understand barriers to adherence, we conducted 18 community and clinic focus groups in six rural districts. We interviewed 76 women and 88 men, of whom 124 were community participants (CP; 60 women, 64 men) and 40 were health care workers (HCW; 16 women, 24 men) who provide care for those living with HIV.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>While there was some consensus, both CP and HCW provided complementary insights. CP focus groups noted a lack of confidentiality and poor treatment by hospital staff (42% CP vs. 0% HCW), doubt as to the benefits of antiretroviral therapy (75% CP vs. 0% HCW), and sharing medications with family members (66% CP vs. 0%HCW). Men expressed a greater concern about poor treatment by HCW than women (83% men vs. 0% women). Health care workers blamed patient preference for traditional medicine (42% CP vs. 100% HCW) and the side effects of medication for poor adherence (8% CP vs. 83% CHW).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Perspectives of CP and HCW likely reflect differing sociocultural and educational backgrounds. Health care workers must understand community perspectives on causes of suboptimal adherence as a first step toward effective intervention.</p