282 research outputs found

    The Availibility of the Danville Coal Member for Mining in Indiana

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    Indiana Geological Survey Open-File Study 2000-1This study assesses the resources of the Danville Coal Member in Indiana and identifies those resources that have the most favorable geologic and land use characteristics for mining. The tonnage of original coal in place, remaining coal after mining, coal unlikely to be mined due to geologic and land use factors, and available coal resources were calculated for the Danville Coal in Indiana. The geologic and land use factors which restrict the mining of the Danville Coal were identified through interviews with geologists and mining engineers mining the Danville Coal in Indiana and Illinois. These restrictions were applied to the tonnage of remaining Danville Coal resources in order to calculate the tonnage of available resources. The original, remaining, and available coal resources are reported in terms of potential method of mining, "surface" or "underground," coal thickness, "14-28 inches," "28-42 inches," or "greater than 42 inches," and overburden thickness, "0-200 feet," and "greater than 100 feet." Coal that lies between depths of 100 and 200 feet is considered minable by both surface and underground methods. Additionally, the resources are categorized by three levels of geologic assurance or reliability. The reliability categories express the degree of reliability of the resource estimate based on the density of coal thickness data points that are used to derive the resource estimate. The three reliability categories are: measured (0-0.5 miles from the data point), indicated (0.5-2.0 miles), and inferred (2.0-4.0 miles). The total volume of original Danville Coal resources in Indiana is calculated to be 6.55 billion short tons. Of the 6.55 billion short tons, 0.36 billion short tons have been removed by mining or lost in the mining process, thus leaving 6.19 billion short tons of remaining Danville resources. Technological and land use restrictions remove 5.36 billion short tons from potential mining, leaving 0.83 billion short tons (13% of the original resources or 13% of the remaining resources) available for mining in Indiana. Of the 0.83 billion short tons of total available resources, 0.52 billion tons (8% of the original resources or 63% of the total available resources) are available for underground mining, while 0.31 billion short tons (5% of the original resources or 37% of the total available resources) are available for surface mining.Final Report to the United States Geological Survey Agreement No. 99HQAG008

    TRIZ to invent your future utilizing directed evolution methodology

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    AbstractThis paper explains the concept of Directed Evolution. This concept is based on the s-curve, patterns of evolution, a structured work process and instruments. These elements are described in this article and examples of conducted work are given


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    Розгляд територіальної (міської) ідентичності (city identity) є плідним, на нашу думку, на основі концепції «уяви спільності» (термін Б. Андерсона), а саме: на основі єдності території проживання, історії та традицій, соціокультурного досвіду і способу життя. Важливою рисою формування міської ідентичності Баку стало взаємне ознайомлення через сусідські та дружні контакти з традиціями, національними й релігійними святами (Новруз-байрам, Пасха, Пессах i ін.), національною кухнею, а також і табу різних етнічних груп. (Consideration of territorial (urban) identity (city identity), fruitfully, in our opinion, based on the concept of «community of imagination» (the term by B. Anderson), namely on the basis of the unity of the territory of residence, history and traditions, socio-cultural practices and lifestyles. An important feature of urban identity formation Baku became mutual acquaintance through neighborly and friendly contacts with the traditions, national and religious holidays (Novruz, Easter, Pessah etc.), national cuisine, as well as the taboo of different ethnic group.

    Comparison between a prenatal sonographic scoring system and a clinical grading at delivery for Placenta Accreta Spectrum disorders

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    OBJECTIVE: Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS) disorders have become a major iatrogenic obstetric complication worldwide. Data on the accuracy of ultrasound examination diagnosis are limited by incomplete confirmation and variability in the description of the different grades of PAS at delivery. The aim of this study was to compare our prenatal routine sonographic screening and diagnostic scoring system with a standardized clinical grading system at birth in patient at risk of PAS. STUDY DESIGN: This is a retrospective cohort study of 607 pregnant patients with at least one prior cesarean delivery between December 2013 and December 2018. All patients were assessed for PAS using our institutional prenatal sonographic scoring system and the corresponding ultrasound findings were compared with those of a standardized clinical intra-operative macroscopic grading system of the degree of accreta placentation at vaginal birth or laparotomy. RESULTS: PAS was diagnosed clinically at birth in 50 (8.2%) cases, 17 of which were confirmed by histopathology. A low (score ≤ 5), medium (score 6-7), high (score ≥ 8) probability for PAS was reported in 502, 61 and 44 cases, respectively. The probability score increased significantly (p < .001) in women ≥2 prior cesarean deliveries, with an anterior low-lying/placenta previa, with absent clear space, increased in retroplacental vascularity and with the size and numbers of lacunae. The number of cases classified clinically as grade 1 (non-PAS) and 3 (adherent PAS) was significantly (p < .001) lower in women with a high probability score whereas the rates of the other grades was significantly (p < .001) higher. The widest discrepancy between ultrasound probability score and clinical grade was found for grade 2 which, describes a partial placental adherence and grades 4 and 5 which, refer to placental percreta which describes tissue having invade trough the uterine serosa and beyond. CONCLUSIONS: Both ends of the spectrum of accreta placentation remain difficult to diagnose antenatal and clinically at birth, in particular when no histopathologic confirmation is available. There is a need to develop ultrasound accuracy score systems that can differentiate between the different grades of PAS and which are validated by standardized clinical and pathology protocols

    Second-trimester levels of fetoplacental hormones among women with placenta accreta spectrum disorders

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    Maternal serum human chorionic gonadotropin could be a useful biomarker in the prenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum disorders

    Evaluation of the impact of vasa previa on feto-placental hormonal synthesis and fetal growth

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    Introduction A vasa previa (VP) refers to aberrant chorionic vessels which can either connect the chorionic plate to a velamentous cord (type I) or a succenturiate or accessory lobe to the main placental mass (type II). Methods We performed retrospective cohort study of 32 singleton pregnancies diagnosed with VP. The levels of maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and unconjugated estriol (uE3) were measured at 15–18 weeks as part of the triple test screening for Trisomy 21. The data were subdivided according to the type of VP and compared with those of a control group with central cord insertion and no succenturiate or accessory placental lobe. Results Twenty one (65.6%) parturient women presented with VP type I and 11 (34.4%) with VP type II. The mean birthweight and placental weight was significantly higher in pregnancies with VP type II than in pregnancies with VP with VP type I (3037.3 ± 400.9 gr vs 2493.5 ± 491.6 gr; p = 0.004 and 511.0 ± 47.2 gr vs 367.1 ± 64.3 gr; p < 0.0001; respectively). The mean hCG level in VP type II was significantly (p < 0.001) higher than those with type I (2.38 MoM vs 1.17 MoM) and compared to controls (2.38 MoM vs 0.99 MoM). Conclusions There is no obvious impact on both placental and fetal growth in VP type II. By contrast, VP type I is associated with slower feto-placental growth secondary to impaired development and biological functions of the placenta during the first half of pregnancy

    Impact of targeted scanning protocols on perinatal outcomes in pregnancies at risk of placenta accreta spectrum or vasa previa

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    Background Placenta accreta spectrum and vasa previa (VP) are congenital disorders of placentation associated with high morbidity and mortality for both mothers and newborns when undiagnosed before delivery. Prenatal diagnosis of these conditions is essential to allow multidisciplinary management and thus improve perinatal outcomes. Objective The objective of the study was to compare perinatal outcome in women with placenta accreta spectrum or vasa previa before and after implementation of targeted scanning protocols. Study Design This retrospective study included 2 nonconcurrent cohorts for each condition before and after implementation of the corresponding protocols (2004–1012 vs 2013–2016 for placenta accreta spectrum and 1988–2007 vs 2008–2016 for vasa previa). Clinical reports of women diagnosed with placenta accreta spectrum and vasa previa during the study periods were reviewed and outcomes were compared. Results In total, there were 97 cases of placenta accreta spectrum and 51 cases with vasa previa, all confirmed at delivery. In both cohorts, the prenatal detection rate increased after implementation of the scanning protocols (28 of 65 cases [43.1%] vs 31 of 32 cases [96.9%], P < .001, for placenta accreta spectrum and 9 of 18 cases [50%] vs 29 of 33 cases [87.9%], 87.9%, P < .01 for vasa previa). The perinatal outcome improved also significantly in both cohorts after implementation of the protocols. In the placenta accreta spectrum cohort, the estimated blood loss and the postoperative hospitalization stay decreased between periods (1520 ± 845 vs 1168 ± 707 mL, P < .01, and 10.9 ± 14.1 vs 5.7 ± 2.2 days, P < .05, respectively). In the vasa previa cohort, the number of 5 minute Apgar score ≤5 and umbilical cord pH <7 decreased between periods (5 of 18 cases [27.8%] vs 1 of 33 cases [3%]; P < .05, and 4 of 18 cases [22.2%] vs 1 of 33 cases [3%], P < .05, respectively). Conclusion The implementation of standardized prenatal targeted scanning protocols for pregnant women with risk factors for placenta accreta spectrum and vasa previa was associated with improved maternal and neonatal outcomes. The continuous increases in the rates of caesarean deliveries and use of assisted reproductive technology highlights the need to develop training programs and introduce targeted scanning protocols at the national and international levels

    The Total Synthesis of Convolutamydine a in the Conditions of the Catalysis by β-Aminoalcohols of Pinane and Carane Structure

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    This work was supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (grant № 15-03-09352 A)

    TRIZ directed evolution for automobile fuel

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    Recently, Global Warming effect and Green House Gases (GHG) emissions have become one of the main concern for environment that principally come from the exhaust of fossil fuel combustion process (i.e. coal, crude oil, and natural gas). Electric Vehicles (EVs) industry has started taking the lead and showing significant competition in the market via Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) and fully Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) over the conventional fossil fuel powered vehicles which are going to ban (prohibit) within coming two decades as officially announced by many of global countries. Battery is the backbone of this evolution and it encourages many researchers and scientists to expedite their studies, experimental tests to discover the best reliable, sustainable, and safe resource of energy to meet the customers’ (vehicles users) values, satisfactions and expectations. This study aims to scientifically predict and analyze the future battery generation that last longer up to (500 km) with improved charging time (less than 30 min). A systematic evolution method called TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) was used in this paper to link the historical data with present timeline in order to improve the main characteristics of the battery (e.g. energy density, durability, charging time and safety). TRIZ has variety of inventive tools (9 – Windows, S – Curve and Function Analysis), these tools are efficiently assist to predict and achieve the next generation of the future battery. By using the tools of Directed Evolution (DE) and utilizing Level of Innovation Domains, battery development is going to be deeply illustrated. Finally, logical recommendations were proposed to those personnel in charge to move forward to approach the future battery system with targeted features and characteristics

    History of the International Organization for Biological Control Global Working Group on Mass Rearing and Quality Assurance

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    The International Organization for Biological Control Global Working Group on Mass Rearing and Quality Assurance (MRQA) was established in 1980 as the Working Group on Quality Control (WGQC) to assure success of insect mass rearing for pest management that was being developed in the 1950s and 1960s. Due mostly to the efforts of WGQC, quality control became institutionalized in several insect mass rearing facilities during the 1980s. After addressing autocidal control programs, the WGQC concentrated on entomophagous insects, especially testing the quality of commercial biological control products. Universal Implementation of Quality Control for Mass-Reared Arthropods was finally achieved in the 1990s, having encompassed all aspects from insect production to field application and evaluation. This increased scope prompted a name change from WGQC to Arthropod Mass Rearing and Quality Control (AMRQC). Subsequently, the scope of the Working Group was expanded again and it was renamed MRQA to include a range of applications for mass-reared beneficial invertebrates. The geographic range of MRQA recently was extended beyond North and South America and Europe to include India. This expansion continued as insects for food and feed, networking and instruction, and legal and ethical issues were added to the most recent workshop held in Mexico. Thus, the MRQA continues to evolve as additional invertebrate organisms are mass produced for both established and novel applications