197 research outputs found

    Evaluierung und Optimierung biologischer Verfahren zur Regulierung des Pflaumenwicklers (Cydia funebrana) und der Monilia-Krankheit im ökologischen Steinobstanbau

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    Im Verbundforschungsprojekt FKZ 06OE198, FKZ 06OE057 und FKZ 06OE348 wurden Möglichkeiten der Regulierung des Pflaumenwicklers (Cydia funebrana) an Zwetschgen in Labor-, Halbfreiland und Freilandversuchen in Geisenheim, Darmstadt, Klein-Altendorf und Weinsberg untersucht. Labor- und Freilandversuche zur Regulierung der Monilia-Krankheit wurden in Geisenheim, Weinsberg und Dresden durchgefĂŒhrt. Sauerkirschsorten-Versuche sind in Weinsberg und Dresden aufgepflanzt. Umfangreiche Freilandversuche zur Verwirrung des Pflaumenwicklers mit „Isomate OFM Rosso“ in Baden-WĂŒrttemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz bestĂ€tigten mit Wirkungsgraden von bis zu 70 % die Wirksamkeit dieser Methode bei ausreichend großen FlĂ€chen und niedrigem Befallsniveau. FĂŒr den kleinparzellierten Anbau und bei höherem Befallsdruck wurden entomopathogene Nematoden im Freiland gegen ĂŒberwinternde Larven mit heterogenen Wirkungsgraden erprobt. Es gelang nicht Pflaumenwickler ganzjĂ€hrig unter Laborbedingen zu zĂŒchten, jedoch wurden mit Tieren aus Freilandsammlungen bzw. deren Eiern nach der Überwinterung Versuche zur Infektion der neonaten Larven mit dem Apfelwicklergranulosevirus, Eiparasitierungsversuche mit Trichogramma cacoeciae, zu Applikationen mit NeemAzal-T/S und zum Einsatz von insektenpathogen Pilzen gegen ĂŒberwinternde Larven durchgefĂŒhrt. Bei weiterfĂŒhrenden Versuchen im Freiland wurden mit dem Apfelwicklergranulosevirus V15 sehr heterogene Ergebnisse erzielt. Der Einsatz von Trichogramma in Form von Trichokarten ergab Wirkungsgrade von bis zu 47 %. Eine bessere Verteilung der Trichogramma in der Anlage sollte mit einer spritzfĂ€higen Formulierung erreicht werden, dafĂŒr liegen jedoch erst einjĂ€hrige Ergebnisse vor. FĂŒr die BekĂ€mpfung der ĂŒberwinternden Pflaumenwickler mit insektenpathogenen Pilzen stellte sich Isaria fumosorosea, als am geeignetsten heraus. Jedoch gestaltete sich bisher ein Nachweis der Wirksamkeit des mit dem Pilz infizierten Mulches im Freiland sehr schwierig. Die Pflaumenwicklerlarve sucht sich zur Überwinterung kleinste Ritzen am Stamm aus. Mit Wellpappe, die um den Stamm gewickelt wurde, konnte den Larven ein attraktives Überwinterungsquartier angeboten werden. Durch Entfernen und Verbrennen der Pappringe im Winter kann der Befallsdruck im Folgejahr minimiert werden. FĂŒr die Monilia-Regulierung an Zwetschgen konnte im Labor unter einer Vielzahl an getesteten PrĂ€paraten lediglich Serenade mit einer antagonistischen Wirkung ĂŒberzeugen. Es hat jedoch keine Zulassung als Pflanzenschutzmittel im Steinobst. Versuche im Freiland ergaben außerdem, dass das konsequente Eliminieren von möglichen Infektionsquellen durch das Entfernen von Monilia-Nestern vor der Ernte und von Fruchtmumien nach der Ernte letztlich bessere Effekte erzielte, als Behandlungen mit mittelgut wirksamen PflanzenstĂ€rkungsmitteln. FĂŒr die Behandlung der Monilia-SpitzendĂŒrre an Sauerkirschen wurden verschiedene PrĂ€parate im Freiland ĂŒberprĂŒft. Die Handelsprodukte BoniProtectÂź forte und BoniProtectÂź reduzierten tendenziell die BlĂŒteninfektionen. Da fĂŒr SPU 2720 und Cuprozin bisher nur aus einem Jahr Versuchsergebnisse vorliegen, ist keine abschließende Beurteilung möglich. Jedoch lĂ€sst sich bereits durch den konsequenten RĂŒckschnitt befallener Triebe der Befallsdruck erheblich reduzieren. An beiden Standorten erscheinen die Sauerkirschsorten ‘Morina‘, ‘Jade‘, ‘Coralin‘ und ‘Safir‘ als geeignet fĂŒr den ökologischen Anbau, in Weinsberg zusĂ€tzlich ‘Topas‘ und ‘Ungarische Traubige‘. Allerdings war der Monilia-Druck nur in wenigen Jahren hoch. Bis jetzt wurden keine Infektionen mit Gloeosporium sp., einer weiteren bedrohlichen Krankheit im ökologischen Sauerkirschanbau, beobachtet

    Chitosan functionalisation of gold nanoparticles encourages particle uptake and induces cytotoxicity and pro-inflammatory conditions in phagocytic cells, as well as enhancing particle interactions with serum components

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    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are a popular choice for use in medical and biomedical research applications. With suitable functionalisation AuNPs can be applied in drug delivery systems, or can aid in disease diagnosis. One such functionalisation is with chitosan, which enables efficient interaction and permeation of cellular membranes, providing an effective adjuvant. As both AuNPs and chitosan have been shown to have low toxicity and high biocompatibility their proposed use in nanomedicine, either individually or combined, is expanding. However, further toxicological and immunological assessments of AuNP-chitosan conjugates are still needed. Therefore, we have evaluated how AuNP functionalisation with chitosan can affect uptake, cytotoxicity, and immunological responses within mononuclear cells, and influence the interaction of AuNPs with biomolecules within a complex biofluid. The AuNPs used were negatively charged through citrate-coating, or presented either low or high positive charge through chitosan-functionalisation. Uptake by THP-1 cells was assessed via transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy, pro-inflammatory responses by ELISA and qRT-PCR, and cell death and viability via lactate dehydrogenase release and mitochondrial activity, respectively. Interactions of AuNPs with protein components of a frequently used in vitro cell culture medium supplement, foetal calf serum, were investigated using mass spectrometry. Although cells internalised all AuNPs, uptake rates and specific routes of intracellular trafficking were dependent upon chitosan-functionalisation. Accordingly, an enhanced immune response was found to be chitosan-functionalisation-dependent, in the form of CCL2, IL-1ÎČ, TNF-α and IL-6 secretion, and expression of IL - 1ÎČ and NLRP3 mRNA. A corresponding increase in cytotoxicity was found in response to chitosan-coated AuNPs. Furthermore, chitosan-functionalisation was shown to induce an increase in unique proteins associating with these highly charged AuNPs. It can be concluded that functionalisation of AuNPs with the perceived non-toxic biocompatible molecule chitosan at a high density can elicit functionalisation-dependent intracellular trafficking mechanisms and provoke strong pro-inflammatory conditions, and that a high affinity of these NP-conjugates for biomolecules may be implicit in these cellular responses. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12951-015-0146-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    MOG-IgG in NMO and related disorders: a multicenter study of 50 patients. Part 3: Brainstem involvement - frequency, presentation and outcome

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    Background Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies (MOG-IgG) are present in a subset of aquaporin-4 (AQP4)-IgG-negative patients with optic neuritis (ON) and/or myelitis. Little is known so far about brainstem involvement in MOG-IgG-positive patients. Objective To investigate the frequency, clinical and paraclinical features, course, outcome, and prognostic implications of brainstem involvement in MOG-IgG-positive ON and/or myelitis. Methods Retrospective case study. Results Among 50 patients with MOG-IgG-positive ON and/or myelitis, 15 (30 %) with a history of brainstem encephalitis were identified. All were negative for AQP4-IgG. Symptoms included respiratory insufficiency, intractable nausea and vomiting (INV), dysarthria, dysphagia, impaired cough reflex, oculomotor nerve palsy and diplopia, nystagmus, internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO), facial nerve paresis, trigeminal hypesthesia/dysesthesia, vertigo, hearing loss, balance difficulties, and gait and limb ataxia; brainstem involvement was asymptomatic in three cases. Brainstem inflammation was already present at or very shortly after disease onset in 7/15 (47 %) patients. 16/21 (76.2 %) brainstem attacks were accompanied by acute myelitis and/or ON. Lesions were located in the pons (11/13), medulla oblongata (8/14), mesencephalon (cerebral peduncles; 2/14), and cerebellar peduncles (5/14), were adjacent to the fourth ventricle in 2/12, and periaqueductal in 1/12; some had concomitant diencephalic (2/13) or cerebellar lesions (1/14). MRI or laboratory signs of blood-brain barrier damage were present in 5/12. Cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis was found in 11/14 cases, with neutrophils in 7/11 (3-34 % of all CSF white blood cells), and oligoclonal bands in 4/14. Attacks were preceded by acute infection or vaccination in 5/15 (33.3 %). A history of teratoma was noted in one case. The disease followed a relapsing course in 13/15 (87 %); the brainstem was involved more than once in 6. Immunosuppression was not always effective in preventing relapses. Interferon-beta was followed by new attacks in two patients. While one patient died from central hypoventilation, partial or complete recovery was achieved in the remainder following treatment with high-dose steroids and/or plasma exchange. Brainstem involvement was associated with a more aggressive general disease course (higher relapse rate, more myelitis attacks, more frequently supratentorial brain lesions, worse EDSS at last follow-up). Conclusions Brainstem involvement is present in around one third of MOG-IgG-positive patients with ON and/or myelitis. Clinical manifestations are diverse and may include symptoms typically seen in AQP4-IgG-positive neuromyelitis optica, such as INV and respiratory insufficiency, or in multiple sclerosis, such as INO. As MOG-IgG-positive brainstem encephalitis may take a serious or even fatal course, particular attention should be paid to signs or symptoms of additional brainstem involvement in patients presenting with MOG-IgG-positive ON and/or myelitis

    How Carvedilol activates ÎČ<sub>2</sub>-adrenoceptors

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    Carvedilol is among the most effective ÎČ-blockers for improving survival after myocardial infarction. Yet the mechanisms by which carvedilol achieves this superior clinical profile are still unclear. Beyond blockade of ÎČ(1)-adrenoceptors, arrestin-biased signalling via ÎČ(2)-adrenoceptors is a molecular mechanism proposed to explain the survival benefits. Here, we offer an alternative mechanism to rationalize carvedilol’s cellular signalling. Using primary and immortalized cells genome-edited by CRISPR/Cas9 to lack either G proteins or arrestins; and combining biological, biochemical, and signalling assays with molecular dynamics simulations, we demonstrate that G proteins drive all detectable carvedilol signalling through ÎČ(2)ARs. Because a clear understanding of how drugs act is imperative to data interpretation in basic and clinical research, to the stratification of clinical trials or to the monitoring of drug effects on the target pathway, the mechanistic insight gained here provides a foundation for the rational development of signalling prototypes that target the ÎČ-adrenoceptor system

    Democratic research: Setting up a research commons for a qualitative, comparative, longitudinal interview study during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The sudden and dramatic advent of the COVID-19 pandemic led to urgent demands for timely, relevant, yet rigorous research. This paper discusses the origin, design, and execution of the SolPan research commons, a large-scale, international, comparative, qualitative research project that sought to respond to the need for knowledge among researchers and policymakers in times of crisis. The form of organization as a research commons is characterized by an underlying solidaristic attitude of its members and its intrinsic organizational features in which research data and knowledge in the study is shared and jointly owned. As such, the project is peer-governed, rooted in (idealist) social values of academia, and aims at providing tools and benefits for its members. In this paper, we discuss challenges and solutions for qualitative studies that seek to operate as research commons

    Decompressive surgery in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis due to vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia

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    Background and purpose: Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis due to vaccine-induced im-mune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (CVST-VITT) is an adverse drug reaction occurring after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV- 2) vaccination. CVST-VITT patients often present with large intracerebral haemorrhages and a high proportion undergoes decompressive surgery. Clinical characteristics, therapeutic management and outcomes of CVST-VITT patients who underwent decompressive surgery are described and predictors of in- hospital mortality in these patients are explored.Methods: Data from an ongoing international registry of patients who developed CVST within 28 days of SARS-CoV- 2 vaccination, reported between 29 March 2021 and 10 May 2022, were used. Definite, probable and possible VITT cases, as defined by Pavord et al. (N Engl J Med 2021; 385: 1680–1689), were included. Results: Decompressive surgery was performed in 34/128 (27%) patients with CVST- VITT. In- hospital mortality was 22/34 (65%) in the surgical and 27/94 (29%) in the non- surgical group (p< 0.001). In all surgical cases, the cause of death was brain herniation. The highest mortality rates were found amongst patients with preoperative coma (17/18, 94% vs. 4/14, 29% in the non-comatose; p< 0.001) and bilaterally absent pupillary re-flexes (7/7, 100% vs. 6/9, 67% with unilaterally reactive pupil, and 4/11, 36% with bi-laterally reactive pupils; p= 0.023). Postoperative imaging revealed worsening of index haemorrhagic lesion in 19 (70%) patients and new haemorrhagic lesions in 16 (59%) pa-tients. At a median follow-up of 6 months, 8/10 of surgical CVST-VITT who survived ad-mission were functionally independent.Conclusions: Almost two-thirds of surgical CVST-VITT patients died during hospital ad-mission. Preoperative coma and bilateral absence of pupillary responses were associated with higher mortality rates. Survivors often achieved functional independence.Peer reviewe

    Outcomes of cerebral venous thrombosis due to vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia after the acute phase

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    © 2022 American Heart Association, Inc.Background: Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) due to vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) is a severe condition, with high in-hospital mortality rates. Here, we report clinical outcomes of patients with CVT-VITT after SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) vaccination who survived initial hospitalization. Methods: We used data from an international registry of patients who developed CVT within 28 days of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, collected until February 10, 2022. VITT diagnosis was classified based on the Pavord criteria. Outcomes were mortality, functional independence (modified Rankin Scale score 0–2), VITT relapse, new thrombosis, and bleeding events (all after discharge from initial hospitalization). Results: Of 107 CVT-VITT cases, 43 (40%) died during initial hospitalization. Of the remaining 64 patients, follow-up data were available for 60 (94%) patients (37 definite VITT, 9 probable VITT, and 14 possible VITT). Median age was 40 years and 45/60 (75%) patients were women. Median follow-up time was 150 days (interquartile range, 94–194). Two patients died during follow-up (3% [95% CI, 1%–11%). Functional independence was achieved by 53/60 (88% [95% CI, 78%–94%]) patients. No new venous or arterial thrombotic events were reported. One patient developed a major bleeding during follow-up (fatal intracerebral bleed). Conclusions: In contrast to the high mortality of CVT-VITT in the acute phase, mortality among patients who survived the initial hospitalization was low, new thrombotic events did not occur, and bleeding events were rare. Approximately 9 out of 10 CVT-VITT patients who survived the acute phase were functionally independent at follow-up.This study was funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw, grant number 10430072110005), the Dr. C.J. Vaillant Foundation, and Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (grant TYH2022223).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Profiling Trait Anxiety: Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Cathepsin B (Ctsb) as a Novel Candidate Gene for Emotionality in Mice

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    Behavioral endophenotypes are determined by a multitude of counteracting but precisely balanced molecular and physiological mechanisms. In this study, we aim to identify potential novel molecular targets that contribute to the multigenic trait “anxiety”. We used microarrays to investigate the gene expression profiles of different brain regions within the limbic system of mice which were selectively bred for either high (HAB) or low (LAB) anxiety-related behavior, and also show signs of comorbid depression-like behavior

    MOG-IgG in NMO and related disorders: a multicenter study of 50 patients. Part 2: Epidemiology, clinical presentation, radiological and laboratory features, treatment responses, and long-term outcome

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    Background: A subset of patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) has been shown to be seropositive for myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies (MOG-IgG). Objective: To describe the epidemiological, clinical, radiological, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and electrophysiological features of a large cohort of MOG-IgG-positive patients with optic neuritis (ON) and/or myelitis (n = 50) as well as attack and long-term treatment outcomes. Methods: Retrospective multicenter study. Results: The sex ratio was 1:2.8 (m:f). Median age at onset was 31 years (range 6-70). The disease followed a multiphasic course in 80% (median time-to-first-relapse 5 months; annualized relapse rate 0.92) and resulted in significant disability in 40% (mean follow-up 75 ± 46.5 months), with severe visual impairment or functional blindness (36%) and markedly impaired ambulation due to paresis or ataxia (25%) as the most common long-term sequelae. Functional blindess in one or both eyes was noted during at least one ON attack in around 70%. Perioptic enhancement was present in several patients. Besides acute tetra-/paraparesis, dysesthesia and pain were common in acute myelitis (70%). Longitudinally extensive spinal cord lesions were frequent, but short lesions occurred at least once in 44%. Fourty-one percent had a history of simultaneous ON and myelitis. Clinical or radiological involvement of the brain, brainstem, or cerebellum was present in 50%; extra-opticospinal symptoms included intractable nausea and vomiting and respiratory insufficiency (fatal in one). CSF pleocytosis (partly neutrophilic) was present in 70%, oligoclonal bands in only 13%, and blood-CSF-barrier dysfunction in 32%. Intravenous methylprednisolone (IVMP) and long-term immunosuppression were often effective; however, treatment failure leading to rapid accumulation of disability was noted in many patients as well as flare-ups after steroid withdrawal. Full recovery was achieved by plasma exchange in some cases, including after IVMP failure. Breakthrough attacks under azathioprine were linked to the drug-specific latency period and a lack of cotreatment with oral steroids. Methotrexate was effective in 5/6 patients. Interferon-beta was associated with ongoing or increasing disease activity. Rituximab and ofatumumab were effective in some patients. However, treatment with rituximab was followed by early relapses in several cases; end-of-dose relapses occurred 9-12 months after the first infusion. Coexisting autoimmunity was rare (9%). Wingerchuk’s 2006 and 2015 criteria for NMO(SD) and Barkhof and McDonald criteria for multiple sclerosis (MS) were met by 28%, 32%, 15%, 33%, respectively; MS had been suspected in 36%. Disease onset or relapses were preceded by infection, vaccination, or pregnancy/delivery in several cases. Conclusion: Our findings from a predominantly Caucasian cohort strongly argue against the concept of MOG-IgG denoting a mild and usually monophasic variant of NMOSD. The predominantly relapsing and often severe disease course and the short median time to second attack support the use of prophylactic long-term treatments in patients with MOG-IgG-positive ON and/or myelitis
