12,989 research outputs found

    High-Mobility Few-Layer Graphene Field Effect Transistors Fabricated on Epitaxial Ferroelectric Gate Oxides

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    The carrier mobility \mu of few-layer graphene (FLG) field-effect transistors increases ten-fold when the SiO_2 substrate is replaced by single-crystal epitaxial Pb(Zr_0.2Ti_0.8)O_3 (PZT). In the electron-only regime of the FLG, \mu reaches 7x10^4 cm^2/Vs at 300K for n = 2.4x10^12/cm^2, 70% of the intrinsic limit set by longitudinal acoustic (LA) phonons; it increases to 1.4x10^5 cm^2/Vs at low temperature. The temperature-dependent resistivity \rho(T) reveals a clear signature of LA phonon scattering, yielding a deformation potential D = 7.8+/-0.5 eV.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Mantle flow and lithosphere-asthenosphere coupling beneath the southwestern edge of the North American craton: constraints from shear-wave splitting measurements

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    High-quality broadband seismic data recorded by the USArray and other stations in the southwestern United States provide a unique opportunity to test different models of anisotropy-forming mechanisms in the vicinity of a cratonic edge. Systematic spatial variations of anisotropic characteristics are revealed by 3027 pairs of splitting parameters measured at 547 broadband seismic stations. The western and southern edges of the North American craton show edge-parallel fast directions with larger-than-normal splitting times, and the continental interior is characterized by smaller splitting times spatially consistent fast directions that are mostly parallel to the absolute plate motion direction of North America. Except for a small area in the vicinity of the Llano Uplift in central Texas, no systematic azimuthal variations of the splitting parameters are observed, suggesting that a single layer of anisotropy with horizontal axis of symmetry can adequately explain the observations. Estimation of the depth of the source of the observed anisotropy using spatial coherency of the splitting parameters indicates that the observed anisotropy mostly originate from the upper asthenosphere, through simple shear between the partially coupled lithosphere and asthenosphere --Abstract, page iv

    Demographic inference from multiple whole genomes using a particle filter for continuous Markov jump processes

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    Demographic events shape a population's genetic diversity, a process described by the coalescent-with-recombination model that relates demography and genetics by an unobserved sequence of genealogies along the genome. As the space of genealogies over genomes is large and complex, inference under this model is challenging. Formulating the coalescent-with-recombination model as a continuous-time and -space Markov jump process, we develop a particle filter for such processes, and use waypoints that under appropriate conditions allow the problem to be reduced to the discrete-time case. To improve inference, we generalise the Auxiliary Particle Filter for discrete-time models, and use Variational Bayes to model the uncertainty in parameter estimates for rare events, avoiding biases seen with Expectation Maximization. Using real and simulated genomes, we show that past population sizes can be accurately inferred over a larger range of epochs than was previously possible, opening the possibility of jointly analyzing multiple genomes under complex demographic models. Code is available at https://github.com/luntergroup/smcsmc.

    Toxicity and behavioral effects of nootkatone, 1,10-dihydronootkatone, and tetrahydronootkatone to the formosan subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)

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    Toxicity and behavioral effects of nootkatone and two of its derivatives, 1,10-dihydronootkatone and tetrahydronootkatone, to Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki were investigated on workers from two different colonies by using topical application assays, repellency assays, and sand barrier assays. The acute toxicity of the nootkatones on workers from both colonies increased as the saturation of the molecule increased, but the difference was significant for only one colony. The results of the repellency assays showed a similar trend of efficiency; the threshold concentration for significant repellency was four-fold higher in nootkatone treatments (50 ppm) than in the reduced derivatives 1,10-dihydronootkatone or tetrahydronootkatone (12.5 ppm). In sand barrier assays, a concentration of 100 ppm of any of the three chemicals significantly reduced termite survival, tunnel building, and food consumption after a 12-d exposure. Termites preexposed tolOO ppm nootkatone-treated sand and placed in containers without nootkatone for 15 d continued to exhibit abnormal feeding and digging behaviors; survivorship, tunneling, and feeding activities were significantly reduced by 83.5, 63.2, and 95.4%, respectively. Termites pretreated for 12 d at concentrations of 50 and 75 ppm nootkatone and tetrahydronootkatone returned to normal digging activity after they were removed from the treatments, but their feeding activity was significantly reduced

    Fusion-Fission of 16O+197Au at Sub-Barrier Energies

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    The recent discovery of heavy-ion fusion hindrance at far sub-barrier energies has focused much attention on both experimental and theoretical studies of this phenomenon. Most of the experimental evidence comes from medium-heavy systems such as Ni+Ni to Zr+Zr, for which the compound system decays primarily by charged-particle evaporation. In order to study heavier systems, it is, however, necessary to measure also the fraction of the decay that goes into fission fragments. In the present work we have, therefore, measured the fission cross section of 16O+197Au down to unprecedented far sub-barrier energies using a large position sensitive PPAC placed at backward angles. The preliminary cross sections will be discussed and compared to earlier studies at near-barrier energies. No conclusive evidence for sub-barrier hindrance was found, probably because the measurements were not extended to sufficiently low energies.Comment: Fusion06 - Intl. Conf. on Reaction Mechanisms and Nuclear Structure at the Coulomb Barrier, San Servolo, Venezia, Italy, March 19-223, 2006 5 pages, 4 figure

    The stochastic entry of enveloped viruses: Fusion vs. endocytosis

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    Viral infection requires the binding of receptors on the target cell membrane to glycoproteins, or ``spikes,'' on the viral membrane. The initial entry is usually classified as fusogenic or endocytotic. However, binding of viral spikes to cell surface receptors not only initiates the viral adhesion and the wrapping process necessary for internalization, but can simultaneously initiate direct fusion with the cell membrane. Both fusion and internalization have been observed to be viable pathways for many viruses. We develop a stochastic model for viral entry that incorporates a competition between receptor mediated fusion and endocytosis. The relative probabilities of fusion and endocytosis of a virus particle initially nonspecifically adsorbed on the host cell membrane are computed as functions of receptor concentration, binding strength, and number of spikes. We find different parameter regimes where the entry pathway probabilities can be analytically expressed. Experimental tests of our mechanistic hypotheses are proposed and discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    A new criteria for zero quantum discord

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    We propose a new criterion to judge zero quantum discord for arbitrary bipartite states. A bipartite quantum state has zero quantum discord if and only if all blocks of its density matrix are normal matrices and commute with each other. Given a bipartite state with zero quantum discord, how to find out the set of local projectors, which do not disturb the whole state after being imposed on one subsystem, is also presented. A class of two-qubit X-state is used to test the criterion, and an experimental scheme is proposed to realize it. Consequently, we prove that the positive operator-valued measurement can not extinguish the quantum correlation of a bipartite state with nonzero quantum discord.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Atomic environments in iron meteorites using EXAFS

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    Extended x ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) is observed as a modulation on the high energy side of an x ray absorption edge. It occurs when the photo-ejected electron wave is scattered by neighboring atoms in a solid, and interference occurs between the outgoing and scattered waves. The result is that the absorption spectrum carries a signature that is characteristic of the identity and disposition of scattering atoms around the absorbing atom. Therefore, it may be shown that the Fourier transform of the normalized EXAFS can provide detailed information about the immediate environment of specific atoms in a solid and is ideally suited to the study of cosmic dusts. A study of cosmic dust was initiated using EXAFS and other techniques. The simplest type of cosmic material, namely iron meteorites, was investigated
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