56 research outputs found

    Quantitative phase spectroscopy

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    Quantitative phase spectroscopy is presented as a novel method of measuring the wavelength-dependent refractive index of microscopic volumes. Light from a broadband source is filtered to an ~5 nm bandwidth and rapidly tuned across the visible spectrum in 1 nm increments by an acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF). Quantitative phase images of semitransparent samples are recovered at each wavelength using off-axis interferometry and are processed to recover relative and absolute dispersion measurements. We demonstrate the utility of this approach by (i) spectrally averaging phase images to reduce coherent noise, (ii) measuring absorptive and dispersive features in microspheres, and (iii) quantifying bulk hemoglobin concentrations by absolute refractive index measurements. Considerations of using low coherence illumination and the extension of spectral techniques in quantitative phase measurements are discussed

    Discussion of Palestinian-Israeli Conflict in British Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee (2014)

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    The authors analyze the debates on the problem of the Middle East settlement in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the British Parliament, which took place in connection with the start of the American peace initiative in 2013-14. A general description of the discussion of the Middle East issues at committee meetings during the government cadence of D. Cameron (2010-2016) is given. Particular attention is paid to the positions of the parties to the conflict, stated at the meeting by the diplomats of Israel and Palestine. The key issues of the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation are considered: issues of permanent status (borders, refugees, Israeli settlements, the status of Jerusalem) and security issues discussed at the negotiations held under the auspices of John Kerry. It is proved that the positions of the conflicting parties remained irreconcilable. It is noted that at this historical stage, none of the leading powers of the world had sufficient influence for an effective and successful settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the documents of the British Parliament were introduced into scientific circulation in order to analyze the prospects for a Middle East settlement. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict remains a source of tension in the Middle East, continuing to influence the situation in the region and the policies of the leading world powers

    Realistic optical cell modeling and diffraction imaging simulation for study of optical and morphological parameters of nucleus

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    Coherent light scattering presents complex spatial patterns that depend on morphological and molecular features of biological cells. We present a numerical approach to establish realistic optical cell models for generating virtual cells and accurate simulation of diffraction images that are comparable to measured data of prostate cells. With a contourlet transform algorithm, it has been shown that the simulated images and extracted parameters can be used to distinguish virtual cells of different nuclear volumes and refractive indices against the orientation variation. These results demonstrate significance of the new approach for development of rapid cell assay methods through diffraction imaging.ECU Open Access Publishing Support Fun

    129 Xe chemical shift in human blood and pulmonary blood oxygenation measurement in humans using hyperpolarized 129 Xe NMR

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    Purpose: To evaluate the dependency of the 129 Xe-red blood cell (RBC) chemical shift on blood oxygenation, and to use this relation for noninvasive measurement of pulmonary blood oxygenation in vivo with hyperpolarized 129 Xe NMR. Methods: Hyperpolarized 129 Xe was equilibrated with blood samples of varying oxygenation in vitro, and NMR was performed at 1.5 T and 3 T. Dynamic in vivo NMR during breath hold apnea was performed at 3 T on two healthy volunteers following inhala- tion of hyperpolarized 129 Xe. Results: The 129 Xe chemical shift in RBCs was found to increase nonlinearly with blood oxygenation at 1.5 T and 3 T. During breath hold apnea, the 129 Xe chemical shift in RBCs exhibited a periodic time modulation and showed a net decrease in chemical shift of ~ 1 ppm over a 35 s breath hold, corresponding to a decrease of 7–10 % in RBC oxygenation. The 129 Xe-RBC signal amplitude showed a modulation with the same frequency as the 129 Xe-RBC chemical shift. Conclusion: The feasibility of using the 129 Xe-RBC chemical shift to measure pulmonary blood oxygenation in vivo has been dem- onstrated. Correlation between 129 Xe-RBC signal and 129 Xe-RBC chemical shift modulations in the lung warrants further investiga- tion, with the aim to better quantify temporal blood oxygenation changes in the cardiopulmonary vascular circuit

    Optical clearing of blood

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    Light scattering in biological tissues and blood leads to a reduction in imaging spatial resolution, imaging depth and contrast of optical imaging techniques. Refractive index mismatch between erythrocytes and blood plasma is the main source of light scattering in blood. Immersion method for optical clearing of biological tissues and blood can be applied to improve light transport. Application of biocompatible clearing agents can lead to reduction of light scattering in turbid biological samples and enhancement of optical penetration depth in tissues and blood. The mechanism of the enhancement of transmittance depends on the particular agent applied, its concentration and stage of the measurements. Determination of optimal type and concentration of clearing agents for blood optical clearing is required for effective and non-destructive usage of optical clearing techniques. The purpose of this work is to investigate systematically the mechanism of optical clearing of blood by use of various biocompatible clearing agents and determination of the optimal type and concentration of clearing agents for blood optical clearing in order to improve light penetration depth for optical imaging techniques. The experiments carried out on animals showed the possibility of in vivo applications of optical clearing method. The scattering and absorbing properties of blood are determined by the optical properties of hemoglobin. The knowledge of refractive index of human hemoglobin is important for practical applications in blood and tissue optics. The direct measurements of refractive index of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin in wide range of concentrations were carried out in visible and near infrared region. The suggested model functions allow to estimate the refractive index of hemoglobin with arbitrary concentrations, including highly concentrated hemoglobin as in blood and in erythrocytes


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    В данной статье рассматривается этнокультурный имидж шотландцев, созданный англичанами на материале этнических анекдотов и шуток. Проанализированный языковой материал показывает, что в современном британском обществе англо-шотландское противостояние – это внутренний конфликт национально-культурных идентичностей, основанный как на исторических, так и современных социально-политических трансформаций британского общества.The article is devoted to an ethnic and cultural image of the Scots, created by the English and it is done on the examples of ethnic jokes and anecdotes. The analyzed material reveals that the English-Scottish opposition represents an internal conflict of national and cultural identities based on both historical and contemporary social and political transformations of the British society


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    The article is devoted to the review of different opinions on immigration policies carried out by European countries, which can be useful for the creation of new approaches to managing migration processes in the Russian Federation. The rising number and activity of Muslim population requires new strategies and approaches. Recognizing the unsuccessful results of different models of immigrants’ integration (including multiculturalism) contemporary Europe has to deal with new challenges and threats caused by intensive migration processes from Muslim countries.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12731/2227-930X-2012-1-

    Universal values in contemporary foreign policy: Russian perspectives

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    © Serials Publications. This paper is devoted to one of the topical issues of the current Russian political science in the light of ongoing global changes taking place in Russia as well as in the whole world. The authors of the study make an attempt to examine Russia's changing foreign policy outlook by analyzing the values and their role in understanding contemporary Russian foreign policy. There are still open debates that Russia has a lot of problems building a strategic partnership and alliances with both the CIS countries and other foreign states and International Institutions. The emphasis of the study is particularly made on Russia's view on the role of values in foreign policy. In the course of the study the authors conclude that the lack of strong links between universal values and foreign policy is the reason for inconsistency of Russian foreign policy and problems existing between Moscow and its partners. If a state seeks to gain power and influence in the world arena, it should have such a model of development that will draw other countries to build any kind cooperation with it