191 research outputs found

    Beyond thermal comfort in the hospital rooms. Investigation of thermal summer comfort in patients rooms: case of Biskra hospitals

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    In Algeria, the architectural design of hospitals is unfortunately not subject to clear and specific regulatory thermal strategy, it depends mainly on the architect own approach to the issue of comfort design, materials, etc. This research aims to investigate the present comfort conditions in typical hospital configuration and under specific climate conditions of hot and arid regions. Two different hospital designs have been investigated in Biskra. A main town is southeast of Algeria. The first case study being the oldest hospital in the town, build in the late 30s during the colonial era and renovated recently. The second hospital is a brand new hospital. A series of measurements of ambient air temperature, patient surveys and interviews have been initiated in two typical wards. The results show that thermal comfort sensations in these specific spaces depend not only on architecture, design and typical processes, but also on physiological, psychological and behavioral parameters which widely influence the perception of the patients

    Evaluation of the sound environment of the city of Biskra (Algeria)

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    This research concerns the quantitative evaluation of the urban sound environment of the city of Biskra. The aim was to determine the quality of the soundscape based on in situ measurement, using a Landtek SL5868P sound level meter. 62 points have been identified to represent the whole city. The results show that that the noise level varies from 54.1 to 75.8 dB(A) during the weekdays and from 50.4 to 74.2dB(A) during the weekend. In addition,90% of the results of the weekday measurements and 81% of the results of the weekend measurements exceed the recommended levels given by the World Health Organization. The present urban sound exposure could have a substantial impact on the overall comfort of inhabitants and increase the risk of the syndrome of the sick cities

    Un modèle de validation automatique de mécanismes de sécurisation des communications

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Psychological preparation and its role in the accomplishment of sports competitions

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    هدف هذا البحث هو التعرف على الدور الذي يلعبه الإعداد النفسي في تحقيق الإنجاز الرياضي، وأن الإعداد والتهيئة النفسية أصبحت عملية ضرورية وملحة بالنسبة للاعب لكي يستطيع السيطرة عليها وذلك لتحقيق أفضل مستوى من الأداء وتحقيق أفضل النتائج والوصول إلى مستوى الانجاز الجيد. حيث توصل إلى أن للإعداد النفسي أهمية كبيرة في تحقيق الإنجاز في المنافسات الرياضية وإتباع خطوات من أجل تفعيل إعداد متكامل، وللإعداد النفسي تقنيات يجب إتباعها لتخفيف الضغوط النفسية خلال المنافسة، كما أن للمنافسة خصائص يتطلب إدراكها مع وجوب معرفة عناصر الصفات النفسية قبل المنافسة وكذلك توضيح طرق تنمية الصفات النفسية للمنافسات الرياضية مع ضرورة استخدام القياس النفسي في المنافسات الرياضية.The aim of this research is to identify the role that psychological preparation plays in the achievement of sporting achievements, and that psychological preparation and preparation have become a necessary and urgent process for the player to be able to control in order to achieve the best level of performance and achieve the best results and achieve the level of good achievement. Where he found that psychological preparation is of great importance for achieving success in sports competitions by following steps to activate built-in numbers, and psychological preparation techniques should be followed to reduce psychological pressure during the competition

    Real-time Implementation of Space Vector Modulation using Arduino as a Low-cost Microcontroller for Three-phase Grid-connected Inverter

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    This work aims to facilitate the approach of a promising and fascinating technology, which is the photovoltaic (PV) energy, concerning the integration of PV systems to the utility grid from the control/synchronization point of view. Within this context, this paper gives a performance analysis of modeling and driving a two-level three-phase grid-connected PV system, in order to reduce the variations in frequency and phase, as a result, the synchronization between the inverter and the utility grid is accomplished and the correct function of the inverter is performed. MATLAB/Simulink software was utilized to develop the model of the suggested control algorithms. Then, as an interfacing device between the software and the inverter, the Arduino UNO microcontroller is proposed as a low-cost and simplified method to control the three-phase grid-connected inverte

    Mathematical modeling of laser lipolysis

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens

    Physical activity and its effect on the general health of secondary school students

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إظهار الدور المهم الذي تلعبه الأنشطة البدنية والرياضية في التأثير على الصحة العامة وأبعادها الاجتماعية والنفسية والبدنية لتلاميذ المرحلة الثانوية وذلك من خلال المقارنة بين التلاميذ الممارسين والتلاميذ غير الممارسين للنشاط البدني الرياضي. وقد استخدم الباحث مقياس الصحة العامة لتبيان هل هناك فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين تلاميذ الممارسين للنشاط البدني الرياضي والتلاميذ غير الممارسين. وهل هناك فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين التلاميذ الممارسين للنشاط البدني الرياضي داخل المؤسسة فقط والتلاميذ الممارسين داخل وخارج المؤسسة. وهل هناك فروق دالة احصائيا باختلاف نوع النشاط الممارس وعدد مرات الممارسة أسبوعيا في مقياس الصحة العامة. وتوصل الباحث الى انه هناك فروق دالة احصائيا بين الممارسين وغير الممارسين للنشاط البدني. لا توجد فروق دالة احصائيا بين الممارسين داخل المؤسسة والممارسين داخل وخارج المؤسسة. توجد فروق ذات دالة إحصائية باختلاف نوع النشاط الممارس، بالنسبة لعدد المرات الممارسة أسبوعيا لا توجد فروق دالة احصائياThis study aims to show the important role that physical and sports activities play in influencing the general health and its social, psychological and physical dimensions of secondary school students, through a comparison between students who are practicing and students who are not practicing physical sports activity. The researcher used the public health scale to show whether there are statistically significant differences between students who practice physical activity and those who are not. Are there statistically significant differences between the students who practice physical activity in the institution only and the students who practice inside and outside the institution. Are there statistically significant differences according to the type of activity practiced and the number of times a week practiced in the public health scale. The researcher concluded that there are statistically significant differences between practitioners and non-practitioners of physical activity. There are no statistically significant differences between practitioners inside the institution and practitioners inside and outside the institution. There are statistically significant differences according to the type of activity practiced, as for the number of times a week practiced, there are no statistically significant difference

    Modèle de routage écoénergétique dans les réseaux définis par logiciel

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    La croissance exponentielle des utilisateurs du réseau et leurs demandes de communication ont conduit à un accroissement considérable de la consommation d’énergie dans les infrastructures réseau. Un nouveau paradigme de réseautage appelé Software Defined Networking (SDN) a récemment vu le jour, dans lequel le plan de données, responsable du transfert de paquets est découplé du plan de contrôle responsable de la prise de décision. Le SDN simplifie la gestion du réseau en offrant la programmabilité des équipements réseau et permet la redirection rapide des flux. Il est évident que le SDN ouvre de nouvelles opportunités prometteuses pour améliorer la performance du réseau en général et l’efficacité énergétique en particulier. Dans ce mémoire, compte tenu de la charge de trafic actuelle d’un réseau basé sur le paradigme SDN, nous exploitons les techniques d’adaptation dynamique des débits des ports de transmission des données, afin de réduire la consommation d’énergie du réseau. L’idée principale de ce mémoire est de trouver une distribution des flux sur des chemins précalculés qui permet de réduire la consommation énergétique du réseau par l’adaptation dynamique des débits de transmission des liaisons. Nous formulons d’abord le problème comme un problème de programmation linéaire entière (ILP). Ensuite, nous présentons quatre différents algorithmes efficaces du point de vue de temps de traitement à savoir, l’algorithme First Fit, l’algorithme Best Fit, l’algorithme Worst Fit et un algorithme génétique (AG) pour résoudre le problème pour le cas d’une topologie réseau réaliste. Les résultats de la simulation montrent que la méthode basée sur l’AG surpasse systématiquement les autres heuristiques proposées et qu’en appliquant cet algorithme, entre 32 % et 47 % de l’énergie peut être économisée en fonction de la taille et de la densité de la topologie du réseau