234 research outputs found

    Nutritivni i socioekonomski status slučajnog uzorka ispitanika koji žive u Jugoistočnoj Srbiji - u smeru strategija personalizovane ishrane

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    South-Eastern Serbia is with traditionally acknowledged intake of spicy and energy-dense food. For the purposes of this study we presented official socio-economic determinants for the three counties within South-Eastern Serbia: jablanički, niški and pirotski. The objective of this study was to assess nutritional status of randomly selected 40 subjects (11-74 years) residing in South Eastern Serbia within the counties. By means of validated food and dietary data methodology, we interviewed subjects and analyzed in a cross-sectional design. Our data indicate low-carbohydrate-high-fat like dietary pattern within the subjects, irrespective of age and gender in the region. Demonstrated likely improper nutritional status of sodium, calcium, vitamins A, C, D and B9 (folate) warrants public health initiatives towards optimization of the intake within the region. Our results indicate inadequate micronutrient intake within the adolescent group. Overall our results underline the necessity of raising education and awareness of healthy nutrition benefits and sustainable food choices within South Eastern Serbia and foster the necessity of implementation of an individualized approach in nutrition healthcare in this middle-income country.U jugoistočnoj Srbiji se tradicionalno konzumira začinjena i energetski bogata i jaka hrana. Za potrebe ove studije, prikazali smo zvanične socioekonomske pokazatelje kroz tri okruga jugoistočne Srbije: jablanički, niški i pirotski. Cilj ove studije bio je evaluacija nutritivnog statusa slučajnog uzorka 40 ispitanika (11-74 godine) koji žive unutar pomenuta tri regiona jugoistočne Srbije. Korišćenjem validiranih metodoloških alata o prikupljanju podataka o kvalitetu ishrane i učestalosti konzumiranja namirnica, intervjuisali smo ispitanike i analizirali metodama studije preseka. Naši podaci ukazuju na dijetarni obrazac u regionu koji teži nižem unosu ugljenih hidrata i povišenom unosu masti, nezavisno od pola i starosne dobi. U našem radu ukazano je i na mogući neadekvatan unos mikronutrijenata u regionu, uključujući natrijum, kalcijum, vitamine A, C, D i B9 (folat), podatak koji zahteva inicijative javnog zdravlja u regionu. Naši podaci ukazuju da je neadekvatan unos mikronutrijenata prvenstveno prisutan u grupi adolescenata. Uopšte uzev, naši rezultati ukazuju na neophodnost podsticanja obrazovanja i podizanja svesti o značaju zdrave, adekvatne i balansirane ishrane kao i održivih izbora hrane i grupa hrane u okviru jugoistočne Srbije. Naši podaci ističu neophodnost implementacije individualizovanog pristupa u nutritivnim i dijetarnim strategijama i dijetnim planovima zemlje u razvoju kakva je Srbija

    Processing and characterization of hybrid composites based on high molecular weight polyethylene

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    Predmet naučnog istraživanja je unapređenje svojstava hibridnih kompozitnih materijala korišćenjem polietilena visoke molarne mase (eng. Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene – UHMWPE) u obliku vlakana, koji imaju široku primenu u vojnoj, građevinskoj i pomorskoj industriji. Izrada ovakve vrste kompozita predstavlja izazov kada je potrebno istovremeno uspostaviti kompatibilnost između nekoliko vrsta materijala različitih karakteristika i kao krajnji rezultat dobiti materijal očekivanih svojstava. Međutim, uprkos dugom nizu godina ispitivanja i poboljšavanja svojstava, još uvek postoje nove mogućnosti njegovog unapređenja. Primarni cilj doktorske disertacije je sinteza hibridnog kompozita unapređenih mehaničkih karakteristika i njegova primena u izradi užadi. Na osnovu procene uticaja komercijalnih neorganskih punioca i sintetisanih čestica aluminijum oksida dopiranih gvožđe oksidom na mehanička svojstva hibridnog kompozita sa polimernom matricom na bazi kopolimera etilena i vinil-acetata ojačanog UHMWPE vlaknima, definisano je koji kompozit ima najbolje karakteristike koje zadovoljavaju postavljene zahteve. U ovom istraživanju je korišćen kopolimer etilena i vinil-acetata kao matrice, koja je kompatibilna sa UHMWPE vlaknima i kasnije dodavanim puniocima. Kao ojačanja su korišćena UHMWPE vlakna, komercijalne nano čestice i viskeri aluminijum oksida, kao i čestice aluminijum oksida dopirane gvožđe oksidom. UHMWPE vlakna su impregnirana kopolimerom etilena i vinil-acetata (eng. Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate – EVA)) sa različitim vrstama i masenim udelima punioca. Radi poboljšanja adhezivnih svojstava, matrica je delimično hidrolizovana u cilju stvaranja većeg broja reaktivnih OH grupa koje su imale funkciju obezbeđenja bolje interakcije sa puniocima i ojačanjem. U izradi i ispitivanju hibridnih kompozita korišćena su dva tipa UHMWPE vlakana – netretirana i površinski modifikovana vlakna hromnom kiselinom. Površina čestica Al2O3 je modifikovana nehidrolizovanim i hidrolizovanim GLYMO silanom (3-glicidoksipropiltrimetoksilan). Prezentovana istraživanja daju novi pristup u ispitivanju međupovršinskih efekata, interakcija i stepena ojačanja između UHMWPE vlakana i matrice, uz dodavanje različitih vrsta čestica aluminijum oksida kako bi se ispitao njihov uticaj na povećanje termičke stabilnosti i zatezne čvrstoće dobijenih hibridnih kompozitnih materijala. U cilju krarakterizacije hemijskog sastava materijala, u radu su korišćene infracrvena spektroskopija sa Furijeovom transformacijom (eng. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy FT-IR) i Raman spektroskopija. Karakteristike matrice na atomskom nivou, odnosno stepen hidrolize EVA kopolimera definisane su primenom nuklearne magnetne rezonance (NMR spektroskopija). S obzirom na inertnost UHMWPE vlakana i slabu polarnost, ispitivanje kompatibilnosti i međupovršinskih interakcija između UHMWPE vlakana i EVA matrice vršeno je određivanjem ugla kvašenja. Merenja su sprovedena na uzorcima EVA/UHMWPE kompozita sa netretiranim i oksidovanim UHMWPE vlaknima u kombinaciji sa netretiranom i delimično hidrolizovanom EVA matricom. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da su oksidovana UHMWPE vlakna, usled povećanja površinske slobodne energije, ostvarila najmanji kontaktni ugao sa delimično hidrolizovanom EVA matricom što je ukazalo na bolju međupovršisku adheziju odnosno kompatibilnost. Termogravimetrijska analiza dala je uvid u efekat uticaja dodatih čestica na termičku stabilnost hibridnih kompozita kod kojih su tokom procesa zagrevanja, do temperature od 600 °C, praćene fizičke i hemijske promene, odnosno proces degradacije EVA matrice i UHMWPE vlakana. Takođe, kao jedan od bitnih faktora u ispitivanju stabilnosti kompozitnih materijala je i određivanje temperature topljenja primenom DSC analize i merenje entalpije endotermskog procesa EVA matrice i UHMWPE vlakana u kompozitnom materijalu...The subject of scientific research is to improve the properties of hybrid composite materials based on ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibers, which have wide application in military, construction and marine industries. The production of this type of composite is a challenge when it is necessary to establish compatibility between several types of materials of different characteristics and, at the same time, to obtain the material of the expected properties. However, despite many years of testing and improving properties, there are still new possibilities for its improvement. The primary goal of the doctoral dissertation is synthesis of the hybrid composite with advanced mechanical characteristics and its application in the production of ropes. Based on the assessment of the influence of commercial inorganic fillers and synthesized particles of aluminum oxide doped with iron oxide on the mechanical properties of the hybrid composite with a polymer matrix which is based on the copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate reinforced with UHMWPE fibers, it is defined which composite has the best characteristics that meet the set of requirements. In this study a copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate was used as a matrix, which is compatible with UHMWPE fibers and subsequently added fillers. As reinforcements, UHMWPE fibers, commercial nano particles and aluminum oxide whiskers were used, as well as aluminum oxide particles doped with iron oxide. UHMWPE fibers were impregnated with copolymers of ethylene and vinyl acetate (Poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate - EVA)) with different types and weight of fillers. In order to improve the adhesive properties, the matrix was partially hydrolyzed in order to create a large number of reactive OH groups that have the function of providing better interaction with fillers and reinforcement. In the preparation and testing of hybrid composites, two types of UHMWPE fibers were used - untreated and surface modified fibers with chromic acid. The surface area of Al2O3 was modified by non-hydrolyzed and hydrolyzed GLYMO silane (3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxylane). The presented researches give a new approach in the examination of inter-surface effects, interactions and the degree of amplification between UHMWPE fibers and matrices, with the addition of different types of aluminum oxide particles in order to examine their impact on increasing the thermal stability and tensile strength of the obtained hybrid composite materials. In order to characterize the chemical composition of the material, an infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform (FT-IR) and Raman spectroscopy were used. The characteristics of the matrix at the atomic level, like degree of hydrolysis of the EVA copolymer, are defined by the application of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR spectroscopy). Considering the inertness of UHMWPE fibers and its poor polarity, compatibility testing and interfacial interactions between UHMWPE fibers and EVA matrix were performed by determining the angle of wetting. Measurements were performed on samples of EVA/UHMWPE composites with untreated and oxidized UHMWPE fibers in combination with untreated and partially hydrolyzed EVA matrix. On the basis of the obtained results it was established that the oxidized UHMWPE fibers, due to the increase in surface free energy, achieved the smallest contact angle with a partially hydrolyzed EVA matrix, which indicated better interconnecting adhesion and compatibility. Thermogravimetric analysis provided an insight into the effect of the influence of added particles on thermal stability of hybrid composites and physical and chemical changes ( process of degradation of EVA matrix and UHMWPE fibers). These changes were monitored during the heating process up to a temperature of 600 ° C. Also, as one of the important factors in testing the stability of composite materials is determination of the melting temperature using DSC analysis and measurement of the enthalpy of the endothermic process of the EVA matrix and UHMWPE fibers in the composite material..

    Signed double Roman domination on cubic graphs

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    The signed double Roman domination problem is a combinatorial optimization problem on a graph asking to assign a label from {±1,2,3}\{\pm{}1,2,3\} to each vertex feasibly, such that the total sum of assigned labels is minimized. Here feasibility is given whenever (i) vertices labeled ±1\pm{}1 have at least one neighbor with label in {2,3}\{2,3\}; (ii) each vertex labeled 1-1 has one 33-labeled neighbor or at least two 22-labeled neighbors; and (iii) the sum of labels over the closed neighborhood of any vertex is positive. The cumulative weight of an optimal labeling is called signed double Roman domination number (SDRDN). In this work, we first consider the problem on general cubic graphs of order nn for which we present a sharp n/2+Θ(1)n/2+\Theta(1) lower bound for the SDRDN by means of the discharging method. Moreover, we derive a new best upper bound. Observing that we are often able to minimize the SDRDN over the class of cubic graphs of a fixed order, we then study in this context generalized Petersen graphs for independent interest, for which we propose a constraint programming guided proof. We then use these insights to determine the SDRDNs of subcubic 2×m2\times m grid graphs, among other results

    Vitamin D Status and Its Correlation With Anthropometric and Biochemical Indicators of Cardiometabolic Risk in Serbian Underground Coal Miners in 2016

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    The status of vitamin D in underground working coal miners and its association with their cardiometabolic health is rarely studied. This study aimed to examine vitamin D (VitD) status in Serbian underground coal miners and to correlate it with anthropometric and laboratory indicators of cardiometabolic risk. Nutritional data (food frequency questionnaire, FFQ, and two times repeated 24 h recall), anthropometric data (including segmental analysis by bio-impedance analyzer TANITA BC-545N), arterial tension, and biochemical and hematological data of 103 coal miners (aged 22–63 years) were correlated with their late summer (early September) serum 25 (OH)D levels (measured by HPLC). 68.9% of the studied coal miners were overweight/obese, and 48.5% had metabolic syndrome. Their mean VitD nutritional intakes were low: 5.3 ± 3.8 μg/day (FFQ) and 4.9 ± 8 μg/day (24 h recalls), but their mean serum 25 (OH)D levels were surprisingly high (143.7 ± 41.4 nmol/L). Only 2.9% of the coal miners had 25(OH)D levels lower than 75 nmol/L (indicating an insufficient/deficient status), while 63.2% had values above 125 nmol/L (upper optimal limit), and even 10.7% had values above 200 nmol/L. There were no statistical differences in 25 (OH)D levels in the coal miners with or without metabolic syndrome (or overweight/obesity). Interestingly, 25(OH)D levels had significant positive correlations with body mass index (BMI), fat mass (FM), fat mass percentage (FM%), limbs FM%, serum triglycerides, GGT, AST, ALT, and ALT/AST ratio, and had significant negative correlations with serum HDL-cholesterol and age. All these correlations were lost after corrections for age, FM, FM%, and legs FM%. In Serbian coal miners, high levels of early September VitD levels were observed, indicating sufficient non-working-hour sun exposure during the summer period. Furthermore, the unexpected positive correlations of VitD levels with anthropometric and biochemical parameters indicative of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and fatty liver disease were found. More research is needed on the VitD status of coal miners (particularly in the winter period) and its relationship with their cardiometabolic status

    Design, formulation and sensory evaluation of a polyphenol-rich food placebo: an example of aronia juice for food intervention studies

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    Products suitable for use as controls in food interventions designed to demonstrate the role of minor components are largely lacking. In the present study, we aimed to develop a formulation to be used as a placebo in a clinical trial designed to assess the effects of aronia juice polyphenols on platelet function. Three formulations with the same nutrient composition as aronia juice were prepared by mixing various nutrients, artificial colours and flavours with water. The similarity of formulations to aronia juice in terms of taste, colour, smell and texture was assessed by six food panellists. The final placebo was tested for its impact on platelet function, biochemical and anthropometric parameters in a 4-week long study. No significant changes in platelet function, or in several cardiovascular and safety markers were recorded. Formulation suitable for use as a placebo for dietary intervention studies using aronia juice has been developed and demonstrated to be well tolerated in humans

    Evaluation of CSF neurotransmitters and folate in 25 patients with Rett disorder and effects of treatment

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    Background: Rett disorder (RD) is a progressive neurodevelopmental entity caused by mutations in the MECP2 gene. It has been postulated that there are alterations in the levels of certain neurotransmitters and folate in the pathogenesis of this disease. Here we re-evaluated this hypothesis. Patients and methods: We evaluated CSF folate, biogenic amines and pterines in 25 RD patients. Treatment with oral folinic acid was started in those cases with low folate. Patients were clinically evaluated and videotaped up to 6 months after therapy. Results: CSF folate was below the reference values in 32% of the patients. Six months after treatment no clinical improvement was observed. Three of the four patients with the R294X mutation had increased levels of a dopamine metabolite associated to a particular phenotype. Three patients had low levels of a serotonin metabolite. Two of them were treated with fluoxetine and one showed clinical improvement. No association was observed between CSF folate and these metabolites, after adjusting for the patients age and neopterin levels. Conclusion: Our results support that folinic acid supplementation has no significant effects on the course of the disease. We report discrete and novel neurotransmitter abnormalities that may contribute to the pathogenesis of RD highlighting the need for further studies on CSF neurotransmitters in clinically and genetically well characterized patients.Research in Rett syndrome is supported by FSE/FEDER and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal), Grant No. POCTI 41416/2001

    Results from the first use of low radioactivity argon in a dark matter search

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    Liquid argon is a bright scintillator with potent particle identification properties, making it an attractive target for direct-detection dark matter searches. The DarkSide-50 dark matter search here reports the first WIMP search results obtained using a target of low-radioactivity argon. DarkSide-50 is a dark matter detector, using two-phase liquid argon time projection chamber, located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. The underground argon is shown to contain Ar-39 at a level reduced by a factor (1.4 +- 0.2) x 10^3 relative to atmospheric argon. We report a background-free null result from (2616 +- 43) kg d of data, accumulated over 70.9 live-days. When combined with our previous search using an atmospheric argon, the 90 % C.L. upper limit on the WIMP-nucleon spin-independent cross section based on zero events found in the WIMP search regions, is 2.0 x 10^-44 cm^2 (8.6 x 10^-44 cm^2, 8.0 x 10^-43 cm^2) for a WIMP mass of 100 GeV/c^2 (1 TeV/c^2 , 10 TeV/c^2).Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Comparative transcriptomic and proteomic signature of lung alveolar macrophages reveals the integrin CD11b as a regulatory hub during pneumococcal pneumonia infection

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    IntroductionStreptococcus pneumoniae is one of the main causes of community-acquired infections in the lung alveoli in children and the elderly. Alveolar macrophages (AM) patrol alveoli in homeostasis and under infectious conditions. However, the molecular adaptations of AM upon infections with Streptococcus pneumoniae are incompletely resolved.MethodsWe used a comparative transcriptomic and proteomic approach to provide novel insights into the cellular mechanism that changes the molecular signature of AM during lung infections. Using a tandem mass spectrometry approach to murine cell-sorted AM, we revealed significant proteomic changes upon lung infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae.ResultsAM showed a strong neutrophil-associated proteomic signature, such as expression of CD11b, MPO, neutrophil gelatinases, and elastases, which was associated with phagocytosis of recruited neutrophils. Transcriptomic analysis indicated intrinsic expression of CD11b by AM. Moreover, comparative transcriptomic and proteomic profiling identified CD11b as the central molecular hub in AM, which influenced neutrophil recruitment, activation, and migration.DiscussionIn conclusion, our study provides novel insights into the intrinsic molecular adaptations of AM upon lung infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae and reveals profound alterations critical for effective antimicrobial immunity