217 research outputs found

    The Localization and Function of Novel Tetrahymena thermophila Cytoskeletal Genes BBC29 and BBC39

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    Ciliary function is known to play an important role in many human conditions, including chronic sinus and pulmonary diseases and problems with infertility. Cilia are cytoskeletal structures that protrude from the cell body to facilitate movement. Ciliary structure is conserved throughout eukaryotes, from unicellular to multicellular organisms, including humans. A clear understanding the proteins that compose cilia and how they interact with one another will increase our knowledge about important cytoskeletal elements. Because cilia are difficult to study in multicellular organisms, the unicellular eukaryote Tetrahymena thermophila serves as a useful model for the study of cytoskeletal genes, due to their robust and longitudinally organized cilia. Here, we examine two novel kinetodesmal fiber proteins in T. thermophila, BBC29 and BBC39. Kinetodesmal fibers stabilize and organize cytoskeletal elements to ensure that all the cilia beat together and in the same orientation to maximize the effects of their beating. Genes BBC29 and BBC39 were isolated using PCR amplification, cloned into pICY-gtw vectors, and transformed into T. thermophila. The pICY vector included an inducible 3’ MTT cadmium promoter and a 5’ yellow fluorescent protein tag to allow visualization of the proteins’ location in live cells under UV light. Both genes localized to the kinetodesmal fiber structures, indicating their role to help stabilize and coordinate ciliary movement. We examined the interaction between the two proteins using co-immunoprecipitation to determine if the two proteins are dependent on each other for proper function. Our results demonstrate the complex interactions that occur between cytoskeletal proteins, such as those in the kinetodesmal fibers of cilia, and illuminate the need to further understand the relationship among the many proteins that allow for proper ciliary function. Because cytoskeletal proteins are often highly conserved between species, results gleaned through study with T. thermophila may be extended to elucidate the biochemical basis of human ciliary diseases

    Spin States Protected from Intrinsic Electron-Phonon-Coupling Reaching 100 ns Lifetime at Room Temperature in MoSe2_2

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    We present time-resolved Kerr rotation measurements, showing spin lifetimes of over 100 ns at room temperature in monolayer MoSe2_2. These long lifetimes are accompanied by an intriguing temperature dependence of the Kerr amplitude, which increases with temperature up to 50 K and then abruptly switches sign. Using ab initio simulations we explain the latter behavior in terms of the intrinsic electron-phonon coupling and the activation of transitions to secondary valleys. The phonon-assisted scattering of the photo-excited electron-hole pairs prepares a valley spin polarization within the first few ps after laser excitation. The sign of the total valley magnetization, and thus the Kerr amplitude, switches as a function of temperature, as conduction and valence band states exhibit different phonon-mediated inter-valley scattering rates. However, the electron-phonon scattering on the ps time scale does not provide an explanation for the long spin lifetimes. Hence, we deduce that the initial spin polarization must be transferred into spin states which are protected from the intrinsic electron-phonon coupling, and are most likely resident charge carriers which are not part of the itinerant valence or conduction band states.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figure

    Growth and development of the third permanent molar in Paranthropus robustus from Swartkrans, South Africa

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    Third permanent molars (M3s) are the last tooth to form but have not been used to estimate age at dental maturation in early fossil hominins because direct histological evidence for the timing of their growth has been lacking. We investigated an isolated maxillary M3 (SK 835) from the 1.5 to 1.8-million-year-old (Mya) site of Swartkrans, South Africa, attributed to Paranthropus robustus. Tissue proportions of this specimen were assessed using 3D X-ray micro-tomography. Thin ground sections were used to image daily growth increments in enamel and dentine. Transmitted light microscopy and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence imaging revealed fluctuations in Ca concentration that coincide with daily growth increments. We used regional daily secretion rates and Sr marker-lines to reconstruct tooth growth along the enamel/dentine and then cementum/dentine boundaries. Cumulative growth curves for increasing enamel thickness and tooth height and age-of-attainment estimates for fractional stages of tooth formation differed from those in modern humans. These now provide additional means for assessing late maturation in early hominins. M3 formation took ≥ 7 years in SK 835 and completion of the roots would have occurred between 11 and 14 years of age. Estimated age at dental maturation in this fossil hominin compares well with what is known for living great apes

    Reassessment of the TM 1517 odonto-postcranial assemblage from Kromdraai B, South Africa, and the maturational pattern of Paranthropus robustus

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    Objectives The Pleistocene taxon Paranthropus robustus was established in 1938 following the discovery at Kromdraai B, South Africa, of the partial cranium TM 1517a and associated mandible TM 1517b. Shortly thereafter, a distal humerus (TM 1517g), a proximal ulna (TM 1517e), and a distal hallucial phalanx (TM 1517k) were collected nearby at the site, and were considered to be associated with the holotype. TM 1517a‐b represents an immature individual; however, no analysis of the potentially associated postcranial elements has investigated the presence of any endostructural remnant of recent epiphyseal closure. This study aims at tentatively detecting such traces in the three postcranial specimens from Kromdraai B. Materials and Methods By using μXCT techniques, we assessed the developmental stage of the TM 1517b's C‐M3 roots and investigated the inner structure of TM 1517g, TM 1517e, and TM 1517k. Results The M2 shows incompletely closed root apices and the M3 a half‐completed root formation stage. The distal humerus was likely completely fused, while the proximal ulna and the distal hallucial phalanx preserve endosteal traces of the diaphyseo‐epiphyseal fusion process. Discussion In the hominin fossil record, there are few unambiguously associated craniodental and postcranial remains sampling immature individuals, an essential condition for assessing the taxon‐specific maturational patterns. Our findings corroborate the original association of the craniodental and postcranial remains representing the P. robustus type specimen. As with other Plio‐Pleistocene hominins, the odonto‐postcranial maturational pattern of TM 1517 more closely fits an African great ape rather than the extant human pattern

    Deafness: from suspicion to referral for intervention

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the experiences of mothers concerning the suspicion of deafness, the diagnosis and the referral to rehabilitation, as well as their perception about how the diagnosis was presented and explained. METHODS: Qualitative study with ten hearing mothers of deaf children who attended specialized treatment at São Paulo State, Brazil, for at least two years. A semi-structured interview with the mothers was performed and data were analyzed by examining of participants speeches, seeking to understand the meaning that mothers attributed to their own words. RESULTS: Although the diagnosis of six children was done before 12 months of age and considering mothers' multiple feelings on facing the deafness of their children, earlier diagnosis would have been possible if maternal observations have been given adequate value. Health professionals showed some difficulties in listening mothers' doubts, complaints and inquiries. In some cases, even when the diagnosis of deafness was appropriate by newborn hearing screening or clinical tools, children's treatment was delayed because referrals for specialized centers were inadequate. At the moment of communicating the problem, social, cultural and emotional needs of the mothers were not considered. CONCLUSIONS: The qualification and attention of health professionals is important to enable the early diagnosis of deafness, allowing appropriate support for the family and patients' referral and follow-up.OBJETIVO: Investigar a vivência das mães entre a suspeita, o diagnóstico de surdez e o encaminhamento para habilitação, bem como a percepção delas a respeito da forma como foi dado e explicado o diagnóstico. MÉTODOS: Estudo qualitativo com dez mães ouvintes com filhos surdos que frequentavam atendimento especializado em Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Reabilitação, no estado de São Paulo, há pelo menos dois anos. Realizou-se entrevista semiestruturada com as mães e foi feita análise da fala das participantes, buscando compreender o sentido que as mães deram à sua comunicação. RESULTADOS: Apesar do diagnóstico de seis crianças ter sido feito antes de um ano de idade e, considerando-se os múltiplos sentimentos das mães frente à surdez de seus filhos, observou-se que, em alguns casos, o diagnóstico poderia ter ocorrido antes se a fala das mães fosse valorizada. Percebeu-se dificuldade de escuta dos profissionais da saúde em relação às dúvidas, queixas e questionamentos das mães. Constatou-se que, em alguns casos, mesmo quando ocorreu a triagem auditiva neonatal ou o diagnóstico oportuno, retardou-se o atendimento à criança porque não foram feitos encaminhamentos adequados para locais que trabalham na área da surdez. No momento do diagnóstico, a forma como foi comunicada a surdez à família necessitaria levar em consideração as condições sociais, culturais e emocionais das mães. CONCLUSÕES: Ressalta-se a importância da qualificação e atenção dos profissionais de saúde, para possibilitar o diagnóstico precoce, o apoio aos pais e o encaminhamento e seguimento adequados para os casos de surdez.OBJETIVO: Investigar la vivencia de las madres entre la sospecha, el diagnóstico de sordera y el encaminamiento para habilitación, así como la percepción de ellas respecto a la forma como se dio y explicó el diagnóstico. MÉTODOS: Estudio cualitativo con diez madres oyentes con hijos sordos que frecuentaban atención especializada en Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones en Rehabilitación, en la provincia de São Paulo, hace como mínimo dos años. Se realizó entrevista semiestructurada con las madres y se hizo análisis del habla de las participantes, buscando comprender el sentido que las madres dieron a su comunicación. RESULTADOS: A pesar del diagnóstico de seis niños haber sido realizado antes de un año de edad y teniendo en cuenta los múltiples sentimientos de las madres frente a la sordera de los hijos, se observó que en algunos casos el diagnóstico podría haber ocurrido antes si el habla de las madres fuera valorada. Se percibió la dificultad de «escucha» de los profesionales de la salud respecto a las dudas, quejas y cuestionamientos de las madres. Se constató que, en algunos casos, aun cuando tuvo lugar la selección auditiva neonatal o el diagnóstico oportuno, se retardó la atención al niño porque no se hicieron encaminamientos adecuados para locales que trabajan en el área de la sordera. En el momento del diagnóstico, la forma como se comunicó la sordera a la familia necesitaría tener en cuenta las condiciones sociales, culturales y emocionales de las madres. CONCLUSIONES: Se subraya la importancia de la cualificación y atención de los profesionales de salud, para hacer posible el diagnóstico temprano, el apoyo a los padres y el encaminamiento y seguimiento adecuados para los casos de sordera.25726

    A geometric morphometric approach to the study of variation of shovel-shaped incisors

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    Objectives: The scoring and analysis of dental nonmetric traits are predominantly accomplished by using the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System (ASUDAS), a standard protocol based on strict definitions and three‐dimensional dental plaques. However, visual scoring, even when controlled by strict definitions of features, visual reference, and the experience of the observer, includes an unavoidable part of subjectivity. In this methodological contribution, we propose a new quantitative geometric morphometric approach to quickly and efficiently assess the variation of shoveling in modern human maxillary central incisors (UI1). Materials and methods: We analyzed 87 modern human UI1s by means of virtual imaging and the ASU‐UI1 dental plaque grades using geometric morphometrics by placing semilandmarks on the labial crown aspect. The modern human sample was composed of individuals from Europe, Africa, and Asia and included representatives of all seven grades defined by the ASUDAS method. Results: Our results highlighted some limitations in the use of the current UI1 ASUDAS plaque, indicating that it did not necessarily represent an objective gradient of expression of a nonmetric tooth feature. Rating of shoveling tended to be more prone to intra‐ and interobserver bias for the highest grades. In addition, our analyses suggest that the observers were strongly influenced by the depth of the lingual crown aspect when assessing the shoveling. Discussion: In this context, our results provide a reliable and reproducible framework reinforced by statistical results supporting the fact that open scale numerical measurements can complement the ASUDAS method

    High-throughput analysis of Fröhlich-type polaron models

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    The electron–phonon interaction is central to condensed matter, e.g. through electrical resistance, superconductivity or the formation of polarons, and has a strong impact on observables such as band gaps or optical spectra. The most common framework for band energy corrections is the Fröhlich model, which often agrees qualitatively with experiments in polar materials, but has limits for complex cases. A generalized version includes anisotropic and degenerate electron bands, and multiple phonons. In this work, we identify trends and outliers for the Fröhlich models on 1260 materials. We test the limits of the Fröhlich models and their perturbative treatment, in particular the large polaron hypothesis. Among our extended dataset most materials host perturbative large polarons, but there are many instances that are non-perturbative and/or localize on distances of a few bond lengths. We find a variety of behaviors, and analyze extreme cases with huge zero-point renormalization using the first-principles Allen-Heine-Cardona approach

    Virtual histological assessment of the prenatal life history and age at death of the Upper Paleolithic fetus from Ostuni (Italy)

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    The fetal remains from the Ostuni 1 burial (Italy, ca 27 ka) represent a unique opportunity to explore the prenatal biological parameters, and to reconstruct the possible patho-biography, of a fetus (and its mother) in an Upper Paleolithic context. Phase-contrast synchrotron X-ray microtomography imaging of two deciduous tooth crowns and microfocus CT measurements of the right hemimandible of the Ostuni 1b fetus were performed at the SYRMEP beamline and at the TomoLab station of the Elettra - Sincrotrone laboratory (Trieste, Italy) in order to refne age at death and to report the enamel developmental history and dental tissue volumes for this fetal individual. The virtual histology allowed to estimate the age at death of the fetus at 31–33 gestational weeks. Three severe physiological stress episodes were also identifed in the prenatal enamel. These stress episodes occurred during the last two months and half of pregnancy and may relate to the death of both individuals. Compared with modern prenatal standards, Os1b’s skeletal development was advanced. This cautions against the use of modern skeletal and dental references for archaeological fnds and emphasizes the need for more studies on prenatal archaeological skeletal samples

    Feasibility Study of a Neutron Time Of Flight Facility at the CERN-PS

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    This report summarises the feasibility study of a neutron time-of-flight facility at the CERN-PS as described in Refs. [1] and [2]. The idea is to extract at 24 GeV/cproton bunches (r.m.s. length ~7 ns) on to a target. The neutrons produced by spallation are directed to an experimental area located 230 m downstream throughout a vacuum pipe (diameter ~80 cm) making use of the existing TT2A tunnel about 7 m below the ISR tunne

    Collecting a set of psoriasis family material through a patient organisation; clinical characterisation and presence of additional disorders

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to describe the clinical characteristics of a population of psoriatics sampled from a patient organisation and not from hospitals or out-patient clinics. Furthermore, we wanted to compare siblings with and without psoriasis regarding the occurrence of other diseases. METHODS: At the end of 1991, we initiated a project which aimed to study genetic factors leading to psoriasis. Firstly, we sent questionnaires to all the members of the Swedish Psoriasis Association. We then examined 1,217 individuals (570 with psoriasis) from 310 families, in their homes in the southern part of Sweden. All the available family members were examined clinically and asked about the course of the skin disease and the occurrence of other diseases. The eight hundred members of the proband generation were divided into two groups, with or without psoriasis, and their clinical features were compared. RESULTS: Most individuals in this study population had a mild form of psoriasis. The siblings with psoriasis had joint complaints significantly more frequently than their siblings without the skin disease and those with joint complaints had more widespread skin disease. Among the other studied concomitant diseases (iritis, heart or hypertension disease, endocrine disease, inflammatory bowel disease and neurological disease), we were not able to find any difference. Seventy-seven of 570 persons were found to be in remission (13.5%). Females had a mean onset 2.5 years earlier than males. We were not able to find any correlation between the extent of the skin disease and age at onset. Twice as many persons with joint complaints were found among those with psoriasis than among those without, 28% versus 13%. Almost half (48%) the psoriatics who also had joint complaints had psoriasis lesions on their nails. Endocrine disorders were found in 9% of those without any allele for Cw6, but only in 1% of those who had Cw6. In fact, none of 183 Cw6 carriers had diabetes, as compared to the population prevalence of 3–5% in Sweden. CONCLUSION: With the exception of joint complaints, persons with psoriasis, collected from a patient organisation, did not have an increased frequency of (studied) co-existing diseases