59 research outputs found

    A Statistical Semi-Empirical Model: Satellite galaxies in Groups and Clusters

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    We present STEEL a STatistical sEmi-Empirical modeL designed to probe the distribution of satellite galaxies in groups and clusters. Our fast statistical methodology relies on tracing the abundances of central and satellite haloes via their mass functions at all cosmic epochs with virtually no limitation on cosmic volume and mass resolution. From mean halo accretion histories and subhalo mass functions the satellite mass function is progressively built in time via abundance matching techniques constrained by number densities of centrals in the local Universe. By enforcing dynamical merging timescales as predicted by high-resolution N-body simulations, we obtain satellite distributions as a function of stellar mass and halo mass consistent with current data. We show that stellar stripping, star formation, and quenching play all a secondary role in setting the number densities of massive satellites above M3×1010MM_*\gtrsim 3\times 10^{10}\, M_{\odot}. We further show that observed star formation rates used in our empirical model over predict low-mass satellites below M3×1010MM_*\lesssim 3\times 10^{10}\, M_{\odot}, whereas, star formation rates derived from a continuity equation approach yield the correct abundances similar to previous results for centrals.Comment: 21 pages, 17 Figures. MNRAS, in pres

    The evolution of compact massive quiescent and star-forming galaxies derived from the Re–Rh and Mstar–Mh relations

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    The mean size (effective radius Re) of massive galaxies (MGs; Mstar > 1011.2M⊙) is observed to increase steadily with cosmic time. It is still unclear whether this trend originates from the size growth of individual galaxies (via, e.g. mergers and/or AGN feedback) or from the inclusion of larger galaxies entering the selection at later epochs (progenitor bias). We here build a data-driven, flexible theoretical framework to probe the structural evolution of MGs. We assign galaxies to dark matter haloes via stellar mass–halo mass (SMHM) relations with varying high-mass slopes and scatters σSMHM in stellar mass at fixed halo mass, and assign sizes to galaxies using an empirically motivated, constant and linear relationship between Re and the host dark matter halo radius Rh. We find that (1) the fast mean size growth of MGs is well reproduced independently of the shape of the input SMHM relation; (2) the numbers of compact MGs grow steadily until z ≳ 2 and fall off at lower redshifts, suggesting a lesser role of progenitor bias at later epochs; (3) a time-independent scatter σSMHM is consistent with a scenario in which compact star-forming MGs transition into quiescent MGs in a few 108 yr with a negligible structural evolution during the compact phase, while a scatter increasing at high redshift implies significant size growth during the star-forming phase. A robust measurement of the size function of MGs at high redshift can set strong constraints on the scatter of the SMHM relation and, by extension, on models of galaxy evolution

    The main sequence at z ∼ 1.3 contains a sizable fraction of galaxies with compact star formation sizes: a new population of early post-starbursts?

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    Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) measurements for 93 Herschel-selected galaxies at 1.1 ≤ z ≤ 1.7 in COSMOS reveal a sizable (>29%) population with compact star formation (SF) sizes, lying on average >×3.6 below the optical stellar mass (M ⋆)─size relation of disks. This sample widely spans the star-forming main sequence (MS), having 108 ≤ M ⋆ ≤ 1011.5 M ☉ and 20 ≤ star formation rate (SFR) ≤ 680 M ☉ yr−1. The 32 size measurements and 61 upper limits are measured on ALMA images that combine observations of CO(5─4), CO(4─3), CO(2─1), and λ obs ∼ 1.1─1.3 mm continuum, all tracing the star-forming molecular gas. These compact galaxies have instead normally extended K band sizes, suggesting strong specific SFR gradients. Compact galaxies comprise the 50 ± 18% of MS galaxies at M ⋆ > 1011 M ☉. This is not expected in standard bimodal scenarios, where MS galaxies are mostly steadily growing extended disks. We suggest that compact MS objects are early post-starburst galaxies in which the merger-driven boost of SF has subsided. They retain their compact SF size until either further gas accretion restores premerger galaxy-wide SF, or until becoming quenched. The fraction of merger-affected SF inside the MS seems thus larger than anticipated and might reach ∼50% at the highest M ⋆. The presence of large galaxies above the MS demonstrates an overall poor correlation between galaxy SF size and specific SFR

    Probing black hole accretion tracks, scaling relations, and radiative efficiencies from stacked X-ray active galactic nuclei

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    The masses of supermassive black holes at the centres of local galaxies appear to be tightly correlated with the mass and velocity dispersions of their galactic hosts. However, the local Mbh–Mstar relation inferred from dynamically measured inactive black holes is up to an order-of-magnitude higher than some estimates from active black holes, and recent work suggests that this discrepancy arises from selection bias on the sample of dynamical black hole mass measurements. In this work, we combine X-ray measurements of the mean black hole accretion luminosity as a function of stellar mass and redshift with empirical models of galaxy stellar mass growth, integrating over time to predict the evolving Mbh–Mstar relation. The implied relation is nearly independent of redshift, indicating that stellar and black hole masses grow, on average, at similar rates. Matching the de-biased local Mbh–Mstar relation requires a mean radiative efficiency ε ≳ 0.15, in line with theoretical expectations for accretion on to spinning black holes. However, matching the ‘raw’ observed relation for inactive black holes requires ε ∼ 0.02, far below theoretical expectations. This result provides independent evidence for selection bias in dynamically estimated black hole masses, a conclusion that is robust to uncertainties in bolometric corrections, obscured active black hole fractions, and kinetic accretion efficiency. For our fiducial assumptions, they favour moderate-to-rapid spins of typical supermassive black holes, to achieve ε ∼ 0.12–0.20. Our approach has similarities to the classic Soltan analysis, but by using galaxy-based data instead of integrated quantities we are able to focus on regimes where observational uncertainties are minimized

    Retinoic acid reduces human neuroblastoma cell migration and invasiveness: effects on DCX, LIS1, neurofilaments-68 and vimentin expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neuroblastoma is a severe pediatric tumor, histologically characterised by a variety of cellular phenotypes. One of the pharmacological approaches to neuroblastoma is the treatment with retinoic acid. The mechanism of action of retinoic acid is still unclear, and the development of resistance to this differentiating agent is a great therapy problem.</p> <p>Doublecortin, a microtubule-associated protein involved in neuronal migration, has recently been proposed as a molecular marker for the detection of minimal residual disease in human neuroblastoma. Nevertheless, no information is available on the expression of doublecortin in the different cell-types composing human neuroblastoma, its correlation with neuroblastoma cell motility and invasiveness, and the possible modulations exerted by retinoic acid treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analysed by immunofluorescence and by Western blot analysis the presence of doublecortin, lissencephaly-1 (another protein involved in neuronal migration) and of two intermediate filaments proteins, vimentin and neurofilament-68, in SK-N-SH human neuroblastoma cell line both in control conditions and under retinoic acid treatment. Migration and cell invasiveness studies were performed by wound scratch test and a modified microchemotaxis assay, respectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Doublecortin is expressed in two cell subtypes considered to be the more aggressive and that show high migration capability and invasiveness.</p> <p>Vimentin expression is excluded by these cells, while lissencephaly-1 and neurofilaments-68 are immunodetected in all the cell subtypes of the SK-N-SH cell line. Treatment with retinoic acid reduces cell migration and invasiveness, down regulates doublecortin and lissencephaly-1 expression and up regulates neurofilament-68 expression. However, some cells that escape from retinoic acid action maintain migration capability and invasiveness and express doublecortin.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>a) Doublecortin is expressed in human neuroblastoma cells that show high motility and invasiveness;</p> <p>b) Retinoic acid treatment reduces migration and invasiveness of the more aggressive cell components of SK-N-SH cells;</p> <p>c) The cells that after retinoic acid exposure show migration and invasive capability may be identified on the basis of doublecortin expression.</p

    LeMMINGs III. The e-MERLIN legacy survey of the Palomar sample: exploring the origin of nuclear radio emission in active and inactive galaxies through the [O iii] – radio connection

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    What determines the nuclear radio emission in local galaxies? To address this question, we combine optical [O III] line emission, robust black hole (BH) mass estimates, and high-resolution e-MERLIN 1.5-GHz data, from the LeMMINGs survey, of a statistically complete sample of 280 nearby optically active (LINER and Seyfert) and inactive [H II and absorption line galaxies (ALGs)] galaxies. Using [O III] luminosity (⁠L[OIII]⁠) as a proxy for the accretion power, local galaxies follow distinct sequences in the optical–radio planes of BH activity, which suggest different origins of the nuclear radio emission for the optical classes. The 1.5-GHz radio luminosity of their parsec-scale cores (Lcore) is found to scale with BH mass (MBH) and [O III] luminosity. Below MBH ∼ 106.5 M⊙, stellar processes from non-jetted H II galaxies dominate with Lcore∝M0.61±0.33BH and Lcore∝L0.79±0.30[OIII]⁠. Above MBH ∼ 106.5 M⊙, accretion-driven processes dominate with Lcore∝M1.5−1.65BH and Lcore∝L0.99−1.31[OIII] for active galaxies: radio-quiet/loud LINERs, Seyferts, and jetted H II galaxies always display (although low) signatures of radio-emitting BH activity, with L1.5GHz≳1019.8 W Hz−1 and MBH ≳ 107 M⊙, on a broad range of Eddington-scaled accretion rates (⁠m˙⁠). Radio-quiet and radio-loud LINERs are powered by low-m˙ discs launching sub-relativistic and relativistic jets, respectively. Low-power slow jets and disc/corona winds from moderately high to high-m˙ discs account for the compact and edge-brightened jets of Seyferts, respectively. Jetted H II galaxies may host weakly active BHs. Fuel-starved BHs and recurrent activity account for ALG properties. In conclusion, specific accretion–ejection states of active BHs determine the radio production and the optical classification of local active galaxies

    The MAGPI Survey -- science goals, design, observing strategy, early results and theoretical framework

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    © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Astronomical Society of Australia. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1017/pasa.2021.25We present an overview of the Middle Ages Galaxy Properties with Integral Field Spectroscopy (MAGPI) survey, a Large Program on ESO/VLT. MAGPI is designed to study the physical drivers of galaxy transformation at a lookback time of 3-4 Gyr, during which the dynamical, morphological, and chemical properties of galaxies are predicted to evolve significantly. The survey uses new medium-deep adaptive optics aided MUSE observations of fields selected from the GAMA survey, providing a wealth of publicly available ancillary multi-wavelength data. With these data, MAGPI will map the kinematic and chemical properties of stars and ionised gas for a sample of 60 massive (> 7 x 10^10 M_Sun) central galaxies at 0.25 < zPeer reviewe

    The Dramatic Size and Kinematic Evolution of Massive Early-type Galaxies

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    We aim to provide a holistic view on the typical size and kinematic evolution of massive early-type galaxies (ETGs) that encompasses their high-z star-forming progenitors, their high-z quiescent counterparts, and their configurations in the local Universe. Our investigation covers the main processes playing a relevant role in the cosmic evolution of ETGs. Specifically, their early fast evolution comprises biased collapse of the low angular momentum gaseous baryons located in the inner regions of the host dark matter halo; cooling, fragmentation, and infall of the gas down to the radius set by the centrifugal barrier; further rapid compaction via clump/gas migration toward the galaxy center, where strong heavily dust-enshrouded star formation takes place and most of the stellar mass is accumulated; and ejection of substantial gas amount from the inner regions by feedback processes, which causes a dramatic puffing-up of the stellar component. In the late slow evolution, passive aging of stellar populations and mass additions by dry merger events occur. We describe these processes relying on prescriptions inspired by basic physical arguments and by numerical simulations to derive new analytical estimates of the relevant sizes, timescales, and kinematic properties for individual galaxies along their evolution. Then we obtain quantitative results as a function of galaxy mass and redshift, and compare them to recent observational constraints on half-light size Re, on the ratio v/\u3c3 between rotation velocity and velocity dispersion (for gas and stars) and on the specific angular momentum j 17of the stellar component; we find good consistency with the available multiband data in average values and dispersion, both for local ETGs and for their z 3c 1-2 star-forming and quiescent progenitors. The outcomes of our analysis can provide hints to gauge sub-grid recipes implemented in simulations, to tune numerical experiments focused on specific processes, and to plan future multiband, high-resolution observations on high-redshift star-forming and quiescent galaxies with next-generation facilities

    LeMMINGs III. The e-MERLIN legacy survey of the Palomar sample: exploring the origin of nuclear radio emission in active and inactive galaxies through the [O III] - radio connection

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    What determines the nuclear radio emission in local galaxies? To address this question, we combine optical [O III] line emission, robust black hole (BH) mass estimates, and high-resolution e-MERLIN 1.5-GHz data, from the LeMMINGs survey, of a statistically complete sample of 280 nearby optically active (LINER and Seyfert) and inactive [H II and absorption line galaxies (ALGs)] galaxies. Using [O III] luminosity (⁠L[OIII]⁠) as a proxy for the accretion power, local galaxies follow distinct sequences in the optical–radio planes of BH activity, which suggest different origins of the nuclear radio emission for the optical classes. The 1.5-GHz radio luminosity of their parsec-scale cores (Lcore) is found to scale with BH mass (MBH) and [O III] luminosity. Below MBH ∼ 106.5 M⊙, stellar processes from non-jetted H II galaxies dominate with Lcore∝M0.61±0.33BH and Lcore∝L0.79±0.30[OIII]⁠. Above MBH ∼ 106.5 M⊙, accretion-driven processes dominate with Lcore∝M1.5−1.65BH and Lcore∝L0.99−1.31[OIII] for active galaxies: radio-quiet/loud LINERs, Seyferts, and jetted H II galaxies always display (although low) signatures of radio-emitting BH activity, with L1.5GHz≳1019.8 W Hz−1 and MBH ≳ 107 M⊙, on a broad range of Eddington-scaled accretion rates (⁠m˙⁠). Radio-quiet and radio-loud LINERs are powered by low-m˙ discs launching sub-relativistic and relativistic jets, respectively. Low-power slow jets and disc/corona winds from moderately high to high-m˙ discs account for the compact and edge-brightened jets of Seyferts, respectively. Jetted H II galaxies may host weakly active BHs. Fuel-starved BHs and recurrent activity account for ALG properties. In conclusion, specific accretion–ejection states of active BHs determine the radio production and the optical classification of local active galaxies

    Excitatory aminoacids as modulators of gonadotropin secretion

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    The effects of quinolinic acid (QUIN) and quisqualate (QA) on the secretion of GnRH from MBH and LH and FSH from AP of 50 day old male rats have been evaluated by means of an 'in vitro' perifusion technique. QUIN (100 \u3bcM) is able to increase GnRH secretion with an action mediated by an NMDA receptor type, as shown by the inhibitory effect exerted by both a competitive (AP-5) and a non-competitive (MK-801) specific antagonist. QA 'per se' at the concentrations tested (1-100 \u3bcM) does not modify GnRH and gonadotropin secretion, but in the presence of a specific KA/QA receptor antagonist (DNQX) exerts a stimulatory effect at both levels. This observation might indicate that of the two QA receptor subtypes (ionotropic and metabotropic), this agonist binds to the metabotropic one with very low affinity: thus it is likely that a higher dose is required in order to have any effect on gonadotropin secretion. However, in the presence of DNQX, which binds to the ionotropic receptor, all the available QA can bind to the metabotropic one and can exert its action at MBH AP levels