49 research outputs found

    Structures of a deAMPylation complex rationalise the switch between antagonistic catalytic activities of FICD.

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    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Hsp70 chaperone BiP is regulated by AMPylation, a reversible inactivating post-translational modification. Both BiP AMPylation and deAMPylation are catalysed by a single ER-localised enzyme, FICD. Here we present crystallographic and solution structures of a deAMPylation Michaelis complex formed between mammalian AMPylated BiP and FICD. The latter, via its tetratricopeptide repeat domain, binds a surface that is specific to ATP-state Hsp70 chaperones, explaining the exquisite selectivity of FICD for BiP's ATP-bound conformation both when AMPylating and deAMPylating Thr518. The eukaryotic deAMPylation mechanism thus revealed, rationalises the role of the conserved Fic domain Glu234 as a gatekeeper residue that both inhibits AMPylation and facilitates hydrolytic deAMPylation catalysed by dimeric FICD. These findings point to a monomerisation-induced increase in Glu234 flexibility as the basis of an oligomeric state-dependent switch between FICD's antagonistic activities, despite a similar mode of engagement of its two substrates - unmodified and AMPylated BiP

    Navigating the structural landscape of de Novo α-helical bundles

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    The association of amphipathic α helices in water leads to α-helical-bundle protein structures. However, the driving force for thisthe hydrophobic effectis not specific and does not define the number or the orientation of helices in the associated state. Rather, this is achieved through deeper sequence-to-structure relationships, which are increasingly being discerned. For example, for one structurally extreme but nevertheless ubiquitous class of bundlethe α-helical coiled coilsrelationships have been established that discriminate between all-parallel dimers, trimers, and tetramers. Association states above this are known, as are antiparallel and mixed arrangements of the helices. However, these alternative states are less well understood. Here, we describe a synthetic-peptide system that switches between parallel hexamers and various up–down–up–down tetramers in response to single-amino-acid changes and solution conditions. The main accessible states of each peptide variant are characterized fully in solution and, in most cases, to high resolution with X-ray crystal structures. Analysis and inspection of these structures helps rationalize the different states formed. This navigation of the structural landscape of α-helical coiled coils above the dimers and trimers that dominate in nature has allowed us to design rationally a well-defined and hyperstable antiparallel coiled-coil tetramer (apCC-Tet). This robust de novo protein provides another scaffold for further structural and functional designs in protein engineering and synthetic biology

    Outer membrane β-barrel protein folding is physically controlled by periplasmic lipid head groups and BamA.

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    Outer membrane β-barrel proteins (OMPs) are crucial for numerous cellular processes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Despite extensive studies on OMP biogenesis, it is unclear why OMPs require assembly machineries to fold into their native outer membranes, as they are capable of folding quickly and efficiently through an intrinsic folding pathway in vitro. By investigating the folding of several bacterial OMPs using membranes with naturally occurring Escherichia coli lipids, we show that phosphoethanolamine and phosphoglycerol head groups impose a kinetic barrier to OMP folding. The kinetic retardation of OMP folding places a strong negative pressure against spontaneous incorporation of OMPs into inner bacterial membranes, which would dissipate the proton motive force and undoubtedly kill bacteria. We further show that prefolded β-barrel assembly machinery subunit A (BamA), the evolutionarily conserved, central subunit of the BAM complex, accelerates OMP folding by lowering the kinetic barrier imposed by phosphoethanolamine head groups. Our results suggest that OMP assembly machineries are required in vivo to enable physical control over the spontaneously occurring OMP folding reaction in the periplasm. Mechanistic studies further allowed us to derive a model for BamA function, which explains how OMP assembly can be conserved between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the National Academy of Sciences via http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.132247311

    Modular Design of Self-Assembling Peptide-Based Nanotubes.

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    An ability to design peptide-based nanotubes (PNTs) rationally with defined and mutable internal channels would advance understanding of peptide self-assembly, and present new biomaterials for nanotechnology and medicine. PNTs have been made from Fmoc dipeptides, cyclic peptides, and lock-washer helical bundles. Here we show that blunt-ended α-helical barrels, that is, preassembled bundles of α-helices with central channels, can be used as building blocks for PNTs. This approach is general and systematic, and uses a set of de novo helical bundles as standards. One of these bundles, a hexameric α-helical barrel, assembles into highly ordered PNTs, for which we have determined a structure by combining cryo-transmission electron microscopy, X-ray fiber diffraction, and model building. The structure reveals that the overall symmetry of the peptide module plays a critical role in ripening and ordering of the supramolecular assembly. PNTs based on pentameric, hexameric, and heptameric α-helical barrels sequester hydrophobic dye within their lumens.N.C.B. thanks the EPSRC-funded Bristol Centre for Functional Nanomaterials Centre for Doctoral Training for a postgraduate scholarship (EP/G036780/1). F.T. and D.N.W. thank the Leverhulme Trust for funding (RPG-2012-536). D.N.W. holds a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Chemical Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jacs.5b0397

    A central cavity within the holo-translocon suggests a mechanism for membrane protein insertion.

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    The conserved SecYEG protein-conducting channel and the accessory proteins SecDF-YajC and YidC constitute the bacterial holo-translocon (HTL), capable of protein-secretion and membrane-protein insertion. By employing an integrative approach combining small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), low-resolution electron microscopy and biophysical analyses we determined the arrangement of the proteins and lipids within the super-complex. The results guided the placement of X-ray structures of individual HTL components and allowed the proposal of a model of the functional translocon. Their arrangement around a central lipid-containing pool conveys an unexpected, but compelling mechanism for membrane-protein insertion. The periplasmic domains of YidC and SecD are poised at the protein-channel exit-site of SecY, presumably to aid the emergence of translocating polypeptides. The SecY lateral gate for membrane-insertion is adjacent to the membrane 'insertase' YidC. Absolute-scale SANS employing a novel contrast-match-point analysis revealed a dynamic complex adopting open and compact configurations around an adaptable central lipid-filled chamber, wherein polytopic membrane-proteins could fold, sheltered from aggregation and proteolysis

    Engineering phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate model membranes enriched in endocytic cargo: a neutron reflectometry, AFM and QCM-D structural study

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    The combination of in vitro models of biological membranes based on solid-supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) and of surface sensitive techniques, such as neutron reflectometry (NR), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D), is well suited to provide quantitative information about molecular level interactions and lipid spatial distributions. In this work, cellular plasma membranes have been mimicked by designing complex SLB, containing phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns4,5P2) lipids as well as incorporating synthetic lipo-peptides that simulate the cytoplasmic tails of transmembrane proteins. The QCM-D results revealed that the adsorption and fusion kinetics of PtdIns4,5P2 are highly dependent of Mg2+. Additionally, it was shown that increasing concentrations of PtdIns4,5P2 leads to the formation of SLBs with higher homogeneity. The presence of PtdIns4,5P2 clusters was visualized by AFM. NR provided important insights about the structural organization of the various components within the SLB, highlighting that the leaflet symmetry of these SLBs is broken by the presence of CD4-derived cargo peptides. Finally, we foresee our study to be a starting point for more sophisticated in vitro models of biological membranes with the incorporation of inositol phospholipids and synthetic endocytic motifs.publishe

    Strikingly Different Roles of SARS-CoV-2 Fusion Peptides Uncovered by Neutron Scattering.

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    Funder: National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)Funder: ANR/NSF-PIREFunder: Science and Technology Facilities CouncilFunder: Institut Laue LangevinCoronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), a potentially lethal respiratory illness caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, emerged in the end of 2019 and has since spread aggressively across the globe. A thorough understanding of the molecular mechanisms of cellular infection by coronaviruses is therefore of utmost importance. A critical stage in infection is the fusion between viral and host membranes. Here, we present a detailed investigation of the role of selected SARS-CoV-2 Spike fusion peptides, and the influence of calcium and cholesterol, in this fusion process. Structural information from specular neutron reflectometry and small angle neutron scattering, complemented by dynamics information from quasi-elastic and spin-echo neutron spectroscopy, revealed strikingly different functions encoded in the Spike fusion domain. Calcium drives the N-terminal of the Spike fusion domain to fully cross the host plasma membrane. Removing calcium, however, reorients the peptide back to the lipid leaflet closest to the virus, leading to significant changes in lipid fluidity and rigidity. In conjunction with other regions of the fusion domain, which are also positioned to bridge and dehydrate viral and host membranes, the molecular events leading to cell entry by SARS-CoV-2 are proposed

    Motor domain phosphorylation increases nucleotide exchange and turns MYO6 into a faster and stronger motor

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    Myosin motors perform many fundamental functions in eukaryotic cells by providing force generation, transport or tethering capacity. Motor activity control within the cell involves on/off switches, however, few examples are known of how myosins regulate speed or processivity and fine-tune their activity to a specific cellular task. Here, we describe a phosphorylation event for myosins of class VI (MYO6) in the motor domain, which accelerates its ATPase activity leading to a 4-fold increase in motor speed determined by actin-gliding assays, single molecule mechanics and stopped flow kinetics. We demonstrate that the serine/threonine kinase DYRK2 phosphorylates MYO6 at S267 in vitro. Single-molecule optical-tweezers studies at low load reveal that S267-phosphorylation results in faster nucleotide-exchange kinetics without change in the working stroke of the motor. The selective increase in stiffness of the acto-MYO6 complex when proceeding load-dependently into the nucleotide-free rigor state demonstrates that S267-phosphorylation turns MYO6 into a stronger motor. Finally, molecular dynamic simulations of the nucleotide-free motor reveal an alternative interaction network within insert-1 upon phosphorylation, suggesting a molecular mechanism, which regulates insert-1 positioning, turning the S267-phosphorylated MYO6 into a faster motor

    Contribution of the clathrin adaptor AP-1 subunit µ1 to acidic cluster protein sorting.

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    Acidic clusters act as sorting signals for packaging cargo into clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs), and also facilitate down-regulation of MHC-I by HIV-1 Nef. To find acidic cluster sorting machinery, we performed a gene-trap screen and identified the medium subunit (µ1) of the clathrin adaptor AP-1 as a top hit. In µ1 knockout cells, intracellular CCVs still form, but acidic cluster proteins are depleted, although several other CCV components were either unaffected or increased, indicating that cells can compensate for long-term loss of AP-1. In vitro experiments showed that the basic patch on µ1 that interacts with the Nef acidic cluster also contributes to the binding of endogenous acidic cluster proteins. Surprisingly, µ1 mutant proteins lacking the basic patch and/or the tyrosine-based motif binding pocket could rescue the µ1 knockout phenotype completely. In contrast, these mutants failed to rescue Nef-induced down-regulation of MHC class I, suggesting a possible mechanism for attacking the virus while sparing the host cell