118 research outputs found

    Sistematización del método directo para el cálculo elástico lineal de estructuras

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    Durante el grado universitario de Ingeniería Mecánica se imparten distintos métodos para el cálculo lineal de estructuras en asignaturas como Estructuras y Construcciones Industriales o Elasticidad y resistencia de materiales. Pero, entre todos ellos no se encuentra el método directo aplicado al cálculo lineal, el cual se imparte relacionándolo con el cálculo plástico. Debido a ello, se presenta este Trabajo Fin de Grado donde se comprobará si se puede utilizar dicho método para este fin. Y en caso afirmativo, se realizará un pequeño código informático que nos ayudará a aplicar esta metodología de forma sencilla e intuitiva.During the university degree in Mechanical Engineering different methods are taught for the linear calculation of structures in subjects such as Industrial Structures and Constructions or Elasticity and resistance of materials. But, among all of them the direct method applied to the linear calculation is not found, which is taught by relating it to the plastic calculation. Because of this, this Final Degree Project is presented where you can check if you can use this method for this purpose. And if so, a small computer code will be run to help us apply this methodology in a simple and intuitive way.Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas, Ingeniería del Terreno y Mecánica de los Medios Continuos y Teoría de EstructurasGrado en Ingeniería Mecánic

    Análisis de la Ley del impuesto sobre determinados servicios digitales (Tasa Google)

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    [ES] Este Trabajo Fin de Grado presenta un análisis de la Ley del Impuesto sobre Determinados Servicios Digitales, que tiene como objetivo gravar las prestaciones de servicios en ámbito digital a usuarios que accedan a internet desde territorio español. Este impuesto se presenta como una medida unilateral por parte del gobierno español que se adelanta al debate europeo que se lleva realizando en los últimos años sobre el tema. Debido al contexto social y a la novedad de la problemática, este tema es considerado de interés. Por este motivo, a lo largo de todo este Trabajo Fin de Grado, se va a profundizar en los problemas que se derivan de dicho impuesto.[EN] This Final Degree Project presents an analysis of the Tax Law on Certain Digital Services, which aims to tax the provision of digital services to users who access the internet from Spanish territory. This tax is presented as a unilateral measure by the Spanish government that anticipates the European debate that has been taking place in recent years on the subject. Due to the social context and the novelty of the problem, this topic is considered of interest. For this reason, throughout this Final Degree Project, the problems arising from said tax will be deepened.Ponce Yuste, A. (2021). Análisis de la Ley del impuesto sobre determinados servicios digitales (Tasa Google). Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/175124TFG

    Simulating Open Source Software Communities Through Collective Games

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    According to the Open Source Initiative, Open Source Software (OSS) can be defined by ten criteria. The most important and relevant ones are the free redistribution of the software, the inclusion of the source code and the authorization to modify and redistribute the work. OSS products are a vital part of how we understand Internet. But, for most people, it is still complicated to understand what is an Open Source Software Community. In this thesis, we have analysed how these OSS communities work, how they are structured and how they get the results that made them popular. Furthermore, a tool that simulates many of the features of OSS communities has been implemented. This platform permits a user to feel how is joining one of these communities and working with other community members to solve a complex problem through collaboration. This thesis has allowed us to remark the importance of collective games in simulating the dynamics of OSS communities. These communities are formed by members who have to come together to develop a product. Thus, the notion of collaboration is essential; as in the collaborative games where the players have to cooperate to reach a solution. This project also helps us illustrate the collective games approach through the Sudoku game, which is the game chosen to develop the simulation platform. To perform it, we have used intelligent agents which roles are to act like members of a real community. The result is that a human user can join it and play in different roles to understand the operation of OSS communities

    Evaluación diagnóstica mediante el uso de herramientas TIC gamificadas, en el Grado Superior de FP en Mecatrónica Industrial

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    La procedencia y los conocimientos previos del alumnado que inicia el Grado Superior en Mecatrónica Industrial, cuya demanda laboral es elevada, es muy diversa. La evaluación diagnóstica en el primer curso de esta titulación se presenta como punto de partida esencial en la valoración e igualación de los conocimientos previos de los alumnos al inicio del curso. Para conseguir este objetivo se han implementado herramientas TIC de gamificación. En el transcurso de este trabajo se ha desarrollado una actividad práctica con Quizizz para poner de manifiesto su utilidad para este cometido. Se propone una temporalización de actividades, al inicio del curso, con el objeto de servir de orientación. Así mismo, se incluye el entorno normativo que regula esta enseñanza, el marco teórico de la evaluación, del uso de las TIC y la gamificación. Igualmente, se aporta una encuesta realizada a los alumnos que plasma la necesidad de este trabajo.The background and previous knowledge of the students that start the Certificate of Higher Education in Industrial Mechatronics, which labor demand is high, is very diverse. The diagnostic evaluation on the first year of this Higher Education is presented as an essential starting point in the assessment and equalization of the previous knowledge of the students at the start of the academic year. To achieve this goal is has been implemented ICT tools of gamification. In the process of this study, it has been developed a practice activity with Quizziz to evince its usefulness for this task. A temporalization of the activities is proposed at the beginning of the academic year, with the aim of guiding. Moreover, it is included the legislative environment that regulates this education, the theoretical framework of the evaluation, and of the use of ICTs, and the gamification. Furthermore, it is added a survey made for the students that shows the necessity of this study.Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y AutomáticaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Decentralized EV charging and discharging scheduling algorithm based on Type-II fuzzy-logic controllers

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    Electric vehicles suppose a new paradigm in mobility and a challenge for today electric grids because its number increases day by day. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to keep the electric grid stable to allow an efficient charging of electric vehicles, besides keeping the traditional energy services for every other electric devices in industry, cities and homes. To achieve that, the process of charging and discharging of electric vehicles should be taken under consideration to allow an efficient use of the available energy in the grid and batteries. In the present work, we propose a type-II fuzzy cascade controller that will be run in every electric vehicle following a decentralized approach when it is plugged. In the first level of the controller the need and urgency of charging/discharging are evaluated based on grid voltage that the EV charging station measures. The electricity prices are also considered in this first phase. In the second level, the amount of charging/discharging energy is finally decided based on the battery state and the time remaining for departure specified by the user. The implemented type-II fuzzy controller presents an significant advantage compares to type-I systems because of its better suitability for systems where measures have high levels of uncertainty like those existing in the electric grid or batteries. The controller has been tested on a branch type distribution network, where load demand and energy cost vary dynamically over a three days simulation period.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Osteoarthritis:Mechanistic Insights, Senescence, and Novel Therapeutic Opportunities

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease. In the last years, the research community has focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms that led to the pathogenesis of the disease, trying to identify different molecular and clinical phenotypes along with the discovery of new therapeutic opportunities. Different types of cell-to-cell communication mechanisms have been proposed to contribute to OA progression, including mechanisms mediated by connexin43 (Cx43) channels or by small extracellular vesicles. Furthermore, changes in the chondrocyte phenotype such as cellular senescence have been proposed as new contributors of the OA progression, changing the paradigm of the disease. The use of different drugs able to restore chondrocyte phenotype, to reduce cellular senescence and senescence-associated secretory phenotype components, and to modulate ion channel activity or Cx43 appears to be promising therapeutic strategies for the different types of OA. In this review, we aim to summarize the current knowledge in OA phenotypes related with aging and tissue damage and the new therapeutic opportunities currently available

    Filones de sulfuros polimetálicos de las minas de La Pedraza (Bubierca, Zaragoza): caracterización mineralógica, textural y geoquímica

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    La zona de las minas de La Pedraza es un yacimiento de filones de sulfuros polimetálicos con localización en la Cordillera Ibérica, cerca de la localidad de Bubierca (Zaragoza). Su explotación se produjo durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y, como resultado de estas actividades, se elaboraron pozos, galerías y escombreras. Las muestras seleccionadas de las escombreras han sido estudiadas mediante técnicas de microscopía óptica, electrónica (FESEM), análisis semicuantitativos por EDS y ataques ácidos con el fin de caracterizar la mineralización, sus texturas y particularidades geoquímicas, pudiendo determinar la secuencia paragenética y proponer una hipótesis de formación del yacimiento.<br /

    Holm oak decline is determined by shifts in fine root phenotypic plasticity in response to belowground stress

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    Climate change and pathogen outbreaks are the two major causes of decline in Mediterranean holm oak trees (Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.). Crown-level changes in response to these stressful conditions have been widely documented but the responses of the root systems remain unexplored. The effects of environmental stress over roots and its potential role during the declining process need to be evaluated. We aimed to study how key morphological and architectural root parameters and nonstructural carbohydrates of roots are affected along a holm oak health gradient (i.e. within healthy, susceptible and declining trees). Holm oaks with different health statuses had different soil resource-uptake strategies. While healthy and susceptible trees showed a conservative resource-uptake strategy independently of soil nutrient availability, declining trees optimized soil resource acquisition by increasing the phenotypic plasticity of their fine root system. This increase in fine root phenotypic plasticity in declining holm oaks represents an energy-consuming strategy promoted to cope with the stress and at the expense of foliage maintenance. Our study describes a potential feedback loop resulting from strong unprecedented belowground stress that ultimately may lead to poor adaptation and tree death in the Spanish dehesa.This research was mainly funded by the Spanish Government through the IBERYCA project (CGL2017-84723-P), its associated FPI scholarship BES-2014-067971 (ME-V) and SMARTSOIL (PID2020-113244GB-C21). It was further supported by the BC3 María de Maeztu excellence accreditation (MDM-2017-0714; the Spanish Government) and by the BERC 2018–2021 and the UPV/EHU-GV IT-1018-16 programme (Basque Government). Additionally, this research was further supported through the ‘Juan de la Cierva programme’ (MV; IJCI-2017-34640; the Spanish Government) and one project funded by the Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization through UEFISCDI (A-MH; REASONING, PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1099)

    A two-question tool to assess the risk of repeated falls in the elderly

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    Introduction Older adults' perception of their own risk of fall has never been included into screening tools. The goal of this study was to evaluate the predictive validity of questions on subjects' self-perception of their own risk of fall. Methods This prospective study was conducted on a probabilistic sample of 772 Spanish community-dwelling older adults, who were followed-up for a one year period. At a baseline visit, subjects were asked about their recent history of falls (question 1: 'Have you fallen in the last 6 months?'), as well as on their perception of their own risk of fall by using two questions (question 2: 'Do you think you may fall in the next few months?' possible answers: yes/no; question 3: 'What is the probability that you fall in the next few months?' possible answers: low/intermediate/high). The follow-up consisted of quarterly telephone calls, where the number of falls occurred in that period was recorded. Results A short questionnaire built with questions 1 and 3 showed 70% sensitivity (95% CI: 56%-84%), 72% specificity (95% CI: 68%-76%) and 0.74 area under the ROC curve (95% CI: 0.66-0.82) for prediction of repeated falls in the subsequent year. Conclusions The estimation of one's own risk of fall has predictive validity for the occurrence of repeated falls in older adults. A short questionnaire including a question on perception of one's own risk of fall and a question on the recent history of falls had good predictive validity
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