15 research outputs found

    Early Permian Sunidyouqi suprasubduction-zone ophiolites in the central Solonker suture zone (Inner Mongolia, China)

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    Different final closing ages have been proposed for the evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO), including Late Silurian, pre-Late Devonian, Early Permian, Late-Permian and Late Permian–Early Triassic. Ophiolites represent fragments of ancient oceanic crust and play an important role in identifying the suture zone and unveiling the evolutionary history of fossil oceans. Our detailed geological, geochemical and geochronological investigations argue for the existence of Early Permian (297 Ma) SSZ type ophiolites in the Sunidyouqi area of central Inner Mongolia, China. The gabbros and basalts show LREE depleted REE patterns and left-leaning primitive mantle-normalized spider diagrams with variable negative Nb-Ta anomalies (Nb* = 0.24–1.28 and 0.29–0.55, respectively). The Sunidyouqi ophiolites were generated in a mature back-arc basin. The Sunidyouqi ophiolites share the same petrological, geochemical and geochronological characteristics with the other ophiolites along the Solonker suture zone, delineating a Late Paleozoic ocean and arc-trench system. This Late Paleozoic ocean and arc-trench system coincides with a Permian paleobiogeographical boundary, i.e. the boundary between the northern cold climate (Boreal faunal–Angaraland floral realm), and a southern warm climate (Tethys faunal–Cathaysian floral realm). A tectonic scenario was proposed at last for the closure of the SE PAO involving (1) Late Ordovician to Middle Permian continuous southward subduction beneath the northern margin of North China; (2) Carboniferous to Middle Permian continuous northward subduction the forming the Northern Accretionary Orogen; (3) Late Permian final closure of the SE PAO. Keywords: Paleo-Asian Ocean, Solonker, North China Craton, Ophiolite, SS

    Small-data-based machine learning interatomic potentials for graphene grain boundaries enabled by structural unit model

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    Machine learning interatomic potentials (MLIPs) are emerging as a powerful tool to achieve efficient atomistic simulations with DFT-level accuracy, which can greatly enhance the capability of modeling more realistic systems. However, training high-quality MLIPs often requires a big database typically built by DFT calculations, which is very computationally expensive and even prohibitive for complex systems. Here, we propose an efficient strategy for developing MLIPs of grain boundaries (GBs) using a small database determined by the structural unit model. Using graphene GBs as an example, we show that the trained MLIP can achieve DFT-level accuracy in predicting a broad range of atomic structures and properties, particularly phonon properties, for the entire GB configuration space and exhibits high transferability. The proposed strategy will facilitate the development of high-fidelity MLIPs of general GBs and potentially other complex systems, greatly promoting the understanding of complex thermal issues by atomistic simulations with DFT-level accuracy

    Effects of fabrics with dynamic moisture transfer properties on skin temperature in females during exercise and recovery

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    Based on the physiological nature of breast movement in exercising females, a sports bra made of fabric with dynamic moisture transfer properties was developed to improve female thermal comfort. This study aimed to investigate the effects of fabrics with dynamic moisture transfer properties on breast skin temperature, and the thermal physiological and psychological response of women while wearing the sports bra during exercise and recovery. Ten healthy women exercised in random order with two types of sports bra with or without the dynamic moisture transfer properties and then performed a 20-minute short-duration high-intensity exercise and rest to recover under thermoneutral conditions. Heart rate, body core temperature, skin temperature, body mass and thermal psychological subjective sensations were investigated during exercise and recovery. The results indicated that in the running state, the local breast skin temperatures of sports bra made of fabrics with dynamic moisture transfer properties (33.427±0.087) are significantly lower than bras without these dynamic moisture transfer properties (33.964±0.055) (P<0.01). During the exercise and recovery, the thermal psychological subjective sensation for the two types of fabrics were very similar, whereas the body mean skin temperature was revealed to undergo greater decreasing effects in sports bras made of fabrics with dynamic moisture transfer properties than those without the dynamic moisture transfer properties (P<0.05). These results provide novel information that usage of fabrics with dynamic moisture properties in sports bras could improve thermoregulation to benefit exercising women’s thermal comfort in terms of decreasing local breast skin temperature.Institute of Textiles and Clothin