10,066 research outputs found


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    Register is another factor in any study of language varieties. Registers are language varieties that are used by the people in particular settings and situations. In this study, the writer investigates the registers that are used by the photographic community of Muhammadiyah University of Malang and the registers that differ from lexical meaning. The investigation is done because the writer is interested in finding the registers used by the photographic community of Muhammadiyah University of Malang and the registers that differ from lexical meaning. The writer believes that some of photographic registers are different from lexical meaning. Besides, there are a few of researchers who have studied about registers, especially about photographic registers. This study is conducted to give contribution for English department, such as to enrich the knowledge of English department students about how sociolinguistic phenomena in photographic community environment, and to develop the ability of language and sociolinguistics among them. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative research design to describe and interpret the registers used by the photographic community of Muhammadiyah University of Malang and the registers that differs from lexical meaning. The subject of this study was a part of the photographic community of Muhammadiyah University of Malang. The informants taken from the photographic community were 12 persons. To collect the data, the writer used interview and observation. In the observation, the writer observed the dialogues among the photographers in Muhammadiyah University of Malang. Then, the writer conducted data triangulation in order to get the valid data. To analyze the data, the writer used several steps as follows: 1) Identifying the data of the photographic registers, 2) Analyzing the photographic registers based on their categories, 3) Comparing the photographic registers meaning with lexical meaning, 4) Arranging the data in the form of table, 5) Drawing conclusion based on the data. The result of this study shows that from 71 registers used by the photographic community, there are 49 registers that differ from lexical meaning and 18 registers are similar with their lexical meaning. Finally, the writer suggests that this study will encourage other researchers to conduct better researches, especially in Sociolinguistics subject


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui persepsi siswa terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran praktek menjahitdi SMP Muhammadyah 3 Depok, 2) mengetahui persepsi siswa terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran praktek menjahit di SMP Muhammadyah 3 Depokditinjau dari tahap-tahap dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran yaitu: (a) persepsi siswa terhadap tahap perencanaan, (b) persepsi siswa terhadap tahap pelaksanaan dan (c) persepsi siswa terhadap tahap evaluasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptip. Variable dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaksanaan pembelajaran praktek menjahit. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswi kelas VIII di SMP MUHAMMADYAH 3 DEPOK yang mengikuti pelaksanaan pembelajaran praktek menjahitdengan jumlah 56 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan random sampling. Penentuan besarnya sampel menggunakan tabel kerjcie denagn taraf kesalahan 5% sehingga diperoleh 48 siswa. Instrument dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket dengan skala likert. Metode pengumpulan data dengan angket tertutup. Validitas instrument menggunakan validitas konstruk diujimenggunakan analisis butir dihitung dengan rumus korelasi Product moment yang menghasilkan 46 pernyataan valid dan 3 pernyataan gugur. Reliabilitas sebanyak 49 pernyataandihitung menggunakan rumus alpha cronbach dengan hasil 0,947. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: persepsi siswa terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran praktek menjahit di SMP MUHAMMADYAH 3 DEPOK termasuk pada kategori tinggi dengan mean 156,65 dan bila ditinjau dari persepsi siswa terhadap tahap perencanaan pembelajaran pada kategori tinggi dengan mean 14,15, persepsi siswa terhadap tahap pelaksanaan pembelajaran kategori tinggi dengan mean 117,23, dan persepsi siswa terhadap tahap evaluasi pembelajaran berada pada kategori tinggi dengan mean25,27. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran praktek menjahit pelajaran muatan lokal siswi kelas VIII SMP MUHAMMADYAH 3 DEPOK dilaksanakan dengan perencanaan yang baik

    Religious Activity Participation and Self-Rated Health Among Older Population in Indonesia

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    A number of studies have documented a positive and robust relationship between religious activity and health outcomes. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between religious activity participation and self-rated health (SRH) among older population in Indonesia. Data were obtained from 2,915 respondents 60 years and older from the Indonesian Family Life Survey 4 (2007). SRH was assessed by a single-item health measure with four options: “very healthy,” “somewhat healthy,” “somewhat unhealthy,” and “unhealthy”. Logistic regression were used to examine the relationship of the religious activity participation and SRH. Bivariate analysis revealed that religious activity participation was significantly associated with SRH. Multivariate analysis shows that among participants who participated in religious activity, the likehood of a better SRH is increased (OR = 1.422; 95% CI = 1.203 to 1.682) after controlling for sociodemographic variables, socio-economic status (SES), health behaviour and number of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs). This findings suggest that religious activity participation has an important effect on self-rated health status. Longitudinal studies are needed to help elucidate mechanisms and the order and direction of effects

    Genre-based Course Book for Hospitality Departmentn in Surakarta

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    This research is aimed at designing ESP Course book at SMK Sahid Surakarta that mainly focus: To investigate the quality of existing learning book used in English teaching and learning at SMK especially in hospitality department and to describe the design of Genre-based ESP course book for hospitality department of SMK.This research and development was carried out in SMK Sahid Surakarta in the academic year of 2015/2016. The number of population was three classes (that consisted of the eighth grade of APH1,APH2, APH3. The samples were 30 students of APH1.The product of this study is the genre-based course book for hospitality department with integrated skills, syllabus and course grid as the models for lesson plan. The course book consists of standard competence, topics, basic competence (core material), general aims or indicators, teaching and learning activities, methods and media, assessment, the allotted time and sources of the materials. The role and design of instructional materials are a key to help teacher and students being bale to use language in specific context. The proposed course book consists of 2 units and each unit has a topic which is developed to 19 activities. The teaching activities included in the course book are starting point, modeling, joint construction, and independent construction. Such features are added as vocabulary notes, grammar point, useful expression, and for your information to support the fourth stages of activities

    The Relationship Between Spirituality and Depression Among the Elderly in Indonesia

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    Background: Studies have shown that there is an association between spirituality and better physical and mental health. Depression has one of the highest prevalence amongst the mental health illnesses in the elderly, and it can lead to poor physical health. This study aims to determine the relationship between spirituality and depression. Methods: Data was obtained from the 4th Indonesian Family Life Survey, that was conducted in 2007; the total study sample included 3,103 elderly Indonesians. Logistic regression was performed to determine the relationship between spirituality and depression.  Results: This study found that the prevalence of depression was 7.2%, with the largest proportion of those being ≥70 years, female, less educated, unemployed, elderly with multimorbidities, unmarried, and less spiritual. Logistic regression analysis showed a strong relationship between spirituality and depression (odds ratio= 1.869; 95% confidence interval; 1.422 to 2.458) after it was controlled for all variables. Conclusions: This study found that spirituality has a significant relationship with rates of depression. The government needs to develop a program that strengthens spirituality to improve mental health in the elderly


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel Promosi dan variabel Physical Evidence terhadap variabel minat pengunjung pada Hotel Grand Zuri Palembang. Penelitian ini mengungkankan tiga Variabel, yaitu variabel dependen dan variable independen terhadap Minat pengunjung. Variabel dependen Promosi (X1) dan Physical Evidence (X2) sebagai variabel bebas (independen) dan Minat Pengunjung (Y) sebagai variabel terikat (dependen). Pendekatan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik analisis yaitu Regresi Linier Berganda dan menggunakan software SPSS version 20. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial variabel Promosi (X1) memiliki Pengaruh yang lebih dominan yaitu sebesar 0.889, dibandingkan dengan variabel Physical Evidence (X2) yaitu sebesar 0,042. Sedangkan hasil pengaruh variabel secara simultan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dan di buktikan dengan nilai signifikan uji f sebesar 0,000.  Nilai R2 pada penelitian ini sebesar 0,557 atau 55,7 %


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    This study analyzes the morphological process in Sundanese language, which focuses on prefix n- (nasal) and its’ combinations. This study is aimed to find the word class of the base word that can be attached by prefix n- (nasal) and its’ combination along with the function and meaning that occurs. The used methodology is qualitative method employing the data source from daily Sundanese conversation and Kumpulan Rupa-rupa Khutbah Ku Basa Sunda book. The result of the study showed that there are verb, noun and adjective which can be the base word of prefix n- (nasal) and its’ combination with various uniqueness, different function and meaning. The general function of prefix n- (nasal) is to form active verb while its’ meanings are performative, inchoactive, resultative, instrumental, use the material of x, locative, simulative and causative. The results are expected to be a guide in Sundanese language teaching learning

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Lilin Aromaterapi sebagai Tambahan Keterampilan Andikpas di LPKA Kelas II Bandung

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    LPKA Kelas II Bandung merupakan lembaga pendidikan bagi anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum di daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Berbagai upaya pembinaan dilakukan LPKA berkerjasama dengan berbagai pihak salah satunya adalah Perguruan Tinggi sebagai tenaga pengajar kegiatan non-formal.  Kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan lilin aromaterapi ditujukan untuk menambah keterampilan para peserta anak didik pemasyarakatan (andikpas) sebagai bekal keterampilan individu sehingga dapat digunakan kelak setelah kembali ke lingkungan masyarakat. Kegiatan diawali dengan trial pembuatan produk di laboratorium sebelum pelaksanaan pelatihan. Pelatihan disampaikan dalam bentuk presentasi dan dilanjutkan dengan praktik pembuatan lilin aromaterapi secara eksperimentatif dalam berbagai variasi bentuk. Produk berupa lilin aromaterapi yang berfungsi ganda, yaitu sebagai alat penerangan, media terapi dan penyegar ruangan.  Kegiatan pelatihan membuat suatu produk yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi melalui pembuatan lilin aromaterapi berbasis soy wax dalam wadah gelas dapat memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pelatihan mampu memotivasi peserta andikpas untuk berwirausaha dan peserta antusias mengikuti selama kegiatan pelatihan berlangsung

    Mengamati Bintang, Pengetahuan Merespon Bencana: Belajar dari Tuntunan Para Leluhur di Sinar Resmi Sukabumi

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    Agricultural practices must consider seasonal variations and natural conditions. Astronomy, which involves studying celestial movements, plays a crucial role in this regard. Individuals who possess the knowledge to decipher celestial motions have historically contributed to the advancement of civilizations worldwide. Consequently, the presence of astronomers specializing in astrology is essential. The global agricultural civilization experienced rapid growth before the emergence of the industrial civilization. In the current era of globalization, traditional agricultural systems based on astronomical observations are being abandoned. The adoption of foreign planting techniques has led to a neglect of the indigenous wisdom and knowledge passed down through generations. Over time, our ancestors’ local knowledge has gradually faded away. However, the indigenous people of Sinar Resmi, Sukabumi, continue to rely on star observations in their rice farming practices, particularly as a response to natural disasters. This study aims to demonstrate that rice farmers can effectively respond to natural disasters by observing the stars. It employs an oral tradition approach to describe the role of star observations in rice farming, focusing on case studies from the Sinar Resmi community in Sukabumi and other indigenous populations. The findings suggest that star observations in rice farming remain relevant for mitigating the risk of crop failure during natural disasters. The significance of astronomical observations and their inherent value lies in their ability to maintain order and stability in agrarian societies.Pertanian yang baik haruslah mempertimbangkan musim dan keadaan alam. Relasi yang kuat terkait hal itu adalah astronomi, mengamati pergerakan bintang. Peradaban tiap wilayah di dunia menjadi berkembang dengan bantuan orang-orang yang mampu memahami dan memaknai setiap pergerakan benda-benda langit. Artinya, keberadaan astronom sebagai orang yang menguasai perbintangan menjadi sangat penting. Peradaban agraris di seluruh dunia menjadi tumbuh pesat sebelum tergantikan oleh peradaban industri. Kini, era globalisasi, sistem pertanian dengan mengamati bintang mulai ditinggalkan. Sistem tanam pun mulai mengadopsi asing. Petani mulai mengesampingkan indegeneous knowledge. Kearifan lokal dari leluhur tergerus zaman. Namun, masyarakat adat Sinar Resmi, Sukabumi sampai dengan saat ini masih berpatokan pada peredaran bintang dalam pertanian padi terutama untuk merespon bencana. Tujuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan mengamati bintang dalam pertanian padi mampu merespon bencana. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan tradisi lisan studi ini menguraikan pengamatan bintang dalam pertanian padi, berbasis tradisi lisan, dalam menghadapi bencana. Studi kasus yang diangkat masyarakat adat Sinar Resmi, Sukabumi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa mengamati bintang dalam pertanian padi dipandang masih relevan untuk merespon bencana sehingga risiko gagal panen dapat diminimalisir. Pengamatan dan perbendaharaan astronomi pun menjadi penting karena dapat mendukung tatanan masyarakat agraris

    Mengamati Bintang, Pengetahuan Merespon Bencana: Belajar dari Tuntunan Para Leluhur di Sinar Resmi Sukabumi

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    Agricultural practices must consider seasonal variations and natural conditions. Astronomy, which involves studying celestial movements, plays a crucial role in this regard. Individuals who possess the knowledge to decipher celestial motions have historically contributed to the advancement of civilizations worldwide. Consequently, the presence of astronomers specializing in astrology is essential. The global agricultural civilization experienced rapid growth before the emergence of the industrial civilization. In the current era of globalization, traditional agricultural systems based on astronomical observations are being abandoned. The adoption of foreign planting techniques has led to a neglect of the indigenous wisdom and knowledge passed down through generations. Over time, our ancestors’ local knowledge has gradually faded away. However, the indigenous people of Sinar Resmi, Sukabumi, continue to rely on star observations in their rice farming practices, particularly as a response to natural disasters. This study aims to demonstrate that rice farmers can effectively respond to natural disasters by observing the stars. It employs an oral tradition approach to describe the role of star observations in rice farming, focusing on case studies from the Sinar Resmi community in Sukabumi and other indigenous populations. The findings suggest that star observations in rice farming remain relevant for mitigating the risk of crop failure during natural disasters. The significance of astronomical observations and their inherent value lies in their ability to maintain order and stability in agrarian societies.Pertanian yang baik haruslah mempertimbangkan musim dan keadaan alam. Relasi yang kuat terkait hal itu adalah astronomi, mengamati pergerakan bintang. Peradaban tiap wilayah di dunia menjadi berkembang dengan bantuan orang-orang yang mampu memahami dan memaknai setiap pergerakan benda-benda langit. Artinya, keberadaan astronom sebagai orang yang menguasai perbintangan menjadi sangat penting. Peradaban agraris di seluruh dunia menjadi tumbuh pesat sebelum tergantikan oleh peradaban industri. Kini, era globalisasi, sistem pertanian dengan mengamati bintang mulai ditinggalkan. Sistem tanam pun mulai mengadopsi asing. Petani mulai mengesampingkan indegeneous knowledge. Kearifan lokal dari leluhur tergerus zaman. Namun, masyarakat adat Sinar Resmi, Sukabumi sampai dengan saat ini masih berpatokan pada peredaran bintang dalam pertanian padi terutama untuk merespon bencana. Tujuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan mengamati bintang dalam pertanian padi mampu merespon bencana. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan tradisi lisan studi ini menguraikan pengamatan bintang dalam pertanian padi, berbasis tradisi lisan, dalam menghadapi bencana. Studi kasus yang diangkat masyarakat adat Sinar Resmi, Sukabumi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa mengamati bintang dalam pertanian padi dipandang masih relevan untuk merespon bencana sehingga risiko gagal panen dapat diminimalisir. Pengamatan dan perbendaharaan astronomi pun menjadi penting karena dapat mendukung tatanan masyarakat agraris
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