84 research outputs found

    Linear transformation models for censored data under truncation

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    In many observational cohort studies, a pair of correlated event times are usually observed for each individual. This paper develops a new approach for the semiparametric linear transformation model to handle the bivariate survival data under both truncation and censoring. By incorporating truncation, the potential referral bias in practice is taken into account. A class of generalised estimating equations are proposed to obtain unbiased estimates of the regression parameters. Large sample properties of the proposed estimator are provided. Simulation studies under different scenarios and analyses of real-world datasets are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed estimator

    Sintering and Properties of Nb4AlC3 Ceramic

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    Efficient Empirical Likelihood Inference for recovery rate of COVID-19 under Double-Censoring

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    Doubly censored data are very common in epidemiology studies. Ignoring censorship in the analysis may lead to biased parameter estimation. In this paper, we highlight that the publicly available COVID19 data may involve high percentage of double-censoring and point out the importance of dealing with such missing information in order to achieve better forecasting results. Existing statistical methods for doubly censored data may suffer from the convergence problems of the EM algorithms or may not be good enough for small sample sizes. This paper develops a new empirical likelihood method to analyse the recovery rate of COVID19 based on a doubly censored dataset. The efficient influence function of the parameter of interest is used to define the empirical likelihood (EL) ratio. We prove that 2log-2\log(EL-ratio) asymptotically follows a standard χ2\chi^2 distribution. This new method does not require any scale parameter adjustment for the log-likelihood ratio and thus does not suffer from the convergence problems involved in traditional EM-type algorithms. Finite sample simulation results show that this method provides much less biased estimate than existing methods, when censoring percentage is large. The method application to the COVID19 data will help researchers in other field to achieve better estimates and forecasting results

    Estimating mode effects from a sequential mixed-mode experiment using structural moment models

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    Until recently, the survey mode of the household panel studyUn-derstanding Societywas mainly face-to-face interview but it has nowadopted a mixed-mode design where individuals can selfcomplete thequestionnaire via the web. As mode is known to affect survey data,a randomized mixed-mode experiment was implemented during thefirst year of the two-year Wave 8 fieldwork period to assess the im-pact of this change. The experiment involved a sequential design thatpermits the identification of mode effects in the presence of nonig-norable nonrandom mode selection. While previous studies have usedinstrumental variables regression to estimate the effects of mode onthe means of the survey variables, we set up a more general framework based on novel structural moment models to characterize the effect of mode on the distribution of the survey variables by its effect on the moments of the joint distribution. We adapt our estimation procedure to account for nonresponse and complex sampling designs, and to include suitable auxiliary data to improve inferences and relax key assumptions. Finally, we demonstrate how to estimate the effects of mode on the parameter estimates from generalized linear and other exponential family models when both outcomes and predictors are subject to mode effects. This framework is used to investigate the impact of the move to web mode on Wave 8 of Understanding Society

    Ultrasound Versus Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Subclinical Synovitis and Tenosynovitis: A Diagnostic Performance Study

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    OBJECTIVES: Radiographic manifestations of synovitis (e.g., erosions) can be observed only in the late stage of rheumatoid arthritis. Ultrasound is a noninvasive, cheap, and widely available technique that enables the evaluation of inflammatory changes in the peripheral joint. In the same way, dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enables qualitative and quantitative measurements. The objectives of the study were to compare the sensitivity and accuracy of ultrasound in detecting subclinical synovitis and tenosynovitis with those of contrast-enhanced MRI. METHODS: The ultrasonography and contrast-enhanced MRI findings of the wrist, metacarpophalangeal, and proximal interphalangeal joints (n=450) of 75 patients with a history of joint pain and morning stiffness between 6 weeks and 2 years were reviewed. The benefits score was evaluated for each modality. RESULTS: The ultrasonic findings showed inflammation in 346 (77%) joints, while contrast-enhanced MRI found signs of early rheumatoid arthritis in 372 (83%) joints. The sensitivities of ultrasound and contrast-enhanced MRI were 0.795 and 0.855, respectively, and the accuracies were 0.769 and 0.823, respectively. Contrast-enhanced MRI had a likelihood of 0–0.83 and ultrasound had a likelihood of 0–0.77 for detecting synovitis and tenosynovitis at one time. The two imaging modalities were equally competitive for detecting synovitis and tenosynovitis (p=0.055). CONCLUSION: Ultrasound could be as sensitive and specific as contrast-enhanced MRI for the diagnosis of subclinical synovitis and tenosynovitis

    Partnership status and positive DNA methylation age acceleration across the adult lifespan in the UK

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    Although a significant body of research has shown that married people are healthier and live longer, empirical research on sex differences in the link between marital status and health suggests results are mixed. Moreover, the sex disparities in marital status and health relationships vary across adulthood. The literature on partnership status and measures of ageing is largely focused on older age groups and is limited in its view of early adulthood. Data from waves 2 and 3 (2010–2012) of Understanding Society: UKHLS were used to examine the association of current partnership status with epigenetic age acceleration (AA) assessed with DNA methylation (DNAm) algorithms 'Phenoage' and ' DunedinPACE ' in 3492 participants (aged 16–97). Regression models were estimated separately for men and women, and further stratified by age groups. Divorced/separated and widowed people showed positive age acceleration compared to the married/cohabiting people (reference group). Some sex differences were apparent, especially, among the single and divorced/separated groups. Age differences were also apparent, for example in men, being single was negatively associated with DNAmAA in the youngest group, but positively in the oldest group compared to partnered counterparts. These findings illustrate the importance of partnerships on the ageing process, in particular marital change through divorce and widowhood for positive age acceleration in adults. For single groups, observations were heterogenous by age and sex

    Frequency and Distribution of Refractive Error in Adult Life: Methodology and Findings of the UK Biobank Study

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    PURPOSE: To report the methodology and findings of a large scale investigation of burden and distribution of refractive error, from a contemporary and ethnically diverse study of health and disease in adults, in the UK.METHODS:U K Biobank, a unique contemporary resource for the study of health and disease, recruited more than half a million people aged 40-69 years. A subsample of 107,452 subjects undertook an enhanced ophthalmic examination which provided autorefraction data (a measure of refractive error). Refractive error status was categorised using the mean spherical equivalent refraction measure. Information on socio-demographic factors (age, gender, ethnicity, educational qualifications and accommodation tenure) was reported at the time of recruitment by questionnaire and face-to-face interview.RESULTS: Fifty four percent of participants aged 40-69 years had refractive error. Specifically 27% had myopia (4% high myopia), which was more common amongst younger people, those of higher socio-economic status, higher educational attainment, or of White or Chinese ethnicity. The frequency of hypermetropia increased with age (7% at 40-44 years increasing to 46% at 65-69 years), was higher in women and its severity was associated with ethnicity (moderate or high hypermetropia at least 30% less likely in non-White ethnic groups compared to White).CONCLUSIONS: Refractive error is a significant public health issue for the UK and this study provides contemporary data on adults for planning services, health economic modelling and monitoring of secular trends. Further investigation of risk factors is necessary to inform strategies for prevention. There is scope to do this through the planned longitudinal extension of the UK Biobank study

    An inverse probability weighted estimator for the bivariate distribution function under right censoring

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    An inverse probability weighted estimator is proposed for the joint distribution function of bivariate random vectors under right censoring. The new estimator is based on the idea of transformation of bivariate survival functions and bivariate random vectors to univariate survival functions and univariate random variables. The estimator converges weakly to a zero-mean Gaussian process with an easily estimated covariance function. Numerical studies show that the new estimator is more efficient than some existing inverse probability weighted estimators. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Leveraging DNA-Methylation Quantitative-Trait Loci to Characterize the Relationship between Methylomic Variation, Gene Expression, and Complex Traits

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    Characterizing the complex relationship between genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptomic variation has the potential to increase understanding about the mechanisms underpinning health and disease phenotypes. We undertook a comprehensive analysis of common genetic variation on DNA methylation (DNAm) by using the Illumina EPIC array to profile samples from the UK Household Longitudinal study. We identified 12,689,548 significant DNA methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTL) associations (p 60 human traits by using summary-data-based Mendelian randomization (SMR) to identify 1,662 pleiotropic associations between 36 complex traits and 1,246 DNAm sites. We also use SMR to characterize the relationship between DNAm and gene expression and thereby identify 6,798 pleiotropic associations between 5,420 DNAm sites and the transcription of 1,702 genes. Our mQTL database and SMR results are available via a searchable online database as a resource to the research community