326 research outputs found

    Deoxynivalenol and its toxicity

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    Deoxynivalenol (DON) is one of several mycotoxins produced by certain Fusarium species that frequently infect corn, wheat, oats, barley, rice, and other grains in the field or during storage. The exposure risk to human is directly through foods of plant origin (cereal grains) or indirectly through foods of animal origin (kidney, liver, milk, eggs). It has been detected in buckwheat, popcorn, sorgum, triticale, and other food products including flour, bread, breakfast cereals, noodles, infant foods, pancakes, malt and beer. DON affects animal and human health causing acute temporary nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, and fever. This review briefly summarizes toxicities of this mycotoxin as well as effects on reproduction and their antagonistic and synergic actions

    Surveys of rice sold in Canada for aflatoxins, ochratoxin A and fumonisins

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    Approximately 200 samples of rice (including white, brown, red, black, basmati and jasmine, as well as wild rice) from several different countries, including the United States, Canada, Pakistan, India and Thailand, were analysed for aflatoxins, ochratoxin A (OTA) and fumonisins by separate liquid Chromatographic methods in two different years. The mean concentrations for aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) were 0.19 and 0.17 ng g−1 with respective positive incidences of 56% and 43% (≥ the limit of detection (LOD) of 0.002 ng g−1). Twenty-three samples analysed in the second year also contained aflatoxin B2 (AFB2) at levels ≥LOD of 0.002 ng g−1 The five most contaminated samples in each year contained 1.44–7.14 ng AFB1 g−1 (year 1) and 1.45–3.48 ng AFB1 g−1 (year 2); they were mostly basmati rice from India and Pakistan and black and red rice from Thailand. The average concentrations of ochratoxin A (OTA) were 0.05 and 0.005 ng g−1 in year 1 and year 2, respectively; incidences of samples containing ≥LOD of 0.05 ng g−1 were 43% and 1%, respectively, in the 2 years. All positive OTA results were confirmed by LC-MS/MS. For fumonisins, concentrations of fumonisin B1 (FB1) averaged 4.5 ng g−1 in 15 positive samples (≥0.7 ng g−1) from year 1 (n = 99); fumonisin B2 (FB2) and fumonisin B3 (FB3) were also present (≥1 ng g−1). In the second year there was only one positive sample (14 ng g−1 FB1) out of 100 analysed. All positive FB1 results were confirmed by LC-MS/MS

    New ABA-Hypersensitive Arabidopsis Mutants Are Affected in Loci Mediating Responses to Water Deficit and Dickeya dadantii Infection

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    On water deficit, abscisic acid (ABA) induces stomata closure to reduce water loss by transpiration. To identify Arabidopsis thaliana mutants which transpire less on drought, infrared thermal imaging of leaf temperature has been used to screen for suppressors of an ABA-deficient mutant (aba3-1) cold-leaf phenotype. Three novel mutants, called hot ABA-deficiency suppressor (has), have been identified with hot-leaf phenotypes in the absence of the aba3 mutation. The defective genes imparted no apparent modification to ABA production on water deficit, were inherited recessively and enhanced ABA responses indicating that the proteins encoded are negative regulators of ABA signalling. All three mutants showed ABA-hypersensitive stomata closure and inhibition of root elongation with little modification of growth and development in non-stressed conditions. The has2 mutant also exhibited increased germination inhibition by ABA, while ABA-inducible gene expression was not modified on dehydration, indicating the mutated gene affects early ABA-signalling responses that do not modify transcript levels. In contrast, weak ABA-hypersensitivity relative to mutant developmental phenotypes suggests that HAS3 regulates drought responses by both ABA-dependent and independent pathways. has1 mutant phenotypes were only apparent on stress or ABA treatments, and included reduced water loss on rapid dehydration. The HAS1 locus thus has the required characteristics for a targeted approach to improving resistance to water deficit. In contrast to has2, has1 exhibited only minor changes in susceptibility to Dickeya dadantii despite similar ABA-hypersensitivity, indicating that crosstalk between ABA responses to this pathogen and drought stress can occur through more than one point in the signalling pathway

    Multiple reservoirs of volatiles in the Moon revealed by the isotopic composition of chlorine in lunar basalts

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    The isotopes of chlorine (37Cl and 35Cl) are highly fractionated in lunar samples compared to most other Solar System materials. Recently, the chlorine isotope signatures of lunar rocks have been attributed to large-scale degassing processes that occurred during the existence of a magma ocean. In this study we investigated how well a suite of lunar basalts, most of which have not previously been analyzed, conform to previous models. The Cl isotope compositions (δ37Cl (‰) = [(37Cl/35Clsample/37Cl/35ClSMOC)-1]×1000, where SMOC refers to standard mean ocean chloride) recorded range from ∼+7 to +14 ‰ (Apollo 15), +10 to +19 ‰ (Apollo 12), +9 to +15 ‰ (70017), +4 to +8 ‰ (MIL 05035), and +15 to +22 ‰ (Kalahari 009). The Cl isotopic data from the present study support the mixing trends previously reported by Boyce et al., 2015, Barnes et al., 2016, as the Cl isotopic composition of apatites are positively correlated with bulk-rock incompatible trace element abundances in the low-Ti basalts, inclusive of low-Ti and KREEP basalts. This trend has been interpreted as evidence that incompatible trace elements, including Cl, were concentrated in the urKREEP residual liquid of the lunar magma ocean, rather than the mantle cumulates, and that urKREEP Cl had a highly fractionated isotopic composition. The source regions for the basalts were thus created by variable mixing between the mantle (Cl-poor and relatively unfractionated) and urKREEP. The high-Ti basalts show much more variability in measured Cl isotope ratios and scatter around the trend formed by the low-Ti basalts. Most of the data for lunar meteorites also fits the mixing of volatiles in their sources, but Kalahari 009, which is highly depleted in incompatible trace elements, contains apatites with heavily fractionated Cl isotopic compositions. Given that Kalahari 009 is one of the oldest lunar basalts and ought to have been derived from very early-formed mantle cumulates, a heavy Cl isotopic signature is likely not related to its mantle source, but more likely to magmatic or secondary alteration processes, perhaps via impact-driven vapor metasomatism of the lunar crust

    Chilling-Dependent Release of Seed and Bud Dormancy in Peach Associates to Common Changes in Gene Expression

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    Reproductive meristems and embryos display dormancy mechanisms in specialized structures named respectively buds and seeds that arrest the growth of perennial plants until environmental conditions are optimal for survival. Dormancy shows common physiological features in buds and seeds. A genotype-specific period of chilling is usually required to release dormancy by molecular mechanisms that are still poorly understood. In order to find common transcriptional pathways associated to dormancy release, we analyzed the chilling-dependent expression in embryos of certain genes that were previously found related to dormancy in flower buds of peach. We propose the presence of short and long-term dormancy events affecting respectively the germination rate and seedling development by independent mechanisms. Short periods of chilling seem to improve germination in an abscisic acid-dependent manner, whereas the positive effect of longer cold treatments on physiological dwarfing coincides with the accumulation of phenylpropanoids in the seed

    Excess Silica in Omphacite and the Formation of Free Silica in Eclogite

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    Silica lamellae in eclogitic clinopyroxene are widely interpreted as evidence of exsolution during decompression of eclogite. However, mechanisms other than exsolution might produce free silica, and the possible mechanisms depend in part on the nature and definition of excess silica. ‘Excess’ silica may occur in both stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric pyroxene. Although the issue has been debated, we show that all common definitions of excess silica in non-stoichiometric clinopyroxene are internally consistent, interchangeable, and therefore equivalent. The excess silica content of pyroxene is easily illustrated in a three-component, condensed composition space and may be plotted directly from a structural formula unit or recalculated end-members. In order to evaluate possible mechanisms for the formation of free silica in eclogite, we examined the net-transfer reactions in model eclogites using a Thompson reaction space. We show that there are at least three broad classes of reactions that release free silica in eclogite: (i) vacancy consumption in non-stoichiometric pyroxene; (ii) dissolution of Ti-phases in pyroxene or garnet; (iii) reactions between accessory phases and either pyroxene or garnet. We suggest that reliable interpretation of the significance of silica lamellae in natural clinopyroxene will require the evaluation not only of silica solubility, but also of titanium solubility, and the possible roles of accessory phases and inclusions on the balance of free silica
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