66 research outputs found

    A first confirmed specimen record in Chile, and sightings attributed to the lesser beaked whale <i>Mesoplodon peruvianus</i> Reyes, Mead and Van Waerebeek, 1991

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    Three sightings, totalling five small-sized beaked whales recorded off north-central Chile (ca. 29°S) in February 1998, two between Punta Zorros and Damas Island and one south of Choros Island, were attributed to Mesoplodon peruvianus. A ca. 1m neonate was observed for the first time. The occurrence of lesser beaked whales in shallow water habitat (20-70m depth) is unusual in the Family Ziphiidae. On 17 December 1997, during the IWC 3rd Blue Whale Survey off Chile, researchers (including two of the authors) assigned another beaked whale sighting at 20°26’S, 70°44’W, in deeper water (878-1245m), as a probable M. peruvianus. All individuals shared the following characteristics: small body size, short snout, nondescript dark colouration dorsally and a low, markedly triangular dorsal fin.An adult beaked whale skull (specimen GPS004) was collected at Los Choros beach (29°17.04’S, 71°23.54’W) in May 1995. Diagnostic cranial characteristics, including i.a. lateral maxillary excrescences on the distal rostrum, identified it as the first confirmed record of M. peruvianus in Chile. The specimen and probable sighting records extend the species’ known distribution range 14° latitude farther south in the Eastern Pacific. Evidence of two bullets shot through the head of GPS004 raises the issue of direct catches of small cetaceans in the area

    Chapter 4.The oceanographic and climatic context

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    The Alboran Sea is the westernmost basin of the Mediterranean Sea. It is the first one receiving the Atlantic waters flowing through the Strait of Gibraltar and the last one crossed by Mediterranean waters on their way out to the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, the main factor that determines the Alboran Sea circulation and its water mass distribution is the Atlantic–Mediterranean exchange forced by climatic conditions within the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar geometry. This general circulation exhibits very strong energetic dynamics with the alternation of cyclonic and anticyclonic circulation cells. The Alboran Sea circulation is highly variable in time at different scales. Some of the shortest ones are semidiurnal and diurnal, associated to the tidal dynamics. The sub-inertial time scale is mainly linked to the wind and atmospheric pressure field variability, and affects the main circulation patterns of the Alboran Sea. Seasonal variability and long-term changes associated with decadal or even longer term changes are caused by alterations in the heat and freshwater fluxes between the Mediterranean Sea, the atmosphere, the nearby Atlantic Ocean and the river basins on land. These changes directly affect the temperature and salinity of the water masses within the Alboran Sea, while it is difficult to predict how they could affect their circulation and dynamics. In this chapter, some of the observed trends in the Alboran Sea water masses are presented. These changes include temperature and salinity increases of the water column, very likely caused by the current climate change process.En prens

    Evaluación de tres enraizadores comerciales en la producción de plántulas de tomate indeterminado (Solanum lycopersicum (L.) Lam)

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    Objective: To evaluate the development of undetermined tomato seedlings under protected conditions, applying three rooters and a witness to increase the production of the culture in the region. Design/methodology/ approach: it was employed through an experimental design by blocks completely at random, which consisted on four treatments belonging to each one of the blocks, where each block belonged to four unicel trays of 200 cavities of BM2 substratum, with four repetitions each one, taking 15 experimental units for treatment, making a total of 60 experimental units, having a total of 240 tomato seedlings in the whole experiment. Results: As a result, it was obtained that the Phyto Root rooter had a great effect in the height development, stem thickness, number of leaves, aerial biomass and root ball weight, important parameters that a seedling must have for its development and growth at the transplantation moment to the field. Study limitations/implications: The agronomic handle from the sowing is necessary to be uniform in all the treatments and the repetitions, in order to obtain better results due to the rooters effect. Findings/ conclusions: To obtain good quality seedlings in the moment of transplantation to the field, it is recommended to the company and to the seedling producers to employ the Phyto Root treatment, due that this was the one with the best response.Objetivo: Evaluar el desarrollo de plántula de tomate indeterminado bajo condiciones protegidas, aplicando&nbsp; tres enraizadores&nbsp; y un testigo para aumentar la producción del cultivo en la región. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: se utilizó bajo un diseño experimental en bloques completamente al azar, el cual consistió de cuatro tratamientos correspondiendo a cada uno de los bloques, donde cada bloque pertenecía a cuatro charolas de unicel de 200 cavidades con sustrato de BM2, con cuatro repeticiones cada uno, teniendo 15 unidades experimentales por tratamiento, sumando un total de 60 unidades experimentales, teniendo un total de 240 plántulas de tomate por todo el experimento. Resultados: Como resultado se obtuvo que el enraizador de Phyto Root&nbsp; tuvo un gran efecto en cuanto al desarrollo de altura, grosor de tallo, numero de hojas, biomasa aérea y peso del cepellón, parámetros importantes que debe tener una plántula para su desarrollo y crecimiento al momento de trasplante a campo. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: El manejo agronómico desde la siembra en charolas, es necesario que sea uniforme en todos los tratamientos y las repeticiones para tener mejores resultados en cuanto el efecto de los enraizadores. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Para obtener plántulas de buena calidad en el momento de trasplante a campo se le recomienda a la empresa y a los productores de plántulas utilizar el tratamiento de Phyto Root, ya que fue la que mejor respuesta tuvo

    RIAM-VASP module relays integrin complement receptors in outside-in signaling driving particle engulfment

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    The phagocytic integrins and complement receptors M 2/CR3 and X 2/CR4 are classically associated with the phagocytosis of iC3b-opsonized particles. The activation of this receptor is dependent on signals derived from other receptors (inside-out signaling) with the crucial involvement of the Rap1-RIAM-Talin-1 pathway. Here, we analyze the implication of RIAM and its binding partner VASP in the signaling events occurring downstream of 2 integrins (outside-in) during complement-mediated phagocytosis. To this end, we used HL-60 promyelocytic cell lines deficient in RIAM or VASP or overexpressing EGFP-tagged VASP to determine VASP dynamics at phagocytic cups. Our results indicate that RIAM-deficient HL-60 cells presented impaired particle internalization and altered integrin downstream signaling during complement-dependent phagocytosis. Similarly, VASP deficiency completely blocked phagocytosis, while VASP overexpression increased the random movement of phagocytic particles at the cell surface, with reduced internalization. Moreover, the recruitment of VASP to particle contact sites, amount of pSer157-VASP and formation of actin-rich phagocytic cups were dependent on RIAM expression. Our results suggested that RIAM worked as a relay for integrin complement receptors in outside-in signaling, coordinating integrin activation and cytoskeletal rearrangements via its interaction with VASPThis work has been supported by Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) grants: SAF2016-77096-R (ELD and CC), BIO2014:54164-R (PAR), BIO2017-86500-R (MY-M), EI/MICIU EXPLORA BIO2017-91272-EXP & FEDER (PI17/02303) (S.R.-P). AT-G is supported by a predoctoral fellowship from MINECO, JLS-T is supported by a predoctoral fellowship from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, RT-R is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC