61 research outputs found

    Effects of Weather on Autumn Hawk Movements at Fort Morgan, Alabama

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    Migrating hawks were observed at Fort Morgan, Alabama during autumn 1995-1998. The three most abundant migrants were Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus), Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus) and American Kestrel (Falco sparverius). The three species accounted for 84% of all observations. Most individuals (\u3e 80%) were seen heading west. Compared with days with east and south winds, days with north winds were associated with significantly higher passage rates for all species, and passage rates of Broadwinged Hawks were significantly higher on days when both a cold front and north winds occurred than on days with north winds only. Hawks flew higher on east winds than on north and south winds, suggesting that hawks fly lower in winds that may blow them out over the Gulf of Mexico

    A Multi-Scale Examination of Stopover Habitat Use by Birds

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    Most of our understanding of habitat use by migrating land birds comes from studies conducted at single, small spatial scales, which may overemphasize the importance of intrinsic habitat factors, such as food availability, in shaping migrant distributions. We believe that a multi-scale approach is essential to assess the influence of factors that control en route habitat use. We determined the relative importance of eight variables, each operating at a habitat-patch, landscape, or regional spatial scale, in explaining the differential use of hardwood forests by Nearctic-Neotropical land birds during migration. We estimated bird densities through transect surveys at sites near the Mississippi coast during spring and autumn migration within landscapes with variable amounts of hardwood forest cover. At a regional scale, migrant density increased with proximity to the coast, which was of moderate importance in explaining bird densities, probably due to constraints imposed on migrants when negotiating the Gulf of Mexico. The amount of hardwood forest cover at a landscape scale was positively correlated with arthropod abundance and had the greatest importance in explaining densities of all migrants, as a group, during spring, and of insectivorous migrants during autumn. Among landscape scales ranging from 500 in to 10 km radius, the densities of migrants were, on average, most strongly and positively related to the amount of hardwood forest cover within a 5 km radius. We suggest that hardwood forest cover at this scale may be an indicator of habitat quality that migrants use as a cue when landing at the end of a migratory flight. At the patch scale, direct measures of arthropod abundance and plant community composition were also important in explaining migrant densities, whereas habitat structure was of little importance. The relative amount of fleshy-fruited trees was positively related and was the most important variable explaining frugivorous migrant density during autumn. Although constraints extrinsic to habitat had a moderate role in explaining migrant distributions, our results are consistent with the view that food availability is the ultimate factor shaping the distributions of birds during stopover

    Fine-scale genetic population structure of an understory rainforest

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    Abstract We studied five populations of a rainforest understory insectivorous bird (Myrmeciza exsul, chestnutbacked antbird) in a fragmented landscape in northeastern Costa Rica in order to test hypotheses about the influence of forest fragmentation on population genetic structure using 16 microsatellite loci. Bayesian assignment approaches-perhaps the most conservative analyses we performed-consistently grouped the sites into two distinct groups, with all individuals from the smallest and most isolated population clustering separately from the other four sites. Additional analyses revealed (1) overall significant genetic structure; (2) a pattern of population differentiation consistent with a hypothesis of isolation by resistance (landscape connectivity), but not distance; and (3) relatively short dispersal distances indicated by elevated mean pairwise relatedness in several of the sites. Our results are somewhat surprising given the small geographic distances between sites (11-34 km) and the short time (*60 years) since wide-spread deforestation in this landscape. We suspect fine-scale genetic structure may occur in many resident tropical bird species, and in the case of the chestnut-backed antbird it appears that anthropogenic habitat fragmentation has important population genetic implications. It appears that chestnut-backed antbirds may persist in fragmented landscapes in the absence of significant migration among patches, but mechanisms that allow this species to persist when many other similar species do not are not well understood

    Population genetics of seaside Sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus) subspecies along the gulf of Mexico.

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    Seaside Sparrows (Ammodramus maritimus) along the Gulf of Mexico are currently recognized as four subspecies, including taxa in Florida (A. m. juncicola and A. m. peninsulae) and southern Texas (Ammodramus m. sennetti), plus a widespread taxon between them (A. m. fisheri). We examined population genetic structure of this Gulf Coast clade using microsatellite and mtDNA data. Results of Bayesian analyses (Structure, GeneLand) of microsatellite data from nine locations do not entirely align with current subspecific taxonomy. Ammodramus m. sennetti from southern Texas is significantly differentiated from all other populations, but we found evidence of an admixture zone with A. m. fisheri near Corpus Christi. The two subspecies along the northern Gulf Coast of Florida are significantly differentiated from both A. m. sennetti and A. m. fisheri, but are not distinct from each other. We found a weak signal of isolation by distance within A. m. fisheri, indicating this population is not entirely panmictic throughout its range. Although continued conservation concern is warranted for all populations along the Gulf Coast, A. m. fisheri appears to be more secure than the far smaller populations in south Texas and the northern Florida Gulf Coast. In particular, the most genetically distinct populations, those in Texas south of Corpus Christi, occupy unique habitats within a very small geographic range

    Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map

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    We summarise the discussions at a virtual Community Workshop on Cold Atoms in Space concerning the status of cold atom technologies, the prospective scientific and societal opportunities offered by their deployment in space, and the developments needed before cold atoms could be operated in space. The cold atom technologies discussed include atomic clocks, quantum gravimeters and accelerometers, and atom interferometers. Prospective applications include metrology, geodesy and measurement of terrestrial mass change due to, e.g., climate change, and fundamental science experiments such as tests of the equivalence principle, searches for dark matter, measurements of gravitational waves and tests of quantum mechanics. We review the current status of cold atom technologies and outline the requirements for their space qualification, including the development paths and the corresponding technical milestones, and identifying possible pathfinder missions to pave the way for missions to exploit the full potential of cold atoms in space. Finally, we present a first draft of a possible road-map for achieving these goals, that we propose for discussion by the interested cold atom, Earth Observation, fundamental physics and other prospective scientific user communities, together with the European Space Agency (ESA) and national space and research funding agencies.publishedVersio

    Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map

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    We summarise the discussions at a virtual Community Workshop on Cold Atoms in Space concerning the status of cold atom technologies, the prospective scientific and societal opportunities offered by their deployment in space, and the developments needed before cold atoms could be operated in space. The cold atom technologies discussed include atomic clocks, quantum gravimeters and accelerometers, and atom interferometers. Prospective applications include metrology, geodesy and measurement of terrestrial mass change due to, e.g., climate change, and fundamental science experiments such as tests of the equivalence principle, searches for dark matter, measurements of gravitational waves and tests of quantum mechanics. We review the current status of cold atom technologies and outline the requirements for their space qualification, including the development paths and the corresponding technical milestones, and identifying possible pathfinder missions to pave the way for missions to exploit the full potential of cold atoms in space. Finally, we present a first draft of a possible road-map for achieving these goals, that we propose for discussion by the interested cold atom, Earth Observation, fundamental physics and other prospective scientific user communities, together with the European Space Agency (ESA) and national space and research funding agencies

    AEDGE: Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration in Space

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    Abstract: We propose in this White Paper a concept for a space experiment using cold atoms to search for ultra-light dark matter, and to detect gravitational waves in the frequency range between the most sensitive ranges of LISA and the terrestrial LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA/INDIGO experiments. This interdisciplinary experiment, called Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration (AEDGE), will also complement other planned searches for dark matter, and exploit synergies with other gravitational wave detectors. We give examples of the extended range of sensitivity to ultra-light dark matter offered by AEDGE, and how its gravitational-wave measurements could explore the assembly of super-massive black holes, first-order phase transitions in the early universe and cosmic strings. AEDGE will be based upon technologies now being developed for terrestrial experiments using cold atoms, and will benefit from the space experience obtained with, e.g., LISA and cold atom experiments in microgravity. KCL-PH-TH/2019-65, CERN-TH-2019-12

    Bird Community Responses to Disturbance in a Forestry Concession in Lowland Bolivia

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    Bird community characteristics of three sites with different levels of disturbance were studied using transect surveys during the dry season in a subtropical humid forest in Bolivia. One area had been unintentionally burned 4 years prior and selectively harvested (DIS) 1 year prior to sampling. A second area had been selectively harvested 1 year prior to sampling and had no recent history of fire (HAR). Species richness, as assessed by species-time curves and rarefaction, was higher in both altered areas than in undisturbed forest (INT). In general, frugivores and omnivores were more abundant in both altered areas compared to intact forest. Canopy frugivores, understory omnivores and multiple-strata omnivores were most abundant in HAR. Canopy frugivores, near-ground insectivores, understory and multiple-strata omnivores were least abundant in INT, although INT had the highest abundances of canopy insectivores and near-ground omnivores. Richness and abundance of widespread species with low habitat specificity was higher in both areas that experienced disturbance compared to intact forest. Differences in bird community structure between disturbed and intact forest at this site are attributed primarily to the addition of widespread species with less narrow habitat requirements, and possibly to changes in the distribution of different food types

    Patterns of Daily Temporal Variation in Detectability of Forest Birds in Bolivia

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    Published quantitative descriptions of daily variation in detectability or vocal activity of tropical forest birds are few, but such information is critical to designing effective survey protocols. I examined daily temporal variation in detectability of a bird community during the dry season in a lowland Bolivian forestry concession. Whether analyzed by family, foraging guild or by sensitivity to habitat disturbance, the detectabibty of birds varied considerably across five one-hour census periods. The greatest number of birds (similar to 70%) was detected in surveys during the first two hours following sunrise. Pre-sunrise and pre- and post-dusk surveys were important for detecting several families, including Tinamidae, Cracidae, Odontophoridae, Falconidae, Strigidae, Caprimulgidae, Momotidae, Furnariidae, and Dendrocolaptidae. Among ecological guilds identified by diet and forest stratum, most diet groups contained at least one guild that was proportionately more detectable during times not typically surveyed in other studies. Birds considered highly sensitive to habitat fragmentation were detected proportionately more frequently in pre-sunrise surveys than birds with medium or low sensitivity. Nocturnal and pre-dusk surveys can contribute considerably to estimates of bird density and relative abundance, and should at least be explored in all tropical forest bird community studies