49 research outputs found

    From academic project to production software based on Java web-tier CMS application

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    Main target of this article is to show what is important in tierd applications from point of view of production ready software on example of custom techniques functional solutions like multi hierarchy, multi-domain operability in app and performance gain practices applied in web-tier CMS application of Lodz University of Technology (TUL) at www.p.lodz.pl working in years 2007-2015 at the beginning as academic project

    Pokrzywdzony, poszkodowany i ofiara przest臋pstwa w prawie polskim

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    This publication is presenting legal interpretative problems to the institution of "the aggrieved party, the aggrieved party and the victim of an offence" in practice of applying the particular part of the penal code on the example of the crime of the nonma-intenanceNiniejsza publikacja przedstawia prawne problemy interpretacyjne instytucji "pokrzywdzonego, poszkodowanego i ofiary przest臋pstwa" w praktyce stosowania szczeg贸lnej cz臋艣ci kodeksu karnego na przyk艂adzie przest臋pstwa niealimentacj

    Czynniki 艣rodowiskowe w analizie ESG

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    Socially Responsible Investing has been one of the major investment trends in the financial industry over the last years. Climate and environmental issues play an important role in it. There is some empirical evidence showing a link between a company's envi-ronmental responsibility and its financial results. The research suggests that companies standing out with respect to environmental performance achieve, on average, better and more stable financial results than competition that ignores this aspect. It is worth assuming that the Polish capital market will be, or already is, affected by this global trend. This implies that environmental factors will have a material impact on companies' operations, investors' interest and cost of capital. Our analysis points out that our market scores poorly in environmental issues compared to its counterparts, at least according to leading ESG rating agencies.(original abstract)Inwestowanie odpowiedzialne jest jednym z silniejszych trend贸w ostatnich lat na 艣wiatowych rynkach finansowych. Kwestie klimatyczne i 艣rodowiskowe zajmuj膮 w tym obszarze istotne miejsce, jako element szerszej debaty o zmianach klimatu. S膮 empiryczne dowody na to, 偶e istnieje zale偶no艣膰 pomi臋dzy 艣rodowiskow膮 odpowiedzialno艣ci膮 sp贸艂ek a ich wynikami finansowymi. Badania sugeruj膮, 偶e sp贸艂ki wyr贸偶niaj膮ce si臋 pod k膮tem 艣rodowiskowym s膮 w stanie osi膮ga膰 艣rednio lepsze i bardziej stabilne wyniki finansowe ni偶 konkurencja, kt贸ra ignoruje te aspekty. Wydaje si臋, 偶e jednym z kluczowych czynnik贸w, kt贸ry ma na to wp艂yw, jest ni偶szy koszt kapita艂u. Nale偶y oczekiwa膰, 偶e polski rynek finansowy nie pozostanie odporny na globalne trendy, a czynniki 艣rodowiskowe b臋d膮 wywiera艂y wymierny wp艂yw nie tylko na dzia艂alno艣膰 operacyjn膮 sp贸艂ek, ale te偶 zainteresowanie inwestor贸w i koszt dostarczanego kapita艂u. Niestety nasza analiza wskazuje, 偶e czo艂owe instytucje oceniaj膮ce sp贸艂ki w obszarze 艣rodowiskowym przyznaj膮 rodzimym sp贸艂kom niskie oceny w tym obszarze, przynajmniej na tle innych rynk贸w wschodz膮cych.(abstrakt oryginalny

    Anti-corrosive siloxane coatings for improved long-term performance of supercapacitors with an aqueous electrolyte

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    This paper reports on the impact that the corrosion of the stainless steel current collectors has on the performance fade of a symmetric, carbon/carbon electrochemical capacitor, operating with an aqueous electrolyte (1M Na2SO4). The results obtained by applying electrochemical ageing protocols (voltage-holding tests) confirm that the current collector of the positive electrode undergoes tremendous degradation during 200 h in the charged state. To prevent the detrimental impact of the corrosion, a hydrophobic siloxane coating has been successfully applied. In the case of siloxane-protected current collectors that are subjected to identical ageing protocols, no significant deterioration in the electrochemical capacitor performance was observed. The siloxane coating reduces the electrochemical corrosion rate of 316L stainless steel significantly, as the potentiodynamic polarization tests and the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy results show. The presence of the coating is demonstrated by the water contact angle measurements, atomic force microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis

    MVC Model, Struts Framework and File upload Issues in Web Applications Based on J2EE Platform

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    This paper describes the web application based on the J2EE platform indicating the MVC model, Struts framework and file upload issues. The development of internet technology and the will to standardize the mechanisms used in implementation of internet applications was the basis background for the development of J2EE platform. The project of International Office TUL internet service is an application based on the above mentioned environment. The specification of the project is closely connected with the activities and needs of the staff of the International Office. The article presents the use of MVC model on J2EE platform on an example of open source Apache/Tomcat application server and the database management system MySql

    Decoding working memory-related information from repeated psychophysiological EEG experiments using convolutional and contrastive neural networks

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    Objective. Extracting reliable information from electroencephalogram (EEG) is difficult because the low signal-to-noise ratio and significant intersubject variability seriously hinder statistical analyses. However, recent advances in explainable machine learning open a new strategy to address this problem. Approach. The current study evaluates this approach using results from the classification and decoding of electrical brain activity associated with information retention. We designed four neural network models differing in architecture, training strategies, and input representation to classify single experimental trials of a working memory task. Main results. Our best models achieved an accuracy (ACC) of 65.29 卤 0.76 and Matthews correlation coefficient of 0.288 卤 0.018, outperforming the reference model trained on the same data. The highest correlation between classification score and behavioral performance was 0.36 (p = 0.0007). Using analysis of input perturbation, we estimated the importance of EEG channels and frequency bands in the task at hand. The set of essential features identified for each network varies. We identified a subset of features common to all models that identified brain regions and frequency bands consistent with current neurophysiological knowledge of the processes critical to attention and working memory. Finally, we proposed sanity checks to examine further the robustness of each model's set of features. Significance. Our results indicate that explainable deep learning is a powerful tool for decoding information from EEG signals. It is crucial to train and analyze a range of models to identify stable and reliable features. Our results highlight the need for explainable modeling as the model with the highest ACC appeared to use residual artifactual activity

    Associations between weather conditions and individual range use by commercial and heritage chickens

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    Ranging area use by domestic poultry is not always optimal and differences in it exist on the levels of breed, flock and individual bird. Outdoor shelters are usually not protective for all weather parameters and may not fulfil a protective role to all birds within the flock all time, if individuals are sensitive to different weather conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate associations between different weather parameters and the use of the range by individual Green-legged Partridge and Sasso C44 chickens. In August 2018, 60 birds per genetic strain were housed in groups of 10 from weeks 5 to 10, under conditions exceeding minimal EU requirements of organic meat chicken production. Birds in each pen had access to an outdoor range that was video-recorded during the experiment to obtain frequencies of individual birds' use of the ranges. Weather data were collected each minute throughout the whole experiment by an automatic weather station. In each pen, birds tagged individually with a laminated color tag, had access to an outdoor range that was video-recorded during the experiment. Frequencies of individual birds' use of the ranges were manually obtained from the recordings. Univariate and multivariate linear regression models were used to investigate the associations between the variables. The results showed significant associations between weather parameters and range use for one third of Green-legged Partridge and Sasso chickens (n=21 in both breeds). Between breeds, range use associations with different weather parameters were identified. Negative associations with relative humidity occurred most frequently in Green-legged Partridges (n=8; R2 from 0.1 to 0.17), while positive associations with atmospheric pressure (n=7; R2 from 0.09 to 0.17) were most common in Sasso chickens. Further investigations into the reasons behind individual sensitivity of meat-purpose chickens to specific weather conditions would increase the understanding of their preferences and needs, which over time will improve animal welfare

    Dielectric Properties and Characterisation of Titanium Dioxide Obtained by Different Chemistry Methods

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    We made comparison of titanium dioxide powders obtained from three syntheses including sol-gel and precipitation methods as well as using layered (tetramethyl)ammonium titanate as a source of TiO2. The obtained precursors were subjected to step annealing at elevated temperatures to transform into rutile form. The transformation was determined by Raman measurements in each case. The resulting products were characterised using Raman spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering. The main goal of the studies performed was to compare the temperature of the transformation in three titania precursors obtained by different methods of soft chemistry routes and to evaluate dielectric properties of rutile products by means of broadband dielectric spectroscopy. Different factors affecting the electrical properties of calcinated products were discussed. It was found that sol-gel synthesis provided rutile form after annealing at 850掳C with the smallest particles size about 20鈥塶m, the highest value of dielectric permittivity equal to 63.7, and loss tangent equal to 0.051 at MHz frequencies. The other powders transformed to rutile at higher temperature, that is, 900掳C, exhibit lower value of dielectric permittivity and had a higher value of particles size. The correlation between the anatase-rutile transformation temperature and the size of annealed particles was proposed.This work was financially supported by the National Science Center (Poland) grant awarded by Decision no. DEC-2011/03/D/ST5/06074. The authors are grateful to Professor Adam Tracz from the Polish Academy of Science in Lodz for his help in performing SEM investigations

    AmyloGraph : a comprehensive database of amyloid-amyloid interactions

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    Information about the impact of interactions between amyloid proteins on their fibrillization propensity is scattered among many experimental articles and presented in unstructured form. We manually curated information located in almost 200 publications (selected out of 562 initially considered), obtaining details of 883 experimentally studied interactions between 46 amyloid proteins or peptides. We also proposed a novel standardized terminology for the description of amyloid-amyloid interactions, which is included in our database, covering all currently known types of such a cross-talk, including inhibition of fibrillization, cross-seeding and other phenomena. The new approach allows for more specific studies on amyloids and their interactions, by providing very well-defined data. AmyloGraph, an online database presenting information on amyloid-amyloid interactions, is available at (). Its functionalities are also accessible as the R package (). AmyloGraph is the only publicly available repository for experimentally determined amyloid-amyloid interactions

    Bi incorporation and segregation in the MBE-grown GaAs-(Ga,Al)As-Ga(As,Bi) core鈥搒hell nanowires

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    Incorporation of Bi into GaAs-(Ga,Al)As-Ga(As,Bi) core鈥搒hell nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy is studied with transmission electron microscopy. Nanowires are grown on GaAs(111)B substrates with Au-droplet assisted mode. Bi-doped shells are grown at low temperature (300 掳C) with a close to stoichiometric Ga/As flux ratio. At low Bi fluxes, the Ga(As,Bi) shells are smooth, with Bi completely incorporated into the shells. Higher Bi fluxes (Bi/As flux ratio ~ 4%) led to partial segregation of Bi as droplets on the nanowires sidewalls, preferentially located at the nanowire segments with wurtzite structure. We demonstrate that such Bi droplets on the sidewalls act as catalysts for the growth of branches perpendicular to the GaAs trunks. Due to the tunability between zinc-blende and wurtzite polytypes by changing the nanowire growth conditions, this effect enables fabrication of branched nanowire architectures with branches generated from selected (wurtzite) nanowire segments