27 research outputs found

    Two New Species of Biting Midges from France and Algeria (Diptera: ceratopogonidae)

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    Two new species of biting midges are described and illustrated from West Palaearctic. They are: Forcipomyia (F.) pyrenaicasp. nov. from France (Pyrenees-Orientales) and Monohelea mediterraneasp. nov. from France (Pyrenees-Orientales) and North Algeria (Sahara)

    Incidental nutrient transfers: Assessing critical times in agricultural catchments using high-resolution data

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    AbstractManaging incidental losses associated with liquid slurry applications during closed periods has significant cost and policy implications and the environmental data required to review such a measure are difficult to capture due to storm dependencies. Over four years (2010–2014) in five intensive agricultural catchments, this study used high-resolution total and total reactive phosphorus (TP and TRP), total oxidised nitrogen (TON) and suspended sediment (SS) concentrations with river discharge data to investigate the magnitude and timing of nutrient losses. A large dataset of storm events (defined as 90th percentile discharges), and associated flow-weighted mean (FWM) nutrient concentrations and TP/SS ratios, was used to indicate when losses were indicative of residual or incidental nutrient transfers. The beginning of the slurry closed period was reflective of incidental and residual transfers with high storm FWM P (TP and TRP) concentrations, with some catchments also showing elevated storm TP:SS ratios. This pattern diminished at the end of the closed period in all catchments. Total oxidised N behaved similarly to P during storms in the poorly drained catchments and revealed a long lag time in other catchments. Low storm FWM P concentrations and TP:SS ratios during the weeks following the closed period suggests that nutrients either weren't applied during this time (best times chosen) or that they were applied to less risky areas (best places chosen). For other periods such as late autumn and during wet summers, where storm FWM P concentrations and TP:SS ratios were high, it is recommended that an augmentation of farmer knowledge of soil drainage characteristics with local and detailed current and forecast soil moisture conditions will help to strengthen existing regulatory frameworks to avoid storm driven incidental nutrient transfers

    Minimizing the impact of biologging devices: Using computational fluid dynamics for optimizing tag design and positioning

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    Biologging devices are used ubiquitously across vertebrate taxa in studies of movement and behavioural ecology to record data from organisms without the need for direct observation. Despite the dramatic increase in the sophistication of this technology, progress in reducing the impact of these devices to animals is less obvious, notwithstanding the implications for animal welfare. Existing guidelines focus on tag weight (e.g. the ‘5% rule'), ignoring aero/hydrodynamic forces in aerial and aquatic organisms, which can be considerable. Designing tags to minimize such impact for animals moving in fluid environments is not trivial, as the impact depends on the position of the tag on the animal, as well as its shape and dimensions. We demonstrate the capabilities of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling to optimize the design and positioning of biologgers on marine animals, using the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) as a model species. Specifically, we investigate the effects of (a) tag form, (b) tag size, and (c) tag position and quantify the impact under frontal hydrodynamic forces, as encountered by seals swimming at sea. By comparing a conventional versus a streamlined tag, we show that the former can induce up to 22% larger drag for a swimming seal; to match the drag of the streamlined tag, the conventional tag would have to be reduced in size by 50%. For the conventional tag, the drag induced can differ by up to 11% depending on the position along the seal's body, whereas for the streamlined tag this difference amounts to only 5%. We conclude by showing how the CFD simulation approach can be used to optimize tag design to reduce drag for aerial and aquatic species, including issues such as the impact of lateral currents (unexplored until now). We also provide a step-by-step guide to facilitate the implementation of CFD in biologging tag design

    Completing Linnaeus's inventory of the Swedish insect fauna: Only 5,000 species left?

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    Despite more than 250 years of taxonomic research, we still have only a vague idea about the true size and composition of the faunas and floras of the planet. Many biodiversity inventories provide limited insight because they focus on a small taxonomic subsample or a tiny geographic area. Here, we report on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, thought to represent roughly half of the diversity of multicellular life in one of the largest European countries. Our results are based on more than a decade of data from the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative and its massive inventory of the country's insect fauna, the Swedish Malaise Trap Project The fauna is considered one of the best known in the world, but the initiative has nevertheless revealed a surprising amount of hidden diversity: more than 3,000 new species (301 new to science) have been documented so far. Here, we use three independent methods to analyze the true size and composition of the fauna at the family or subfamily level: (1) assessments by experts who have been working on the most poorly known groups in the fauna; (2) estimates based on the proportion of new species discovered in the Malaise trap inventory; and (3) extrapolations based on species abundance and incidence data from the inventory. For the last method, we develop a new estimator, the combined non-parametric estimator, which we show is less sensitive to poor coverage of the species pool than other popular estimators. The three methods converge on similar estimates of the size and composition of the fauna, suggesting that it comprises around 33,000 species. Of those, 8,600 (26%) were unknown at the start of the inventory and 5,000 (15%) still await discovery. We analyze the taxonomic and ecological composition of the estimated fauna, and show that most of the new species belong to Hymenoptera and Diptera groups that are decomposers or parasitoids. Thus, current knowledge of the Swedish insect fauna is strongly biased taxonomically and ecologically, and we show that similar but even stronger biases have distorted our understanding of the fauna in the past. We analyze latitudinal gradients in the size and composition of known European insect faunas and show that several of the patterns contradict the Swedish data, presumably due to similar knowledge biases. Addressing these biases is critical in understanding insect biomes and the ecosystem services they provide. Our results emphasize the need to broaden the taxonomic scope of current insect monitoring efforts, a task that is all the more urgent as recent studies indicate a possible worldwide decline in insect faunas

    Design of a decision support tool for visualising E. coli risks on agricultural land using a stakeholder-driven approach

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    Enabling knowledge exchange between scientists and decision-makers is becoming increasingly necessary to promote the development of effective decision-support tools (DSTs) for environmental management. Participation of stakeholders in the design process beyond a basic level of consultation is essential for promoting trust in modelled outputs and accelerating eventual uptake of resulting tools and models by end-user communities. This study outlines the development of a DST to visualise and communicate the spatial and temporal patterns ofE. coli(a faecal indicator organism) on agricultural land, as a first step in managing microbial pollution risks to the wider environment. A participatory approach was used to engage regulators, catchment managers, environmental scientists, farmers and farm advisors, researchers in geospatial technologies and water industry staff in the co-design of a novel, user-friendly and accessible DST for guiding on-farm microbial risk assessment. Recommendations for maximising the benefits of a participatory process to DST design are discussed with reference to a series of opportunities and limitations identified by our stakeholder cohort during the development of the Visualising Pathogen & Environmental Risk (ViPER) DST. The resulting toolkit provides environmental managers and farm advisors with one of the first freely-available DSTs for visualising patterns ofE. coliinputs to pasture in space and time, and begins to address the lack of advisory tools currently available for informing decision-making with respect to managing microbial risks in agricultural systems

    Tonnoiriella pulchra

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    <i>Tonnoiriella pulchra</i> (Eaton, 1893) <p>(Figs. 8, 9)</p> <p> <i>Pericoma pulchra</i> Eaton, 1893: Entomologist’s monthly Magazine 29: 123.</p> <p> <i>Tonnoiriella pulchra</i>; Vaillant 1971: Die Fliegen der paläartktischen Region. 9d. Lieferung 287: 33.</p> <p> <b>Material:</b> holotype, 1♂ on pin, partly mounted: head thorax and wing on micro-pin, dry; white label: ♂; circular white label with red margin: type ♂; microslide with abdomen and styli with aedeagus, epandrium and epandrial processes separate; red label: holotype selected by A.L. T. [André Léon Tonnoir]; white label <i>Pericoma</i> (handwritten <i>pulchra</i>) Eaton, det. Eaton 1894; white label: Somerset: near Park Wood near Bruton, 12 October [18]91 Rev. A.E. Eaton 94-144; white circular label near Park Wood 12.X. [18] 91 ♂; white label: BMNH 235298; [approximated geographical data: 51°06’43.50N 2°27’10.30W]. Specimen should be labelled ‘lectotype’ because it was selected from a series of specimens. 1♀ red label: Allotype selected by A.L. T. (Tonnoir) Circular white label palpi, antennae, legs | 4 3 Wing venation, genitalia; white label with blue margin Eaton No 1.g.; Eaton Bequest B.M. 1929-590; other side, white label: <i>Libidophila pulchra</i> ♀ Lane near Seaton Junction, Devon 22.IX.1904 (all handwritten). 2♂ slide mounted; round white label: palpi, antenna, genitalia wing; white label Eaton no1 c; white label: Eaton’s bequest; white label: <i>Libidophila pulchra</i>, Pottlake, near Shute, Devon 12 October 1901. 1♂ slide mounted; round white label: palpi antenna, legs 1+3, genitalia; white label: Eaton No 1 c; white label: <i>Libidophila pulchra</i>, near Seaton Junction, Devon 25 October 1904. 1♂ slide mounted; round white label: palpi, antenna, wing, genitalia; white label: Eaton No 1 a; white label: Eaton bequest 29-590; white label: <i>Libidophila pulchra</i>, Seaton, Devon 24 June 1901 (all BMNH).</p> <p>Spain: 1♂ province Cadiz, env. Jimena, Hozgarganta valley, 200 m a.s.l., 17 July 1979, leg. Schacht; 1♂ Spain, Sierra Nevada, Rio Grande de los Berchules, 6 May 1981, leg. Zwick; 1♂, Mallorca, W of Puig Punyent, 2°31’E / 39°37’N, 200 m a.s.l., stream 15.2°C water temperature, 12 May 1978, leg. Malicky.</p> <p>Germany: 1♂, 1♀ near Heldenbergen, [approximate geographical data: 50°13’54.65N / 8°49’01.05W] reared from larvae; 1♂, emergence trap Rohrwiesenbach near Schlitz, 2 November 1971; 1♂ emergence trap Kalkbach [approximated geographical data: 50°41’26.85N / 9°29’39.10W] near Schlitz; 1♂, Dittesen Quellen near Burghaun, 21 August 1995, leg. Sternberg.</p> <p>Portugal: 2♂, Guarda Seia Aldeia da Cabec 40°23’04.19”N / 7°42’18.40”W, 04 September 2014 leg. Gonzalves; 1♂, 1♀ Seica, Querem, 39°39’55.4”N / 8°30’45.1”W 20 July 2013 leg. Andrade; 1♂, Nagosa M Dabeira, 41°01’38. 1”N / 7°36’17.6”W, 27 April 2014 leg. Andrade (all in collection RW).</p> <p>Czech Republic: 3♂, Bohemia centr. CHKO, Česky kras Koda env. Sbrsko svahove pramenište, malaise trap, Špinar, Sifner, Macek leg. (nos 16696 – 26 April 2007, 16697 – 9 May 2007, 16698 – 31.5.2007); 1♂ Bohemia bor. CHKO, Jizerske hory, Černa Studnice Homi env. Jablonec nad Nisou 23 June 2006 (no 15932) leg. et det. Ježek. 9♂, from different locations in northern Bohemia, Czech Republic, det. Ježek (all in collection NMPC).</p> <p> <b>Description:</b> Head round, eyebridge of 3 facet rows; distance between eyes 4 facet diameters; laterally of eyes a single row of postocular bristles. Palpus segments, absolute length: 0.066-0.088- 0.096-0.164 mm; relative length: 33-44-48-82. Antenna with scape, pedicel and 14 flagellomeres: absolute length 0.052 -0.042 -0.04-0.042-0.046- 0.044-0.044-0.046-0.044-0.04-0.038-0.036-0.034-0.022- 0.018-0.024 mm; relative length: 26-21-20-21-23-22-22- 23-22-20- 19-18-17-11 - 9-12 mm; terminal flagellomere with a short apiculus; pairs of digitate ascoids on flagellomeres 5–11.</p> <p>Wing 2.67 times longer than wide, length 1.83 mm, width 0.68 mm.</p> <p>Male terminalia with hypandrium broadened over 1/3 of its length with parallel sides (Fig. 8). Gonocoxites approximately 2x longer than wide slightly bent, on basal edge 2 short ‘fingers’ jointed to the hypandrium; inner side with basal broadening with a group of longer setae, in the basal third with a single seta longer than gonocoxite; gonostylus almost straight, as long as gonocoxite.</p> <p>Parameres with a broad ventral bridge, in the midst develops a racket-shaped ‘plate’, part of the aedeagus sheath; above a pair of thin inner processes that do not meet in the middle; further dorsal large condyles developed that converge in the middle with strongly sclerotized parallel sides that develop a ‘keel’ that underpins the basiphallus sclerite.</p> <p>Basiphallus with ventral arm bilobed, shorter lobe connected to the distiphallus, longer lobe slightly bent medially thickened with blunt tip; distiphallus a specifically shaped cross sclerite, both ends with sharp tips, another tip on the broad end folded ventral. The dorsal lobe of the basiphallus distally as broad as the distiphallus (Fig. 9), which is in dorsal view roughly triangular with abundantly folded margin.</p> <p>Epandrium rhomboid, epandrial processes straight, apically with 10–12 feathered tenacula.</p> <p> <b>Distribution</b>: Great Britain, Central and South-West Europe.</p> <p> <b>Remarks:</b> <i>Tonnoiriella pulchra</i> was originally placed in genus <i>Pericoma</i>, a type locality was not given (Eaton 1893). However, in the British Museum (Natural History) one specimen is labelled as holotype (<b>must be lectotype!</b>) selected by A.L. Tonnoir. The lectotype and additional specimens from Eaton’s bequest give an adequate impression of the species. Specimens from different areas in Europe vary slightly in size but the morphology of the terminalia is remarkably constant. Summarizing the knowledge on Psychodidae in North Africa Afzan & Belqat (2016) mentioned <i>T. pulchra</i> from Morocco and Algeria, based on literature references; it is most probable that their original references included misidentifications of related species, probably <i>T. paveli</i> Ježek 1999.</p>Published as part of <i>Wagner, Rüdiger & Withers, Phil, 2020, The West-Palearctic species of the genus Tonnoiriella Vaillant, 1971 (Diptera: Psychodidae, Psychodinae), pp. 183-210 in Zootaxa 4728 (2)</i> on pages 188-189, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4728.2.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3621117">http://zenodo.org/record/3621117</a&gt

    Pericoma nigricauda

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    <i>T. nigricauda</i> -group <p>This group is characterized by the dorsal lobus of the basiphallus without distiphallus sclerite. Gonostyli elongate tapered, epandrial processes thickened with more than 5 tenacula, 1 as long as the epandrial process, the remaining half as long.</p> <p> Species included: <i>T. nigricauda</i> (Tonnoir, 1919), <i>T. andradei</i> <b>n. sp.</b>, <i>T. goncalvesi</i> <b>n. sp.</b>, and <i>T. arcuata</i> Ježek, 1997.</p>Published as part of <i>Wagner, Rüdiger & Withers, Phil, 2020, The West-Palearctic species of the genus Tonnoiriella Vaillant, 1971 (Diptera: Psychodidae, Psychodinae), pp. 183-210 in Zootaxa 4728 (2)</i> on page 202, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4728.2.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3621117">http://zenodo.org/record/3621117</a&gt

    Tonnoiriella filistylis Vaillant & Moubayed 1987

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    <i>Tonnoiriella filistylis</i> Vaillant & Moubayed, 1987 <p>(Figs. 41, 42)</p> <p> <i>Tonnoiriella filistylis</i> Vaillant & Moubayed, 1987: Annales de Limnol 23 (2): 124–125.</p> <p> <b>Material</b>: Holotype, 1♂ collected near Hermel, Lebanon, collected near the spring of a small affluent of the Orontes river at 650 m a.s.l. (17 May 1982) leg. Moubayed (specimen not in the collection Vaillant, probably lost).</p> <p> <b>Description</b>: Head with eyebridge of 3 facet rows. Antenna with scape and pedicel broader than long, only 3 flagellomeres existent; relative length: 24-23-19-20-22-? Palpus with only 3 segments remaining, relative length: 34-40-38-?.</p> <p>Wing length 2.1 mm; relation length by width 2.95</p> <p>Male terminalia (Fig. 42) with hypandrium linguiform prolonged in the middle. Gonocoxites approximately 1.8x longer than wide; gonostyli longer than gonocoxites, almost straight, apical section suddenly thinner, flattened and with of 4 setae bases in line that are in contact to each other (Fig. 41).</p> <p>Epandrium rhomboid, apically converging; epandrial processes basally swollen, apically with 3 feathered tenacula, one long and 2 short.</p> <p> <b>Distribution</b>: Lebanon, known only from the type locality Hermel, collected on the bank of a small tributary of the Orontes river in May 1982.</p> <p> <b>Remarks</b>: The species is well characterized by the medially prolonged hypandrium, the elongate gonostylus with seta bases in line and the short basally swollen epandrial processes with 3 tenacula, 1 long, 2 short. The whereabouts of the sole holotype specimen is unknown. It is not in the Vaillant collection in the Lausanne Museum, nor is it in the personal collection of Moubayed.</p>Published as part of <i>Wagner, Rüdiger & Withers, Phil, 2020, The West-Palearctic species of the genus Tonnoiriella Vaillant, 1971 (Diptera: Psychodidae, Psychodinae), pp. 183-210 in Zootaxa 4728 (2)</i> on page 202, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4728.2.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3621117">http://zenodo.org/record/3621117</a&gt

    Tonnoiriella syriensis Jezek 1999

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    <i>Tonnoiriella syriensis</i> Ježek, 1999 <p>(Figs. 24, 25)</p> <p> <i>Tonnoiriella syriensis</i> Ježek, 1999: Časopis Národniho Muzea v Praze Řada přirodovedna 168: 14.</p> <p> <b>Material:</b> 1♂ holotype, slide mounted: head with mouthparts 2 palpi, 1 antenna, thorax cut in half, 2 wings, 4 legs, remains of abdomen, styli with aedeagus, epandrium with epandrial processes; left side white label: Syria 8303, Al Lathiqiyeh Province, NW of Rabi’ah (35°49’N / 36°02’E) 2.7.1998, a stream approximately 550 m a.s.l. Chvoika leg., near a forest brook with close undergrowth. Right side red label: <i>Tonnoirella syriensis</i> Ježek 1999, holotype Cat. No. 33845 male 1999. Paratypes: Cat. Nos. 33846, and 33847, both collected with holotype (in Natural History Museum Prague).</p> <p>1♂ (GBIFCH 00585194), Cyprus, 6 km E of Panagia, 34°55’N / 32°42’E, 550 m a.s.l; small stream, water temperature 16.4°C, 2 May 1974; 1♂, (GBIFCH 00585192), Cyprus, 7 km E of Panagia, 34°55’N / 32°42’E, 600 m a.s.l; small stream, water temperature 16.0°C, 2 May 1974; 1♂, (GBIFCH 00585190), Cyprus, Paliambela, 35°08’N / 32°35’E, 130 m a.s.l; left stream, above dam, 17.9°C, 5 May 1974, all leg. Malicky (all in the collection F. Vaillant deposited in the Natural History Museum Lausanne).</p> <p> <b>Description</b>: head with eyebridge of 3 facet rows; distance between eyes 3 facet diameters; postocular bristles present. Antenna (from paratype no 33846) with scape, pedicel and 14 flagellomeres: absolute length 0.044 -0.044 - 0.03-0.032-0.034-0.034-0.036-0.036-0.032-0.032-0.028-0.03 -0.028 -0.022 - 0.02-0.028 mm; relative length 22-22- 15-16-17-17-18-18-16-16- 14-15-14-11 -10-14; terminal flagellomere with apiculus. Pairs of digitate ascoids on flagellomeres 5–11. Palpus segments absolute length: 0.048-0.050-0.066-0.142; relative length 24-25-33-71.</p> <p>Wing 2.85 times longer than wide; length 1.46 mm, width 0.51 mm.</p> <p>Male terminalia (Fig. 24) with median part of hypandrium not clearly discernable, probably equally thin. Gonocoxites 2x longer than wide, with a long seta at about middle; basal group of setae on inner side loosely grouped. Gonostyli 1.3 times longer than gonocoxites, slightly bent. Parameres difficult to identify, small.</p> <p>Aedeagus with a comparatively short basiphallus; ventral distiphallus with ventral arm apically rounded Tshaped, dorsal arm less than half as long, straight. Dorsal lobe and distiphallus are alike T-shaped straight, the cross sclerite shorter than its ventral couterpart.</p> <p>Epandrium rectangular; epandrial processes almost straight with 4 tenacula, apical two about 1/3 the length of the basal ones (Fig. 25).</p> <p>Specimens from Cyprus differ from typical specimens by the distance between eyes (4 facet diameters), wing features (3.04 times longer than wide; length 1.84 mm, width 0.61 mm).</p> <p> <b>Distribution</b>: Syria, Cyprus.</p> <p> <b>Remarks</b>: Species well distinguishable from congeners due to the shape of the distiphallus bilobed on both sides. The shape of the median part of the hypandrium is not clearly discernable. The genitalia of the holotype from Syria and the males from Cyprus are identical. Minor differences occur in wing size and length of palpus and antenna segments, which are in the size variation of species.</p>Published as part of <i>Wagner, Rüdiger & Withers, Phil, 2020, The West-Palearctic species of the genus Tonnoiriella Vaillant, 1971 (Diptera: Psychodidae, Psychodinae), pp. 183-210 in Zootaxa 4728 (2)</i> on pages 196-197, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4728.2.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3621117">http://zenodo.org/record/3621117</a&gt

    Tonnoiriella fontinalis Wagner & Salamanna 1984

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    <i>Tonnoiriella fontinalis</i> Wagner & Salamanna, 1984 <p>(Figs. 29–31)</p> <p> <i>Tonnoiriella fontinalis</i> Wagner & Salamanna, 1984: Bollettino della Societa entomologica italiana, Genova 116 (1–3): 53. <i>Tonnoiriella pseudofontinalis</i> Wagner, 1993: Entomofauna 14 (24): 408, <b>new synonymy.</b></p> <p> <b>Material</b>: 1♂ Italy: island of Sardinia, north of Lussurgio (40°10’N / 08°39’E), spring in 700 m a.s.l., 04 June 1981, leg. Malicky; 1♂ France: island of Corsica, SW Calacuccia, Col de Vergio (42°18’N / 08°56’E), 1.050 m a.s.l., 17 June 1981, leg. Malicky (type specimen of <i>T. pseudofontinalis</i>)</p> <p> <b>Description</b>: Head with eyebridge of 3 facet rows, one median row with 4 facets; distance between eyes 4 facet diameters; with postocular bristles. Antenna with scape, pedicel and 14 flagellomeres: absolute length 0.042-0.060- 0.044-0.050-0.050-0.050-0.058-0.050-0.048-0.046-0.040-0.040-0.038-0.030- 0.026-0.050 mm; relative length 25- 28-20-23-23-23-25-29-24-24-21- 20-18-15-9 -14. Flagellomere 5–11 with a pair of digitiform short ascoids. Palpus segments absolute length: 0.058 -0.078 -0.09-0.15; relative length: 29-39-45-75.</p> <p>Wing 2.67 times longer than wide; length 2.11 mm, width 0.79 mm (specimen from Sardinia); 2.33 times longer than wide; length 2.33 mm, width 1.00 mm (specimen from Corsica).</p> <p>Male terminalia with a consistently narrow hypandrium with only a small median semicircular projection; gonocoxites about 2x longer than wide, slightly bent with a long median seta; gonostyli evenly bent, as long as gonocoxites.</p> <p>Ventral bridge of the parameres ventrally in the midst with an asymmetrical racket-shaped brownish spot on the aedeagus sheath, dorsally with connection to condyles (Fig. 31).</p> <p>Aedeagus with narrow basiphallus; ventral lobe as long as width of basiphallus, linked to the distiphallus by a slightly sclerotized intersection; distiphallus with two basal arms to basiphallus, distal part straight in rectangle to basal projections. Dorsal basiphallus lobe bent, apically asymmetrically bilobed.</p> <p>Epandrium rhomboid, epandrial processes almost straight with apically 6 feathered retinacula, 3 long, 3 short; Corsican specimen with 8 retinacula, 5 long, 3 short.</p> <p> <b>Distribution</b>: Corsica, Sardinia.</p> <p> <b>Remarks</b>: Morphology of male genitalia and measures of specimens from Sardinia and Corsica are almost identical (Figs. 29, 30). Male terminalia are mirror inverted without any further morphological difference. For this reason we are placing <i>T. pseudofontinalis</i> in synonymy with <i>T. fontinalis</i>.</p>Published as part of <i>Wagner, Rüdiger & Withers, Phil, 2020, The West-Palearctic species of the genus Tonnoiriella Vaillant, 1971 (Diptera: Psychodidae, Psychodinae), pp. 183-210 in Zootaxa 4728 (2)</i> on page 199, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4728.2.2, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3621117">http://zenodo.org/record/3621117</a&gt