21 research outputs found


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    The arrival of Dutch at Banjarmasin has become the historical pillar which signifies the changes in the life of people in many aspects. In an economic aspect, it introduced money economy. From a political aspect, it created centered administration and managed government system. This system management was refuted by the nobles because it did not suit local people system which had been long established and passed down from generation to generation. Despite this objection, the colonial government insisted on performing the management of government system in order to achieve its political goal.After the conquest of Banjarmasin in 1860, the power of colonial government got stronger. As a result, the government performed the implementation of policies and consolidation in the effort to manage administration. The Dutch Colonial government kept insisting on the idea of the administration management to ensure monitoring and centralized governance. The government’s policy had greatly influenced the mind set and perspective of the society about the importance of administration. The implementation of this administration system on the city government has resulted in changes which are greatly contrast with the prevailing culture. The status of people was no longer determined by its family background, but their position in government determined the level of social status. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um020v12i22017p12

    Etika Dan Nilai-nilai Profesi Kependidikan

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    Etika sebagai filsafat yang ruang lingkupnya adalah masalah nilai, baik buruk, yang terjalin dalam hubungan antar manusia, mempunyai sejumlah aliran. Di antara aliran-aliran itu terdapat absolut dan relatif idealis, praktis, pragmatis dan konsekuensiatis serta non-konsekuensiatis. Masing-masing mempunyai dasar pijakan sendiri. Meskipun masing-masing dapat diurai dan dapat diperkirakan bagaimana konsekuensinya bila dikaitkan dengan pendidikan namun keadaan ini akan semakin lebih jelas, bila konsep tentang pendidikan dikupas lebih dahulu. Hal yang semacam ini juga terjadi pada pembicaraan tentang nilai-nilai profesi kependidikan


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    Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan selama tiga hari secara luring dan daring pada tanggal 2-4 Juni 2021. Tujuan kegiatan ini meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam menjaga kebersihan lingkungan bagi masyarkat yang tinggal di bantaran sungai Kelurahan Banua Anyar. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian menggunakan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah pemahaman masyarakat meningkat dalam mengelola sampah dengan baik dan benar, masyarakat memahami betul dampak yang akan terjadi apabila sampah terus menurus dibuang ke sungai. Kata kunci: Pendidikan, Pengelolaan Sampah, Rumah Tepi Sungai

    Sejarah Kota Banjarmasin Ketika Terjadi Perubahan Orientasi Dari Air ke Darat Pada Awal Abad XX

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    Artikel ini membahas mengenai perubahan kota Banjarmasin pada awal abad XX . Di awal abad XX, ekspansiKolonial Belanda ke Banjarmasin menyebabkan perubahan kebudayaan sungai pada masyarakat Banjar yangmendiami pulau Kalimantan. Ekspansi kekuasaan itu mulai mengubah budaya sungai masyarakat Banjar dariair ke darat. Kolonial Belanda mulai membangun jalan raya darat dari Banjarmasin ke Martapura, Banjarmasinke Hulu Sungai dan di pusat Kota Banjarmasin. Sehingga orang sungai ini mulai belajar berjalan di darat.Rumah-rumah yang terletak ditepi sungai digusur dan di paksa pindah. Rumah-rumah didirikan sepanjang jalandengan mukanya menghadap jalan raya dan belakangnya hutan


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    Salah satu upaya meningkatkan profesionalisme guru, Direktorat Jenderal Peningkatan Mutu Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan membuat kebijakan tentang Standar Pengembangan Kelompok Kerja Guru (KKG) Sekolah Dasar dan Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) SMP, SMA, dan SMK (Depdiknas, 2008). Kebijakan ini didasari oleh Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia nomor 14 tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen, yang diharapkan dapat memberikan kesempatan yang tepat bagi guru untuk mengikuti pelatihan, penulisan karya ilmiah, pertemuan pada KKG atau MGMP. Tujuan penelitian ini secara umum untuk memperoleh informasi tentang keefektifan program pengembangan profesi guru Matematika SMP pada MGMP di Kota Tangerang ditinjau dari perspektif model evaluasi CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) dan Kirkpatrick (Reaction, Learning, Behavior, Result). Metode penelitian menggunakan kombinasi komponen kedua model tersebut yang dibentuk menjadi empat komponen evaluasi, yaitu: (1) Perceptions: kombinasi Context-Input dan Reaction; (2) Experience: kombinasi Process dan Learning; (3) Continuity: kombinasi Product dan Behavior; dan (4) Impact: kombinasi Product dan Results. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan terdapat empat kegiatan yang dilakukan pada MGMP dari 13 standar program kegiatan, yaitu seminar, pelatihan, peer coaching, dan lesson study. Hasil evaluasi program pengembangan profesi guru Matematika SMP pada MGMP di Kota Tangerang memiliki dampak manfaat bagi lembaga sekolah berupa peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran. Program ini juga efektif meningkatkan profesionalitas guru dan berkontribusi positif meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Meskipun nilai hasil belajar masih dalam kategori kurang, namun terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dari sebelumnya. Dengan demikian, kebijakan tentang pengembangan program kegiatan MGMP direkomendasikan dapat dilanjutkan dengan perbaikan, yakni perbaikan dalam hal dukungan pemangku kepentingan untuk pemenuhan melakukan 13 standar program kegiatan MGMP dan perbaikan kualitas pengelolaan MGMP berbasis permasalahan guru secara nyata dalam mengelola pembelajaran. **************************** One of the efforts to improve teacher professionalism, the Directorate General of Quality Improvement of Educators and Education Personnel makes policies on the Development Standards of Teachers Working Groups (TWG) for Elementary Schools and Subject Teachers’ Forum (STF) for Middle Schools, High Schools and Vocational Schools (Depdiknas, 2008). This policy is based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, which is expected to provide the right opportunity for teachers to attend training, writing scientific papers, meeting at TWG or STF. The purpose of this study in general is to obtain information about the effectiveness of the professional development program for junior high school mathematics teachers in STF in the region of Kota Tangerang from the perspective of the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) and Kirkpatrick (Reaction, Learning, Behavior, Result) evaluation models. The research method uses a combination of the components of the two models formed into four evaluation components, namely: (1) Perceptions: a combination of Context-Input and Reaction; (2) Experience: a combination of Process and Learning; (3) Continuity: a combination of Product and Behavior; and (4) Impact: a combination of Product and Results. The research findings show that there are four activities carried out in the STF of 13 standard program activities, namely seminars, training, peer coaching, and lesson study. The results of the evaluation of the professional development program for junior high school mathematics teachers at STF in Kota Tangerang have a beneficial impact on school institutions in the form of improving the quality of learning. This program is also effective in increasing teacher professionalism and positively contributing to student learning outcomes. Although the score of learning assesssment is still in the less category, there are significant differences from before. Thus, the policy regarding the development of STF program activities is recommended to be continued with improvements, namely improvements in terms of stakeholder support for the fulfillment of 13 standard STF program activities and improvement in the quality of STF management based on teacher's real problems in managing learning


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    This training activity aims to improve the ability of local tour guides in mastering English and readiness to become guides in interacting with domestic and foreign tourists. The location of the service is located in Karang Bunga Village, Mandastana District, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan Province. The training was held in July and attended by 30 participants. The method used in the training uses the lecture method, practice, and mentoring. At the end of the training, participants are required to take an English test. The results of the training show that tour guides in the transmigration village of Karang Bunga Village get good results for areas that are newly opened natural tourist destinations. This training is carried out as an effort so that when foreign tourists visit Karang Bunga Village, the people in the village can easily explain their natural tourism.Kegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan para pemandu wisata lokal dalam penguasaan bahasa Inggris dan kesiapan menjadi pemandu dalam berinteraksi dengan para wisatawan nusantara maupun wisatawan asing. Lokasi pengabdian bertempat di Desa Karang Bunga, Kecamatan Mandastana, Kabupaten Barito Kuala, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli dengan diikuti 30 peserta. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan menggunakan metode ceramah, praktik, serta pendampingan. Pada akhir pelatihan, peserta dituntut untuk mengikuti tes bahasa Inggris. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa pemandu wisata di kampung transmigrasi Desa Karang Bunga mendapatkan hasil yang bagus untuk daerah yang baru dibuka tujuan wisata alam. Pelatihan ini dilakukan sebagai upaya agar ketika ada wisatawan asing berkunjung ke Desa Karang Bunga masyarakat yang berada di desa tersebut dengan mudah menjelaskan terkait wisata alamnya


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    The purpose of this study, was to determine the effect of the multi-representational mathematics learning model on students' mathematical creative thinking abilities. This research uses Quasi Experiment quantitative method. The population in this study were class VII students of SMP Dharma Siswa Kota Tangerang in semester 2 of the 2022/2023 academic year, a total of 360 students. The sample in this study were students of class VII.A, totaling 30 students as the experimental class and class VII.C, totaling 30 students as the control class. The learning model used in the experimental class is the Multi Representational Learning Model. The data collection technique is using a test instrument that has been adjusted based on indicators of creative thinking. The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, provide a clear statement of the problem, the proposed approach or solution, and point out major findings and conclusions. The Abstract should be 200 to 250 words in length. The Abstract should be written in the past tense. Standard nomenclature should be used, and abbreviations should be avoided. No literature should be cited. The keyword list provides the opportunity to add keywords used by the indexing and abstracting services, in addition to those already present in the title. Judicious use of keywords may increase the ease with which interested parties can locate our article


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    Aim: The modified Small-scale Domestic Sewage Treatment Plant (SDSTP) reactor with anaerobic fixed bed- aerobic Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) is implemented to find the optimum condition for organic degradation related to recirculation and intermittent aeration practices with the purpose to comply with the governmental regulation standard.  Methodology and Results: This research have been done with the artificial wastewater with characteristic similar to the sewage treatment plant (STP) of Telkom company with ratio C:N:P of characterized domestic wastewater is 252.40:85.42:3.01 that consists of glucose, NH4Cl, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium nitrate, and sodium nitrite (NaNO2). Reactor design related with attached biomass in media until 2478.56 mg MLVSS.L-1 with the growth kinetics rate (μ) of 0.4691 day—1. The artificial wastewater is applied the determine the optimum variation of flow recirculation and periodic aeration in specific Hydraulics Retention Time (HRT) and Organic Loading Rate (OLR). In this research, the optimum recirculation ratio for organic degradation is 26.40 L.h-1 and the optimum aeration frequency variation is  12 hours in intermittent frequency with the maximum efficiency of organic degradation of 76.10% with the degradation efficiency real domestic wastewater application from STP Telkom company is 83.09%. Conclusion, significance and impact study:  Stover-Kincannon model is the best model with highest accuracy rate to model the degradation performance of organic compounds by the anaerobic fixed bed- aerobic MBBR SDSTP with determination coefficient 0.8623 and also degradation coefficient 38.121 day-1 compared with other models studied in this research

    Efektifitas Model Pembelajaran Problem Posing Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Literasi Matematis Siswa SMP pada Materi Aljabar

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    The purpose of this research was to find out the effectiveness of the problem posing learning models in terms of students' mathematical literacy abilities. The sample of this study was 31 students of class VII.6 PGRI 2 Junior High School in Ciledug. Purposive sampling technique was purposed in this research. Indicators of this study include: (1) elements of algebraic form; (2) algebraic form operations, which consist of: addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, rank, and the LCM and GCD algebraic concepts. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach. The method used was a quasi experiment, with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The research instrument used was a mathematical literacy ability test. The results of this study were categorized into 4: high, medium, low and very low. Data analysis used pretest and posttest score for each indicator. Based on the results of paired sample t-test shows that there is a significant increase in each indicator. The calculation result of Gain value of 0.42 shows an increase in the medium category. This it can be concluded that the problem posing learning model is effective


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    The Covid-19 pandemic has had a considerable impact on the world of education. Online learning is an alternative to reduce the spread of the virus. This study aims to design a company profile and website-based e-learning system at SMA Negeri 1 Weru, so that it can make it easier for teachers and students in online learning. The method used is the waterfall method with the following stages: requirements (needs analysis), system design (system design), coding & testing, program implementation, and maintenance. This system uses black-box testing and a System Usability Scale (SUS) for its manufacture. The results of this study are a company profile information system and website-based e-learning that can be implemented at SMA Negeri 1 Weru. Students can download material and do practice questions and exams. Teachers can upload material, practice questions and exams, and view summary answers