E-Journal Portal System Universitas Trilogi
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    700 research outputs found

    Why may kindergarten-aged children's cognitive capacities be enhanced by "MOM" learning?

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    Berpikir kemampuan kognitif sangat penting karena memungkinkan anak berpikir kritis, memahami, dan mengeksplorasi lingkungan sekitar. Anak-anak dengan bakat mental yang kuat memiliki kapasitas untuk mengatasi tantangan apa pun yang mereka hadapi secara efektif, yang akan menjadi landasan yang menguntungkan bagi perkembangan mereka di masa depan. Media geometri membantu meningkatkan keterampilan ini dengan memberikan pengetahuan tentang bentuk pola dasar. Penekan geometri dapat digunakan untuk aktivitas seperti mengkategorikan dan mengidentifikasi bentuk, ukuran, dan pola yang memiliki penerapan praktis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi Tinjauan Pustaka dan termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kualitatif, dimana peneliti tidak melakukan kerja lapangan untuk mengumpulkan data. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak menunjukkan kepekaan yang tinggi terhadap berbagai rangsangan di lingkungan mereka selama awal kehidupan. Saya ingin tahu rasanya. Untuk mengoptimalkan kapasitas kognitif anak, penting untuk membantu perkembangan komponen tinggi dan lebar secara efektif. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan memasukkan media geometri ke dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas. Anak-anak dapat meningkatkan kapasitas kognitif mereka secara maksimal dengan terlibat dalam berbagai aktivitas yang secara khusus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan mereka. Memanfaatkan media geometri dalam lingkungan pendidikan dapat meningkatkan kapasitas mental anak, seperti bakat spasial, penalaran abstrak, pemahaman prinsip matematika, berpikir logis, keterampilan memecahkan masalah, dan meningkatkan kreativitas


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    Bahasa merupakan aspek penting dalam perkembangan anak usia dini yang memerlukan keterlibatan terus-menerus untuk menjamin anak-anak memperoleh keterampilan verbal yang kuat. Kemampuan anak dalam mengekspresikan diri dan berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan lingkungannya erat kaitannya dengan bahasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara komprehensif pemanfaatan media pembelajaran digital untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dini anak. Teknik ini menerapkan metode penelitian Kuantitatif dan memanfaatkan publikasi dan artikel resmi secara nasional sebagai alat pengumpulan data dan sumber referensi. Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji penggunaan alat pendidikan digital untuk mengembangkan kemampuan membaca penting pada anak-anak. Keterampilan literasi mencakup indikator penting pengenalan kata, seperti keahlian dalam mengenali huruf, asosiasi bunyi-huruf, kesadaran fonemik, dan pemahaman aturan penulisan. Studi ini mengeksplorasi solusi permasalahan literasi dengan menggunakan aplikasi digital yang dapat diakses oleh seluruh pemangku kepentingan, termasuk guru, orang tua, dan siswa. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan teknik studi kasus, khususnya dengan melakukan observasi literatur pada tahun 2010 hingga 2018. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran digital dapat meningkatkan keterampilan literasi anak usia dini di lembaga PAUD secara signifikan dengan membekali guru dengan materi yang sesuai. sumber daya untuk memanfaatkan alat pendidikan ini. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan sumber daya pendidikan digital dapat meningkatkan kemampuan literasi anak usia dini di lembaga PAUD

    Validity of the Assessment Instrument in Developing Picture Stories Based on Local Wisdom: Is it valid?

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    Penggunaan alat evaluasi memerlukan tindakan pemerintah berikut ini. Oleh karena itu, sistem evaluasi memerlukan alat penilaian untuk mengukur keberhasilan pembelajaran secara andal. Mereka mungkin menguasai semua keterampilan siswa, sehingga memerlukan lebih banyak keterlibatan siswa. Konsep pendidikan berbasis kearifan lokal memanfaatkan keunikan dan potensi masing-masing daerah untuk mengajarkan kecakapan hidup. Ini akan melindungi potensi daerah mana pun. Kajian ini memunculkan cerita bergambar yang menggambarkan Karawang, Kearifan Lokal Jawa Barat Peduli Lingkungan terhadap Kebenaran. Pengetahuan lokal sangat penting untuk mempelajari interaksi masyarakat-lingkungan. Diperlukan alat penilaian yang dapat dipercaya dan akurat untuk mencerminkan keakuratan dan keaslian kumpulan cerita bergambar tentang pelestarian lingkungan adat. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen proses pengembangan yang meliputi perencanaan, pengembangan, pengujian, dan analisis. Para peserta penelitian memahami secara mendalam Kearifan Lokal untuk Peduli Lingkungan di Karawang. Wawancara, observasi literatur, dan observasi naratif bergambar menyediakan data. Berdasarkan penelitian, instrumen evaluasi mengkuantifikasi kearifan lingkungan lokal dengan validitas yang sangat baik. Reliabilitas dan validitas instrumen dikonfirmasi melalui analisis statistik, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis cerita bergambar serial dalam kearifan adat Karawang. Penelitian ini menyempurnakan alat penilaian bagi pemangku kepentingan untuk menghentikan program pendidikan kearifan lokal di Karawang, Jawa Barat, dengan konsentrasi pada isu lingkungan hidup. Kajian ini juga dapat membantu sejarawan dan profesional memahami dan menghargai kearifan adat dalam perlindungan ekologi


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    This study aims to review the implementation of e-billing and e-filing, the level of compliance of Individual Taxpayers and SMEs, and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use of e-billing and e-filing. This research was conducted at KPP Pratama Temanggung for Individual Taxpayers periods 2018 - 2020. The results of the study can be concluded that KPP Pratama Temanggung has implemented the use of e-billing and e-filing, and the level of compliance seen from the period of submitting Annual Tax Returns in 2020 the number of Taxpayers who filed Tax Returns on time has decreased. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on tax payments in 2020 on the amount of tax revenue from MSME taxpayers has decreased. Meanwhile, the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the reporting of Annual Tax Returns does not affect e-filing reporting when viewed from the increase in the realization of the submission of Annual Tax Return reporting. However, when viewed from the level of compliance of the Annual Tax Return reporting period with e-filing, Taxpayers who submit Annual Tax Returns with e-filing on time have decreased.Keywords: E-billing, E-Filling, Tax Complianc

    Does token economy behaviour modification affect young children's discipline?

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    Exhibiting disciplinary behaviour is synonymous with displaying good behaviour. It is required that every youngster should receive corrective measures. Teachers and parents should prioritise instilling disciplinary behaviour in children early on by consistently reinforcing it through vocal and non-verbal means. A token economy is a system of non-verbal rewards that can be used to change disciplinary behaviour in young children. The research methodology involved a comprehensive literature survey, followed by a meticulous analysis of the Miles and Huberman publication published between 2010 and 2018. The essay was published in reputable national and international journals as part of a comprehensive qualitative systematic literature review (SLR). These articles analyse the search results on Google Scholar for the terms "token economy" and "preschool," "token economic behaviour" and "token economic behaviour modification," and "token economic behaviour modification" and "ECD discipline behaviour," with a focus on "Token Economy, Disciplinary Behavior, Early Childhood." Discover freely accessible scientific articles that include 25 citations, offer comprehensive information, and are available for download. Assess classroom behaviours via descriptive qualitative research methodologies. Research indicates that a Token economy is a non-verbal reward used with children to enhance their behaviour. It is designed to serve as a means of recognition and positive stimulus for youngsters. Offering economic incentives to young children can involve distributing rewards such as stars, stickers, or cash as external motivators to encourage disciplined behaviour. The research findings demonstrate that the token economy, utilised as a method of behaviour modification in children, has been empirically validated as an efficacious approach for enhancing disciplinary behaviour through using tokens in the early stages of infancy

    What are the main lessons from Indonesia's CSR financial literacy education investment for early childhood?

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    Early financial literacy education helps kids internalise knowledge and receive practical cash management experience. A positive financial culture and habits that will shape their financial behaviour, including money value and meaning, are fostered. Financial literacy is essential for making decisions, especially daily activities like saving and investing. Financial literacy is taught to children early on to help them manage their money. This study examines investing approaches for early financial literacy training in Indonesia with children. This researcher uses literature. The review uses Miles and Huberman's 2010–2018 papers analysis in a Descriptive Qualitative Systematic Literature Review (SLR). These articles examine Google Scholar search results for "Financial Literacy" and "PAUD," "PAUD Financial Literacy" and "Educational Program," and "PAUD Financial Literacy" and "Investment Program" with an emphasis on early childhood education's "Investment Program." App deployment/operation: Harzing aids searches. Between 2010 and 2018, respectable national and international magazines published the articles. This study focuses on PAUD Early Childhood Education Play Group (KB) and Kindergarten (TK) programs. Find free, 25-citation, detailed, and downloadable PDF scholarly articles—research findings concern methods. Class action evaluations use descriptive qualitative research methods. According to research, the government and private sector implement financial literacy education in Indonesia. Financial literacy education approach implementation focuses on two areas: Provide online, printable financial literacy educational resources for early childhood that educators and parents may use to teach children—and second, conduct financial literacy training for early childhood educators in PAUD institutions through the private sector's CSR program. The government must adopt the PAUD teacher financial literacy socialisation program. A well-designed approach to financial literacy instruction in early infancy that emphasises social interaction, PAUD school-level financial literacy programs, and effective monitoring and evaluation measures can improve financial literacy knowledge

    Why is Loose Part an important learning medium for early childhood development?

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    Early infants are good at imitation and are passionate learners who learn via play. They are curious and actively seek new information. To develop its qualities, early infancy needs appropriate play. Educational play materials and instruments are used in play. Loose sections media games help kids grow. This study reviews the literature on loose-part learning materials and suggests actions to improve early childhood development. A descriptive qualitative systematic literature review (SLR) using Miles and Huberman's analysis of 2010–2020 papers was used. The articles examined Google Scholar search results for "learning media" and "loose part," "loose part media" and "PAUD learning," and "loose part media" and "PAUD learning" with "cognitive abilities" in early childhood education. Harzing's publish or perish app aided the search. The publications are from respected national and international journals and were published in 2010–2020. The study focuses on Play Group (KB) and Kindergarten (TK) early childhood education at PAUD institutions. Find open-access papers with 25 references and detailed information, including PDF files. This study's findings concern the method. Classroom action research and analysis usually use descriptive qualitative research methods. Research typically involves 10–15 5- to 6-year-olds. Art and creativity are linked to cognitive development. Wood, bamboo, plastic, and recycled packaging are common loose-part materials. Loose party invitations have received little attention. Teachers' lack of experience managing loose component learning materials in PAUD causes most problems. Include invitation-based groups to boost children's multifarious development, use loose components more diversely to promote variation, and attend workshops to improve teachers' pedagogical skills


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    Citrus fruit is a non-climacteric fruit, this fruit must be picked when it is ripe optimally. Post-harvest methods include harvest collection, washing and cleaning, quality classification, packaging and storage. Apart from being expected to have a good shelf life, citrus fruit must also have hight quality and be able to maintain its nutritional content for consumers' needs. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of storage and packaging temperatures on changes in the quality and shelf life of Tangerine Citrus. The research was conducted in October to November 2021 at the Laboratory of Agrotechnology, Trilogi University. This research method uses a randomized block design consisting of two factors and three replications. The first factor is that packaging consists of two levels, namely packaging using wrapping and non-wrapping. The second factor is temperature which consists of two levels: 15°C and 25°C. The result of this study is that citrus with a non-wrapping treatment with a storage temperature of 15 oC is the best treatment and can be consumed up to 8 days after treatment, this can be seen from some of the lowest weight shrinkage percentage, scoring appearance, color, and taste that is still acceptable to consumers compared to other treatments


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    SMP Negeri 3 Menggala merupakan sebuah sekolah negeri yang berada di daerah kabupaten tulang bawang, lampung. SMP Negeri 3 Menggala mempunyai tugas untuk melaksanakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang pendidikan dalam rangka mencerdaskan anak bangsa, namun selain melaksanakan tugas di bidang pendidikan SMP Negeri 3 Menggala juga memiliki pekerjaan umum yang meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengendalian pelayanan. Selama ini, sistem inventarisasi barang masih dilakukan secara manual meskipun sudah berjalan dengan baik tetapi hanya sebagai media pendataan inventaris. Sistem inventarisasi ini, masih menggunakan buku besar untuk mencatat barang-barang yang ada. Semua keterangan mengenai barang inventarisasi kantor dicatat dalam buku besar, sehingga untuk catatan barang-barang di tahun-tahun sebelumnya sebagian  sudah  tidak  ada  lagi  karena  pengelolaan  yang  digunakan  masih  sangat sederhana.  Apabila  ada  pihak  yang membutuhkan  sulit  untuk  mencari keterangan dimana data barang yang dibutuhkan tersebut. Oleh karena itu dibuatlah sistem inventarisasi barang berbasis web dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrogaman PHP dan basis data MySQL. Dengan demikian dapat mencakup aspek pengaturan inventaris sehingga barang dapat terorganisir secara maksimal dan diolah lebih baik lagi mulai dari pencatatan barang serta memudahkan untuk membuat laporan baran


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    Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a fruit with high economic value. Papaya production in Jember District in 2020 has decreased drastically to 55.8%. Production figures decreased from 215 thousand tons in 2019 to 95.1 thousand tons in 2020. The decline in production can be influenced by various factors, one of which is the lack of superior varieties cultivated and the development of pests and diseases. Fruit flies Bactrocera sp. are one of the pests that attack papaya plants and can cause fruit production failure in large quantities. Population distribution of fruit fly Bactrocera sp. on papaya plants needs to be investigated to determine its relationship with the intensity of attack by fruit fly pests Bactrocera sp. on papaya plants. This research was conducted on papaya plants in several locations in the Jember District. Sampling of fruit flies was carried out by setting traps using the Diagonal Sampling Technique by taking 5 sample points on each plot so that the sample points totaled 15 points. Data samples for calculating attack intensity were carried out by observing papaya fruit on 4 trees around the trap installation. So observations regarding the intensity of attacks were carried out on 60 papaya trees. The results showed that the distribution of fruit fly pest populations had a morbidity index value (Id < 1), meaning that fruit fly pests on papaya plantations had a regular distribution pattern. The intensity of attack by fruit flies on papaya plants is categorized as low attack intensity of 0% to 11.11%


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