706 research outputs found

    Reassessing associations between white matter and behaviour with multimodal microstructural imaging

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    Several studies have established specific relationships between White Matter (WM) and behaviour. However, these studies have typically focussed on fractional anisotropy (FA), a neuroimaging metric that is sensitive to multiple tissue properties, making it difficult to identify what biological aspects of WM may drive such relationships. Here, we carry out a pre-registered assessment of WM-behaviour relationships in 50 healthy individuals across multiple behavioural and anatomical domains, and complementing FA with myelin-sensitive quantitative MR modalities (MT, R1, R2∗). Surprisingly, we only find support for predicted relationships between FA and behaviour in one of three pre-registered tests. For one behavioural domain, where we failed to detect an FA-behaviour correlation, we instead find evidence for a correlation between behaviour and R1. This hints that multimodal approaches are able to identify a wider range of WM-behaviour relationships than focusing on FA alone. To test whether a common biological substrate such as myelin underlies WM-behaviour relationships, we then ran joint multimodal analyses, combining across all MRI parameters considered. No significant multimodal signatures were found and power analyses suggested that sample sizes of 40-200 may be required to detect such joint multimodal effects, depending on the task being considered. These results demonstrate that FA-behaviour relationships from the literature can be replicated, but may not be easily generalisable across domains. Instead, multimodal microstructural imaging may be best placed to detect a wider range of WM-behaviour relationships, as different MRI modalities provide distinct biological sensitivities. Our findings highlight a broad heterogeneity in WM's relationship with behaviour, suggesting that variable biological effects may be shaping their interaction

    Optical control of one and two hole spins in interacting quantum dots

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    A single hole spin in a semiconductor quantum dot has emerged as a quantum bit that is potentially superior to an electron spin. A key feature of holes is that they have a greatly reduced hyperfine interaction with nuclear spins, which is one of the biggest difficulties in working with an electron spin. It is now essential to show that holes are viable for quantum information processing by demonstrating fast quantum gates and scalability. To this end we have developed InAs/GaAs quantum dots coupled through coherent tunneling and charged with controlled numbers of holes. We report fast, single qubit gates using a sequence of short laser pulses. We then take the important next step toward scalability of quantum information by optically controlling two interacting hole spins in separate dots.Comment: 5 figure

    Similar dispersal patterns between two closely related birds with contrasting migration strategies

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    Studying dispersal is crucial to understand metapopulation and sink-source dynamics and invasion processes. The capability to disperse is especially important for species living in fragmented habitats like wetlands. We investigated the distribution of natal and breeding dispersal distances and philopatry in Spanish populations of two closely related reedbed-nesting birds, the Moustached Warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon and the Eurasian Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus. These warblers are morphologically very similar, but differ in migration strategy and, in our study area, in population size. Our aims were to find the best model for dispersal distances and to assess the occurrence of intra- or interspecific differences in dispersal patterns. We used ringing data from the Spanish marking scheme and selected recaptures to avoid including migrating individuals. In both species, most individuals were philopatric but dispersing birds were able to cross large distances (up to more than 100 km), suggesting the capability to compensate for habitat fragmentation. We found the heavy-tailed Cauchy distribution to be the best conceptual description for our data, in all cases but natal dispersal of Moustached Warblers. Among Eurasian Reed Warblers, natal philopatry was lower than breeding philopatry. We found no significant interspecific differences. This does not confirm the hypothesis of higher dispersal ability in long distance migrants (like Eurasian Reed Warblers) than in resident/short distance migrant bird species (like Moustached Warblers). The similarity in dispersal patterns among the two warblers may be explained by their close phylogenetic relatedness, similar constraints imposed on both species by a patchy habitat or similar evolutionary pressures.We are grateful to the many ringers who collected the data during years of fieldwork in Spain. Francesco Ceresa is supported by an "Atraent talent'' grant from the University of Valencia.Ceresa, F.; Belda, E.; Monrós González, JS. (2016). Similar dispersal patterns between two closely related birds with contrasting migration strategies. Population Ecology. 58(3):421-427. doi:10.1007/s10144-016-0547-0S421427583Banco de datos de anillamiento del remite ICONA – Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (2015) Datos de anillamiento y recuperaciones en España. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, SEO/BirdLife, ICO, EBD-CSIC y GOB. Madrid (in Spanish)Begon M, Townsend CR, Harper JL (2006) Ecology: from individual to ecosystems, 4th edn. Blackwell Publishing, OxfordBlomqvist D, Fessl B, Hoi H, Kleindorfer S (2005) High frequency of extra-pair fertilisation in the moustached warbler, a songbird with a variable breeding system. Behaviour 142:1133–1148Bohonak AJ (1999) Dispersal, gene flow, and population structure. Q Rev Biol 74:21–45Burnham KP, Anderson DR (2002) Model selection and multi-model inference: a practical information-theoretic approach. Springer Verlag, New YorkCantos FJ, Tellería JL (1994) Stopover site fidelity of four migrant warblers in the Iberian Peninsula. J Avian Biol 25:131–134Carrascal LM, Palomino D (2008) Las aves comunes reproductoras en España. Población en 2004–2006. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid (in Spanish with English abstract)Carrascal LM, Weykam S, Palomino D, Lobo JM, Díaz L (2005) Atlas Virtual de las Aves Terrestres de España. http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/atlasaves.html . Accessed 16 Feb 2016Castany J (2003) El carricerín real (Acrocephalus melanopogon) en el P. N. del Prat de Cabanes-Torreblanca. Doctoral thesis. University of Valencia, Valencia (in Spanish)Castany J, López G (2006) El carricerín real en España. I Censo Nacional (2005). SEO/BirdLife, Madrid (in Spanish with English abstract)Ceresa F, Belda EJ, Kvist L, Rguibi-Idrissi H, Monrós JS (2015) Does fragmentation of wetlands affect gene flow in sympatric Acrocephalus warblers with different migration strategies? J Avian Biol 46:577–588Cooper NW, Murphy MT, Redmond LJ, Dolan AC (2009) Density-dependent age at first reproduction in the eastern kingbird. Oikos 118:413–419Delignette-Muller ML, Dutang C (2015) fitdistrplus: An R Package for fitting distributions. J Stat Softw 64:1–34. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v64/i04/ . Accessed 2 Sep 2015Frankham R, Ballou JD, Briscoe DA (2010) Introduction to conservation genetics, 2nd edn. Cambridge University Press, CambridgeHengeveld R (1994) Small step invasion research. Trends Ecol Evol 9:339–342Hodges MF Jr, Krementz DG (1996) Neotropical migratory breeding bird communities in riparian forests of different widths along the Altamaha River, Georgia. Wilson Bulletin 108:496–506Ibrahim KM, Nichols RA, Hewitt GM (1996) Spatial patterns of genetic variation generated by different forms of dispersal during range expansion. Heredity 77:282–291Kennerley P, Pearson D (2010) Reed and bush warblers. Christopher Helm Publishers Ltd., LondonKoenig WD, Van Vuren D, Hooge PN (1996) Detectability, philopatry, and the distribution of dispersal distances in vertebrates. Trends Ecol Evol 11:514–517Kralj J, Procházka P, Fainová D, Patzenhauerová H, Tutiš V (2010) Intraspecific variation in the wing shape and genetic differentiation of reed warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus in Croatia. Acta Ornithologica 45:51–58Lambrechts MM, Blondel J, Caizergues A, Dias PC, Pradol R, Thomas DW (1999) Will estimates of lifetime recruitment of breeding offspring on small-scale study plots help us to quantify processes underlying adaptation? Oikos 86:147–151Machtans CS, Villard MA, Hannon SJ (1996) Use of riparian buffer strips as movement corridors by forest birds. Conserv Biol 10:1366–1379Nathan R, Perry G, Cronin JT, Strand AE, Cain ML (2003) Methods for estimating long-distance dispersal. Oikos 103:261–273Newton I (1992) Experiments on the limitation of bird numbers by territorial behaviour. Biol Rev 67:129–173Norberg UM (1990) Vertebrate flight, mechanics, physiology, morphology, ecology and evolution. Springer Verlag, BerlinParacuellos M, Tellería JL (2004) Factors affecting the distribution of a waterbird community: the role of habitat configuration and bird abundance. 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Accessed 23 Oct 2015Vadász C, Német Á, Karcza Z, Loránt M, Biró C, Csörgő T (2008) Study on breeding site fidelity of Acrocephalus Warblers in Central Hungary. Acta Zool Acad Sci H 54(Suppl. 1):167–175Van Houtan KS, Pimm SL, Halley JM, Bierregaard RO Jr, Lovejoy TE (2007) Dispersal of Amazonian birds in continuous and fragmented forest. Ecol Lett 10:219–229Van Houtan KS, Bass OL Jr, Lockwood J, Pimm SL (2010) Importance of estimating dispersal for endangered bird management. Conservation Letters 3:260–266Van Vessem J, Hecker N, Tucker GM (1997) Inland wetlands. In: Tucker GM, Evans MI (eds) Habitats for birds in Europe: A conservation strategy for the wider environment. BirdLife Conservation Series 6. BirdLife International, Cambridge, pp 125–158Waser PM, Creel SR, Lucas JR (1994) Death and disappearance: estimating mortality risk associated with philopatry and dispersal. Behav Ecol 5:135–141Willis EO (1974) Populations and local extinctions of birds on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Ecol Monogr 44:153–169Winkler DW, Wrege PH, Allen PE, Kast TL, Senesac P, Wasson MF, Llambías PE, Ferretti V, Sullivan PJ (2004) Breeding dispersal and philopatry in the tree swallow. Condor 106:768–776Winkler DW, Wrege PH, Allen PE, Kast TL, Senesac P, Wasson MF, Sullivan PJ (2005) The natal dispersal of tree swallows in a continuous mainland environment. J Anim Ecol 74:1080–109

    Plasma antioxidant status, immunoglobulin G oxidation and lipid peroxidation in demented patients:Relevance to Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia

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    A large body of evidence supports a role of oxidative stress in Alzheimer disease (AD) and in cerebrovascular disease. A vascular component might be critical in the pathophysiology of AD, but there is a substantial lack of data regarding the simultaneous behavior of peripheral antioxidants and biomarkers of oxidative stress in AD and vascular dementia (VaD). Sixty-three AD patients, 23 VaD patients and 55 controls were included in the study. We measured plasma levels of water-soluble (vitamin C and uric acid) and lipophilic (vitamin E, vitamin A, carotenoids including lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, α- and β-carotene) antioxidant micronutrients as well as levels of biomarkers of lipid peroxidation [malondialdehyde (MDA)] and of protein oxidation [immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels of protein carbonyls and dityrosine] in patients and controls. With the exception of β-carotene, all antioxidants were lower in demented patients as compared to controls. Furthermore, AD patients showed a significantly higher IgG dityrosine content as compared to controls. AD and VaD patients showed similar plasma levels of plasma antioxidants and MDA as well as a similar IgG content of protein carbonyls and dityrosine. We conclude that, independent of its nature - vascular or degenerative - dementia is associated with the depletion of a large spectrum of antioxidant micronutrients and with increased protein oxidative modification. This might be relevant to the pathophysiology of dementing disorders, particularly in light of the recently suggested importance of the vascular component in AD development. Copyright © 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Genome-wide association and HLA fine-mapping studies identify risk loci and genetic pathways underlying allergic rhinitis

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    Allergic rhinitis is the most common clinical presentation of allergy, affecting 400 million people worldwide, with increasing incidence in westernized countries1,2. To elucidate the genetic architecture and understand the underlying disease mechanisms, we carried out a meta-analysis of allergic rhinitis in 59,762 cases and 152,358 controls of European ancestry and identified a total of 41 risk loci for allergic rhinitis, including 20 loci not previously associated with allergic rhinitis, which were confirmed in a replication phase of 60,720 cases and 618,527 controls. Functional annotation implicated genes involved in various immune pathways, and fine mapping of the HLA region suggested amino acid variants important for antigen binding. We further performed genome-wide association study (GWAS) analyses of allergic sensitization against inhalant allergens and nonallergic rhinitis, which suggested shared genetic mechanisms across rhinitis-related traits. Future studies of the identified loci and genes might identify novel targets for treatment and prevention of allergic rhinitis

    The psychosocial impact of home use medical devices on the lives of older people: a qualitative study

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    Background Increased life expectancy and the accompanying prevalence of chronic conditions have led to the focus and delivery of health care migrating from the hospital and into people’s homes. While previous studies have investigated the integration of particular types of medical devices into the home, it was our intention to describe how medical devices are integrated into the lives of older people. Methods Adopting a qualitative study design, 12 older people, who used medical devices in the home, took part in in-depth, semi structured interviews. In 7 of the interviews participants and their partners were interviewed together. These interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed thematically. Results Two themes were constructed that describe how medical devices that are used in the home present certain challenges to older people and their partners in how the device is adopted and the personal adaptations that they are required to make. The first theme of 'self-esteem’ highlighted the psychological impact on users. The second theme of 'the social device' illustrated the social impact of these devices on the user and the people around them. Conclusions We found that these devices had both a positive and negative psychosocial impact on users’ lives. An improved understanding of these psychological and social issues may assist both designers of medical devices and the professionals who issue them to better facilitate the integration of medical devices into the homes and lives of older people

    Gene Expression Variability within and between Human Populations and Implications toward Disease Susceptibility

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    Variations in gene expression level might lead to phenotypic diversity across individuals or populations. Although many human genes are found to have differential mRNA levels between populations, the extent of gene expression that could vary within and between populations largely remains elusive. To investigate the dynamic range of gene expression, we analyzed the expression variability of ∼18, 000 human genes across individuals within HapMap populations. Although ∼20% of human genes show differentiated mRNA levels between populations, our results show that expression variability of most human genes in one population is not significantly deviant from another population, except for a small fraction that do show substantially higher expression variability in a particular population. By associating expression variability with sequence polymorphism, intriguingly, we found SNPs in the untranslated regions (5′ and 3′UTRs) of these variable genes show consistently elevated population heterozygosity. We performed differential expression analysis on a genome-wide scale, and found substantially reduced expression variability for a large number of genes, prohibiting them from being differentially expressed between populations. Functional analysis revealed that genes with the greatest within-population expression variability are significantly enriched for chemokine signaling in HIV-1 infection, and for HIV-interacting proteins that control viral entry, replication, and propagation. This observation combined with the finding that known human HIV host factors show substantially elevated expression variability, collectively suggest that gene expression variability might explain differential HIV susceptibility across individuals

    The rate of telomere loss is related to maximum lifespan in birds

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    Telomeres are highly conserved regions of DNA that protect the ends of linear chromosomes. The loss of telomeres can signal an irreversible change to a cell's state, including cellular senescence. Senescent cells no longer divide and can damage nearby healthy cells, thus potentially placing them at the crossroads of cancer and ageing. While the epidemiology, cellular and molecular biology of telomeres are well studied, a newer field exploring telomere biology in the context of ecology and evolution is just emerging. With work to date focusing on how telomere shortening relates to individual mortality, less is known about how telomeres relate to ageing rates across species. Here, we investigated telomere length in cross-sectional samples from 19 bird species to determine how rates of telomere loss relate to interspecific variation in maximum lifespan. We found that bird species with longer lifespans lose fewer telomeric repeats each year compared with species with shorter lifespans. In addition, phylogenetic analysis revealed that the rate of telomere loss is evolutionarily conserved within bird families. This suggests that the physiological causes of telomere shortening, or the ability to maintain telomeres, are features that may be responsible for, or co-evolved with, different lifespans observed across species.This article is part of the theme issue 'Understanding diversity in telomere dynamics'

    TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access

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    Plant traits-the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants-determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels, and influence ecosystem properties and their benefits and detriments to people. Plant trait data thus represent the basis for a vast area of research spanning from evolutionary biology, community and functional ecology, to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem and landscape management, restoration, biogeography and earth system modelling. Since its foundation in 2007, the TRY database of plant traits has grown continuously. It now provides unprecedented data coverage under an open access data policy and is the main plant trait database used by the research community worldwide. Increasingly, the TRY database also supports new frontiers of trait-based plant research, including the identification of data gaps and the subsequent mobilization or measurement of new data. To support this development, in this article we evaluate the extent of the trait data compiled in TRY and analyse emerging patterns of data coverage and representativeness. Best species coverage is achieved for categorical traits-almost complete coverage for 'plant growth form'. However, most traits relevant for ecology and vegetation modelling are characterized by continuous intraspecific variation and trait-environmental relationships. These traits have to be measured on individual plants in their respective environment. Despite unprecedented data coverage, we observe a humbling lack of completeness and representativeness of these continuous traits in many aspects. We, therefore, conclude that reducing data gaps and biases in the TRY database remains a key challenge and requires a coordinated approach to data mobilization and trait measurements. This can only be achieved in collaboration with other initiatives