7,345 research outputs found

    Computation of the one-loop Symanzik coefficients for the square action

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    We compute the one-loop coefficients for an alternative Symanzik improved pure gauge SU{N} lattice action (N=2 and N=3). For the standard Symanzik improved action we confirm previous results by L\"{u}scher and Weisz.Comment: 45 pages, LaTeX, includes library.ps for generating Feynman diagram

    Why synthetic fuels are necessary in future energy systems

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    We propose a hypothesis that fuels will continue to be critical elements of future energy systems. The reasons behind this are explored, such as the immense benefits conferred by fuels from their low cost of storage, transport and handling, and especially in the management of the seasonal swing in heating demand for a country with a summer and winter season such as the UK. Empirical time-series data from Great Britain are used to examine the seasonal nature of the demand for liquid fuels, natural gas and electricity, with the aid of a daily Shared Axis Energy Diagram. The logic of the continued need of fuels is examined, and the advantages and disadvantages of synthetic fuels are considered in comparison to fossil fuels

    Fatores de comunicação que promovem o desenvolvimento de mercados entre os jovens de Villavicencio /

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    This research4 aims to identify communication factors that help in the development of markets for young people. To accomplish this, we use instrumental variables that closely relate to communication with young people from Villavicencio: direct marketing, promotion, sales, public relations, advertising and digital media. Using SPSS, we present data in two blocks. The first corresponds to the analysis of all the young people in the city while the second makes a comparison between young people from low socio-economic level with those in medium to high levels..Universidad Autónoma del Caribe

    Principles of ‘Newspeak’ in Polish Translations of British and American Press Articles under Communist Rule

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    The paper analyses selected Polish translations of British and American press articles published in the magazine Forum in the years 1965 - 1989. In communist Poland, all such texts were censored before publication, which forced the translators to avoid content and language that could be banned by censors and to adopt a specific style of expression known as Newspeak. The paper lists the linguistic phenomena in the target language that represent features typical of Newspeak and identifies manipulative procedures which led to their occurrence, using a corpus of 25 English texts and their Polish translations

    Determinants of Inflation in a Dollarized Economy: The Case of Ecuador

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    In this paper we estimate a structural VAR model to identify the causes of inflation in Ecuador. To examine the VAR dynamics, we use the decomposition of the variance because it provides information about the relative importance of each shock to the variables in the VAR. We differ from previous studies because we are able not only to identify the impact of each exogenous variable on the inflation rate but also to estimate the inflation rate from the exogenous variables in the model. We found that on the first quarter of 2008 the annual inflation rate in Ecuador was mainly caused by international prices, exchange rates and public policy.VAR, SVAR, Inflation, Time Series

    The Wyoming Survey for H-alpha. III. H-alpha Luminosity Functions at z ~ 0.16, 0.24, 0.32, and 0.40

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    The Wyoming Survey for H-alpha, or WySH, is a large-area, ground-based imaging survey for H-alpha-emitting galaxies at redshifts of z ~ 0.16, 0.24, 0.32, and 0.40. The survey spans up to four square degrees in a set of fields of low Galactic cirrus emission, using twin narrowband filters at each epoch for improved stellar continuum subtraction. H-alpha luminosity functions are presented for each Delta(z) ~ 0.02 epoch based on a total of nearly 1200 galaxies. These data clearly show an evolution with lookback time in the volume-averaged cosmic star formation rate. Integrals of Schechter fits to the incompleteness- and extinction-corrected H-alpha luminosity functions indicate star formation rates per co-moving volume of 0.010, 0.013, 0.020, 0.022 h_70 M_sun yr^{-1} Mpc^{-3} at z ~ 0.16, 0.24, 0.32, and 0.40, respectively. Statistical and systematic measurement uncertainties combined are on the order of 25% while the effects of cosmic variance are at the 20% level. The bulk of this evolution is driven by changes in the characteristic luminosity L_* of the H-alpha luminosity functions, with L_* for the earlier two epochs being a factor of two larger than L_* at the latter two epochs; it is more difficult with this data set to decipher systematic evolutionary differences in the luminosity function amplitude and faint-end slope. Coupling these results with a comprehensive compilation of results from the literature on emission line surveys, the evolution in the cosmic star formation rate density over 0 < z < 1.5 is measured to be rho_dot_SFR(z) = rho_dot_SFR(0) (1+z)^{3.4+/-0.4}.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Knowledge of the health personnel of a clinic in Bogotá about the Mandatory Quality Assurance System in Health Care

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    Esta investigación se basa en la normatividad colombiana, establecida en el Decreto 1011 del 2006, a partir de la cual se crean los estándares del Sistema Obligatorio de Garantía de Calidad de la Atención de Salud (SOGCS). Objetivo: evaluar el conocimiento que tienen los funcionarios de la clínica N respecto al SOGCS. Materiales y métodos: se aplicó una metodología descriptiva y evaluativa con la que se estableció el grado de conocimiento que tiene el personal que labora en la clínica acerca de esta normatividad. La muestra fue de 341 miembros del personal de todas las áreas de la clínica, seleccionados de manera aleatoria, a quienes se les aplicaron encuestas diseñadas para este estudio. Resultados: se evidenció desconocimiento sobre las generalidades del Decreto 1011 del 2006; sin embargo, se identificó que el personal encuestado conoce los estándares de la norma, dado que la institución se encuentra en proceso de habilitación, por lo que continuamente capacita a sus funcionarios. Conclusión: aunque el grado de conocimiento acerca del SOGCS es bueno, es necesario fortalecer el proceso de capacitación al personal en el conocimiento del Decreto 1011 del 2006.This research examines the regulations established in Decree 1011 of 2006 in Colombia, which allowed the creation of the standards of the Mandatory Quality Assurance System in Health Care (SOGCS, for its acronym in Spanish). Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of the personnel of the “N” clinic about SOGCS. Materials and methods: A descriptive and evaluative methodology was applied to assess the degree of knowledge of the personnel working at the clinic about these regulations. The sample consisted of 341 randomly selected staff members from all areas of the clinic, who were surveyed for this study. Results: It was possible to demonstrate a lack of awareness about the generalities of Decree 1011 of 2006; the study evidenced, however, that the surveyed personnel know about the normative standards, given that the institution is in the process of qualification and continuously trains its staff. Conclusion: Although the degree of knowledge about SOGCS is good, it is necessary to strengthen the training process of the personnel to improve their specific knowledge about Decree 1011 of 2006

    Physical visualization of math concepts using Lego Mindstorms

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    Educational robotics has become one of the most effective methods to teach STEM concepts in a practical and didactic way at all educational level. In this context, the LEGO Mindstorms robotic platforms have been widely used due to their versatility ease of use and modularity. Despite this, most of the papers focus on K-12 and undergraduate levels, with little information reported in the literature about educational experiences at the graduate level. This article deals with the use of educational robotics for the teaching of mathematical concepts at the graduate level, and more specifically on the physical visualization of metrics (Euclidean, Taxicab, and Infinity), and the convergence of Cauchy sequence using a mobile robots LEGO Mindstorms NXT. The educational experience was applied to a group of graduate students who offered good comments on this type of educational activity and its usefulness to understand the mathematical concepts addressed. It was observed that this type of educational experiences motivates students to use mathematical concepts in interdisciplinary problems and encourages them to understand their functionality and application in the real worldPeer Reviewe

    Radio monitoring of NGC 7469: Late time radio evolution of SN 2000ft and the circumnuclear starburst in NGC 7469

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    We present the results of an eight-year long monitoring of the radio emission from the Luminous Infrared Galaxy (LIRG) NGC 7469, using 8.4 GHz Very Large Array (VLA) observations at 0.3'' resolution. Our monitoring shows that the late time evolution of the radio supernova SN 2000ft follows a decline very similar to that displayed at earlier times of its optically thin phase. The late time radio emission of SN 2000ft is therefore still being powered by its interaction with the presupernova stellar wind, and not with the interstellar medium (ISM). Indeed, the ram pressure of the presupernova wind is \rho_w v_w^2 \approx 7.6E-9 dyn/cm^2, at a supernova age of approximately 2127 days, which is significantly larger than the expected pressure of the ISM around SN 2000ft. At this age, the SN shock has reached a distance r_{sh \approx 0.06 pc, and our observations are probing the interaction of the SN with dense material that was ejected by the presupernova star about 5820 years prior to its explosion. From our VLA monitoring, we estimate that the swept-up mass by the supernova shock after about six years of expansion is \approx 0.29 M_sun, assuming an average expansion speed of the supernova of 10000 km/s. We also searched for recently exploded core-collapse supernovae in our VLA images. Apart from SN 2000ft (S_\nu \approx 1760 microJy at its peak, corresponding to 1.1E28 erg/s/Hz, we found no evidence for any other radio supernova (RSN) more luminous than \approx 6.0E26 erg/s/Hz, which suggests that no other Type IIn SN has exploded since 2000 in the circumnuclear starburst of NGC 7469.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Diseño de propuesta de mejora del sistema de gestión de salud y seguridad ocupacional en la línea de armado de colchones en una planta de producción de camas, por medio de la aplicación de la Norma ISO 45001.

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    Propone mejorar el sistema de gestión de salud y seguridad ocupacional en la línea de armado de colchones en una planta de producción de camas, por medio de la aplicación de la Norma ISO 45001