66 research outputs found


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    RESUMENEsta investigación se refiere a las bases genésicas que sustentaron la estructuración de la Asociación General de Estudiantes de Venezuela, a partir de la actuación del Liceo de Ciencias Políticas, de la Universidad Central de Venezuela entre 1906 y 1908. Tomando en cuenta su participación en los sucesos políticos ocurridos durante los últimos años del período presidido por el general Cipriano Castro. Además, se estudian las principales corrientes filosóficas que nutrieron el pensamiento de los jóvenes dirigentes estudiantiles de la época. El enfoque en el que se orientó este trabajo fue el morfológico, el cual consiste en adentrarse exhaustivamente en los aspectos políticos, sociales, económicos e ideológicos de la Asociación General de Estudiantes de Venezuela, desde el punto de vista de su evolución y desarrollo como un fenómeno de particular interés suscitado en el país durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Esta modalidad de investigación permite realizar el trabajo en cuestión de manera cronológica-descriptiva, partiendo del análisis e interpretación de los hechos inherentes a la vida estudiantil, lo cual constituye la intención principal del tema a tratar

    Análisis de la crisis económica en Europa y su impacto en las remesas del Ecuador, durante el período 2010-2012

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    RemesasAnalizar la crisis económica en Europa y su impacto en las remesas del Ecuador, durante el periodo 2010 – 2012, mediante estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo que permita tener una idea clara de la evolución y la importancia de las remesas en los ingresos del Ecuador como medio de subsistencia a las familias beneficiariasAnalyze the economic crisis in Europe and its impact on remittances of Ecuador, during the period 2010 - 2012, using quantitative and qualitative study to have a clear idea of evolution and the importance of remittances in Ecuador revenues as a means of keep beneficiary familie

    Second extracellular loop of human glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) has a critical role in GLP-1 peptide binding and receptor activation

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    The glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) is a therapeutically important family B G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that is pleiotropically coupled to multiple signaling effectors and, with actions including regulation of insulin biosynthesis and secretion, is one of the key targets in the management of type II diabetes mellitus. However, there is limited understanding of the role of the receptor core in orthosteric ligand binding and biological activity. To assess involvement of the extracellular loop (ECL) 2 in ligand-receptor interactions and receptor activation, we performed alanine scanning mutagenesis of loop residues and assessed the impact on receptor expression and GLP-1(1-36)-NH 2 or GLP-1(7-36)-NH2 binding and activation of three physiologically relevant signaling pathways as follows: cAMP formation, intracellular Ca 2+ (Ca 2+ i) mobilization, and phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (pERK1/2). Although antagonist peptide binding was unaltered, almost all mutations affected GLP-1 peptide agonist binding and/or coupling efficacy, indicating an important role in receptor activation. However, mutation of several residues displayed distinct pathway responses with respect to wild type receptor, including Arg-299 and Tyr-305, where mutation significantly enhanced both GLP-1(1-36)-NH2- and GLP-1(7-36)- NH 2-mediated signaling bias for pERK1/2. In addition, mutation of Cys-296, Trp-297, Asn-300, Asn-302, and Leu-307 significantly increased GLP-1(7-36)-NH 2-mediated signaling bias toward pERK1/2. Of all mutants studied, only mutation of Trp-306 to alanine abolished all biological activity. These data suggest a critical role of ECL2 of the GLP-1R in the activation transition(s) of the receptor and the importance of this region in the determination of both GLP-1 peptide- and pathway-specific effects

    Genetically encoded photocross-linkers determine the biological binding site of exendin-4 peptide in the N-terminal domain of the intact human glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R)

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    The glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) is a key therapeutic target in the management of type II diabetes mellitus, with actions including regulation of insulin biosynthesis and secretion, promotion of satiety, and preservation of β-cell mass. Like most class B G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), there is limited knowledge linking biological activity of the GLP-1R with the molecular structure of an intact, full-length, and functional receptor·ligand complex. In this study, we have utilized genetic code expansion to site-specifically incorporate the photoactive amino acid p-azido-l-phenylalanine (azF) into N-terminal residues of a full-length functional human GLP-1R in mammalian cells. UV-mediated photolysis of azF was then carried out to induce targeted photocross-linking to determine the proximity of the azido group in the mutant receptor with the peptide exendin-4. Cross-linking data were compared directly with the crystal structure of the isolated N-terminal extracellular domain of the GLP-1R in complex with exendin(9–39), revealing both similarities as well as distinct differences in the mode of interaction. Generation of a molecular model to accommodate the photocross-linking constraints highlights the potential influence of environmental conditions on the conformation of the receptor·peptide complex, including folding dynamics of the peptide and formation of dimeric and higher order oligomeric receptor multimers. These data demonstrate that crystal structures of isolated receptor regions may not give a complete reflection of peptide/receptor interactions and should be combined with additional experimental constraints to reveal peptide/receptor interactions occurring in the dynamic, native, and full-length receptor state

    Los estudiantes universitarios frente al gobierno de Juan Vicente Gómez (1908-1914)

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    Anything but senseless : possibilities of multisensory branding using the example of FMCG in the food industry

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    Aufgrund der derzeit für Markenhersteller herrschenden Wahrnehmungs- und Differenzierungsprobleme, die vor allem in der Lebensmittelindustrie präsent sind, werden in dieser Arbeit die Möglichkeiten der multisensorischen Markenführung für Waren des täglichen Bedarfs in der Lebensmittelbranche beleuchtet. Dazu erfolgt eine Analyse der Faktoren, die auf die multisensorische Markenführung in der Lebensmittelindustrie Einfluss nehmen. Diese sind der Wettbewerb, das Konsumentenverhalten und der technische Fortschritt. In Bezug auf diese Faktoren werden anschließend die Möglichkeiten für die einzelnen Dimensionen der multisensorischen Markenführung vorgestellt. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass der Einsatz einer ganzheitlichen und integrierten multisensorischen Markenführung für die Lebensmittelindustrie wortwörtlich Sinn macht

    Methylation and Eukaryotic Gene Activation

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