19 research outputs found

    Assessing a Longitudinal Reflection Curriculum: A Case Study Of Student Self-Awareness Expressed Through Rotation Goal Achievement

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    The Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education 2013 Affective Domain mandates students develop self-awareness of personal attributes affecting professional growth. Students should self-identify needs, create and implement goals, and evaluate success. This case study describes the qualitative and quantitative findings of an intentional reflection assignment prompting students to engage in a cycle of goal writing – monitoring – reflection – new goal writing, during an immersive clinical practice experience. A blinded review of 144 student assignments is presented in the context of a curricular review of the Reflective Practitioner Program (RPP), a longitudinal reflective thread spanning four years of professional pharmacy training. Evidence gathered in the assignment review indicates that students are sufficiently capable of establishing meaningful goals and describing why the goal is important to their professional development. In contrast, students struggle with articulating strategies for goal achievement and emotions experienced during goal monitoring. In consideration of these findings, RPP faculty identified three major themes when discussing key aspects of the RPP curricular design: 1) students need to articulate strategies for goal achievement in addition to stated aims, 2) students hesitate to identify emotions when reflecting, and 3) reflection needs to be both retrospective and prospective in nature.  This case study has resulted in meaningful changes to RPP curricular design and illustrates how programs may approach assessment of the Affective Domain via common curricular elements. Conflict of Interst: None   Type: Case Stud

    Coupling of Important Physical Processes in the Planetary Boundary Layer between Meteorological and Chemistry Models for Regional to Continental Scale Air Quality Forecasting: An Overview

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    A consensus among many Air Quality (AQ) modelers is that planetary boundary layer processes are the most influential processes for surface concentrations of air pollutants. Due to the many uncertainties intrinsically embedded in the parameterization of these processes, parameter optimization is often employed to determine an optimal set or range of values of the sensitive parameters. In this review study, we focus on the two of the most important physical processes: turbulent mixing and dry deposition. An emphasis was put on surveying AQ models that have been proven to resolve meso-scale features and cover a large geographical area, such as large regional, continental, or trans-continental boundary extents. Five AQ models were selected. Four of the models were run in real-time operational forecasting settings for continental scale AQ. The models use various forms of level 2.5 closure algorithms to calculate turbulent mixing. Tuning and parameter optimization has been used to tailor these algorithms to better suit their AQ models which are typically comprised of a coupled chemistry and meteorology model. Longer forecasts and long lead-times are inevitably under increasing demand for these models. Land Surface Models that have the capability for soil moisture and temperature data assimilation will have an advantage to constrain the key variables that govern the partitioning of surface sensible and latent heat fluxes and thus attain the potential to perform better in longer forecasts than those models that do not have this capability. Dry deposition velocity is a very significant model parameter that governs a major surface exchange activity. An exploratory study has been conducted to see the upper bound of roughness length in the similarity equation for aerodynamic resistance

    Miel untable

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    In this article studies related to the design and development of a product capable of offering and satisfying the testing and handling demands of the honey consumer, are discussed, as well as the effects such a product would bring about in the opening of new markets. Techniques and proceedings, inherent to the production of a safe and healthy product, are presented. This new product is characterized by the typical aroma of each of its components, a light amber color and a high nutritive power.Se realizaron los estudios correspondientes al diseño y desarrollo del producto que reúna y satisfaga los requerimientos del consumidor de miel en cuanto a su manipulación y degustación, con la consecuente apertura hacia nuevos mercados. En este artículo se exponen técnicas y procedimientos inherentes a la obtención de un producto sano y seguro que presenta el aroma característico de cada uno de sus componentes, color ámbar claro y alto poder nutritivo

    Status Of Coral Reefs In The U.S. Caribbean And Gulf Of Mexico: Florida, Flower Garden Banks, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Navassa.

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    Mapping, monitoring, and management of coral reefs of Florida, the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS) northwestern Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Navassa have all improved with increased awareness and funding from the Government of the USA. Quantitative baseline surveys of coral reef communities have been completed in Puerto Rico at three current or proposed Natural Reserves. Monitoring is demonstrating trends in reef community health and structure in other sensitive coastal areas. The Tres Palmas Marine Reserve has been designated recently, and existing MPAs and revisions to fishing laws were evaluated based on these results. In the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI), the Buck Island Reef National Monument has been expanded and a new park, the St. Croix East End Marine Park established in 2003. The monitoring programs in the USVI are now detecting changes in fish and coral community structure in and around the managed areas with a specific focus on elkhorn coral stands. Monitoring of water quality, reef diversity, growth, and populations of dominant fish and benthic organisms in Flower Garden Banks, Stetson Bank, and Navassa has assisted in evaluating impacts of climate change, tropical storms, fishing, and tourism pressures. An expanded Florida monitoring program is now completing the first integrated assessment of the reefs northwards from the Florida Keys. It is hoped that this increased attention to coral reef issues will continue, and that advances in the understanding of how coral reef ecosystems respond to anthropogenic stresses will result in better management plans that protect coastal resources by reducing those stresses. However, an improved understanding of the relative importance of how stresses contribute to or cause coral decline is needed. There is a need also to understand the linkages between water flows and the functioning of coral reef ecosystems. It is essential to strengthen cross-boundary and cross-jurisdictional agreements to facilitate ecosystem-based management and information and technology transfer